Home Categories detective reasoning Child No. 44 A story as cruel as a Russian wolf

Chapter 60 One week later Moscow July 25

Leo and Raisa sit in the director's office at Orphanage 12, not far from the zoo.Leo looked at his wife and said, "Why so long?" "I have no idea." "There must be something wrong." Raisa shook her head: "I don't think so." "The director doesn't like us very much." "In my opinion, it's okay." "But what will he think of us?" "I have no idea." "Do you think he likes us?" "It doesn't matter what he thinks, what matters is what we think." Leo was a little restless, stood up, and said, "He will definitely not agree."

"He'll sign the papers, that's not a problem." Leo sat down again and nodded: "You are right, I am too nervous." "me too." "How do I look?" "You look nice." "It's not too formal, is it?" "Relax, Leo." The door opened.The director came in. It was a man in his forties: "I found them." Leo wasn't sure if it was a way of phrasing it, or if he had actually searched the orphanage.The director stood aside, and beside him stood two little girls—Zoya and Elena—the two daughters of Mikhail Zinoviev.It had been months since they had seen their parents shot in the snow in front of their house.Their bodies have changed dramatically over time.They were thin and their skin had lost its luster.Four-year-old sister Elena had her head shaved, and ten-year-old Zoya had her hair cut short, which must have been to prevent lice.Leo stood up, with Raisa standing next to him, and he turned to the director and said, "Can we be alone for a while?"

The request seemed to displease the Director, but he complied, walked out of the room, and closed the door.Both girls leaned against the door, keeping as far away from them as possible. "Zoya, Elena, my name is Leo. Do you remember me?" They didn't react at all, and the expressions on their faces didn't change at all.Their eyes are alert, as if waiting for danger to occur.Zoya grabbed her sister's hand. "This is my wife Raisa, she is a teacher." "Hello, Zoya, hello, Elena. Why don't you sit down? It's much more comfortable to sit down."

Leo took two chairs and placed them beside the little girl, and though they were unwilling to move away from the door, they sat down, still holding hands, still saying nothing. Leo and Raisa squatted down so that they were below the children's eye level and still at some distance from them.The girl's fingernails were black—clogged with grime—but her hands were perfectly clean.They had apparently washed their hands hastily before meeting.Leo said, "My wife and I want to provide you with a home, our home." "Leo has explained to me why you are here, and I'm sorry if talking about it makes you feel sad, but it's very important to say these things now."

"As much as I tried to stop that man from killing your parents, I couldn't. Maybe you think I'm no different than the officer who committed the horrific crime, but I assure you I'm not." Leo hesitated when he said this, and after a short pause, he regained his composure: "You may feel that living with us is a betrayal of your parents, but I believe that your parents will hope that you can live a happy life. Best life. Orphanage life won't get you anything, and after five months here, I'm sure you know that better than anyone." Raisa continued: "It was a difficult decision, both of you were young. Unfortunately, we live in an age where children have to make decisions like adults. If you stay here, life will be very difficult. It's hard, you can't live an easy life."

"My wife and I want your childhood back, we want to give you the chance to be kids again. We don't want to take your parents' place, no one can take their place. We're just your guardians, we're just taking care of you , feed you, and give you a home." Risa smiled and continued: "We don't expect anything in return. You don't have to love us, you don't even have to like us, although we hope you will love us in the end. You can use us to get out of here." Leo worried that the two girls would refuse, and then said: "If you refuse, we will find another family to accept you. This family will have nothing to do with your past. If it is easier for you to accept, you can Tell us. The thing is, I'm not sure what's going to happen. But we're going to give you a great future. You'll live together and have your own rooms. But you'll always think I'm the one who arrives at your farm, It was the man who arrested your father. Maybe this memory will fade over time, but you guys will never forget it. It will complicate our relationship, but based on my personal experience, I believe it is okay .”

The two girls sat without saying a word, looking from Leo to Raisa.They didn't respond, didn't change their positions, they were still sitting in the chairs holding hands.Raisa said: "Agree or disagree, it's up to you. You can also ask us to help you find another family, it's all up to you." Leo stood up and said, "My wife and I are going out for a walk, the two of you can discuss it alone. You can stay in this room and make any decision you want. You don't need to be afraid." Leo walked past the girl and opened the door.Raisa got up and walked out of the room into the corridor; Leo followed, closing the door.The two of them walked up and down the corridor, more tense than ever.

In the director's office, Zuo Ya hugged her younger sister.
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