Home Categories detective reasoning crooked laugh novel

Chapter 16 Chapter two

crooked laugh novel 东野圭吾 2009Words 2018-03-15
The dream moment came much earlier than Atami expected. Two days after meeting Mina Kawahara, the phone rang.After picking it up, a female voice with a slightly nasal voice came from the receiver: "Excuse me, is this Mr. Atami's house?" No way, Atami replied while thinking: "Exactly." "Sorry to disturb your work. I am Kawahara from the Book Publishing Department of Jiyingsha who greeted you a few days ago." The heart suddenly contracted, and the face instantly became hot. "Oh." He tried his best to sound calm and calm, "Thanks for taking care of me last time."

"Thank you very much for taking time out of your busy schedule. Excuse me, is it convenient for you now?" "Well, of course." As soon as the words came out, Atami regretted it too much, the word "of course" was completely superfluous. "It's like this. After discussing with the leader, it was decided that I will be in charge of the binding of this book this time, so I want to meet with the teacher. Although I just took up your precious time a few days ago, I am very sorry..." "Ah, so that's what happened." Although she answered nonchalantly, Atami had already started cheering in her heart.There are such beautiful things!

stop!There was a voice in his heart reminding him to restrain himself.It is too early to rejoice. "That," Atami asked in a calm tone, "is Mr. Sakai also with you?" "This..." Mina's voice was a little low, "Xiao Sakai is busy with a lot of work now, I'm afraid I won't be able to spare time. I originally planned to visit you by myself for the time being, is it still inappropriate?" awesome!This time my heart was completely surging.Atami held the microphone and started dancing. "Ah, is that so? Mr. Sakai is so busy." But he pretended to be calm.

"What do you think? If you want Xiao Sakai to be together, I'll find a way to adjust the time." "No need!" Atami said.The voice raised an octave involuntarily. "If that's the case, it doesn't matter if Mr. Sakai doesn't come. And I don't want to make things difficult for others." "Thank you very much. What time is convenient for you?" "It doesn't matter, any time is convenient for me." In fact, he wanted to say that today is convenient. Mina seemed a little hesitant, and finally proposed two days later.It will take so long, Atami is a little frustrated.But she said again: "It's better to be later?"

"No need, that's all." After deciding on the meeting place and time, Atami hung up the phone and shook his fist vigorously. During the two days of waiting, Atami couldn't calm down at all.Unable to concentrate on his work, he simply went to the street, bought new clothes, and went to a beauty salon for the first time in his life.He used to go to a familiar barber shop for a haircut. On that day, Atami left the door much earlier than the agreed time.When we arrived near the meeting place, there were still thirty minutes before the agreed time.He decided to pass the time at the bookstore, but couldn't concentrate even if he wanted to stand up and read.He checked the time frequently, but he always felt that time passed much slower than usual.

Finally, there were still ten minutes left before the appointed time.Atami stepped out of the bookstore and walked towards the cafe.When he reached the cafe, he stopped again.He confirmed the time again, and there were still two minutes before the agreed time. what should I do?He meditated in his heart.Mina Kawahara might not be here yet.If I arrive first, I will be so nervous.No, she was actually nervous, but she couldn't see it. Just wait a little longer, he thought, and decided to walk around the neighborhood before coming back.Thinking of this, he turned around and happened to see Mina Kawahara coming from the opposite side.

While looking at her watch, she walked quickly to this side.Atami stayed where he was. Mina looked at him inadvertently, her eyes had already moved away, but she quickly turned back, with a surprised expression on her face. "Teacher!" She yelled and ran over, "I'm sorry, I didn't recognize you just now. You look brand new." Mina looked at Atami's hair, then quickly glanced at his clothes, and finally focused on his face . Atami touched his head. "I just want to change my mood, isn't it strange?" "No—yes—" She shook her head vigorously, "Very handsome! It suits you very well."

"Really? That would be great." "But, sir, where are you going? The cafe is over there." "Huh? Ah... I know. I saw you, so I came here to wait for you." "That's it, thank you so much." Mina, who was wearing a navy blue suit, bowed her head deeply in thanks. What a good girl——Atami Keisuke felt his chest heat up. This heat didn't drop at all until after entering the cafe, on the contrary, it rose all the way up. "Sensei's works this time, Xiao Sakai thinks that photos are better than illustrations. But I think the simple design with a little illustrations is also good. What do you think?" Mina frowned slightly and said.This slightly troubled expression is also very cute.

Atami watched the expressions of the people around him, especially the man's reaction.They couldn't have missed Mina.Witnessing her beauty, they will definitely be jealous of the man she is with, which is Atami. What will others think?Atami is wearing casual clothes today, and it is estimated that he will not be regarded as discussing work matters.In this way, it looks like lovers are on a date—— "What do you think?" Mina's question interrupted Atami's wild thoughts, "Is it safer to use photos?" "No, how should I put it." Atami licked his lips, "I don't think we can do something without controversy. Since you said the illustration is good, I also support your opinion. I'll leave it to you!"

Mina's face suddenly brightened. "Can I decide?" "Of course." Atami said, "After all, you are my responsible editor." "Thank you very much." After Mina finished speaking, Atami looked at her face again and was shocked.Tears welled up in her eyes, almost bursting out. "Teacher, I have wanted to be your responsible editor for a long time. When I heard that Xiao Sakai was going to transfer several teachers to me, I prayed in my heart that I could assign Atami-sensei to me. If you didn't assign to me , I even thought about asking for it myself. I will work hard and make it into a good book."

This confession shocked Atami deeply and shook his heart.He desperately resisted the urge to hold Mina tightly in his arms on the spot. The inner shock still did not subside after Atami returned home.Mina's sincere expression was deeply engraved in his mind, and he couldn't get rid of it.And the arrival of an email made Atami's heart flutter even more.When he checked his e-mail, he saw this message from Mina: Atami read this email no less than thirty times before going to bed.
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