Home Categories detective reasoning Chamber of Despair

Chapter 7 second quarter

Chamber of Despair 尹剑翔 4102Words 2018-03-15
The fare of the long-distance bus to Hongfu County has been rising, from the initial seven yuan to the current thirteen yuan. In addition to soaring gasoline and oil prices, long-distance bus operators are also one of the important reasons for the high fare.But there is no way, there is only one bus that can reach Zhangjia Village, and there are only three buses a day. For Lin Ling who does not have a private car, she has no other choice if she does not take this bus, so she has no capital to bargain. I had to obediently pay the fare. "Give me a ticket!" Lin Ling said to the conductor.

The conductor listlessly tore her a ticket of equal value.Lin Ling took it over, stuffed it into her jacket pocket, and got into the car. The car started, and Lin Ling's destination, Zhangjia Village, was the last stop on this line, and it was more than two hours away.On the way, she could have many options to pass the time, such as falling asleep, looking at the scenery outside the window, or playing mobile games... But Lin Ling was always thinking about what Hu Yuyan said. I'm sure this case is not that simple, but judging from the existing evidence, it can only be concluded that Liu Yanfang committed suicide!I am not reconciled, so if you can, please intervene in the investigation and help me go to Zhangjia Village, Hongfu County as a reporter to see if there are any valuable clues there.

Lin Ling knew that Hu Yuyan's criminal police team had a shortage of people recently. Wang Yong went to Yunnan, Xing Zhenyu went to Beijing to receive training, and that capable forensic doctor Zhang Min had returned to Shanghai after his internship.Although there are many policemen in the police force, Hu Yuyan seems to be the only criminal policeman who can act alone. In desperation, Hu Yuyan wanted to ask Lin Ling to help secretly investigate the truth of Liu Yanfang's suicide. Of course, his other excuse was to let Lin Ling get more valuable news clues. Of course Lin Ling was not happy with her mouth, but her heart was already full of beauty.Investigating cases has always been one of her pleasures, and Hu Yuyan's ability to entrust her with such an important investigative task to complete independently is definitely a sign of her trust in her.

However, Lin Ling's identity is a reporter, whether she can independently deal with the problems encountered in the investigation is still unknown. Therefore, Hu Yuyan repeatedly asked not to do impulsive things, and if there is any problem, you must contact him first before making any plans. Of course, Lin Ling agreed to Hu Yuyan's request, and then she went to the editor-in-chief Zhu Qingqi to discuss it on the grounds of interviewing and investigating. Zhu Qingqi thought that Lin Ling was just going to investigate news clues, so he agreed without thinking too much. Lin Ling also politely declined Zhu Qingqi's kindness - she didn't let a certain assistant go with her.Because she really couldn't think of anyone in the club who could talk to her better.Lin Ling thought, since there is no such thing at all, why should other people participate in her actions?

Sitting in the car, Lin Ling began to recall every detail of the secret room that Hu Yuyan had said, hoping to connect the whole incident with her own brain. From Hu Yuyan's judgment, Liu Yanfang's suicide was an accident. The cause of the incident was probably that a person stabbed her intentionally or unintentionally. suicide to protect the man who stabbed her. However, the problem is that although the wound next to Liu Yanfang's fatal wound is dangerous, if treated in time, there is hope of survival. According to ordinary people's thinking, after suffering such an injury, they will definitely choose to save themselves, but Liu Yanfang chose to commit suicide.What kind of power made her choose to give up her hope of life?

The answer given by Hu Yuyan was very clear. The person Liu Yanfang wanted to protect was probably her son, Sun Qiming.I'm afraid that only protecting her son will make her mother do such an unimaginable behavior. However, Sun Qiming has an unbreakable alibi. He was participating in the team's game as the main small forward of the basketball team. With the attention of more than 200 classmates, how could he attack her mother at that time?Besides, there must be a motive for the murder. What was Sun Qiming's motive for stabbing his mother? But Hu Yuyan just thinks that there is something wrong with Sun Qiming!

Hu Yuyan said frankly that this time he relied on his intuition. He just believed that Sun Qiming was suspected of committing a major crime and that he had hurt his mother. In the end, Liu Yanfang's real motive for committing suicide was also to protect Sun Qiming.Hu Yuyan told Lin Ling that he firmly believed in this. As far as Lin Ling is concerned, she rarely sees Hu Yuyan suspect someone based on intuition, because logical thinking has always been Hu Yuyan's strong point, and speculation about criminal suspects is rare for him.But the less common something is, the more noticeable it is if it occurs.

Here, Lin Ling is willing to believe Hu Yuyan's judgment, that Sun Qiming may have used some method to hide the time of committing the crime.But this kind of method is not even thought of by a detective like Hu Yuyan, but it is really a bit strange. That's why Hu Yuyan begged Lin Ling to visit the hometown of Liu Yanfang and Sun Qiming when he was short of manpower, hoping to find some clues about why Sun Qiming stabbed his mother, even if it was just a little bit. Of course, the premise of these investigations is that Hu Yuyan's judgment is accurate. Lin Ling persisted in her trust in Hu Yuyan, and persistently embarked on the road to Zhangjiacun.She was desperately thinking about these unanswerable questions, but suddenly felt dizzy, maybe a little bit of motion sickness, so she closed her eyes.

A boy suddenly appeared in front of Lin Ling, holding a bloody dagger in his hand, walking towards a woman step by step. The woman retreated step by step, while the boy pushed forward step by step. Suddenly, the boy stabbed the dagger, and the mother screamed: "Son, don't!" Lin Ling woke up suddenly and found that she had a nightmare.She looked around and saw that the passengers on the bus were packing their luggage. It turned out that Zhangjia Village had already arrived. Lin Ling didn't bring any decent luggage, because she didn't plan to stay here for a long time, so she picked up her backpack and got out of the car.

The passenger terminal in Zhangjiacun was very dirty and messy, and Lin Ling was not in the mood to stay here at all. Walking out of the passenger station, Lin Ling was a little hungry. It was just after noon, and solving the problem of food and clothing was what Lin Ling had to do at this stage.Fortunately, Lin Ling is a relatively casual person when it comes to eating. Walking a few steps along the east end of the village, there is a noodle shop.Lin Ling walked in and found that there was a pan noodle business inside.But at noon, the noodle shop was so deserted that there was no business.Although there is no business, the boss is very busy, cooking noodle soup by the stove.

"Boss, let me have a bowl of pan noodles." Lin Ling said in an easy-going tone as she walked in. The boss who was busy in the kitchen looked at Lin Ling, and said with a strong rural accent: "Do you want to bring eggs?" "Come one!" "Okay, we'll have it right away!" The boss said while putting a large piece of ban mian that had been stretched out a long time ago into the boiling pot.In addition to the white board surface, there are also large pieces of rape leaves and red oil that look hot. After a while, an oversized sea bowl was brought to Lin Ling, and a tea egg was placed in the middle of the noodle soup. Lin Ling broke apart a pair of disposable chopsticks, picked up a full chopsticks and put them into her mouth. ——She has eaten pan noodles in many places in T City, and many people admire her ability to eat spicy food. "Girl, although the pan noodles I made are delicious, slow down, it's hot!" Seeing Lin Ling eating like this, the owner of the shop next to him was a little worried. "It's... nothing, boss, I... just like this... hot and spicy feeling!" Lin Ling was already chewing noodles. The boss glanced at Lin Ling with a smile, and continued to work on his work. After Lin Ling took a few mouthfuls, she finally felt that her esophagus and stomach were greatly stimulated, so she decided to take a break for a while. "Are you from the city?" At this moment, the boss asked while rolling out the noodles. "Well, yes." Lin Ling nodded as she spoke, in order to relieve the spicy taste in her mouth. "I heard that you are from the city, and people from the county often come to us, but they are not as refined as you." Lin Ling thought to herself, since she told him less than four sentences in total, the owner of the noodle shop could tell that he was gentle?I don't know if he is flattering, or if he really sees something. "I happen to have something that I would like to ask you about." "Oh? What's the matter, just tell me. This village travels from south to north, and there is nothing that I don't know about the east and west of the village." Lin Ling didn't feel that the owner of the noodle shop was bragging at all, because the village was not big in the first place. "I just want to ask if you know someone named Liu Yanfang?" Hearing this name, the expression on the face of the noodle shop owner changed significantly. He was smiling just now, but immediately became depressed, "You are talking about Teacher Liu! She just passed away!" "I know this, and that's exactly what I'm here for." "For what?" "Liu Yanfang's death!" "Her death?" The boss' expression became very strange. "Why are you so surprised?" "Is there anything wrong with her death?" "No, I'm actually a reporter from "T City Evening News". I just want to investigate why Liu Yanfang died in T City." "Her man said it was an accident!" "Accident?" The boss nodded, "Her man said that her wife went to the city to see her son, but was hit by a car and died!" "Crash to death?" "Well, that's what he said. Teacher Liu is a good person. She used to be a city girl, educated, and then she went to the countryside and came to our village. Because of her poor family status, she was always bullied in the village. Later, she married It was given to Sun Shao in our village. This Sun Shao is an idler, but his family has three generations of poor peasants with good status. Mr. Liu married him at that time to accept organizational reform. It was a political mission. Just a word, a flower stuck in cow dung." "and after?" "That Sun Shao not only didn't like doing farm work, but also gambled all day long, which made Teacher Liu very angry, and the couple often quarreled. And when Sun Shao came back from losing money, he often beat Teacher Liu to vent his anger. Teacher Liu could have had a relationship with Sun later. Shao divorced and left our village. But because she already had a son with Sun Shao, she did not choose to leave for her son, but became a teacher in the village primary school - many of the children here are her She taught me, and she taught my children." "What kind of person is Teacher Liu's son?" Lin Ling followed the boss's words and called Liu Yanfang Teacher Liu. "Sun Shao and Mr. Liu gave birth to a son named Sun Qiming. He was a very smart boy who did well in school. Mr. Liu sent him to the elementary school in the county since he was a child, and later he was admitted to a key high school. , and later he was admitted to university, he is really an amazing kid." "Why did you let him go to primary school outside? Isn't there a primary school in the village?" "It's probably to keep the son away from his bastard father! Also, the teaching conditions in the county are much better than here." "Oh! How is the relationship between Sun Qiming and his mother?" "How should I say this? He is a taciturn child. I rarely see him. Because he has been studying outside since he was a child, we have few opportunities to talk. But his relationship with his mother should be okay, Mr. Liu The son will be very grateful to his mother for putting his son to university through so much hard work, haha!" Hearing what the boss said, Sun Qiming may have a weak relationship with Sun Shao, but he has a good relationship with his mother, which seems to run counter to Hu Yuyan's judgment.This Sun Shao lied to the villagers and concealed the real cause of his wife's death. What was his intention?Could it be that Sun Qiming assassinated Liu Yanfang as Hu Yuyan had predicted.By concealing the cause of his wife's death, Sun Shao was also covering it up for his son? If you think about it completely according to Hu Yuyan's thinking, there are many things you can't figure out.Lin Ling decided not to reason anymore, but wanted to go directly to Sun's house to have a look. "Where does Liu Yanfang live? Can you tell me?" "It's at the west end of the village, a very dilapidated house. If you want to go, it's easy to find, because his house is holding a funeral for Teacher Liu now! Tonight, the juniors have to kowtow to stay, this is my The rules of our village. I guess I will go there at night." "Your village is called Zhangjiacun. The Sun family is an outsider, right? Are there many relatives or juniors in their family?" "Two-thirds of the people in this village are surnamed Zhang, and one-third of the people are not. However, if something happens at home, no matter what the surname is Zhang, everyone will help. Besides, Teacher Liu is a good person. Many people in the village have received her favors. Everyone who kowtows and salutes can be regarded as accumulating sinful virtue." "Boss, is there a guest house in the village? The kind where you can stay overnight." "Hostel? There is no such thing here. If you want to live, you can only stay at the fellow's house. If you want, you can simply live at my house, but you have to pay for the meal." "Of course there is no problem. But is your home far from Sun's?" "It's not far, it's not far. This village is not very big. It takes only ten minutes to walk from the east end to the west end. You eat noodles first. Anyway, there is no business today. I will take you to Sun's house to see it later." Look." Lin Ling nodded. There was still more than half a bowl of ban mian in front of her. She took a deep breath, and then continued to chew.
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