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Chapter 36 Game 4 no-in no-out

why dolls were killed 高木彬光 2236Words 2018-03-15
Soon after, a film about the life of the great magician Fourdinier premiered.Ever since this incident happened, Kenzo Matsushita, who has become nervous whenever he heard magic, would never let the movie go.He immediately lures Kosuke Kyosuke to go to the premiere together, and on the way back, he suddenly meets Nakatani Joji. "Mr. Kazumi, Mr. Matsushita!" When he turned around and saw the white-haired magician's face, Kensan couldn't help getting goosebumps all over his body, feeling the chill.Thinking about it, writers and forensic scientists like myself were invited to participate in this premiere, and it is not inconceivable for professional magicians to participate.However, from Kensan's point of view, he was staring at and observing the actions of the two of them from the darkness behind him. Such a strange feeling came over him.

"Mr. Nakatani, are you here too?" Although Kyousuke's words didn't make people feel uneasy, his fingertips holding the hat were trembling slightly, and Kenzo finally found out. "It's too commercial, it sounds like you haven't seen it. How about a cup of tea here?" "Okay. I still want to visit you again, but unfortunately I don't have time to do so." The three of them walked into a nearby cafe and sat down in a box in a quiet corner. "Mr. Kazu, what did you think after watching that movie?" The other party's question seemed to be asking for something, but Gong Jie did not change his face: "It's very good. However, the film has many tricks in photography, is it the same in reality?"

"No, that's not the case. Of course magic uses trickery, and it's a filmmaker's failure to transcribe a magic show so bluntly." "Really...then, you know all the magic tricks used in the movie...Fourdinier ended up dying in that glass tower you mentioned. He was hung upside down in the glass tower on all sides of the stage, and the water He kept injecting, but he couldn't escape...so far?" "As I said, the magic of the glass tower is the limit of pure magic and Old Black Magic. His dying scene is a very dramatic creation of the movie. With the power of Fourdinier, it is also the limit in the field of pure magic. Impossible. Isn’t it just like an airplane cannot exceed the speed of sound with propellers? If the movie shows other magic tricks, no matter how tricks are shown, I have nothing to say. It’s like explaining what broadcasting is to people in the Tokugawa era , want to eat the magic of the Christian missionary or something..."

"Scientists like me can't say things like Old Black Magic at all. Things in different worlds are completely incomprehensible." "This is the same as the so-called complete crime in the teacher's profession. Criminals dream of being undetected, thinking of complete crimes in their heads. Similarly, professional magicians want to try the magic of the glass tower. Think about this." "So, if you can escape from the glass tower, can you say it's a complete crime?" "Just like this incident..." The magician showed a provocative attitude again.His hypnotist-like eyes, which wanted to lure people into the bottomless abyss, suddenly shone with a strange light.

Kyousuke's eyes intersected with it, sparks scattered, and he threw out a sentence full of fierce momentum: "You mean, this incident is a complete crime?" "It's just...the famous detective Kazu-sensei can't be anxious about this incident...the prisoner will be very happy if he always falls behind." "But... the third act of this incident has come to an end... As long as no puppet is killed, there will be no more murders. Obviously, this time I ended in failure..." "Really? This incident is completely over, the teacher really thinks so?"

Kyousuke's body trembled as if he had been hit, and the intense distress that Kenzo had never seen before surfaced on his face: "So, the incident is not completely over yet?" "Yes. Sensei still has a chance to restore his lost reputation...Miss Noriko Ayanokōji's wedding will be held at two o'clock tomorrow afternoon. There are still twenty hours until then, and this is the last chance." "What's going to happen at the wedding?" "So what if it didn't happen. Mr. Kazumi, I call myself a magician, and I still have the ability to see the future in less than a day... If the future is twenty hours away..." Nakatani smiled hesitantly, The topic suddenly changed to an unexpected direction: "Teacher, can I mention two scenes in today's movie that can be used for reference? It is not directly related to this incident, and the teacher can refer to it when solving magical crimes."

"These two scenes are...?" "First, when Fourdinier appeared in London, he was accused of fraud and went to court. The prosecutor took out the safe in court, and the great magician opened the lock of the safe on the spot like an advertisement... Fourdinier closed himself with a smile Inside, Haoyan can come out without opening it from the outside. He entered the suffocating safe, and within a minute he appeared leisurely. The prosecutor and the judge were too surprised to keep their mouths shut. To our eyes, it is a matter of course... The lock of the safe is easy to open from the inside. Do you understand the metaphor?"

Before Kyosuke answered, Nakatani Joji went on to say: "The second scene is the scene of the show. This is not a great magic trick, it is also staged in Japan from time to time... The wife of the assistant Fourdinier is put in a bag and put in a box, Fourdinier Standing on the box, four or five people surrounded the box. Suddenly Fourdinier disappeared behind them, and after less than a dozen sounds, the lady appeared around there. Opened the lock of the box and saw that Fourdinier was in the bag... Although there is this knot , which is nothing special. There is a secret entrance and exit behind the box that the guests cannot see... The people inside open the bag and escape through the entrance, while the people outside go in and close the bag from the inside. No entry, no exit——Magic The principle is really simple."

"I still have an appointment, so I'm leaving first. I sincerely wish the teacher success!" Nakatani Rangji threw out mocking words and stood up. "Mr. Kazu, Mr. Kazu!" No matter how Kenzo greeted Kyousuke, he didn't answer. "Neither in nor out...Neither in nor out...Neither in nor out..." Kyousuke repeated this sentence like a mantra. "Panasonic!" Kyousuke raised his head.When the people around followed the sound and looked back, an hour had passed. "Nakatani Rangji is really a terrible character." "Ok?" "The incident this time is indeed not completely over. The puppet was killed, someone... someone must die!"

"Who is this victim?" "I can't fully interpret it yet... I vaguely grasped what he said... What should I do... It's terrible. Now that I think of this truth, it is beyond common sense..." Kyousuke stood up staggeringly. "Leave me alone until tomorrow morning. Tonight I will think about it... and mobilize all my brain cells... What will happen to tomorrow's wedding, I'm afraid the wedding itself will not be safe, right?" Absolutely, absolutely, absolutely..." At this moment, Kyousuke's whole body seemed to be lit with raging phosphorescence, and a bluish-white yin energy floated up.

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