Home Categories detective reasoning X's suspicion

Chapter 19 end

X's suspicion 尘世牧人 8769Words 2018-03-15
It all comes back to the subject of silver necklaces... Yan Xiaochun nodded, "His heart knot cannot be solved." "Many things in the world are unpredictable." Lin Li glanced at the infatuated Yan Xiaochun, and said meaningfully. "It's too late to say anything now. It's impossible for him to come back to me, and it's impossible for me to accept his love for me as calmly as before." Yan Xiaochun said, "Let everything take its course. Time is like running water. Wash away, including pain, emotion, and bits and pieces of memories." "Actually, when Liu Wei first came into contact with you, he was ordered by his father, because your younger brother told Liu Hongtian that he must take revenge. Maybe Liu Hongtian felt some kind of threat. After all, he owed too much life debt. I want my son to resolve all these injustices for him."

"It's impossible. Liu Hongtian simply doesn't agree with my relationship with his son." "It was their father and son acting, which made you believe in Liu Wei's love." Lin Li said, "Of course, Liu Wei may really have feelings for you later. In Liu Hongtian's view, only after you get married , maybe the hatred between your two families will vanish into nothingness." Yan Xiaochun was so shocked that he couldn't speak for a while. "Everything has disappeared. People always selfishly hope that their tomorrow will be better than others." Lin Li smiled wryly.

The two walked silently side by side on the bridge, and when they reached the door of a tea shop, Lin Li stopped. "Do you want tea?" Yan Xiaochun nodded.The two walked into the tea shop and sat down at the table.Lin Li ordered a pot of rice wine, while Yan Xiaochun only ordered a glass of milk. "Today, Xu Yaling came to say goodbye to me. I have a bad feeling that I may never see her again." "You can keep her and show your heart." "It's useless." "You didn't try to persuade her, how did you know it was useless?" "I..." Lin Li scratched his head in pain, "Our acquaintance was not accidental in the beginning. When I finally developed feelings for her, reality told me that there is no future between us."

"Xu Yaling won't give up on you, she loves you so much." "Even if she is unwilling to give up, she has never regretted the path she chose. She will go on alone forever." "What are you talking about? I can't understand a word." "Soon, you'll understand everything." "Are Xu Yaling's parents interfering in your relationship?" "no." "What is that for?" "Her own reasons." "How could it be? She has always had a crush on you, and she helped you a lot during your handling of the case."

"You don't know Xu Yaling, so of course you would say that." Lin Li sighed deeply, "In the vast crowd, sometimes two people finally get together, but due to various factors they can't get together. It’s one of the great regrets in my life.” The two were chatting, and Lin Li got a little drunk. "Forensic Doctor Lin, stop drinking. I won't be able to send you back later." "Well, I won't get drunk. I actually made an exception today. I never drink alcohol because of my career, but I made an exception today." Lin Li poured out the wine in his glass and muttered to himself.

"Forensic Doctor Lin, what do you think happened to my brother's case?" Yan Xiaochun said, "Who killed him?" "Are you talking about the murderer who murdered your brother?" Lin Li muttered, "I speculate that he may not be dead." "What?" Yan Xiaochun was so surprised that the cup in his hand fell to the ground with a bang and shattered.The waiter hurried over and picked up the pieces. "I'm sorry, I didn't do it on purpose." Yan Xiaochun helped clean up the broken glass and said, "I'll pay for how much."

The sound of the cup falling to the ground awakened Lin Li's consciousness. He got up and said, "I'll blow the cold air outside." After that, he paid the bill and paid for the cup, and went out. Five minutes later, Yan Xiaochun hurriedly followed. "Forensic Lin, is it because you drank too much?" "I'm sober." Lin Li said. "But why do you say my brother is still alive?" "I'm just speculating." "Is there any basis?" "Yes. However, whether your brother is alive or not, we have to wait for him to appear."

"Appear? You think he will appear?" "Yes, if he lives." "But how do you know he's still alive?" "Is your brother losing a little hair?" "Yes. Since the explosion 12 years ago, when I go home every holiday, I find that he will lose a lot of hair when I brush it." "I picked up a few hairs at the explosion site of Liu Hongtian's villa, outside your brother's burned house in Yonghu Town, and your house in Canyon Village. After analysis, the DNA is consistent with yours." "But what does this mean? Can't it be my hair?"

"That's right, you have been to the scene. However, these hairs are all short hairs, not long hairs. This is one. Second, I analyzed the elemental spectrum in the hair and found that there are some abnormalities with ordinary people's hair. .” "What's the matter with the hair?" "From the appearance, there are more reddish browns, which means that there are more copper and cobalt, and sometimes other elements can also affect hair color. You must know that abnormal hair loss is because the growth of hair is affected." "What effect?" "Hair has a cycle of growth and aging. Natural and physiological hair loss occurs every day. The growth of hair requires nutrition, and nutrition is transported by blood. If a person is sick for a long time, weak, lack of blood, and poor nutrition, The hair will be short-lived and fall off due to lack of nutrition and poor growth. In addition, excessive use of the brain, often preoccupied and bored, or when encountering something, the spirit is too tense, which greatly stimulates the brain and sometimes affects To the supply and growth of hair nutrition. All activities of the human body are controlled by the brain. If the brain is stimulated, the body activities will be disordered and cannot function normally, which will inevitably stimulate the body and cause hair loss. "

"My brother's hair loss is due to lack of nutrition?" "No, it's caused by morbid factors. After we analyzed the element spectrum, we found that the arsenic content in these hairs is higher than that of normal people. To put it seriously, it is chronic arsenic poisoning." "What? Arsenic poisoning?" "Yes. It is the result of long-term intake of this element in the body, but it has not reached a fatal amount. Long-term accumulation of arsenic in the body will eventually cause chronic diseases, and hair loss is one of the typical symptoms."

"Is arsenic poisoned by someone else?" "Probably not. After the water in the Canyon Village was polluted, it contained a certain concentration of arsenic. Your brother lived in the Canyon Village for more than 10 years, probably because he drank this kind of water. I wonder if you have noticed that Wu Yujuan's hair is also very It is thin, and the ranger's family probably drank water from the same water source in the Canyon Village." "But, wasn't my brother burned to death in the fire?" "I'm also wondering about this matter. I need to re-examine that case." Lin Li said, "In order to create the illusion that it was your younger brother who was burned, it is possible that the burned bones belonged to your father." "It's impossible, absolutely impossible. My father's body is buried on the top of Wushan Mountain." "If you agree, we can go to Wushanling to dig the grave tomorrow, how about it?" "This..." Yan Xiaochun was stunned. Digging up the graves of ancestors was a treasonous act. If people around her knew it, they would call her unfilial. Seeing the troubled look on Yan Xiaochun's face, Lin Li said, "We can ask someone else to do it for you, and you don't need to do it. If your father's grave is empty, don't you feel more sad?" Seeing what Lin Li said, Yan Xiaochun reluctantly agreed, but she still had a lot of doubts in her heart, even if her brother was going to fake his death, would he do such a rebellious thing? Lin Li saw what she was thinking and said, "I think someone is helping your brother set fire to himself." "What?" Yan Xiaochun was startled, and then asked, "Who could it be?" Lin Li looked at the sky, "Maybe this person is not the one you and I hope for." "What are you talking about? I can't understand a word." "Do you know what major events will be held in Teak these days?" "Completion Ceremony of the Wuhe Bridge." "Maybe that day, all the mysteries will be revealed." The next day, Lin Li and Yan Xiaochun arrived at Yonghu Town by car, and called two villagers from the nearby villages. They went to the top of Wushan Mountain and dug up Yan Zeshi's tomb. It was indeed empty. "How...how could it be like this?" Yan Xiaochun couldn't believe what she saw. Facts have proved that Lin Li's speculation is correct. "But, my brother would never do such a thing." Yan Xiaochun murmured. "If your brother doesn't do it, it doesn't mean that others won't do it." Yan Xiaochun was too surprised to speak. "I think someone helped your brother to fake death. This person got your father's body from the mountain to replace your brother, so that your brother could escape the police's attention during the fake death. The body buried in the soil should be almost rotten. Basically There is not much moisture on it, so it is easy to burn." "If my father's body is still there, can someone poison him with arsenic before he was born based on the bone test?" "Not necessarily." Lin Li explained, "Arsenic is a very special and very effective poison. Depending on the dosage, it can kill people quickly or slowly. Taking a large amount of arsenic suddenly can kill people in a few hours. When this happens, no toxin is found in the hair, nails, or inside the bones of the deceased. However, if the victim survives for 28 to 30 hours after ingesting arsenic, the hair and Tiny amounts of toxins are stored in the bones." "So, it is still difficult to identify whether the deceased was poisoned with arsenic through the bones and hair?" "yes." "But why would my brother do that?" "Has your brother never hinted at you?" "No." "Did he say anything to you?" "No." "Impossible." Lin Li said. "Let me think about it, my mind is in a mess, these things happened so suddenly." Yan Xiaochun recalled hard, "I remembered, finally remembered, I remember that he had an entry in his diary that he had to complete three Wishes, two of them have been fulfilled, but the third wish, I can't figure out what it is." "What is the third wish?" Lin Li analyzed, "It is very likely that your younger brother already knew the secret of the big explosion 12 years ago, and he is determined to take revenge." "Even if you're right, Liu Hongtian was killed, but Lin Xiaoting doesn't have any enmity with our family, how could he bomb Lin Xiaoting?" "Maybe, his original intention was not to blow up Lin Xiaoting, but to blow up other people." "Blow up others?" "Did you forget that Lin Xiaoting is in touch with a mysterious big man?" "Are you trying to blow up that person?" "Yes. The day Lin Xiaoting was bombed happened to be Lin Xiaoting's birthday." "I remembered that the mysterious person was originally going to meet Lin Xiaoting on Lin Xiaoting's birthday." "Yes, the place where they met was in Lin Xiaoting's car." "That person did not appear in Lin Xiaoting's car that day." "Yes. However, Lin Xiaoting's death may pull out people who have a relationship with Lin Xiaoting." "That's right." A loud voice came from behind.The two turned their heads and saw that it was Gu Shuqing who had come. "Who is this person?" Yan Xiaochun asked. Lin Li and Gu Shuqing looked at each other and smiled. "You will see the result soon." Gu Shuqing said to Yan Xiaochun. The Wuyi Square next to the Wuhe Bridge is waving colorful flags and bustling with people.Huge banners and slogans were pierced with hydrogen balloons, floating high in the air like a rainbow. The words "Wuhe Bridge Completion Ceremony" are dazzling. Under the slogan was a temporary rostrum, surrounded by colorful flowers, and a row of welcoming ladies stood on both sides. They were all tall and slender, wearing uniform yellow cheongsams. The banks of the Wuhe River are decorated with lights and festivities, and people are wandering along the banks of the river with beautiful scenery, or strolling in the brightly lit bustling market.In a harmonious atmosphere, patrol cars with flashing lights can be seen passing slowly through the crowd from time to time. It is now 7:40 in the evening, and in 1 hour and 20 minutes, the ribbon-cutting ceremony for the completion ceremony of the Wuhe Bridge will begin.The policemen who participated in the security work were neatly dressed and energetic, and they were fully on alert. They arrived at the designated location 2 hours in advance and conducted a carpet-like inspection of the security site. "Today's completion ceremony, all of you public security personnel seem to be mobilized. Is there any need for you to face such an enemy?" Lin Li said in a mocking tone. "Mayor Xiao is going to attend." Gu Shuqing said, "The leader of our Public Security Bureau attaches great importance to it, and instructed that no accidents should occur. Therefore, we have to be careful." "If my guess is correct, you will see your brother soon." Lin Li turned around and said to Yan Xiaochun. Yan Xiaochun was too surprised to speak.She knew that Lin Li would not joke with her, her younger brother was going to appear tonight, could it be... Yan Xiaochun didn't dare to think about it anymore, she stared at everything around her tightly, although the night was vast and the figures under the lights were not as easy to distinguish as in the daytime, but she stared at all the people who passed by her, her eyes were wide open. big. At around 8:00, the drum band and the student welcome phalanx that participated in the event came to the scene one after another, and the crowd who came to watch the ceremony also came from all directions. The balconies and roofs of the buildings on both sides of the road and opposite buildings were crowded with spectators. At 8:30, the leaders and guests attending the ceremony arrived one after another. Everything seemed relaxed, harmonious and orderly. At 9:00, Mayor Xiao did not appear, and at 9:30, Mayor Xiao still did not appear.The situation was not right, the host and Gu Shuqing who kept the scene safe whispered a few words. Gu Shuqing immediately drove the motorcycle towards the mountains behind.Lin Li realized something, and immediately borrowed a motorcycle, took Yan Xiaochun with him, and followed. On the hillside, everyone saw a Fukang car parked there with the engine still running.Gu Shuqing stood beside the cab and looked in, with a very strange expression. "Who's in there?" "Xu Yaling." Gu Shuqing replied coldly. Everyone was taken aback. When we got closer, we saw an unsightly scene: a naked man and woman lying in the cab. "They are all dead." Gu Shuqing said calmly. "What?" Yan Xiaochun was taken aback. "Look." Gu Shuqing pointed to the bottom of the car and said, "The exhaust pipe leads to the driver's cab. Because the air conditioner was on and the windows were closed, they forgot everything in the excitement. Carbon monoxide quietly killed them." The man is Xiao Ding, the mayor of Xiao who has not appeared on the rostrum for a long time, and the woman is Xu Yaling. Although Lin Li doesn't quite believe the facts in front of him, Xu Yaling's hands are resting on Xiao Ding's bare buttocks. Her hands clutched the silver necklace with the X-shaped pendant.This silver necklace, which was once used by Xiao Ding and Liu Hongtian to murder Yan Zeshi and seize mineral rights, claimed 5 lives. Ironically, after going around in a circle, it returned to Xiao Ding's body, quietly hangs on his bare neck. "Ah?" Yan Xiaochun, who approached, yelled and hid his face at the same time. It was the first time she saw such an embarrassing scene. "For Xu Yaling, this is her last masterpiece." Lin Li said, and glanced into the cab. Xu Yaling's arm had an obvious symbol X tattooed on it. He understood that Xu Yaling was that mysterious netizen X.Lin Li was shocked. It turned out that since then, she has been preparing a well-planned revenge plan, and this revenge plan will not hesitate to sacrifice her own life if necessary. Lin Li put on plastic gloves, gently took off the silver necklace from Xiao Ding's neck, and twisted the lower port of the X-shaped pendant lightly, and a hole appeared. "If I'm not mistaken, traces of arsenic compounds are coated on the inner wall here. Chen Caiwang only needs to unscrew the port and dip in the drink for a while, and the deadly arsenic compounds will enter the cup. It was completed instantly when he paid attention. Xu Xiaobao probably saw this action for some reason and did not drink in time, which allowed him to escape the catastrophe at that time, but it also made him embark on the road of escape." After a while, the police found a male body on the other side of the hillside. Yan Xiaochun confirmed that it was her brother Yan Xiaodong. "How could all of this be related to Xiao Ding?" A few days later, Yan Xiaochun asked Lin Li, "From Xiao Ding's identity, how could he make friends with someone like Liu Hongtian?" "You are wrong. Liu Hongtian is a person with a flexible mind and an extremely strong desire to get rich. Although the status and status of the two people are very different, their goals in life are similar. Liu Hongtian wants to get rich, and Xiao Ding wants to climb to a higher position. Xiao Ding is not satisfied Yu Xiao made some money by playing tricks, so he came up with the idea of ​​assisting Liu Hongtian in opening a mine. Of course, the reason why he believed that Liu Hongtian could get rich was because he knew that Liu Hongtian could get the mineral distribution map from your father. In addition, Liu Hongtian is The extremely cunning person used Xiao Ding's lust and spent a lot of money to get close to Lin Xiaoting. After gaining Lin Xiaoting's trust, he introduced Lin Xiaoting, who was greedy for wealth and wealth, to Xiao Ding. Lin Xiaoting was happy to have someone to rely on, so naturally she was very grateful to Liu Hongtian. In order to repay Liu Hongtian and Lin Xiaoting tried their best to help Liu Hongtian in front of Xiao Ding. Liu Hongtian failed to open the mine for the first time and the second time, but the third time he was able to successfully seize your father’s mines had a lot to do with Lin Xiaoting’s secret support. The distribution map of Wushan coal mines in your father's hands, Liu Hongtian ordered Chen Caiwang to poison your father, and then carefully planned an explosion accident, which cost the lives of other people. Of course, this matter is inseparable from Xiao Ding's support behind the scenes Relationship, you think, it is difficult to find out the bombing case 12 years ago. Many people think that an accident really happened in the lane because they don't know the inside story." "Since Xiao Ding is such a person, why didn't the people above arrest him?" "It's just not discovered." Lin Li said, "Actually, your younger brother may have received instructions from your father to beware of Liu Hongtian. After the big explosion, your younger brother found out that Liu Hongtian and Xiao Ding had a good relationship. Your younger brother may have some evidence that Liu Hongtian killed your father. While he is helping you to study, he is delving into criminal methods. When you graduate from university and your job is stable, he thinks the time for revenge is ripe. He learned that you and When Liu Hongtian's son dated, he and Xu Yaling designed a chemical timing automatic ignition device and came up with a way to fake self-immolation. On the one hand, it prevented you from interacting with Liu Wei, and on the other hand, the police thought he was dead and would not pay attention to him, making him The revenge plan can be successfully completed." "But why didn't he tell me about my father's case, such an important matter?" "Your brother loves you very much. He doesn't want to drag you into the vortex of revenge, and he may think that once you know, maybe you will stop him from revenge." "My brother is out for revenge, but what is Xu Yaling doing?" "She's not Xu Yaling." "What?" Yan Xiaochun was taken aback. "The real Xu Yaling went abroad." "Who is she?" "Her real name is Xu Lizhu, and she is a female student funded by Teacher Shen." "how do you know?" "Gu Shuqing secretly investigated this matter. After graduation, this female college student went to a hotel as a receptionist before looking for a job, and was chosen by Liu Hongtian to accompany Mayor Xiao. After that reception, this female college student seemed to be Disappeared, and actually became the golden bird in Xiao Ding's villa." "What is the purpose of her going to Yonghu Town over and over again?" "Like you, find out the truth about the bombing of course." "what?" "Xu Xiaobao is her elder brother. Because he picked up the silver necklace that Chen Caiwang had poisoned, his existence became a concern for Liu Hongtian and Xiao Ding. Either get the silver necklace or get rid of Xu Xiaobao. Shen Mei He met Yan Xiaodong, and he probably also met Xu Xiaobao later, so Xiao Ding used his power to design a car accident and easily killed the two of them. However, the silver necklace was not found. They never dreamed that the silver necklace would pass Lin Xiaoting's hand returned to Xu Lizhu's. Xu Lizhu was worried that if they got the silver necklace, their criminal evidence would probably be lost forever." "But why did Xu Xiaobao compete with Shen Mei for the steering wheel?" "I think the person who got into Shen Mei's car in Yonghu Town was not Xu Xiaobao. After this person got into Shen Mei's car, he drove Shen Mei's car away by force, and the two had a fierce battle. It is very likely that this person He just wanted to attract the attention of the police, and he got out of the car when he achieved his goal. Xu Xiaobao's appearance in Shen Mei's car must have been deliberately designed by someone." "I still don't quite get it." "It is estimated that someone deliberately injured Xu Xiaobao and put it in Shen Mei's car. Gu Shuqing investigated it. When Xu Xiaobao was hospitalized, Liu Hongtian went to the hospital to see Xu Xiaobao. There are so few clues about this matter that Shen Mei died. There is no way to know. In short, it was not a simple car accident." "Are all these cases jointly created by Xu Lizhu and my brother?" "That's right." "Why did Xu Lizhu do this?" "Well, because of Xu Xiaobao's incident, her mother cried and went blind, so Xu Lizhu concentrated all her hatred on Xiao Ding, so she kept looking for opportunities to attack Xiao Ding. She and your brother knew each other when they were in junior high school. After your brother also wanted revenge, she joined forces with your brother to plan this series of events, with the ultimate goal of killing Xiao Ding and Liu Hongtian. It can be said that their goal has been achieved." Just as Lin Li was talking, Gu Shuqing came in. "After Xu Xiaobao's death, Xu Lizhu's hatred reached the extreme. She learned from her brother that the bombing 12 years ago was a man-made accident, and that Shen Mei left her diary to Xu Xiaobao before she died, and Xu Lizhu found out that Shen Mei's death was related to Shen Mei investigated the bombing case 12 years ago, and Xiao Ding's shadow was hidden behind everything that happened. When she learned that Yan Xiaodong had some secrets and wanted revenge, she chose to join forces with Yan Xiaodong for revenge." "But, how do you know that Xu Lizhu is pretending to be Xu Yaling?" Yan Xiaochun asked. "From the very beginning, Lin Li suspected Xu Yaling's identity. Not only because she was enthusiastic and actively involved in these cases, but also because of many coincidences that appeared on the scene in time, such as Lin Xiaoting's accident. She also specially asked Lin Li to run into Huang Liqian in the park , to lure Lin Li to learn more about the case. She intentionally created an opportunity to get close to Lin Li for two purposes: first, she really wanted to know how Shen Mei’s car accident happened and who owned the black and white skull; Let the police pay attention to their revenge. Lin Li and I didn't see through her clever deception at first, so we didn't make much progress on the case. She dug out the black and white skulls from the grave near the death cave and put them in the hole in Zongshupo Then she created an incident where the vehicle fell into the pond, and then she fell into the hole smoothly and accidentally, which naturally involved Lin Li in the black and white skull case. At the same time, she also created a pair of black and white skull earrings, engraved with your Parents' birthdays. In this way, when you wear the earrings, it will definitely arouse the curiosity and association of others. The purpose of her doing this is to draw everyone's attention to their secret actions." Gu Shuqing replied. "How did Xu Yaling know about the skull? She didn't kill the man." Yan Xiaochun asked suspiciously. "The skull was discovered by Yan Xiaodong. He felt that there was something wrong with your father's death, so he decided to investigate secretly. He lived there alone, and it had nothing to do with whether he liked Liu Wei or not. Before the explosion, your father and Liu Hongtian went to the ghost ditch Therefore, he must often go to the ghost ditch to investigate. The discovery of the skull may be accidental, which is inconceivable to him, but he can neither find out who did it, nor call the police, so he reports the matter I told Xu Lizhu. In order to draw Lin Li into it, Xu Lizhu came up with a fake car crash. In order to get revenge, the two of them were in the open and the other in the dark. They cooperated seamlessly. Their first goal was to take Go to the silver necklace and kill Lin Xiaoting, because she did a lot of bad things, but in the end she killed Zhu Yingmei, which was unexpected. The purpose of them getting the silver necklace is to identify whether there was arsenic in the silver necklace I think, Xu Yaling knows so much chemistry knowledge, she must have tried to verify it. Their second target is Liu Hongtian. Xu Yaling put Yan Xiaodong in a package and sent someone to Liu Hongtian's villa, and chose such a place, It was also after their many considerations, because Liu Hongtian would come to the villa at that time every year. Xu Lizhu originally wanted to use the same method to get rid of Xiao Ding, but on Lin Xiaoting's birthday, Xiao Ding did not come to teak for fear of causing unnecessary trouble. As a result, her plan did not come true. In the end, she put Xiao Ding to death with the idea of ​​perishing together." "My brother, he..." "He was afraid of hurting your future life, so he finally took extreme actions and made a clean end." "Xu Lizhu shouldn't use such extreme means to take revenge." "Maybe if I tried my best to stop it, this kind of thing wouldn't have happened." Lin Li looked at Yan Xiaochun in pain and said, "Although I doubted her identity, I never found out the reason. When the truth came out, it was already too late.” For Xu Lizhu, if she can really get a true love, maybe she can save her before she makes the later mistakes.If he could use love to save her life, maybe he would be willing to do so, because she was originally a pure and kind girl, and she should have had a beautiful life.Lin Li thought. "When did you start to suspect her?" "To be honest, from when Gu Shuqing wanted to introduce her to me, until she met me on the road by coincidence, I felt a little strange. I think that when she carried out these plans, she might want to find A forensic doctor with a sense of justice participated in the detection of these cases. It can be said that she lured me step by step to the center of the vortex of this series of cases, and she planned it carefully." "Then what is her purpose in doing this?" "Obviously, let the outside world know the truth. She is very clear about what kind of force she is fighting against. She approached Xiao Ding after graduating from college to lay the foundation for her revenge. After that, she used Mayor Xiao to fuck his daughter. Knowing Gu Shuqing by identity, it can be said that Gu Shuqing was also deceived by her." "I didn't educate my younger brother well. My younger brother has come to this point because I only cared about myself, but ignored the things hidden in his heart. If you didn't find out in time, more people would become wronged souls. " "This is beyond your ability. Originally, the purpose of bombing Lin Xiaoting was to bomb Xiao Ding. As a result, your brother and Xu Lizhu miscalculated, which led to the current situation. At the beginning, your brother was also trying not to hurt Innocent thoughts, but after a long time, he was worried that his plan would be exposed and his revenge plan would not be realized, and the police were very strict in investigating this aspect, so he couldn't control so much." Lin Li asked with concern, "Liu Is there any news about Wei now?" "He has become a monk. He said that he has given up all his heart and decided to convert to Buddhism, and he will never come back." Yan Xiaochun lowered his head and said with red eyes, "I don't have any relatives around me now, and the only person I can rely on is also lost. .” "No, you still have me." Lin Li summoned up his courage and said, "Actually, I fell in love with you quietly a long time ago, and it was only because you had a boyfriend that I suppressed this thought." "I'm not worthy of your love." "No." Lin Li held Yan Xiaochun's hands, "After the cold winter, spring will come. Life is beautiful, and everyone we live should cherish it, so that every time in life can be fulfilled and fulfilled." Very happy. You should throw away your sorrow and pain and welcome a better tomorrow. This is not only for yourself, but also for those who care about you and love you. Yearning for a better and happy life is everyone’s pursuit of thought.” Yan Xiaochun lowered her head, a blush appeared on her face, making her look extraordinarily charming.
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