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Chapter 41 Chapter Six

crooked laugh novel 东野圭吾 1906Words 2018-03-15
"It's really speechless. I never dreamed that it would develop into such a situation. The audience was unanimous! Mr. Okawabata and others were in a straight line from beginning to end, and there was basically no discussion. I asked repeatedly if there was no second part for consideration. Work? But still failed to reverse the situation. Is the award-winning work so interesting? It seems that you must read it. Bastard! All plans have been disrupted!" Lion took out of the venue, like a professional baseball coach who has lost a battle With a miserable expression on his face, he kept complaining.

The winning work of the 1st Tianchuan Itaro Award, "Skin Breathing of Deep-sea Fish", was written by a writer named Ofan Junichi.It is said that a few years ago, he won a small newcomer award for his work "The Killing Intent of Radiation Line", and has since debuted.Later, he retired two years ago from the city government where he worked and wrote full-time.There are six works including "Skin Breathing of Deep Sea Fish", all of which are published by some small publishing houses.But Qingshan had never heard of any famous book before, and I am afraid that only a few thousand copies were printed, and none of these books were published by Moxie Yingshe.

Xiao Sakai, who was in charge of notifying the awards, said that Dafan Junyi "did not show any special gratitude." "I said 'Congratulations', but the other party just said 'ah, is that so', he didn't seem to be excited at all. Alas, it may be reasonable. After all, our award has just been created, and it is not well-known at all. I’m not excited about winning the award. The judges are the same, so can’t we be a little more interesting? The winners are nearly 60! Our award has just been established, and they just need to work harder when they select.” Xiao Sakai is also the same as Shishitori Don't give up.

The uniform residence is located in Kawaguchi City, Saitama Prefecture.In order to catch up with the press conference at nine o'clock, Aoyama took a chartered car to meet him. The destination was a small and comfortable Japanese-style house, which at first glance was built by city government employees.The word "Da Fan" is written on the house number, it seems that the author used his real name.Aoyama rang the intercom at the entrance. "Hello." A male voice came from the other end. "I'm from Moxibustion Society, I'm here to pick you up." "OK, just a second."

After a while, the entrance door opened, and a short man in his sixties appeared.He was neatly wearing a tie and a suit, and said, "Come in." Aoyama walked in.As soon as I stepped into the house, I could smell a faint scent of incense sticks. "I am Qing Shan from Moxibustion Society, congratulations." Qing Shan took out his business card. "I'm Dafan, thank you very much. I'm sorry to trouble you to come to the humble house." The other party's tone was flat, and there was not much joy on his face. Da Fan also handed over his business card, which didn't have any titles on it.Because I am a professional writer, it is understandable without a title.I don't know how I feel about someone who was a civil servant not long ago now wearing a business card without any title.Aoyama thought to himself.

"Then Mr. Fan, I'll take you to the venue right now." "Uh, that, please wait a moment...Actually, my wife said she would also like to attend, is that okay?" "Your Madam? Well, of course there is no problem." "Really? Then I'll call her." Dafan disappeared into the room. Aoyama casually looked around the room.Stains on the walls and scars on the pillars speak of the age of the house. On the old shoe cabinet, a small trophy is decorated.Seeing the words carved on the pedestal, Aoyama couldn't help being surprised.It says "The First New Century Reasoning Literature Award·The Killing Intent of the Radiation Line·Mr. Dafan Junyi".

The New Century Reasoning Literature Award-now it doesn't exist anymore, it seems that the second or third edition has died down.However, Dafan still regards the trophy he won at that time as a treasure. At this moment, voices came from inside. "Hurry up, and the gentleman from the publishing house is waiting outside." It was Dafan's voice. "However, this is the only one that has to be settled properly and offered to the altar..." A woman replied, presumably Dafan's wife, "After all, your grand dream has finally come true." Aoyama was taken aback.I smelled the incense sticks just now, so I was reporting the news of winning to my ancestors.

Two figures appeared on the sliding door opposite, they should be Dafan and his wife.The two stood side by side. Qing Shan peeked at the situation inside. The two figures suddenly merged into one.Neither of them spoke, but they undoubtedly held each other tightly. Qing Shan retracted his head involuntarily, turned around and walked towards the entrance door. Xiao Sakai misunderstood.When he received the notification, Dafan did not express joy in his voice, but it was definitely not because he was not excited, but because he couldn't express real feelings.It also shows how excited he is.

Not long after, I heard Dafan say "I kept you waiting for a long time".Aoyama turned around. Behind Dafan stood a lady in a kimono, with a beautiful bun and elegant makeup that matched her age. There were tears in her eyes. "Congratulations." Aoyama bowed deeply to the lady. "Thank you." She replied quietly. "Is the only lady with you? Your son..." Da Fan shook his head lightly upon hearing this. "We have no children. Can't have..." "Ah, is it?" Asked an embarrassing question, Aoyama regretted it. "It's been the two of us until now." Dafan glanced at his wife, "The book can't be sold, but it can persist until today, thanks to my wife. When I resigned from the city government two years ago, I also discussed it with my wife. Yes. Tonight proved that the decision was not wrong."

Qing Shan nodded, and said again, "Congratulations." Walking out of the house, Qingshan gave the driver of the chartered car a wink.The driver quickly opened the door, and led his wife and Dafan into the car one by one. Qing Shan sat in the passenger seat and fastened his seat belt.At this moment, he glanced at the back seat. The half-old couple held hands restrainedly. Aoyama looked forward and thought, this matter must also be reported to Shishitori and Xiao Sakai. Whatever their origins and intentions, literary prizes are special to writers.Even if some writers regard winning the award as the highest reward in their life, it is not inconceivable.For them, it is absolutely unforgettable.

I will protect this award well and make it a goal for many writers——Aoyama made an oath in his heart.
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