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Chapter 16 Chapter Six

scarlet memory 高桥克彦 888Words 2018-03-15
"I don't want to be separated from you." I reached for the ashtray from the pillow, and Shizuko's whispers made my neck itchy.I was smoking a cigarette and put my left arm around her head.She buried her head in my arms, and there was a faint smell of shampoo in her hair.She said she took another shower before coming here. "Turn off the lights." "I want to see you naked." "Hate it, so be it." "Take off the quilt, won't it be cold?" She shook her head, and I got up and lifted the covers.There was only the dim light of the light bulb in the room, but her beautiful body could still be seen clearly.

My fingers moved around her slender waist, she moaned softly, dripping with sweat.I kissed her private parts and put my ear close to her belly and heard the gurgling inside.I groped for the stamens with my hands, and she slowly spread her legs apart. I just fell in love, but I really want to be like this forever. "Ah, this scar..." Shizuko touched the scar on my shoulder. "Dawed by my dad when he got drunk. I stopped him from beating my mom, and he threw me on the apple box and got scratched by the nails on it. It's like a lightning bolt. It's cool. I was in high school. I often roll up my sleeves to show off."

"A nail in an apple box..." "About six. My father died later. He drank so much that his liver failed." "..." "I've heard he's a good painter, but he's not really a man to drink like that." "Painter? Specifically..." "Tinning with the Heijiang lacquer in the Wakayama area. There doesn't seem to be such lacquerware around here." Shizuko suddenly grabbed my arm firmly. "He seems to be very good at painting patterns like 'political patterns'. When he married my mother, he didn't hold a wedding ceremony, but only gave a one-liter bucket to relatives. His father only kept that relic. He painted it himself, and then poured it on His family's Xianghe pattern and mother's family's sambal pattern are drawn on it." Jingzi was shocked when she heard this, and stared at me and asked, "What's your father's name?" She was a little choked up, her body trembling.

"Takeuchi Masatsugu." "But... Teacher, your surname is not Takeuchi." "That's a pseudonym. My real name is Kazuo Takeuchi." Jingzi stopped her mouth immediately. "What's wrong with you, something is wrong." "What's your mother's name?" She choked out a word. "Yizi, Yizi of 'dependence'." Shizuko suddenly started vomiting.I quickly escaped. Dirt was all over the bed sheet, so I wiped it off with the pocket paper she brought. She vomited non-stop. "What's wrong? Are you okay?" I held her hand and kept patting her on the back.

"Who are you? Who the hell are you?" She yelled frantically, pushed me away, picked up her clothes and ran out of the house.Her screams faded away, along with the vibrations in the hallway. I had no time to get dressed so I ran out on to the porch. In the darkness, Shizuko looked back at me.The moonlight shining through the gaps in the clouds shone on her face, and even though it was far away, I could still see the despair on her face.
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