Home Categories detective reasoning Yamanote Line Game of Death

Chapter 15 Chapter 5 Chuo Line Special Rapid · Takao direction (am9: 56)

Yamanote Line Game of Death 藤达利欧 3880Words 2018-03-15
All the screens in the room are playing the images of the camera hidden in the Shuping neck ring. Looking at the situation inside the special fast tram and the scenery flowing outside the window, it seems like riding a tram.General rapid trams will stop at Koenji Station, Asagaya Station, Ogikubo Station, Nishi Ogikubo Station, Kichijoji Station, Mitaka Station, etc. after leaving Nakano Station. dock.However, after the special express train leaves Nakano Station, it skips five stations and stops directly at Mitaka Station. The speed is unmatched by the express train, which is refreshing.Humans like to look at the timetable, and it's not that he likes to take the tram, but actually finds it disgusting, because it reminds him of that nasty incident twelve years ago.If that hadn't happened, I wouldn't have played this stupid game, and I wouldn't have lived my life like this.

"...It's not like that." Class said to himself. Since I haven't experienced other people's lives, I don't know what they look like. In short, that incident did happen. The past cannot be changed, and the present that continues the past cannot be changed. Maybe even the future cannot be changed. This is fate. "Don't you look at the video of Saitama Taishi High School?" Yamazaki cautiously prompted from behind. "They are also working hard, maybe let them escape." Humans are not interested in other teams, only Asakura Shuhei is full of charm. He is out of gregarious, arrogant and assertive, self-willed and cheeky. He is the kind of person who will step on a friend's foot to attract each other's attention.Shuhei himself will definitely deny it after hearing these words, but he is actually this kind of person, and Lei likes this kind of Shuhei, he likes such a person.Hiroshi's personality was distorted by that incident, but it is a miracle that a child who grew up in a happy family like Shuhei can be distorted like this, so Hiroshi wanted to tease Shuhei and share his fear and anger.

"Isn't the image of the subway very clear?" "Video is often invisible." Yamazaki said apologetically. "Since this is the case, there is no need to watch it. Let those bereaved dogs play by themselves. Look at this screen, how vivid the picture from the central line is, and the receiving status on the ground is really good... If it is later, it is Can't you see the cherry blossoms in full bloom?" class said regretfully.There are several cherry blossom viewing spots along the Chuo Line, and you can also see the cherry blossoms in full bloom from the tram.

"The tram is really nice." Although contradictory, human beings are such contradictory creatures. Humans like timetables, but hate trams. However, when they are surrounded by gently shaking images inside the car, they are excited. The two people should be in the same mood... … Shuhei was not photographed on the screen, so I can only imagine him sitting on the tram. He should be frowning unwillingly. This is also a good thing. The unwillingness and anxiety are genuine stimulation. "What should I do with Kotaro Uchikawa?" Yamazaki interrupted Lei's thinking and asked a question.

"Ah, there's another thing." "If you kill him, Shuhei Asakura might escape." "But rules are rules." "So……" "I have to kill him." Lei said without hesitation. "I understand, this is also impossible." Yamazaki was not good at hiding his emotions, and his dissatisfaction could be heard from his tone. Just as he finished bowing and was about to leave the room, "Wait." Lei suddenly stopped him from behind. "What's up?" "It's going to be a little boring, isn't it?" "The next event won't start until they arrive at Takao Station."

"Then I'll rest here too." "Do you need to monitor the screen?" Yamazaki asked. "Trouble you, don't kill Uchikawa Kotaro before I come back, as long as you don't tell him whether he is safe or not, those two people should not act rashly." "yes?" Yamazaki is vigilant. Although it has been more than ten years since he resigned from the police position, he believes that his vision of seeing people is not out of order. Shuhei and the others are more difficult than he imagined. "Let me know if they behave strangely." Class walked out of the room.

The special express train on the Chuo Line passed Asagaya Station. Although Shuhei won the game, it was not a pleasure to win the game. He didn't like the feeling of being manipulated by the game producer.Is there no way to avenge him and turn the situation around?He racked his brains and couldn't think of any good way, since that's the case, it's better to burn jade and stone together and try. "Let's call." "Huh?" Chihiro suspected that she had heard wrong. "Can't you use the phone to call for help on the show "Guessing $ Millionaire"?"

Knowing that he was bugged, Xiu Ping said these words on purpose. There might be a watcher in the same compartment. He wanted to try to do something to see the other party's reaction. "But what about the bomb?" "Don't you think it's unpleasant to listen to them all the time?" "Don't be so handsome over there, okay?" Shuhei looked at Chihiro out of the corner of his eye, if he got killed by the explosion by doing something random, he must apologize to her.Is it possible for a game producer to suddenly detonate a bomb without warning?Quite possibly so.Shuhei had come to his senses, and when he sent out the answer to the last question of the quiz, he made up his mind, as if he had already died once at that time.However, the possibility of implicating Chihiro still made his heart ache... If both of them were killed, Shuhei would apologize to her as a ghost.Shuhei tapped the phone icon on the smartphone, and a keyboard with numbers was displayed on the screen.

"Where are you going to call? Shouldn't you be calling the police?" Chihiro asked. "I won't do that kind of stupid thing. I'm going to call home. We may die like this. In this case, I want to say thank you to my parents for the kindness of nurturing in the past." Shuhei showed weakness, unlike what he usually does, Chihiro showed a confused expression. "Don't worry, we didn't break the rules." "Really?" Chihiro said, eyes widening. "The prohibitions written in the email are not to tell others about the current situation, and you can only talk to your teammates. Although it is against the rules to talk to others on the phone, it is not a problem just to dial out. If the other party picks up, just hang up without saying anything."

"So how do you thank your parents?" Chihiro, who usually speaks in a free and unconstrained manner, why did she express a reasonable opinion at this time? "I'll tell them telepathically." "Shuhei, you really like to mess around, and that's why you're not popular with girls." "Less talk." Shuhei pressed the phone number, held the smartphone to his ear, but he couldn't hear anything from the microphone, he scanned his surroundings, and there was no movement. "How?" Chihiro asked. "Can't get through." "Really..." Chihiro sighed.

When switching the screen of the smartphone back to the wallpaper, something suddenly reflected the light of the screen, and Shuhei immediately realized what it was. I see. There was a surveillance camera attached to Shuhei's neck ring, and he himself was the one in charge of the surveillance, so it would be interesting, Shuhei called again on his smartphone and dialed the number. "What are you doing?" Chihiro asked. "Call someone's grandpa in heaven." "idiot." After pressing the number, Shuhei switched the smartphone screen back to the desktop. "I'll call you after arriving at Takao Station, so go to sleep first." Facing Shuhei's unexpected proposal, Chihiro replied: "How can I sleep at a time like this?" "yes……" "What's wrong?" An awkward silence fell between the two. "I want to watch the video sent by the game producer again." Shuhei said. "A video of a friend being killed?" Shuhei nodded. It was inevitable that he had to do this. At the beginning, he was too shocked to deal with it calmly, but those images had to be re-watched. He had to hold back the fear in his heart and carefully examine the fact that his friend was shot. of the image. "Understood, I'll just squint a little bit." "thanks." "But you can't just look around." Chihiro covered her chest with her left hand. It's not all because you are not good at wearing this kind of sweater, although Shuhei wanted to say that, but he just responded with an ambiguous smile.After Chihiro closed her eyes, Shuhei began to operate the smartphone, opened the email with the subject "Rule Explanation" from the inbox, and played the video in the attached file. A windowless, ruin-like dirty room. Nakamura Hitoshi, Uchikawa Kotaro, and Ishibashi Taiga were tied to chairs with their mouths gagged. The concrete walls were unpainted. A masked man held a pistol in one hand around the three of them. pacing. Shuhei pressed pause, and stopped the video playback. Hitoshi, Kotaro, and Taiga's clothes were the same as yesterday. From this perspective, the camera should be placed in front. In this case, the three of them should know that they are being filmed.Shuhei stared at the three of them carefully, paying special attention to Kotaro. Since the prisoner recorded the video, he planned to show it to others. Although there are some people with strange hobbies who like to watch the video they recorded, considering the current situation, this video should be used as a The use of the criminal statement, as smart as Kotaro, should find a way to do something.Shuhei continued to play the video, Kotaro seemed to be unable to do anything with his body tied up and his mouth sealed, if he could move freely... This is it! Shuhei rewinds the video to the beginning and plays it again, paying special attention to Kotaro's face. His face is the same as that in the karaoke box. After all, it has not been a day since he was kidnapped, so there will not be much change.Kotaro opened and closed his eyes and blinked non-stop. It may be that there is too much dust in the room and dirty things have run into his eyes, or it may be a code. It must be the Morse code. There is something about Shuhei, but the picture of his face is only for a few seconds, and the message he wants to convey cannot be read. Even if the video is replayed several times, it is too short to be interpreted. The subject of the opened email was "Results of Question C-3", and a video file was also attached.Shuhei adjusted his breathing and opened the video file. The masked man stood behind Nakamura Hitoshi, and put the muzzle of the gun against the back of Hitoshi's head. Hitoshi, who felt the danger, became agitated, but he couldn't move because he was tied to the chair. boom!After the murky gunshot, the spurted blood splashed on the masked man. Hitoshi who was shot is out of the screen. After watching it, Shuhei looked up at the sky. The image was different from what he had imagined. He misunderstood it. There was no decisive scene of Renzhi being shot. Just watching this video, it cannot be concluded that he has been shot. Shuhei re-watched the video. The moment the masked man fired the pistol, the camera did not capture Renzhi but the masked man. Although it looked like Renzhi was shot, it was actually just a film effect.So what about the next Shiqiao Dahe to be shot?Open the email with the subject of "regret... regret", and there is a video file attached. After playing the video, the screen shows the room where the three people were imprisoned. Only Dahe and Kotaro were tied to the chair, and Hitoshi was not seen. , The wall behind was splashed with radial blood.The masked man came out and put the muzzle of the gun to the back of Dahe's head, and he shot without hesitation. Shuhei, who was looking at the video, suddenly felt unable to breathe. When Renzhi was shot, he was not clearly photographed, but the scene of Dahe being shot can be seen on the screen. After the bullet hit Dahe's back of the head, blood spurted out. Dahe fell without moving and died. Even though he was enlightened, this video was really shocking, even so Shuhei rewatched it from the beginning. Shuhei wanted to see the way Kotaro blinked, but he was out of the way. In the picture, only Taiga and the masked man were photographed. Taiga's appearance has not changed from yesterday. The blood radiating on the wall is Hitoshi's blood. Although Shuhei thinks Something is wrong, but it's not clear why. "Hello." Chihiro said on the side, looking at the screen of the smartphone, Shuhei panicked and closed the email, and the screen of the smartphone returned to the tablecloth, showing the time as 10:30. "Isn't the time almost up?" Although Chihiro said so, Shuhei was still clueless. "I mean the timer for the neck ring bomb." "Exactly." The countdown time was shortened due to the penalty for violating the rules. Shuhei looked at the timer on Chihiro's neck bomb. There was one minute and thirty seconds left, and he couldn't stop the countdown. "How much time is left?" Chihiro asked. "One minute." "Is it going to explode?" Chihiro said tremblingly. The tram stops at Mitaka Station.We have only one minute left, 59, 58, 57, 56, 55, 54, 53, 52, 51, 50...
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