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Chapter 10 chapter eight

Wedding dress 黑田研二 8394Words 2018-03-15
When I woke up, I was already walking on "Central Avenue".I forgot when and where I bought it, anyway, I hold a bottle of wine in my right hand. I like alcoholic wine, but it's not really strong.There was a pain like a needle prick near the chest, and my mood was extremely bad.I wanted to rest for a while, so I sat by a fountain. The breeze blows from my side, so refreshing! ... The water sprayed from the fountain pool hits my cheek from time to time, which makes me feel more or less comfortable. A little bit comfortable, in the mood to look at the surrounding scenery.In the bustling street market at night, Longcui is surrounded by neon lights, and it is noisier here than during the day.

The clock on the fountain pointed to 10:20 in the evening. I have to go to work tomorrow, it's time to go home.I lifted my heavy body, and then I remembered that I took a week off for my wedding trip, so that I could play with this melancholy mood again. I sat down on the cold concrete again. Until now, there are still many passers-by passing by my eyes leisurely.Most of them are lovers, and everyone has a happy expression on their faces. In that case... A month ago, when I came here to visit Cheng, I sat in this place and looked at the passersby in the same way. I suddenly remembered that there was another woman who mistook me for "Mao" at that time, and when she realized that she had identified the wrong person, she still chatted with me politely.The woman had dyed silver hair, a little discolored, and beautiful make-up... But, she still retained a certain youthfulness.

I was randomly recalling some past events, and suddenly, a man trotting all the way across the pedestrian street came into my sight and interrupted my recollection. "It's Cheng..." I yelled, and my drunkenness instantly sobered up.I jumped up and ran after the man. "Brother Cheng!..." I called out loudly.A few passers-by looked at me with surprised expressions. I shuttled among the pedestrians, relying on the direction of memory, I chased after the man's shadow.He seemed to be in a hurry, walking among the crowd. "Bastard, wait a minute!..." He must have heard my voice.But why didn't he turn around?Suddenly, he seemed to be escaping from my sight.

When I finally caught up, I grabbed him by the shoulders.When he turned around, I realized that I had identified the wrong person. "Bastard, why are you chasing me?" He looked at me with a piercing eye, like a hawk when it is chasing its prey. Indeed, the figure, hairstyle, and nose shape are all very similar to Cheng.However, it is only similar.Eyes are different from mine and Cheng's - he is very handsome, with an oval face, and his appearance looks more correct than our brothers. "I'm sorry, I got the wrong person!..." I lowered my head in a panic, "I'm sorry...By the way, are you Mao?"

Asked by me, the man blinked his long eyelashes up and down, with a suspicious look on his face. "How do you know my name?" "Ah, I remembered!... Before that, I was mistaken for you by a young woman." After meeting her on a late-night shoot for the TV show, I saw her at the video rental a few times.I do remember her name was Asami Alanta. I blurted out her innocent smile that day as I thought about it. Suddenly, the expression of that man - Shigeru changed.He grabbed both of my shoulders and asked loudly, "Mami...have you met Mami?...when and where?" I staggered and told him about the situation.

"Is that so?... It was all a month ago, there is no way!..." Mao frowned, shook his head slightly, and muttered sadly. "What happened?" "Miss Asami is my girlfriend, but she disappeared this morning..." Mao sighed helplessly. Missing—I was so sensitive to the word that I shivered. "I'm sorry, because of this, I have to hurry now, I'm sorry." Mao waved his hand, turned his back to me and left. "Wait a minute, can you tell me the details?" I suddenly caught up with him. "My fiancée also disappeared this morning."

Mao stopped and looked back at me again. "Today?... What's going on?" "We were supposed to get married today. However, I went to the church and I didn't see her, only a torn wedding dress was left there. I searched everywhere, but I couldn't find it. Now I am worried What about her?" "Maybe your fiancée also..." At this point, Mao stopped. "What's wrong? Do you know what?" "Where is Mami? How is she?...Actually, I don't have any clues at all. Maybe, there, I will find your fiancée too." "What exactly is going on?"

"No matter what, hurry up. I'll explain to you in the car, follow me first." After Mao replied, he began to quicken his pace.If you relax a little bit, it seems that you will be thrown off by him, and I followed closely behind him. Mao's car was parked in a small alley near the busy street.It was a high-end car that ordinary white-collar workers couldn't afford.I was taken aback, but he urged me to get into the car. "I don't know what your name is yet." Mao quickly started the car, lit a cigarette, and asked me. After I told him my name, Mao took out a business card from his pocket and handed it to me.

——General Manager of Moon Project: Shigeru Gojo These titles are written on the business card. It seems that I have seen the name of this company somewhere.Moreover, he is also the general manager—about the same age as me, but one is a small white-collar worker who receives a monthly salary, and the other is a manager who drives a limousine.Where does this difference come from? "Although I am a manager, it is only a small company with about 20 employees. Moreover, the registered capital is all pocket money from my father, so I have nothing to be complacent about." As Shigeru Gojo said this, his expression didn't change at all, he just quietly smoked and puffed out smoke rings.

It's no ordinary word to build a business just from the pocket money you get from your parents.Although there was some pressure, I still said: "It's so rich!..." After hearing what I said, Shigeru Gojo rubbed his nose in embarrassment and said: "After my father quit his job and started his own career, he started to engage in adventure careers, and he did it very successfully. He is Nakinanoro. Because of this, I also I have never found a regular job, and now I am almost 30 years old, and I still do what I want to do." "At first when I said I wanted to start an adult film production company, he was really pissed off and his eyes popped out. But, I've always been a smooth talker, and I've always had a good tongue… …So, in the end, Dad finally said, 'Support me all.' And then, he just gave me the money to support me."

Does he dislike silence?Or are you introducing yourself to a stranger as usual?Wutiao kept talking. "'Moon Project' has achieved a lot of success and is well-known in the industry, but my father is unwilling to say that his son actually runs a company that produces adult video tapes. It's just that my mother will still be in the Relatives and friends boasted: "My son is a film production supervisor, and he will be Akira Kurosawa in the future." However, what everyone pays special attention to is the fact that the film I made is a pornographic sex film." "Ah... Moon Project." After listening to his words, I finally remembered the name. "I have also received a lot of favors from your company!" In fact, I seldom watch adult films, and the reason why I say this is just a kind of etiquette request. "Thank you very much!..." Wutiao smiled with her thin lips crooked. The car left the urban area and continued eastward. "Where is this going?" I asked curiously. "Of course it's going to the 'Demon Pavilion'." He answered solemnly.I thought I had heard it wrong, but after asking again, I got the same answer. "It seems that you are a little unbelievable." Gojo Shigeru laughed loudly, and the speed of the car became faster. "Where is that place?...the so-called 'Demon Pavilion'." I asked tremblingly. "Do you know the AV pornographic film "The Thirteenth Offering"?" I nodded. "In that case, I'm really honored. That's the movie I directed. Asami is the heroine in that movie." "Is that so?..." I hissed. "you know?" "No, didn't I just say that? It was Mami who told me that she thought I was you. She told me that maybe that night, that movie would be on the screen, and she asked me to watch it no matter what. I did what she said and waited for the TV to show it, and the TV really introduced that movie." "This guy, I advertised it to you the first time I saw you. It was advertised on TV. It looks a bit funny." Gojo Shigeru smiled wryly, and began to introduce the plot of "The Thirteenth Offering" to me. "The main story is about a man who lost his beloved wife in an accident. He got a book called "Devil's Document" by accident. During the reading process, he realized that he had the potential to be a 'door master'. " "What? What does 'door master' mean?" I asked in amazement. "It is the person who is in charge of the gate connecting the human world and the demon world. As long as the 'door master' opens the door, he can call out the demons from the demon world." I replied pointlessly, "Bastard, this is totally for kids." "In order to revive his dead wife, the man made up his mind to open the door. He began to prepare for magic according to the introduction in the "Magic World Document". He used 13 virgins as sacrifices, and finally succeeded in calling the devil—this is such a Corny plot. If it wasn't an adult movie, no one would watch it." Gojo Shigeru smiled, as if laughing at himself. "The man wants to tie up 13 virgins and exchange their lives for the souls of his wives. He also strips the tied up women and then cuts their abdomens with a scalpel... Chila!..." The car drove into the uneven mountain road and began to bump violently.I was in a slightly bad mood, but not just because of the bumps in the car. "The most beautiful woman must be killed as a sacrifice at the end. Her heart must be taken out and enshrined in the middle of the magic square drawn on the floor. After chanting the spell, the devil will appear. This man will also be unbelievable , gain the ability to live forever. The body of the woman who took out the heart will become the residence of the wife’s soul——When the man gets a new wife and the power of the devil, he ascends to heaven and the film ends. Of course, What Mami plays is the most beautiful offering." "Ahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!..." After listening to the introduction of the plot, I immediately felt very ridiculous. "I'm not boasting. Since "The Thirteenth Sacrifice" was released as an adult film, it has had a great response, not only among movie fans, but even among the general population. There are many people discussing it." Gojo Shigeru said proudly. Said in a tone. I remembered the scene of the demon appearing on TV, and nodded.Even though I just glanced at the scene—the strange event happened, and everything in the house was thrown against the wall, but the image did have a lot of attraction. "This kind of film broke the previous sales record and has been promoted many times. However, the main reason why this film can break the sales record is that incident. Although it was not necessarily a sensation at the time, but, You should still remember, right? That incident last year..." I listened to his words and remembered. "It's the incident that is very similar to the content of the film, right? A man who tied up women was also arrested." "Yes, fortunately, no one was killed, so the 'Moon Project' did not become the target of public criticism." Indeed, I remember the culprit was a boy in graduate school.In order to pursue his lover, he made various efforts, but was rejected all of them, and finally fell into emotional anxiety.I've seen a picture of him once in the Photo Weekly Magazine, but it's annoying to look at—it's a sticky-looking youth. A young man was troubled almost morbidly about how to pursue girls, and it was this "The Thirteenth Offering" that finally brought him to his senses.Although it is unbelievable, it is said that he still firmly believes that the absurd and nonsensical things shown on TV are real. He believes that as long as he takes the girl he likes as a sacrifice, he can call his mother's soul and occupy that body.Perhaps he would think that if it was his mother, he would not betray him.What an absurd thing this is. If the spell ceremony is performed as shown on TV, 13 virgins must be collected.It is indeed very difficult if it is carried out as usual.Considering that the offering is used to possess the soul of the deceased, only one person is needed, so he used dolls to replace the remaining 12 people.But the rest was faithfully executed as The Thirteenth Offering did, choosing the night of the new moon when it was easiest to open the door, running into the building where the film was filmed, and wearing black from head to toe , began to call out demons. The woman who was abducted was the one that the young man followed one month before he was engaged in hairdressing.At the very moment, the woman was rescued, and nothing happened. However, if it was a little later, the situation might develop to an unimaginable level. After a psychiatric appraisal, the young man who committed the crime was found to be incapable of criminal responsibility, and it is said that he has been sent to the hospital. "Ah, I remembered!..." I raised my head and hit my palm. "The building used to film "The Thirteenth Offering", that is, the building where the criminal youth ran into and imprisoned the woman, is indeed called the 'Demon Hall'." "That's it!..." Shigeru Gojo nodded. "The criminal at the time——Tang Zezhengfang, ran out of the hospital last month, and then disappeared." I raised my head and looked at Shigeru Gojo in the driver's seat. "Have you not found it yet?" "what……" "Could it be that Mami disappeared because of that man..." I shouted tremblingly. Gojo Shigeru didn't answer my question, but continued to say indifferently: "I heard from Mami that since last month, he has often been followed by a strange man. When I asked her in detail, the person who followed her That person is indeed very similar in appearance to Tang Ze Zhengfang." "But judging from that alone—" "Just now, a man who claimed to be the 'door master' suddenly called me on my mobile phone. The man only told me that tonight is the night of the new moon, so he cut off the phone." "I read the newspaper, and today is indeed the night of the new moon." A different premonition suddenly appeared in my mind.All are scenes of Xiangzi being tied to the wall and suffering painful torture. The car was driving on an uninhabited mountain road, heading deep into the mountains. "Where is that terrifying 'Demon Pavilion'?" "Soon. It was built on the property of 'Moon Project'. It was originally built for the filming of "The Thirteenth Offering", and it is still there." The car stopped in a vast open space.The signboard that reads "Children's Forest Park" is bathed in green light above the head, shining brightly. "Cross this park, we'll be there in no time, come on." Gojo Shigeru handed me a flashlight, and he took an outdoor lantern. We got out of the car and walked on the small dirt road that was not paved. There was a chill in the air.Perhaps having climbed to a very high place, I rolled down the sleeves of my jacket and followed behind him. We walked about 500 meters, and suddenly stopped in a place with lush trees.However, Wujo bent over and said to me: "Go this way." Then he crawled down and continued to move forward among the dense bushes. Branches hit his cheek and wrist, and finally got out from the bushes, and a faint light appeared in front of his eyes. Just 20 meters or so ahead, stands a cylindrical, fantastic building.Except for that building, there was nothing around, and the endless prairie stretched into the distance, which was boring. Through the window, there is light shining, like the flame of a candle, swaying gently. "Look, that's the 'Demon Pavilion'." Shigeru Gojo whispered, and extinguished the lantern in his hand.I followed him and turned off the switch of the flashlight. "It looks like someone is inside." "Tang Ze...Zhengfang?" "Maybe." My body trembled as soon as the words came out of my mouth. "I'm sorry. Can you wait for me here? I thought about it carefully, and this matter has nothing to do with you. I'm really sorry for bringing you here." "What are you talking about? What if not only Mami but also Xiangzi are arrested?..." I stamped my feet and shouted sharply, "Although I'm not that arrogant, I'm still confident. I can definitely help What are you busy with?" "Really? Then..." We were speechless to each other, just nodded, and began to approach the "Demon Pavilion".The light shining from the window suddenly went out, and the surroundings were shrouded in darkness. "Could it be discovered?" "Mami!..." Gojo Shigeru shouted, and ran towards the cylindrical building.I also followed closely. The "Demon Pavilion" is a building about 3 meters high and 5 meters in diameter.The completely blacked-out building looks majestic at first glance, but after all it is just a special stage device built for filming.When I got closer, I realized that there was a layer of plywood for construction on the outside.Maybe it was because of the humidity at night, it was bitingly cold to the touch. Rumble rumble rumble rumble!Rumble rumble rumble rumble!Rumble rumble rumble rumble!Rumble rumble rumble rumble! ...Suddenly there was a sound similar to that of an earthquake, as if something of unknown origin was about to appear.I swallowed. I circled around the building in a quick circle.Just about 1.5 meters above the ground—that is, just to the point where people's eyes are clear, there is a small hole about 60 meters long and 15 meters wide, similar to a window.Ask about one meter apart, side by side with a circle of windows open.Nothing but windows set at equal distances, and ladders fastened to the walls.Oddly, no entrance could be found. Gojo Shigeru peeked at the situation inside from a window, and he yelled: "Mami!..." I also inquired about the situation inside from the window next to Gojo. I was at a loss for what to do with the hellish scene in front of me.There are people in the building.A beam of blue light shone from the ceiling, focusing on the only person.The hair in front covered her face, making it impossible to recognize her expression, but her figure was very similar to the woman she met by the fountain before. The spotlight keeps changing its brightness and flickering, staring at that person closely will produce a feeling of dizziness.Just like watching "The Thirteenth Offering" in the Midnight Theater, the man's left wrist and two ankles were tightly bound by the binding devices protruding from the wall.Her only free right hand moved up and down, no matter what, she wanted to escape from this place, she struggled desperately. "If you don't save her, I'm afraid it will be too late!..." I looked away from the window and shouted, "Bastard, where is the entrance here?" The windows are closed, and even if the glass is broken, there is no room for an adult body to come in and out casually.Moreover, as a set for filming, the hardness of the walls must be unexpectedly strong.It is impossible to break it with just two hands. "Up there. You can get in from above! . . . " After Gojo Shigeru finished speaking, he immediately grabbed the iron time ladder and began to climb up along the wall of the building. At this time, the sound that had been ringing all the time, like an earthquake, suddenly disappeared, and the dead silence returned to my surroundings, and even the chirping of insects could be heard.This silence added a bit of fear. ——In the next moment. "Panggou!..." A loud noise pierced the darkness of the night sky. This sudden and unusual incident made me feel dizzy and black-eyed.I rubbed my temples and peered through the window again, and the sight before my eyes was simply breathtaking. The woman drooped her head lifelessly.Through the long hair, the eyes staring straight to this side are no longer the eyes of a living person.Her right wrist was already immobile. The blue spotlight that had been shining on her was suddenly extinguished, and the whole room was suddenly pitch black... "Ah, Asami!..." I heard Shigeru Gojo's voice.He left the window and looked up. On the opposite side of the building, a particularly dazzling red star shone.The moon hadn't come out yet, and the beam of starlight shot into my eyes clearly, which made me feel a little scared.Perhaps it wasn't a star at all, but a summoned demon—I even thought of such nonsense. "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA ! Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! ... " Gojo Shigeru stood on the roof and roared like a beast: "I will kill you!...I will kill you!...I will kill you!..." Oops! ... I hurriedly climbed up the ladder. Gojo Shigeru couldn't calm down, it looked like he wanted to kill the prisoner. Danger.The criminal hiding in this building has a gun in his hand.I followed the ladder and climbed to the top of the building, only to realize that there was a circular hole in the center of the roof, and beside it was a circular iron plate similar to the cover of the lift.Perhaps this iron plate is the door of the building? Gojo Shigeru seemed to be manipulated by an invisible force, and he ignored my shouts and stops, and descended from the entrance of the cave. "Mr. Wujo!..." I put my hands on the hole and looked at the situation inside, but it was too dark to see anything. "Are you all right, Wujo?" I shine a flashlight into the room.I think the criminal with the gun might fight back against the comer?In order to make myself escape quickly, I squatted down, maintaining the posture of starting at any time, but, completely contrary to my imagination, there was no response from the building.A strange silence.Can't hear any objects. In the darkness, Gojo Shigeru's figure was faintly visible.Perhaps he had lit the lantern?With his back facing me, Gojo began to walk slowly. The light of the lantern shone on the wall, clearly showing the figure of the woman tied there.Gojo Shigeru took three steps towards the woman, and suddenly his knees gave way and he fell to the ground. "Five!..." Could it be that he was attacked by criminals?I forgot the danger I was facing and sank quickly indoors. "I'm fine...just a little anemic!...I'm fine." When I ran to Shigeru Gojo, he stood up feebly and began to stagger around again.Right in front of him was a silver-haired woman with eyes wide open, face full of pain, and dead.There was a small hole in her forehead, and blood flowed from there. The criminal must be hiding somewhere.I bent over and quickly scanned the surroundings with a flashlight. What was presented before my eyes was the same scene as in the film.When peeping from the window, the spotlight shone on only one figure. At that time, I didn't realize that there were several women tied up on the wall.All of them were naked, and like Asami Amoda, they all had silver hair dyed. I illuminated the faces of the women tied to the wall one by one.At first I thought it was the murderer who killed so many people; but later I discovered that the rest were all human dolls very similar to Mami.There is only one—a real person illuminated by Wutiao's lantern. Ah, 12 human dolls and a real person - the exact same events that happened last year. In the middle of the room, on the ground, is a mobile phone.I was about to pick it up, but Wutiao reminded me: "It's best not to move." "That cell phone doesn't belong to Mami, maybe it was dropped by a prisoner." Maybe it was so, what a stupid criminal. But where did the criminal escape? "There's no one here!..." Shigeru Gojo exclaimed. I tried to illuminate the walls of the room again.However, there was no trace of the criminal.I tapped on the walls, and there seemed to be no empty walls to hide. Just at the bottom of the wall—right below Asami Lantian, there was a scalpel that glowed indistinctly.Next to the opposite wall, there was a pistol and an overturned table. I moved closer to the human dolls, looking at their faces one by one.There are 12 human dolls made of plastic.The thirteenth offering, including Mami, was tied to the wall at equal intervals, surrounding me right in the middle. I checked the 12 human dolls and was stunned and at a loss. "Such a bastard..." I couldn't help muttering. When she looked in from the window, Asami Amoda was indeed alive.Just after that, she died after being shot in the forehead. Since this is the case, why can't we find criminals everywhere?I felt a chill hit my back. Ah, the power of demons... I seem to hear a high-pitched laughter that I don't know where it comes from, but it is definitely not what this world has, and I cover my ears. The mood became very bad, and there was a gurgling, strange sound around the throat. After climbing up the rope ladder hanging from the ceiling, I ran out in a panic.I vomited out everything in my stomach, but my mood still didn't improve at all.
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