Home Categories detective reasoning scarlet memory

Chapter 22 Chapter Four

scarlet memory 高桥克彦 1901Words 2018-03-15
At the time, I was relieved, but after returning to Tokyo, I became more and more uneasy. I haven't thought about what happened that day carefully until now, but I felt guilty and sealed up the memory.As long as I think of Dianzi's face, I can quickly bury my head in work, or watch a video tape to change my mind.If you see the word "Dianzi" in a book or on TV, close the book or change the channel immediately. I was so terrified that I never really thought about it.After I finished talking to Dacheng and the others, I found it a little strange. I have been trying to forget it for more than 30 years...

These memories are clearly engraved in my mind.This matter, after all, is no small matter. (Actually, no one searched the backyard at all.) This matter concerns me, and of course I remember it very clearly.Dacheng did call my house with his father, hoping that grandpa would allow them to look in the backyard. Then…… I don't know who said it... "I've found it." Although never found it. (Who said that?) That's why I told Oshiro frankly that Dianzi and I got separated when we were playing hide-and-seek. (Ah, by the way, it was my aunt who said it!) I remembered.That day, my grandfather and grandmother went to attend a relative's wedding, and my uncle went to work in the company. Since the morning, only my aunt, my relative's brother and I were left at home.Just these three people.Later, when the rain stopped, I ran out to play.

Grandpa and the others came back not long before the Dacheng family called, so naturally they didn't know anything about it.When Dacheng's father proposed to search the backyard, the grandfather wanted to say that it was all right, but his aunt suddenly said that he had just finished looking at the backyard. I had no doubts at all.My aunt did go to the hut to pack her things. This is what I saw with my own eyes, so it is logical for her to say so.Even if she hadn't looked, she was in the backyard, so it wasn't a lie. (When it was said that the hut was to be demolished, it was also...)

I was afraid that the police would see that window when they came to check the hut, and of course I was very happy to hear that it was going to be converted into a greenhouse.Dacheng is right, it is very normal to be suspected of sudden reconstruction at such a time. I can't say it was just a coincidence, but... No one in the family thought that Dianzi might fall from that window.Fortunately, the only person whose evidence was destroyed is me.However, it was indeed my aunt who proposed the reconstruction.It's the aunt who shouldn't have anything to do with it. (Auntie again.)

When I think of this, I can't help but shudder. Why did my aunt suddenly bring this up?Although it is the typhoon season, it is summer after all. As a result, although we did not immediately demolish the hut, we made it clear that we would rebuild the greenhouse. Aunt's intention is not really to demolish the hut, is it? (Could it be...at all costs...) I can't think of a reason at all. I really hope this is just a coincidence, but my doubts are getting bigger and bigger.The elder brother of a relative said that he would stay for half a month, but he suddenly returned to Tokyo two days later.He once personally told me that he would stay for another week.And, since that summer, he hasn't been here again.

When will big brother come again?I once asked my grandmother about it, but she reprimanded me. Why did his topic become a taboo in my family? I later vaguely figured out this question.After my eldest brother died, I once saw my aunt crying alone in the backyard.I was already in junior high school at that time, so I naturally guessed that my aunt liked my elder brother very much, and unfortunately my grandparents noticed, so he was not allowed to come to my house again. That's my aunt's Plato's love... But, perhaps not so. I thought about it over and over again, and the more I thought about it, the more terrifying I felt.However, only by thinking in this way can all mysteries be solved and become logical.

That day, I went out, and only my aunt and elder brother were left at home.If the two are interested in each other, this is indeed a good opportunity.However, there's no telling when I'll be back. In this case, what should I do? Go to the cottage in the backyard of course! The examination table there is nothing more than a bed, and children are very afraid of it, and generally dare not go in.The lock of the hut was not locked, so it was natural to open the door easily from the inside. When the two were lingering, Dianzi and I broke in.They had to lie still, holding their breath to avoid being smashed by us.Then I escaped and locked the door again from the outside.

My aunt and elder brother didn't know what to do when they saw this. Dianzi is the same.She knew that no one would come to help even if she cried, so she had to find her own way out. She started to walk inside, and as a result...she saw her aunt and big brother. and after?Then... I couldn't help shivering. My aunt and elder brother are going to throw Dianzi off the cliff.Dianzi would no doubt cry, but his elder brother covered his mouth and died like that. In this way, everything makes sense. The aunt knew that there was Dianzi's body in the hut, so she stopped the search.Grandpa saw her like this, and vaguely guessed something.I was young at the time, so I naturally didn't understand some things, but grown-ups would immediately see through them.Grandpa didn't want to make matters worse, so he said that Dianzi's death was accidental, and at the same time drove his elder brother away immediately, intending to hide it from his uncle.

The aunt threw Dianzi's body into the river and tried her best to destroy the evidence.There are footprints of Noriko in the hut, and the window panes broken by the big brother are scattered all over the place.As for the lock, I locked it myself. If not, there is no other way. I can only sigh. Evidence was destroyed. There is no way to solve all the mysteries. (anyway……) After that, what did my aunt and big brother do? After I got home at night, I took a look into the hut, and my aunt and big brother were inside. (He said it was cleaning the hut...) This is of course a lie. I close my eyes and think back to the day.

no, no... I almost forgot.My aunt was wearing rubber gloves on her hands. She said, "I'm making kimchi." It was a typhoon night, but she would make kimchi? I didn't suspect it at the time, because I did see the big brother in the house putting a lid on a big kimchi bucket. (Gosh...) I suddenly remembered a scene, and couldn't help shaking violently, with goose bumps all over my body. In the corner of my memory, that scene is clearly engraved. Under the lid of the kimchi bucket that the eldest brother pressed hard, a white radish-like thing was exposed. But, that's no turnip.

That was Dianzi's pale arm! For a moment, nausea and terror hit me at the same time.
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