Home Categories detective reasoning Wedding dress

Chapter 9 Chapter VII

Wedding dress 黑田研二 5427Words 2018-03-15
When I woke up, I found myself sleeping on the cold floor.I quickly got up and looked around. It was a shabby, dark hut.There was no one else in the house except me.There are only some planters and farm tools piled up randomly around.Perhaps, no one has used it for a long time.The floor was covered with dust, and the high ceiling was covered with dense cobwebs. What happened to me? ... It was hard to think clearly for a while; but surprisingly, I didn't feel the slightest fear.They brought me here by saying that Mr. U had an accident. Now it seems that they are lying to me.If Mr. U is safe and sound now, then there is nothing to worry about.As long as there is no such thing as losing Mr. U, I can accept any tragedy.

I didn't pay attention to my body until I checked my surroundings.The time on my watch tells me that it will be noon soon.It has been about an hour since I left the church. I'm still wearing my wedding dress.Although somewhat dusty, it does not appear to have been violated.I sighed in relief, and after confirming that there was no one else outside the house, I opened the door at the entrance of the hut. There is a vast land outside, and I have never been there.It is surrounded by low flowers and plants, and on the opposite side is high green hills.Where is this plateau? I look around.If you wait any longer, I'm afraid those two men will come back.About a few hundred meters away from me—that is, in the middle of the grassland, there is a black building.

No matter what, I have to get out of here as soon as possible.Thinking like this, I quickly walked towards the building.I'm going to ask for help if anyone is out there. I continued to walk forward while holding the hem of the wedding dress.The distance to the building is getting closer, and the appearance of the building is becoming more and more clearly presented.It is a cylindrical building about three meters high, very similar to the police halls that can be seen everywhere in the downtown.It would be great if it was really a police station, but it is impossible to build a police station in the middle of this kind of grassland.Moreover, I have never heard anyone say that the Police Department will be painted in black like this.

When I finally arrived at the building, I had to hesitate again - the building couldn't even find the entrance.I looked around the building, and although there were a few small windows, I couldn't find anything that looked like a door.Around the building, there are a lot of cables entwined, like coiled snakes, and there are a few machines that look like electric door switches that are randomly piled up for no idea what they are used for.That's all. While I was thinking about it secretly, I peeped through a window to see what was going on inside.The windows are 15 meters long and 60 meters wide. They are flat and fixed and cannot be opened or closed.It is impossible to enter the building through the window. It seems that the only way to peek inside is from the window.

I saw a figure inside the building.It was a woman, her silver-white hair was a little discolored... Ah, I was saved now, I breathed a sigh of relief, and started to knock on the window.However, in an instant, I gasped. The woman was completely naked and was tightly tied to the wall.Looking carefully, the left wrist and two ankles were fixed with something like metal.On the well-proportioned body, several red and swollen spots appeared, like earthworms. She exhausted all her strength, trying to escape from the bound utensils, so she kept struggling.She waved the only right wrist that was free to move, but the binding device was firmly stuck in her body, no matter what, she couldn't move.

I have to find a way to save her... I knocked on the window glass, and there was a dull sound of "plop".She inside the building seemed to have noticed me, and moved her eyes to my side, her lips moved hard. "Help!..." I knew that was the word the woman said. I really want to help her.But what should I do? ... I did panic a little bit, trying desperately to figure out what to do.Even if I broke the glass on the window, the window is too small to let anyone in.However, from the fact that there are people in the room, it can be seen that there must be entrances and exits in the building.Where is it?

I looked around the building again.In addition to the 13 windows, there is an iron ladder that extends to the top of the building. — Ah, the ladder? ... I looked up at the top of the building and climbed the ladder to the top.There might be something on it. I reached out and grabbed the ladder, about three meters to the top of the building.It's only so low, even if my motor nerves are not particularly developed, I can still climb up. I clung to the ladder with both hands, just as I was about to climb up... "Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha..."

The wailing of a woman sounded very unusual, and it stimulated my eardrums, making me feel numb. I slipped my hands, fell down, and sat on the ground with my buttocks. Now I am really like a little turtle with its back turned upside down. I rubbed my ass and stood up, looking through the window again.The previous woman was still tied up, with her head hanging listlessly.Her silver hair stuck to her slightly sweaty body, unable to leave there. I saw one man, playing with the hair that fell to her chest, put his lips to her belly.That person's whole body was wrapped in black cloth, and he couldn't even see his face clearly.I don't even know if he is a man or a woman.

"No, don't be like this!..." I yelled and knocked on the window desperately.My fist was bloody and red, and even then I didn't stop banging on the window. The strange man in black seems to be holding a shiny thing in his right hand.I couldn't help but gasped—it was a scalpel.The man raised his right hand above his head, pointed the scalpel at the woman's chest, and stabbed it with a "poof". I looked away in horror.There seemed to be a big hole in the lungs, and I couldn't even breathe.Stomach throbbing around.The two strands trembled and could not stand firm.

"Forget it, forget it, I really can't stay in this kind of place anymore." A disgusting nasal voice came from my ear. "I found you!..." Before I could look back, I was hit hard on the back of the head, and after that, I lost consciousness again. When I woke up again, I was lying in the same old dusty old house again.Am I still asleep? While looking at the beams near the ceiling in a daze, I recalled the human tragedy I just saw in that black building, but my memory was very vague, and everything seemed like a dream. However, now is not the time to worry about others.I wanted to sit up, but my hands and feet were tightly bound by something thick like hemp rope, and I couldn't even move my body.His mouth was also covered with tape, and it was impossible to call for help.

My body is like being tightly entangled by a snake.I tried my best to loosen the rope; but the more I struggled, the tighter the rope tightened around my skin.With my strength, nothing seems to be possible. After a creaking sound, the entrance door was opened.I turned my head and looked that way, feeling a shudder. Standing there were two men.Both of them wore short-sleeved clothes on their upper bodies, and their faces were covered with leather masks.Only the eyes, nose and mouth were exposed, but I recognized them immediately.One is a thin man with fair skin, and the other is a fat man with excess fat. These two people must be the two people who brought me here. The fat man came to my side, "Hmph!..." There was a disgusting sound of snorting, and I smelled bad breath, so I couldn't help turning my face away. The man grabbed my chest and tore my wedding dress vigorously.The chest pin popped out and landed on the floor.The wedding dress my mother left for me—Mr. U has never seen me wearing it.My brain suddenly went blank, and anger flowed all over my body in an instant. The man quickly tore the wedding dress on me to shreds, just like tearing an old newspaper.Then, with brute force, they tore off the clothes on my lower body indiscriminately, exposing my lower abdomen. This rough way of tearing caused pain in my back and waist.I have forgotten fear and shame, only anger dominates me.If my hands and feet can move freely, I will kill them no matter what I do. "So strong?" The man seemed to feel my murderous intent. After he bit my earlobe lightly, he whispered in my ear. "Do you want to go back to that bastard Mikasa Yuki?" I stared at the man in front of me. "I advise you to be gentle. If you continue to resist like this, Mr. U will definitely die!" What happened to Mr. U?I twisted my body and murmured, "No!..." The man tilted his mouth and said, "You don't want to lose such a good lover, right?... If you don't want to, just be good. What do you think..." I can only nod my head.The man narrowed his eyes in satisfaction, and rushed towards me.The rough tongue licked all over my body.The thin man peeled off the tape covering my mouth, and roughly brought his lips closer.In order not to anger them, I tried my best to endure, I just kept thinking that I could return to Mr. U as soon as possible. The thin man held a small video camera in one hand and started filming me naked, looking happy.The figure of Zhong was very similar to a boyfriend I dated when I was in middle school who liked photography, which made me fall into a feeling of emptiness. Here, I don't want to recall the past.After everything was over, the thin man asked me to face the camera, pretending to be innocent and said: "Okay, stop shooting!..." "So you are satisfied? Then disappear from my eyes as soon as possible..." I muttered to the camera.So far, I have no anger at all. everything is over.I smelled a pungent smell of medicine again, and lost consciousness again... When I opened my eyes, they were gone. I was in a strange wood, and I fell on the ground, as if my body was still leaning on a stump.I smell a sea tide.The sea is nearby? ...this place is very different from where I have been before.They must have put me to sleep before they drove me here. I pricked up my ears and heard the sound of a car approaching me. The ropes on my body have been untied, and my hands and feet can move freely.Beside the tree stump lay a towel and a set of lower clothes, and a brown sweater. "And some extremely polite rape fiends!  …" With a wry smile, I wiped my filthy body with a towel and changed into the clothes I was wearing underneath.I was at peace, kind of weird.Maybe it was because things came too violently, and it was difficult to recover the emotions all at once. I stood up slowly, and there was no pain anywhere in my body.Maybe even if I have suffered a serious injury, given my current situation, I can no longer feel it? "It's so hot!..." I wiped the sweat dripping from my forehead and looked up at the sky. The strong sunlight shone on my body, as if it was the scorching sun in midsummer.I am willing to be burned like this.I am willing to burn every bone and turn my whole body into a wisp of smoke. I stood up with my hands on my knees, staggering, as if walking among the clouds, without the slightest sense of reality, similar to the feeling when I have a high fever. After finally walking out of the woods, a familiar scene spread out in front of him.The place where I woke up was the miscellaneous forest next to the H University Affiliated Hospital. Pedestrians on the road cast strange glances at me.In broad daylight, maybe on this street, there won't be a woman wearing a sweater suddenly appearing, right?That's why everyone looks at me like this. Once other people's eyes meet me, they will show a timid expression, and then quickly leave in front of me.What exactly do I look like when I am walking?It must be a strange expression, right?I know my cheeks must be stiff, I can't control my emotions, maybe a smile will come out of nowhere. "At a time like this, how can I still laugh?..." I blamed myself, rubbing my bruised wrists with my sweater. "I must return to Mr. U as soon as possible!..." I continued to walk among the crowd, thinking only of this. When Mr. U got the wedding ring and returned to the church, he would be shocked when he heard Pastor Jin say that I had gone to the hospital.He must be extremely anxious about my disappearance, and he must still be desperately looking for my whereabouts. I have to let him see me intact as soon as possible, and let him feel at ease. I finally arrived at the hospital, out of breath, and just as I thought, I met Pastor Kim in the hospital lobby.After I greeted him, Pastor Kim walked towards me with a surprised expression. "Xiangzi, where have you been? It's really worrying!..." However, there is no sign of Mr. U here. "Where is Mr. U? Where is Mr. U?" I asked Pastor Jin with a forced smile, but I was not confident that I could put on the right expression. "You have to be strong, Xiangzi." Pastor Jin grabbed my shoulder and shook it vigorously. "Let me see Mr. U quickly. He must be very worried about me. I suddenly disappeared. The wedding ceremony, which was so hard to wait for, can't be held. I must apologize to him, I must apologize to Mr. U..." "You haven't seen him yet?" I nod. "The police are waiting for you. I've never met your fiancé, so I can't confirm it. You must confirm it. Be strong, Xiangzi!  …" Bastard, what the hell is Pastor Kim talking about? I was dragged to the ground by Pastor Jin and brought me to the basement.Ah, the basement—why the basement, beast? What is Mr. U doing in this kind of place? ... "Mr. U is gone, he has no pain and was summoned to heaven." No, no, that's not true.It was just to rape me, to lure me out, those two vile bastards, maliciously made up lies. Mr. U did not encounter an accident at all.Impossible—everything is impossible... In front of my eyes was a dead body covered with a white cloth. "It's a relic of the victims." A man who claimed to be a policeman began to display some items on a long and thin table. Ah, those are all familiar things to me.The cigarette is the brand that Mr. U often smokes; the mobile phone that was broken in half in the accident is also the same model as the one used by Mr. U; the pink Hawaiian shirt is also the same as the one that Mr. U wore this morning. Almost exactly the same; the wallet made of kangaroo leather is my birthday present to Mr. U. "The accident happened at around 10:40 in the morning, at the second railway crossing in T City - commonly known as 'the unopenable railway crossing'. The deceased was riding a motorcycle and was going to cross there from west to east. He was hit by an ascending express train. According to eyewitnesses of the accident, the deceased looked anxious and seemed to be trying to force his way through the railroad crossing fence." The police looked at the notebook and explained the situation to me indifferently. "At that time, an earthquake just happened there. Because of the violent vibration, maybe it was a wrong direction operation. When it broke into the train track, the train happened to be coming, woo..." I closed my ears. "It was a bad time. After the earthquake was felt, the train activated the ATC device quickly, but there was still no way to stop in front of the dead." Beast, I don't want to hear these words anymore. "In the trousers worn by the deceased, only a handkerchief was found from the pocket, and nothing else was found. The Hawaiian shirt was placed in the motorcycle basket at the time of the incident. Maybe it was because of the hot weather in the morning, so I was driving. In the middle, the shirt was taken off. The wallet, cigarettes, and mobile phone were all in the shirt pocket; we found Yuki Mikasa's driver's license in the wallet, as well as 52,000 yen in cash and a few cards .So far, that’s all we have. Can you confirm that these things belong to Isamu Mikasa?” Regardless of what the police said, I ran to the corpse and tore off the cloth covering my face.I couldn't speak anymore, I just wailed. "No...it's not true...ah!..." I shook my head desperately.The pastor tried to put his hands on my shoulders, but I shook him off. "No!...This is not Mr. U!...Mr. U is still alive!...still alive!...still alive!..." "Xiangzi, calm down..." Pastor Jin yelled to stop me. "Alive! Mr. U is still alive!..." In the cold morgue, I kept screaming loudly, like a crazy woman.
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