Home Categories detective reasoning Chamber of Despair
Chamber of Despair

Chamber of Despair


  • detective reasoning

  • 1970-01-01Published
  • 73069

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Chapter 1 Preface to Education

Chamber of Despair 尹剑翔 1234Words 2018-03-15
I often say a word in front of the media: the meaning of words is to redeem people's hearts. This is the main reason why I am steadfast in writing. Indeed, if a book does not have the significance of dissemination, I really do not understand why it should be published, where is its value?Therefore, I have to carefully read all the works that I am asked to write a preface to, and I will only start writing after confirming that it is worthwhile. It is the only suspense novel with "meaningful" that I have read this year. This is also a crime novel based on realistic themes. It collects the controversial cases of Ma Jiajue, Li Qiming, Yao Jiaxin, etc. that have occurred in recent years, and introduces them into the novel in a clever way without any exaggerated mystification , relying only on meticulous reasoning and interlocking contradictory settings, it leads readers into the urgent case process and points directly at the death of Chinese education.

Novels about educational crimes are long overdue. Yes, juvenile delinquency has become an increasingly large black hole in this society, and has exposed its ferocious teeth to the world. As one of the spiritual orientations of society, literary works are obliged to pay attention to this topic.When our eyes are full of bloody criminal facts, and we see those childish faces stating their distorted psychology and desires, besides yelling at Yao Jiaxin and others on the TV and cursing and hating them, is there any? I have carefully explored: what is it that makes the ignorant and ignorant teenagers become ruthless murderers.

In China, the most realistic goal for a child to receive primary and secondary education is to be admitted to a university.As soon as this goal is achieved, parents and teachers will breathe a sigh of relief, and even the whole society will breathe a sigh of relief when the bell of the college entrance examination in July ends.The rest of the task is to pay for the child's college life to make up for his previous ten years of hard study, and then wait to see the report card sent home at the end of each semester, as for everything else, don't ask .Because in the eyes of parents, they are already adults, and they can't ask questions, and they don't need to ask questions.This is in line with the old saying: When things go to extremes, they turn back.After more than ten years of tight control, the sudden and complete release will undoubtedly cause many repressed psychological blind spots to grow and spread quickly, waiting for an evil opportunity to erupt.No one has noticed how long these tumorous granulations have been struggling in that clean body; and who knows how many shocking secrets are hidden behind those gentle and powerless faces? guilt.

Yes, we describe crime. But the purpose of describing crimes is to reveal the causes of crimes, to expose those dirty desires and distorted hearts to the glare, and to sound the most painful alarm to this society. ——Don’t you feel sad when you see the flowers that have just emerged from the soil covered in a cloud of sludge? If everyone's heart is a secret room, then it may be impolite, unwise, or even hurt yourself and the other person to force your way into someone else's heart, but if it is your closest relative, should you take responsibility and obligation to do everything How about sweeping all the bacteria that have entered this secret room out of the door?

I think that the author of this book must have done a lot of data collection and in-depth analysis of all the materials in advance in order to write such a thought-provoking novel with social significance.He himself should also be a person who likes to think and broaden his horizons.The whole novel is well-organized, many cases are connected in series, and a clever mechanism is set up, which is both fascinating and clear.Personally, I think there are three definitions for this novel: social crime novels, news crime novels, or educational crime novels.The last definition seems to me the most appropriate.Our genre novels must have more meaningful works.

I recommend everyone to read this book—a major case of matricide, a secret room of despair, an impeccable alibi, and an education disaster. Who is challenging the dead end of morality?
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