Home Categories detective reasoning X's suspicion

Chapter 13 Chapter Thirteen

X's suspicion 尘世牧人 9120Words 2018-03-15
Yan Xiaochun was kidnapped by masked men on the way to Yonghu Town.The reason is that someone asked them to drop the investigation of the bombing that happened 12 years ago. Time passed by minute by minute, 1 hour, 2 hours, 3 hours, a day passed, and there was still no movement outside the cave entrance.Yan Xiaochun felt the fear of death in this hole where he couldn't see his fingers.But when she thought of her dead parents and younger brother, her desire to live overcame her fear, and she kept saying to herself: "I will definitely be able to escape, I will not die here, death is not my choice, someone must be trying Save me, no matter what method I use, I will be able to escape."

The next day, Yan Xiaochun had lost confidence in waiting for foreign aid, and she began to figure out how to get out.She pretended to the kidnapper that she was sick and her heart hurt.She believes that if the kidnappers think she is ill and will get worse if she is not treated soon, this will force them to make the option of negotiating as soon as possible.It can be seen that the purpose of kidnapping her was to prevent Lin Li from continuing to investigate the case in Yonghu Town, so they might not easily hurt her. On the third day, the kidnappers lost their patience and wanted to move her to another place. They dragged her out of the burrow, walked a long distance, and finally came to the side of the road at Zongshupo.It was dark at that time, and she vaguely saw a car parked on the side of the road.So, she intentionally let her foot slip and rolled out. Just at this moment, she heard a familiar voice: "Xiaochun."

There was a burst of excitement in her heart, and she could hear Liu Wei's voice, and she knew it was Liu Wei who had come to save her.Liu Wei carried her into the car, and then drove the off-road vehicle quickly away from Zongshupo. "I'm going to Yonghu Town." Thinking that Lin Li and the others might be in danger, Yan Xiaochun said regardless of the pain in his body. "No, I'll take you to the hospital, you're injured!" "No, I'm going to Yonghu Town!" Yan Xiaochun shouted. Liu Wei had no choice but to turn the car around and quickly drove to Yonghu North Bus Station. Then he stopped, untied the rope from Yan Xiaochun's hands, and removed the cloth covering her eyes.Because she had been waiting in the dark cave for a long time, she suddenly went outside, and the light dazzled her for a while. It took Yan Xiaochun a while to adapt to the sunlight outside.When she finally saw Liu Wei sitting in the cab of the car, she hugged him and cried bitterly.

Some strands of hair were stuck to the two loops of adhesive tape hanging on Yan Xiaochun's neck. The lower part of his face and his lips were all white, leaving an obvious trace of adhesive tape in a horizontal circle.Yan Xiaochun was trembling all over, and his voice was trembling, because the temperature in the cave was very low, he caught a cold at night, and his body was running a fever. "It doesn't matter, I'll take you to the hospital." Liu Wei said. "Call the police first and catch them." "Do you know them?" "I don't know." Yan Xiaochun shook his head, "They covered their faces."

Liu Wei didn't say anything, and took Yan Xiaochun to report the case to the Yonghu Town Police Station.After making a good record, the police said, "It is very difficult to solve a case like yours, because the other party did not blackmail you." "But they committed the crime of kidnapping and locked me in the cave for two days and one night, restricting my personal freedom." "We know, but you can't tell who they are, and you can't even tell their facial features. It's very difficult for us to find criminals just based on their height and voice." The director said awkwardly, "Of course, you said we Will keep an eye out."

Yan Xiaochun was very disappointed. "How did you know something happened to me?" Yan Xiaochun asked Liu Wei after coming out of the police station. "The taxi driver called the police, saying that a female passenger was kidnapped near Zongshupo. After I got the news, I hurried to Zongshupo." Liu Wei asked, "Why did they kidnap you?" "I don't know." Yan Xiaochun didn't want to say what the kidnappers said. Regarding the whereabouts of Lin Li and Xu Yaling, she thought that the less people knew, the better. "Why did you come to Yonghu Town?"

"I've come to do something very important." "Why didn't you tell me? I can send you here." Liu Wei said. "This has something to do with my father and younger brother. I don't want more people to know about it." Yan Xiaochun lied. "Don't want more people to know? Including me?" "yes." "Don't you trust me?" "no." "What is that for?" "Hmm..." Yan Xiaochun felt very conflicted in his heart, should he tell Liu Wei the truth. "Why have you been so secretive lately? You have never been like this in the past three years. Before, you would tell me what you really wanted to say, and you would ask me to help you solve any difficulties."

"But you can't solve it this time." "why?" "Liu Wei." Yan Xiaochun is determined to tell Liu Wei the truth. Although he doesn't want to get his support, he wants to get his understanding. Otherwise, his suspicion will grow. Moreover, if she finds out that his father has evidence of committing the crime , the relationship between them must be repositioned.Thinking of this, Yan Xiaochun said: "Well, let me tell you, I suspect that my father's death was carefully planned by someone who wanted to put him to death. I want to find out who was behind the bombing that was planned 12 years ago."

"What nonsense are you talking about? This matter has been investigated by the Teak City Public Security Bureau. It was an accident. What is going on in your mind?" "I'm not thinking about it. Lin Li has obtained evidence that my father was poisoned instead of being bombed." "You mean, your father was poisoned before the explosion?" "That's right. The explosion is an illusion to confuse outsiders. The purpose is to destroy the corpses and wipe out the traces, so as to cover up their heinous crimes." "In that case, why don't you let me help you?"

"I said, you can't help." "why?" "Because your father is the biggest suspect." After Yan Xiaochun finished speaking, she remembered what Liu Hongtian said, but she firmly believed that all this was a conspiracy planned by Liu Hongtian. It really blew up the coal kiln, and it also involved 5 lives. "What?" Liu Wei seemed to have been struck by lightning, and almost fell down. "This is impossible. Your father and my father used to be good friends. How could good friends do such a murderous thing?" "The relationship between my father and your father is a relationship of mutual use, not a relationship of good friends in the true sense as you said. I learned about all this through the village chief of Chaoyang Village. Moreover, I After your father dies, your father will have the opportunity to monopolize all the equity in the coal mine."

"You are talking nonsense. My father is definitely not that kind of person. Although he once opposed you marrying me, it does not mean that he has a bad heart. He opened a mine and indeed had a dream of getting rich, but this is not true for everyone in the world. Is it a common goal? Who doesn’t want to live a better life than others? Who doesn’t want to stand out? How could he kill your father? The coal was not dug out at the time, no one knew whether there was coal in it, and so many died What good is a man to him? He has a share in the mine, and he also faces compensation for the dead. Unless he has the foresight, the mine will bring him unexpected wealth." "I can't answer your question right now. In short, I hope you don't stop me from investigating this matter. If you can really prove your father's innocence, wouldn't that be just right?" After finishing speaking, Yan Xiaochun was about to leave. Liu Wei grabbed Yan Xiaochun's hand, "Where are you going?" "I won't tell you." "No, it's too dangerous, you can't just go your own way." "I don't want you to interfere with my actions. Of course, I will treat them differently. You are you, and your father is your father. I will not equate you with your father. After all, you are fundamentally different." "I don't believe my father would do such a thing." "Believe it or not, I'm not giving up on this investigation." "I think Lin Li must have taken a fancy to you. You are infatuated with him, so you believe everything he says." "Please speak with respect." "Am I wrong? Just by the way he looks at you, I know he has bad intentions for you." "What are you talking about? I don't allow you to doubt Lin Fayi's personality casually." Yan Xiaochun said angrily, and then left without looking back. It took a long time before Lin Li felt his feet hit the ground. He took out a small flashlight from his body and opened it, only to find that he was standing in a tunnel.Although it was full of gravel and mud, traces of railroad tracks laid side by side could still be seen. Lin Li immediately realized that he had entered an old coal mine tunnel.The traces of the railroad track extend from the black-painted cave to the grass outside the cave entrance.After walking 20 meters into the cave, the railroad track disappeared. Lin Li looked up and saw that the collapsed soil above the mine had blocked his way. Is this the mine that exploded 12 years ago?Lin Li muttered in his heart. If so, Lin Li thought, assuming that someone ignited the pre-placed explosives in the tunnel 12 years ago, and then quietly climbed up the death cave through the mysterious straight well under the feldspar of the death cave from this tunnel, and then went out from the ghost ditch, who would It is also unexpected that he has done earth-shattering bad things here. Lin Li went outside, and there was a large concrete tomb about 10 meters away from the entrance of the cave, with the names of three people engraved on the tombstone.Lin Li immediately understood that the three mine victims who died in the explosion 12 years ago were buried here. Lin Li quickly ran back to the tunnel under the feldspar in the death cave, shook the rope three times, and notified Xu Yaling.This was the signal they had agreed upon in advance, implying that Lin Li had found a safe exit from another place.Seeing that the other party didn't respond, Lin Li tried to make a phone call and told Xu Yaling to go out from the cave where she came in and go back to the city by herself.This was done to avoid arousing suspicion from others. If the two of them went out of the abandoned coal mine at the same time and were bumped into by someone, it would be embarrassing, and it would be impossible to explain to others what the two of them were doing in such a place. It was raining heavily outside, the sky was approaching dusk, and the mountains in the distance were blurred, overlapping with the sky.If it weren't for the chirping of birds returning to their nests, Lin Li's heart would be jumping in fear. Unexpectedly, just as Lin Li came out of the cave and was about to go down, he saw two people coming up. Not good!Lin Li quickly retreated into the alleyway, trying to climb out from the direction of the death hole, but found that Xu Yaling had already put away the rope. What should I do, should I call and ask her to let the rope down again for him to climb up?No, it was too late, the two people outside seemed to have heard the noise in the alley, and they had already walked over, standing by the entrance of the cave with flashlights and shooting in all directions. "It's over." Someone must have gotten wind that he was investigating the bombing case 12 years ago and wanted to stop him.no!Can't let them know he's here.Lin Li lay in a low-lying place, not daring to make a sound. Just in front of him was a big stone that fell from the roadway. "We searched Yonghu Town for a long time, but we didn't find any trace of them. Where did they go? You said they would come to this place, but we didn't even see half of them." One of them said. "Let's go in and search," said another. "Forget it, it's getting dark. There is only one way down the mountain. Even if they are inside, as long as we stand guard at the entrance of the store at the foot of the village in Chaoyang Village, I believe they will not be able to fly out of our sight with their wings. If we If you stay there for a day or two and don't see any trace of them, it won't be too late to go up and search the cave." It seems that what he did made the matter worse, and even dragged Xu Yaling into the water. I don't know if Xu Yaling left the Phantom Ditch safely.Lin Li thought. After a while, the two left the cave and went down the mountain. what to do?Lin Li quickly thought about this problem. If he went back along the original route, he would definitely need Xu Yaling's help, but this would cause Xu Yaling to be troubled. After the sound of footsteps outside the cave disappeared, everything gradually returned to calm.Lin Li carefully poked his head out of the cave, and looked around in the dim light of night. After making sure that there was no one there, he cautiously went out of the cave. Lin Li carefully inspected the surrounding terrain, and found that it was a flat land leveled out from the middle of the mountain. There was an abandoned house on the flat land. On the left side of the house was a deep and large pit, which was full of dogtail grass.The traces of the railroad tracks extending from the cave extend to the edge of the big pit.Presumably this pit was used as a coal bunker in the past.Lin Li thought.Since it is a coal bunker, there must be a road built nearby. However, Lin Li was soon disappointed.There is no other way around the coal bunker except for a small road leading down the mountain.Those two people were right, there was only one road leading down the mountain, and unless they desperately jumped from under the coal bunker, there was really no way to leave this place. Under the darkness of the night, Lin Li recognized that there was a trough opening downwards under the coal bunker, and below the trough was a cliff tens of meters high.What is under the cliff?Lin Li thought for a while, the coal in the coal bunker must flow down through the slot, so there must be a coal flat below, and the road can only be connected to the coal flat. As the night fell, the scenery below could not be seen very clearly. If you turned on the flashlight to look at it, it might alarm the two people who had just descended the mountain. Get some sleep before trying to leave this place.After a busy day, Lin Li felt physically and mentally exhausted and needed to recover. Lin Li walked towards the hut, and boldly opened the door.The room was pitch black, and a damp, musty smell wafted across the face.At this time, a car passed by down the hill, and the projected headlights shone on the windows on the rear wall, but the windows were nailed with rows of wooden boards, blocking the light from the outside.Lin Li opened the wooden boards on the window, and the light diffused into the cabin.He saw clearly that there was a crumbling wooden bed in the room. To say it was a bed was a bit of an exaggeration, because the bed board was made up of several wooden boards that were about to decay, and the bottom was supported by four rows of red bricks.There are also a small amount of broken coals and a few pieces of unused dry firewood for the winter fire in the corner of the house. Judging from the dust that had collected on the door, the hut had not been lived in for a long time.There was a window in front, and the wood was bitten by mice. With a little force, the wooden frame of the window broke into several pieces.Lin Li was overjoyed, feeling that he had found a good place to live temporarily. However, as soon as he sat down, the words of those two people rang in his ears again.Can I sleep here for the night?What will happen tomorrow?He can't imagine.In any case, it is necessary to leave this mountain under the cover of night. After a tiring day, Lin Li decided to sleep for an hour or two. Lin Li climbed onto the bed, but unexpectedly, the board couldn't bear his weight, and with a crash, his body fell to the floor.He simply laid the plank on the ground and lay down on it.However, no matter how hard he turned around, he still couldn't fall asleep. The exhaustion and sleepiness didn't make him forget to think about what to do when he woke up. Just thinking about it, there was a sudden crackling sound outside the house, and then there was no sound.The hairs on Lin Li's body instantly stood on end. What is the noise? Lin Li felt scared for the first time, it would be great if Gu Shuqing was by his side.He suddenly remembered Gu Shuqing's words. Gu Shuqing said that he had a friend named Wang Fujing in Yonghu Town and gave him a mobile phone number, but he said not to use Wang Fujing unless it was absolutely necessary. Do you want to dial this number?Lin Li was very hesitant.However, he did not dial this number in the end, mainly because he was worried that more people would be involved, which would cause new obstacles to his further investigation. Lin Li stared at the window tightly, her heart beating wildly.It was dark all around, and it was raining lightly. Creak creak, there was a creepy sound outside the house. Lin Li quietly held her breath, looking in horror at the place where the noise came from.However, he couldn't see anything. Creak creak, the sound was getting closer and closer to him. What is this sound?Is the snake crawling?When the voice was about to approach him, Lin Li finally couldn't bear this torture, jumped out of the window, and ran as fast as he could, regardless of whether there was a road or a mountain ahead, he just wanted to leave this terrifying place as quickly as possible.Due to the darkness, Lin Li couldn't see the road clearly, so after running less than ten meters, he stepped on the cliff by the side of the road and fell down the cliff. About 10 minutes later, Lin Li woke up and the rain had stopped.Fortunately, Lin Li landed on the grass below the mountain and was not fatally injured. The day's running and fleeing made Lin Li extremely sleepy, but he didn't dare to feel sleepy at this moment. In the darkness that was overwhelming his face, it seemed that someone would appear in front of him at any moment.Lin Liqiang pulled himself together and struggled to get up from the grass, but there were thorn bushes everywhere, and there was no way at all.After wandering around in the undergrowth for a while, Lin Li felt that this was not the way to go. After looking around, he decided to go in one direction. After walking for an hour, fatigue hit his body, Lin Li couldn't bear it anymore, fell asleep on the grass. At dawn, Lin Li opened his eyes and found that he was at the bottom of a valley.There is an exit at the mouth of the valley in the distance, leading to the village below the mountain.At this time, the birds chirped and cheered on the branches, bringing a lot of life to the forest.A fish-belly dawn appeared in the east, and the sky that met the mountain peaks shone with a dazzling red light. After leaving Taniguchi, Lin Li felt familiar when he saw the village.He remembered that he had been here in order to inquire about the Death Cave.By the way, this is Chaoyang Village. He, Xu Yaling and Yan Xiaochun came here to look for Village Chief Yan Kaishun. Few people in Chaoyang Village knew him.Taking advantage of the fact that there were not many people getting up early, Lin Li quietly went down the mountain.He wanted to call Xu Yaling, but found that the mobile phone in his trousers pocket was missing, probably lost when he fell off the cliff.It is definitely not realistic to go back to find the phone, he has to leave this place as soon as possible.The situation has changed, it is impossible for him to go to the station in Yonghu Town to take a bus back to Teak, and it is not the best policy to contact Xu Yaling to pick him up by car. After thinking about it, Lin Li felt that Village Chief Kaishun, Chaoyang Zhuangyan, was a more trustworthy person. He had to find Village Chief Yan immediately, and ask Village Chief Yan to find a way to send him away from this place.Arriving at the entrance of Chaoyangzhuang village, and bypassing the front of the store, Lin Li quietly walked to the door of Yan Kaishun's house, and politely knocked on the door three times. As soon as the village chief opened the door, Lin Li jumped in. Yan Kaishun was taken aback by Lin Li's actions, and was even more surprised when he looked at it again. He saw that Lin Li was covered in filth, with leaves, mud, and coal dust all over him. "What's the matter with you?" Yan Kaishun asked. "I was followed and my phone was dropped." Lin Li said, "Can I hide here for a while?" "What did you do?" Hearing this, Lin Li couldn't help but explain, "I didn't do anything wrong. Because I wanted to investigate the bombing case 12 years ago, someone wanted to stop me and secretly sent people to follow me." "Well, since you're here for this, I'll do my best to help you. But how can I help you?" "Can I borrow your cell phone to make a call?" Yan Kaishun handed him the mobile phone in his hand. He called Yan Xiaochun, but he only remembered Yan Xiaochun's contact number but forgot Xu Yaling's.Soon he dialed Yan Xiaochun's cell phone. "I'm Lin Li." Lin Li said. Just as Lin Li reported his name, Yan Xiaochun asked, "Where are you? I need to find you." "What? You need me for something?" Lin Li was taken aback. "Let's talk when we meet. Where are you now?" "Chaoyang Majestic Village Chief's House." "Okay, I'll be there right away." "Where are you?" Lin Li asked back. "Yonghu Hotel. I was with Xu Yaling last night. She said that you went out from the other exit of the death cave. I couldn't get in touch with you later. She was worried that something would happen to you. Last night, I drove around Wushanling Coal. I ran around the district and searched for you for 3 hours in a row, but I didn't find you, and I didn't sleep well all night after I came back." Hearing the news of Xu Yaling's safety, Lin Li was relieved. "Has Xu Yaling gone back?" "No. I wanted to continue looking for your whereabouts this morning, but she heard that Liu Hongtian came to Yonghu Town today, so she went to interview Liu Hongtian early in the morning. She said this is a good opportunity to meet Liu Hongtian, and she wants me to wait here Tell her about you as soon as you have news. She cares about you." "That's it. Please go to Chaoyang Zhuangyan Village Chief's house as soon as possible. I'll wait for you here." After finishing speaking, Lin Li hung up the phone. Half an hour later, Yan Xiaochun came to Chaoyang's solemn Kaishun's home. Seeing Village Chief Yan, Yan Xiaochun asked straight to the point: "Cunnel Chief Yan, before the big explosion 12 years ago, did my father ever quarrel with an engineer named Xu Xiaobao in his mine?" "Yes, my face was red from arguing. If it wasn't for Xu Xiaobao's face that Liu Hongtian invited him, your father would definitely fire him." "why?" "Your father suspects that he intentionally guides the miners to dig the roadway away from the coal seam, so that everyone has not dug the coal seam. According to your father, the coal seam can be seen in one month at the earliest, and two months at the latest. However, mining The project has been going on for 3 months, but there is no movement. Therefore, your father is very dissatisfied with the engineer Liu Hongtian hired, and when he was considering whether to replace the engineer, something happened to your father's coal mine." Yan Xiaochun's face suddenly turned pale.Liu Hongtian was right!What happened next?Did Xu Xiaobao really take revenge on his father? "What happened to you?" "nothing." Yan Xiaochun wiped the cold sweat from her head with a tissue. Although she didn't believe Liu Hongtian's words, she couldn't help but believe the words of the village chief Yan Kaishun.However, she didn't want to tell what Liu Hongtian said to her before the truth of the matter was found out. Lin Li observed the change in Yan Xiaochun's expression, but what he needs to do now is not to understand Yan Xiaochun's psychological activities at this time, but how to get out of the current situation safely. "Why did you come to Yonghu Town?" Lin Li asked Yan Xiaochun. "I'm here to find you." "Looking for me?" Lin Li was taken aback. Yan Xiaochun recounted her experiences one by one, "The people who tied me up in the cave wanted to find out your whereabouts, and they didn't know how they would deal with you in the future. It seems that someone really wanted to stop you from investigating what happened 12 years ago. bombing case." Lin Li nodded, "Yes. But if you come to me, it will also attract their attention, so you have to be careful." "I know." Yan Xiaochun said, "By the way, where is your cell phone?" "I lost it." Lin Li said, "You can find a way to take me out of Yonghu Town." "En." Yan Xiaochun thought for a while, then raised his brows, "There is a way." She asked Lin Li to wear the village chief's daughter's brown wig, dug out two pieces of sponge from the old sofa from the garbage dump, cut them into two hemispheres, and glued them symmetrically to Lin Li's left and right breasts with transparent glue, and then Find a set of loose women's underwear for Lin Li to wear.Then, she helped Lin Li paint her lips red, line her eyebrows, and put a thick layer of white powder on her face.In this way, Lin Li transformed into a young woman. After everything was settled, the village chief rented a jeep, and the two sat in the car and arrived at Yonghu Town in a big way.In the post booth next to the road leading to Teak, a policeman with a serious expression was sitting. Seeing the jeep coming, he waved at the jeep from a distance, and the driver had to stop the car.The policeman looked at the driver's license and looked inside the car at the same time. Seeing Yan Xiaochun sitting with a strange woman, he said, "A few workers in the quarry ahead were firing cannons and accidentally blasted a big rock." On the road to the highway, the road is blocked, the roadbed is damaged, and traffic cannot be opened for a while. You can wait in Yonghu Town." "I have to rush back to the city to work." Yan Xiaochun said. "The road is being repaired, please be patient." Hearing this, Lin Li's heart almost rose to his throat. What if they found out? "When will it be repaired?" Yan Xiaochun asked. "At least 3 hours, at most 6 hours, we will notify you when the road is repaired." The policeman pointed to a row of large and small cars parked on the road and said, "Look, these drivers are waiting Let's go." Yan Xiaochun looked at the time, and it was already 10 o'clock in the evening. Seeing Lin Li's tired expression, Yan Xiaochun said, "Let's rest in Yonghu Town for one night before leaving. Maybe we can take sister Xu Yaling's car tomorrow." "This……" Yan Xiaochun pulled Lin Li out of the car, and generously took Lin Li's hand in front of the police, "Let's go, old classmate." Lin Li blushed, and said softly, "Don't...don't...don't do this, it's embarrassing for Liu Wei to see." Yan Xiaochun couldn't help bursting out laughing, and said quietly: "It's because you still thought of Liu Wei. Be careful of your acting." After hearing this, Lin Li didn't say anything, let Yan Xiaochun hold his hand, and walked into the Yonghu Hotel together. "Do you want a double room or a single room?" The waitress looked at Yan Xiaochun, then at Lin Li who bowed her head and said nothing. "A double room." Yan Xiaochun replied. Fortunately, the place is small, and most people in the hotel know Yan Xiaochun, so they don't need to look at their ID cards when they check in, and they smoothly moved into Room 307. After disguising himself as a man, Lin Li never dared to speak much, for fear of exposing his male identity, he dared not walk with his head held high.That protruding Adam's apple is suspicious.Whenever someone asked him, Yan Xiaochun would answer for him. After entering Room 307, Lin Li couldn't bear it anymore and asked, "Why didn't you register for two single rooms?" Yan Xiaochun opened the door, carefully looked outside the door, and saw no one was outside, then closed the door and said: "Since you are acting, you have to act realistically. If they see a flaw in any link, they will definitely follow you." You, if you are not careful, the evidence you searched hard in the death cave will be taken away by one of their well-planned schemes. So, what does it matter if we open a room, in the eyes of outsiders, you are a woman. " "In case someone else knows the truth, for you..." "I believe you." Lin Li stopped talking, and silently put the backpack on the table, and laid out the collected physical evidence one by one. After sorting out, he packed each sample in a small plastic bag and put it in the bag brought from Yan Kaishun's house. In a black plastic bag, carefully tied together with a thin string. After a while, Yan Xiaochun's cell phone rang.Yan Xiaochun took it out and saw that it was Xu Yaling calling, so he handed the phone to Lin Li, "It must be calling to ask you, you can tell her." Lin Li took it, and it turned out that it was Xu Yaling who wanted to ask Yan Xiaochun about him.Lin Li immediately told Xu Yaling that he was fine and not to worry. After Xu Yaling learned that Lin Li was safe and sound, she hung up the phone. After that, Yan Xiaochun went out to buy dinner. While Yan Xiaochun was out shopping for groceries, Lin Li quickly stripped off his clothes and took a shower under the faucet. At 12 o'clock in the evening, after eating a simple fast food, Yan Xiaochun lay down on the bed with his clothes on and fell asleep. After 2 o'clock, there was an explosion in the distance, but they didn't care.Here, there are cannons for excavating small coal mines, for road construction, and for blasting stones in quarries. Therefore, everyone is used to hearing an explosion occasionally, and no one cares. At 6:00 the next morning, Lin Li got up on time, and did not see Xu Yaling in her room. She asked the waiter at the hotel, and the waiter said that Xu Yaling came back very late last night and went out early in the morning.The road had been repaired, so without saying goodbye to Xu Yaling, Lin Li and Yan Xiaochun returned to Teak City by car. Lin Li quietly returned to her residence, and changed back into her own clothes.In the afternoon, Lin Li was sure that no one would come to trouble him, so he relaxed a little, lay down on the sofa and turned on the TV.Unexpectedly, a piece of TV news just released shocked him.Last night, an explosion occurred in a villa built on the mountain on the North Ridge of Wushan Mountain in Yonghu Township. The owner of this villa was none other than the suspect they were investigating, Liu Hongtian. Later, Xu Yaling appeared on the TV screen, and she was interviewing a miner in a mining area very close to the scene. The miner said that his ears were buzzing, the floor and the whole house shook, and the lamps, plasterboard and part of the ceiling on the roof fell off. He was so scared that he crouched on the ground with his head in his arms. He felt like an earthquake. It's like coming, things are constantly falling from the head.After the explosion ended and the surroundings calmed down, he hurriedly checked the house. All the ordinary glass was shattered, but the tempered glass door that had just been installed was shifted by a full 2 ​​centimeters.After he walked out, he realized that the villa next door had exploded. Fortunately, only two long-distance drivers lived in the guest house in the mining area next to the explosion site. Except for the shattered window glass of the cab of the truck parked in the compound, no one was injured.Close to the explosion site is a mining area, the door and window glass and indoor frame structure were severely damaged by the explosion, and the west wall was also ignited, but there were no casualties. Subsequently, people from the police station and fire brigade arrived at the scene.Along with the explosion, the villa ignited a fire, but whether the explosion caused the fire or the fire caused the explosion is not clear.So far, the explosion has caused no casualties. That's the end of the news. After reading the news, the first thought that popped up in Lin Li's mind was: Something must have happened to Liu Hongtian. From the follow-up news, Lin Li knew that the last time people saw Liu Hongtian was at 7:30 pm on December 17, 2001, when he drove his white Toyota back to his villa on the Beiling of Wushan Mountain. Seven hours later, at exactly 2:34 a.m., an explosion rang through the mine, and the fire burned for hours. At around 6:00 am on December 18, when Liu Wei arrived at the villa, there were only rubble piles and the root of the lamp post at the end of the driveway. When Liu Wei looked at the house, the first thing that came to his mind was that even if someone was inside, it was impossible to survive.
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