Home Categories detective reasoning Level 7

Chapter 2 first quarter

Level 7 宫部美雪 956Words 2018-03-15
Recurring, is the phantom. The sleepiness changes from deep to light, and the dreams also change accordingly, just like a kaleidoscope that changes patterns at will. In the deepest sleep, he melted into a dream.There, he and someone stood hand in hand on the edge of a cliff that was hollowed out by the waves, overlooking the calm sea.The sea breeze gently brushes across the cheeks, and when you lick your lips occasionally, you can even clearly feel the salty sea smell. "Is this the sea?" Looking up, the man standing beside him nodded.The brown hand was big and strong, covering his little hand completely, and the fragrance of summer grass came from his body.

"Yes, this is the sea." the man answered. He clenched the man's hand tightly, with his shoulders next to the thigh wearing thin trousers, and whispered: "It's a bit scary." After that, the conversation continued—the conversation that I couldn't grasp even if I tried to grasp it, like water that would be lost as soon as I stretched out my hand, and disappeared just as I was trying to pursue it. It's kind of scary... Alas, is the sea always so still... Will it come and grab me... The man smiled, and the white mist of cigarettes wafted from between his white teeth.

"The sea won't run to the land... just like... people can't fly to the sky." Feeling the texture of the man's shirt on his cheek, he smiled. Of course I know this kind of common sense. Human beings can't fly into the sky, of course I...of course I... dad. The deep dream was shaken and then disappeared without a trace.dad.Only the lost words that I found with great difficulty still left a little aftertaste, and the sea was swept away like a sketch drawn on thin paper... Chaos is back.Sleepiness turned into thick black shadows and flowed over, and a heavy blank came. After a while, his consciousness had already floated up to the bottom of the wave of sleep, as if there was only a thin blanket covering his face, a shallow sleep.

At this time he was looking down from the outside of the dream, he was overlooking the dream.In the dream, I was standing in front of a door. It was a heavy wooden door with a large handle, and it was cool to hold in my hand.He was supposed to be standing outside the dream, but he felt the coolness in his palm.The handle turns smoothly, the lock is twisted, and the door is about to open. "They must be startled." Someone said so.The eyes that were supposed to look down from the sky suddenly landed beside him in the dream, and turned to look back at the person who was talking to him.But he couldn't see the other person's face, because the dream began to become intermittent at this time.Like a dead Walkman, play, stop, play, stop.In the dreamland where slow motion fades away, only voices can be heard.

"Shh - be quiet." He turned over— "Don't make any footsteps." He stretched out his exposed feet, and covered the blanket that had been ripped aside— "It's not bad to scare them, they will not be angry, because today is..." He's about to leave the dreamland— "Because today is Christmas Eve." Then he heard screams.Light footsteps, heavy and muffled voices, and screams.Like a broken bell while ringing, the screams gradually became louder and hoarse, and the last fragment that trembled and slowly disappeared overlapped with the sound of something falling to the ground and breaking——

click.Just then, he woke up.
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