Home Categories detective reasoning FBI Serious Case Record 2

Chapter 5 Chapter two

Without stopping, after I said goodbye to Fausto, I went straight to the neighborhood where Elena lived. This is a medium-sized block. The so-called medium-sized block is not a slum area, but it is not enough to be a rich area.Basically, working class people live in this kind of place.An independent one-story house with a small flower bed outside. The house is usually made of wood, and the rain, wind and snow left traces on the wall. I was not in a hurry to go in, but observed in front of the door for a while.Various flowers and plants are planted on the small flower bed outside the door, and it is now November, and the flowers and plants have already shown a decadent appearance.However, the flower bed was tidied up very cleanly. Even though the various flowers and plants on it had begun to turn yellow, they didn't look messy at all.It can be seen that the owner here, Miss Elena, our target this time, is a careful person.

I frowned slightly, what I hate the most is such interrogates, they have a meticulous heart.If they decide not to work with you, and you have a special approach, it's hard to ask them what to do. Before I could think of a good way, the door of the room I was facing opened, and a very elegant looking lady appeared in front of me.She was wearing a pair of straight jeans, a white sweater and an apron, and she held a pair of pruning shears in her hand.It seemed that she was planning to trim the flower bed at the door.When she saw me, she froze slightly. "What can I do for you?" the lady asked.Her voice is very gentle and gentle, and it can be distinguished from the voice that this lady is very peaceful, or very calm.And when she saw me hovering at her door, she didn't have the nervousness that ordinary people see when they meet strangers.People are always wary of people who linger at their door for a long time, but this lady is not like that.

The first time I saw her, I knew that my goal this time had appeared.I've seen pictures of Elena at Fausto's.It is undeniable that she is prettier in person than in the photos.In other words, Elena is far from being a beautiful woman, but her elegant temperament can make anyone feel like a spring breeze in front of her. "Hi, I'm FBI Agent Kristol," I said, handing over my ID. Elena was slightly taken aback, but in an instant, she smiled and took my ID with both hands, and after a careful look, returned it to me with both hands. Faced with such courtesy, I am really not happy.

This lady was more detailed and calm than I could have imagined.In my opinion, only a skilled politician or a woman in a certain royal family can make such a "should be contrived, but looks very natural" behavior. It is undeniable that in the first time we met, I had already lost the wind.At least, my mental state has been affected by her.In the face of such an elegant lady, I could not show the same ruthlessness that I treated other interrogators.As a detective who has been engaged in detection for many years, I deeply understand that the current situation is very unfavorable to me.I was likely to be confused or influenced by her attitude and not get useful clues.

I tried my best to shake off all my first impressions of Elena in front of me, and slowly said, "Are you Ms. Elena?" "Yes, is there anything I can do to help you, Mr. Crystal?" Elena was not affected by my slightly solemn tone.Of course, through contact, I don't expect myself to be able to influence her.The reason why I put more emphasis on the tone is that I just hope that I can calm myself down in this way. Elena thought for a while, then said with a smile: "Then sir, please come in. Maybe you can drink a cup of coffee with me, and then talk slowly." "Okay." I said with a smile, "Of course, if you can tell me what I want to know, it will definitely satisfy me more than a hot cup of coffee."

Elena smiled, didn't say anything, but took the lead and walked back. Elena's home is very simple, just like any other family.In the living room there is a TV, three two-seater sofas, and a glass coffee table in the middle.There are a few slightly old wall lamps on the surrounding walls.However, the owner of this house seems to be very good at taking care of it. Although these are just ordinary decorations, as long as they are cleaned and arranged properly, they can also show a fresh smell. After I sat down, Ms. Elena brought me a hot cup of coffee as she said. "Ms. Elena, your layout here is really good." I said casually while looking around.I'm not talking casually, but I need time to think about how I should start this topic.Asking directly is clearly not a good idea.However, at this moment, Elena solved my problem.

"Mr. Kristol, I believe you didn't come to me just for a cup of hot coffee? If you have anything to do, please tell me directly." In fact, even if I couldn't find a suitable entry point, I would not like Elena to start such a topic.Because in this way, it is tantamount to putting me in a passive position.However, I can't resist the situation at all.Can I tell her "Dear Ms Eleanor, I'm sorry, I'm just here for coffee"? I pondered for a moment, and asked, "Ms. Elena, can you tell me about your younger brother? I want to know something about him."

"My brother?" Elena looked a little surprised. "Yes, it's Chrissie Raybould." I nodded for confirmation. Elena showed disbelief on her face: "God, did he do something stupid? Mr. Kristol, if you need something, I will definitely cooperate with you!" "Ms. Elena, I'm afraid you really guessed right. Not long ago, a murder occurred in the University District of West Texas. A young woman was murdered at home. The murderer was extremely cruel. The woman's body was almost She was devastated beyond recognition, and she was severely sexually assaulted before she died!" I said, looking at Elena with a solemn expression.

"God!" Elena covered her mouth and exclaimed. It's quite disrespectful to mention the term "sexual assault" to a classy lady.But at this moment, I have to say so.Because the deterrent effect of murder cases on ordinary women is far less intuitive and terrifying than sexual assault.In the United States, there are many sexual crimes.The Federal Bureau of Investigation once conducted a survey on women aged 13 to 15, and the results were very surprising. Among these women, nearly 40% had been sexually harassed to varying degrees. This is only known , and more women chose to hide the facts after being sexually harassed or assaulted.

I believe that Miss Elena in front of me, even if she has never encountered such a thing, she should have heard of it a lot.Therefore, I emphasize the fact that the murderer raped the victim. "Could it be... Could it be that my brother Chrissy did all of this?!" Elena asked hesitantly after she came back to her senses after a while. "We don't want to believe this fact either. Unfortunately, all the evidence shows that this case is closely related to your brother Chrissy. Of course, there may be some misunderstandings, but in our Until you find your brother, everything cannot be explained." I directly raised the police's speculation, and then told Elena in a gentle tone that it was possible that everything was just a misunderstanding.I hope Elena can choose to cooperate with us amidst the contradictions.

Elena's eyes are very complicated, it seems that this matter has hit her quite hard.After a long while, she slowly opened her mouth and said, "Agent Kristol, what do you want to know?" I'm so glad she changed from "sir" to "agent".From the moment she called me "sir," I knew he was putting me on an equal footing with her.It wasn't just me struggling to regulate my emotions, she was too.After all, nothing good will come of being approached by the FBI. "Ms. Elena, I hope you can tell me the whereabouts of Chrissy. This will be the greatest help to us." I said seriously. Elena said helplessly: "Sir, if possible, I really hope you can find him and find out the truth of this matter. But unfortunately, I don't know where he is either." "Oh, really? I heard that your siblings have a very good relationship!" I looked at Elena suspiciously.The feelings mentioned here are very good, so of course I made them up.In the first few investigations, Elena had already said that she had no contact with her younger brother Chrissy.And we also checked from the phone records of Elena's home, and she really didn't have too many calls from other places.Occasionally there are one or two calls from friends with fixed addresses.There is no indication that she and Chrissy are related other than blood. Elena suddenly became extremely angry, and she yelled: "This is slander! Chrissy and I have not been in contact for a long time! Detective Kristal, I might as well tell you clearly that Chrissy has given I've made too much trouble! I really hope I never had a brother like that!" Seeing Elena's performance at this moment, I finally breathed a sigh of relief.She was already very angry, or rather angry.In such a mood, all pretense is destroyed.And what she said now is undoubtedly the most reliable. "So, when does he usually contact you? Or, do you have his contact information?" I then asked. Elena gasped for breath, and it took a long time to recover, then said slowly: "I know very little about Chrissy's recent situation. You must know that he has caused me a lot of trouble. .I don't really like to call him. He will come to live with me for a few days while passing through Albuquerque, and then disappear. As for his contact information, I am sorry, I don't have it." At this point, the conversation is basically over.As I expected at first, I didn't get much useful information. "Well then, Ms. Elena, if you have news about Chrissy, please inform us as soon as possible." I said this when I walked out the door. "OK." I sat in the car, driving the car, and analyzing the conversation just now.There is not much to gain, the only thing that can be judged is that Elena may have loved this younger brother very much in the past.But since Chrissy started to gradually embark on the road of crime, the contact between the two has been very little.Moreover, Elena seemed very unwilling to be involved in this matter.Because she hinted to me more than once that she has nothing to do with Chrissy.Regarding her state of mind, I know very well that the more proud a person is, the more afraid of strange eyes from others.Obviously, at some point, she had to take on the added pressure of being the sister of the rape-murderer. With no clues, we have decided to expand the scope of Chrissy's arrest, and we ask the public to cooperate.We're handing out wanted lists on the rail lines Chrissy might be on.Then we received a lot of leads, but unfortunately all came to nothing. Three months after the doctor was killed, the suspect was seen at a train dispatch yard near San Antonio.Chrissy traveled 200 miles west.Every time, we can escape from danger before we dispatch.The suspect boarded the train going north and south and fled in all directions to avoid being chased by the authorities.Because there are many railway lines to choose from, he can board any train going north and south to escape our pursuit. With the help of trains, Chrissy can sneak into any place.He could be in San Antonio today, or 300 miles away the next day.We do not have such a large police force to complete the siege and search for him, we can only rely on the power of the public to find him. Five months after the doctor was killed, members of a local church in Waymo, Texas, 90 miles away, went to visit their pastor, only to find that the pastor and his wife were not at church.They then found the pastor's home and found the couple dead in their own beds in Waymo, a small town where murders are almost unheard of.Bundaberg County Police sent personnel to investigate the scene. The pastor and his wife were bludgeoned to death with a sledgehammer that the murderer had taken from the victim's garage.The coroner determined that the time of death was 24-36 hours earlier.In other words, the couple was attacked on Friday night or early Saturday morning.Money and valuables are in plain sight.Robbery was clearly not a motive for killing.The murderer was extremely cruel. He tortured the pastor and his wife to death little by little, and even stayed in his home for a long time.He ate something and dug out the pastor's and his wife's. The Mounted Police used luminol to investigate the bedroom. This substance will cause the blood remaining on the scene to fluoresce. According to the results displayed by luminol, there are blood and body fluids left by the victim in the room.Forensic identification showed that the female victim had been sexually assaulted during her lifetime.He ate in the victim's kitchen and studied the deceased's driver's license with interest. One of the couple's red vans is missing and may have been driven away by the killers.Police issued notices across the country looking for the car.When the local police station put this case on the Internet, they saw the arrest warrant issued by us.In the meantime, we rushed to the place immediately, we must conduct more investigations, so that we may find clues.
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