Home Categories detective reasoning scarlet memory

Chapter 29 Chapter One

scarlet memory 高桥克彦 1377Words 2018-03-15
If you tell someone you have a headache, you might be laughed at.But the headache from food poisoning is so excruciating it's hell.In addition, I drank too much... My wife said that I was exaggerating, but this kind of pain is really only understood by those who have experienced it. Life is better than death—that's what it feels like. If this disease can be cured, I am willing to sell everything.The best way to suppress a headache is to lie flat on your back with your head still and your eyes squeezed shut.However, when I get drunk, I feel like throwing up all the time.As soon as I closed my eyes, my head became dizzy, and my body sank as if being pulled by something.

I had no choice but to open my eyes and take a deep breath, only to find that my temples hurt like being pinched.I want to vomit, but if I really vomit, the blood will surge up, and the severe pain will hit, so I can only hold it back desperately.I was dizzy all the time.The stomach seemed to be full of blood and chill.I couldn't stop sweating, my underwear was wet, but I didn't feel cold all over my body, which would be too hot if I covered myself with a quilt. Yeah, almost forgot about hives... Every time there is food poisoning, nettle pain will appear. Follow the belt from belly to flanks, neck to ears, and behind knees.These are the places every time.

Just think, nausea, dizziness, headache, localized fever, chills, plus hives!All these things are coming at me!At the most uncomfortable time, I had to guard the toilet all night under a blanket.It's fine in summer, but in winter it's so painful.Leaning his head against the toilet, looking at the water inside, he tried to endure it. Of course, my wife will take good care of me whether she thinks I am exaggerating or not.It's fine if you're a young person. I, who is about to pass my fiftieth birthday, have symptoms of food poisoning so frequently, which makes people worry that there is another cause.

However, I am not really sick. I was very worried, so I went to the hospital for an examination. The result was that my blood pressure was slightly high, but my heart and internal organs were normal.Looks like it's just food poisoning. The doctor advises me to pay attention to my diet every time.This is exactly the root of the problem.It's really strange to say, what kind of food caused my poisoning?I'm completely clueless.The reason is still unknown, so how can we talk about prevention? It was a year ago that such horrible symptoms of food poisoning appeared for the first time.Since then, more than twice a month.It probably started from the third time. I carefully recorded what I ate every day, trying to find out the food that caused the disease, but unfortunately I still don’t know anything about it.

Lately, I've been terrified of eating.It would be nice if it was caused by eating raw meat, oysters, or fish sushi like normal food poisoning.I was referred to an allergy specialist, so I made a special trip to University Hospital.After getting tested for allergies, I waited hopefully for the results, but again it was in vain. The expert's conclusion is that it has nothing to do with food, it may be caused by excessive stress.In short, it did not relieve my pain. To be honest, I am obviously an optimist, so how can there be any reason for excessive pressure?I only go to class four days a week, and the university teachers don’t work overtime, and what I teach is religious philosophy, and the school doesn’t focus on religion, so I just teach some ordinary classes, and no students ask too sharp questions at all. Subjects do not need to update information frequently.If there is pressure like this, wouldn't it be laughed at.

There is only one life, as long as I can find out the reason, I will do whatever it takes.With such thoughts in mind, I have been a little exhausted recently.I don't know the official name of MRI. I heard that it is a machine that checks the brain every millimeter. The doctor said that if it is not food poisoning, it is likely to be an autonomic nervous disorder... After hearing what my wife said above, I sat up and vomited into the washbasin without saying a word, and what I vomited was only gastric juice.My stomach was already empty. The spasms started.The pain, like being pricked by an awl, started again.I just felt like my body was starting to burn, apparently the hives were back.

(forgive me!) I beg my body for mercy.The pain is beyond words.My stomach hurts again and I want to go to the bathroom.Diarrhea is one of the symptoms of food poisoning.I suppressed my headache and got up from the bed.Even going down the stairs was difficult.Dizziness and nausea made me stagger when I walked and suddenly sat down on the steps. "Why is this happening again?" The son in the corridor stared at me with disgust.For this high school student, such a father is undoubtedly embarrassing. "And it's three o'clock in the middle of the night! Mom can't even sleep!"

He slammed the door shut.I bent over and moved to the toilet.
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