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Chapter 3 Chapter 3 The Beautiful Female Reporter

X's suspicion 尘世牧人 9820Words 2018-03-15
Whether it was self-immolation or homicide, Lin Li began to search for evidence.During this time, he met Xu Yaling, a beautiful female reporter, and learned that a bombing that killed five people occurred in Beiling, Wushan 12 years ago, and that the mysterious death of a female reporter two years ago may be related to the investigation of this incident. Did an outsider come in and set the fire?Access to the innermost kitchen had to pass through the first two rooms, and the deceased slept in the first room through the door, so it was almost impossible for this to happen. The fire started in the kitchen, a room away from the deceased’s sleeping room. As long as the deceased was not in a deep sleep, there should be enough time for the deceased to escape when the flames from the starting point spread to the deceased’s room.If it was not suicide, it is really hard to understand what happened on the scene.

Lin Li carefully checked the unburnt floor seams in each room, then scraped off the surface materials and put them in a sealed box, ready to take them back for possible component analysis of some kind of igniter remaining.Because when volatile flammable solvents like gasoline are poured on the wooden floor, some of them will seep into the floor seams and remain due to insufficient oxygen to react with them. Whether the deceased set himself on fire or was set on fire by others is a question that Lin Li must answer after inspecting the scene. For the insurance company, from the perspective of maximizing their interests, of course they hope that the accident is the deliberate self-immolation of the deceased in the nature of fraudulent insurance, but for Lin Li, he only needs to find evidence that the deceased did not self-immolate.

Therefore, he would not let go of every tiny item on the ground as long as his eyes could touch it.In a corner where the flames cannot reach, Lin Li picked up a piece of reddish-brown hair like a treasure.Although this hair can't explain anything at present or even in the future, as long as there is something related to people at the scene, it may contain important information that is helpful to understand the case. From the beginning to the collection of on-site inspection materials, the public security forensic doctor kept his brows tightly locked and never said a word.It was not until about 2 hours later that he said "almost", and then left Yonghu Town in a police car with two other policemen.

Yan Xiaochun fainted from the moment he entered the scene.After waking up, he cried loudly, his whole body twitched continuously, and almost passed out several times in the middle of the journey, and was supported by the police officers present. During this period, her boyfriend Liu Wei, who works at the Binhai Intermediate Court, kept calling her. Apart from asking how the scene was going, he kept reassuring her to be strong and not let the grief in front of her crush her body.He also said that he would come over as soon as he finished processing the documents in hand, please don't worry about all the aftermath, he will take care of them properly.

The crowd of onlookers gradually dispersed, leaving only Yan Xiaochun sitting blankly in the burned room.No one told her whether it was an accident or a murder.The north wind howled through the broken windows and blew on her haggard face.A winter rain came and the temperature dropped to 1°C.Even though I was wearing gloves and cotton shoes, the cold still made my hands and feet painful. After sitting alone for more than half an hour, Yan Xiaochun decided to go to the Canyon Villa behind Wushan Ridge. Go up along the road leading to the Beiling Coal Area of ​​Wushan Mountain, turn left at the middle of the mountain, and you will enter a deep canyon.A path paved with bluestone slabs leads directly to the bottom of the Wushan Canyon, where a small village is located.In her childhood impression, Canyon Village had a pure blue sky, crisp birdsong, and green eyes; two streams surrounded the north and east of the village, and flowed down along the tree-lined ravine.In the past, Canyon Village was compared to "Peach Blossom Spring" by outsiders.But since Wushanling was allowed to mine privately, black dust began to float over the village, and the stream turned into yellow-brown sulfur water. The daily drinking water of the villagers became difficult, and the rice and crops they depended on for survival also became sick—— Withered yellow, not heading, and difficult to mature.Her father was originally a man with thick black hair, a swarthy face, eyes as bright as stars, and a mouthful of white teeth when he smiled.But with the deterioration of the environment, my father was also haggard day by day.In the end, the father gritted his teeth and got a loan from the bank, and joined the ranks of seeking "gold" in Wushanling, hoping to improve the living environment of the villagers in Canyon Village.Unexpectedly, an explosion caused her father and mother to leave her forever.

Now, her younger brother has also left her.Yan Xiaochun was thinking sadly and angrily, while staggering to the village entrance of Canyon Village. The afternoon sun, dripping over the moss-covered stone steps, shone obliquely on the deserted house wall.She stood alone in the shadow of the mulberry tree, staring blankly at the door of her own house—a very ordinary red brick house.She seemed to see her father standing on the stone steps, looking up at the sky with heavy and helpless eyes.She still remembers that when the news came that she had been admitted to a key middle school in the county, her father waved his hand, with a resolute manly expression on his face, "Chun'er, go to school."

After his parents passed away, the younger brother suddenly became mature and sensible.He gave up junior high school, and like many young people in the mountain village, with his upper body shirtless and his lower body wrapped in a white towel, with a miner's lamp on his head, he resolutely went underground.But he is not here to make ends meet, nor to make money to live a better life, but to let his sister continue to study. Yan Xiaochun took out a five-inch color photo from his arms and placed it neatly on the table in the center of the hall of his house.This is the only photo of her with her brother.She stared at her younger brother, as if she saw her father's manly expression, the smile on the corner of his mouth, and the unyielding eyes, which were so kind and warm before, but now they made her so heartbroken and sad.

Tears poured out of her unconsciously, blurring her eyes, and then, she only felt that her eyes went dark, and she fainted.When Yan Xiaochun fell, he hit the table, and the shock caused the photo to slide from the table to the ground. When Yan Xiaochun woke up, she found herself lying on the bed with a black leather jacket draped over her body.Lin Li was wearing a sweater, and crossed the dead branches he picked up to set up a firewood stack on the ground. The flames rising from above made his face flush.The heat emitted from the firewood pile drives away the surrounding cold, and the air in the room is full of warm spring.

"It's you." Yan Xiaochun sat up gratefully. "Are you awake?" Lin Li used a thick rusty wire to shake off the ashes under the pile of firewood, so that the firewood could get more air. "Hmm." Yan Xiaochun asked, "Forensic Doctor Lin, my brother's death is..." "The cause of death cannot be determined at the moment. We will not know until we analyze all the evidence collected at the scene." Lin Li said, "However, your brother's death is probably not an accident." "Isn't it an accident? Could it be my brother who set himself on fire?"

"That scenario cannot be ruled out." "But I don't believe my brother would do that." "Oh? Then, your brother's motive for buying insurance before he died is hard to explain." "After my parents died, we had a hard time for 12 years. Now, I have graduated and started working. He has no reason to do so. Even if he wants to cheat insurance, it should have been 12 years ago, not now. .Also, my brother is not the type to give up his life so easily." "What you said is not unreasonable. However, what our forensic doctors value is evidence. Of course, it is not certain whether your brother died of self-immolation at present. The public security investigation is to see if anyone has approached the fire scene around 12 o'clock that night."

"Then, we have to wait for your analysis conclusion." Lin Li remembered that Zhu Yingmei had a phone call with Yan Xiaodong before she died, so she asked, "Has your brother ever had a girlfriend?" Yan Xiaochun shook his head. "Do you know Zhu Yingmei?" "I know, her home is in Chaoyang Village. However, I heard that Zhu Yingmei also had an accident a month ago." "The police's investigation showed that Zhu Yingmei had a phone call with your brother before she died." "It's nothing strange. Her father likes my younger brother very much. When Zhu Yingmei left her parents to go out to find a job, my younger brother would help her parents solve any difficulties. The two of them usually have to communicate. Do you suspect that my younger brother and Zhu Yingmei are in Do you want to talk about friends?" "In Zhu Yingmei's cell phone, there is a text message sent to your brother." Lin Li repeated the content of the text message and said, "According to the content of the text message, at least it means that Zhu Yingmei has fallen in love with your brother." "That might just be Zhu Yingmei's unilateral idea. At least, I haven't heard my brother mention it, nor have I heard anyone from Yonghu Town talk about it." "That's it..." Yan Xiaochun asked, "Why did Forensic Doctor Lin come here?" "I'm coming to Canyon Manor to find someone." "Who are you looking for?" "A female college student named Yan Cai'er." "Yan Cai'er?" A trace of surprise appeared on Yan Xiaochun's face. "Eleven years ago, with the support of relevant provincial charities, some caring people spontaneously organized a one-on-one activity to support out-of-school students in remote mountainous areas. My tutor, Teacher Shen Leqi, was one of them. But she didn't trust her very much. Those charitable organizations such as the Poverty Alleviation Foundation feel that they can send the money to the out-of-school children in person. In order to support a out-of-school student, Teacher Shen personally went to Canyon Village in Yonghu Town to inspect the family conditions of the recipients. From From middle school to university, Teacher Shen supported this student for 9 years. But 2 years ago, this female college student suddenly lost contact after graduating from university." "Is this sponsored college student Yan Cai'er?" "Yes. This time I came to Canyon Village in Yonghu Town just to find out what's going on." "Do you know Yan Cai'er?" "I don't know. To be honest, it was my own idea to find Yan Cai'er, and Teacher Shen didn't know about it." "why?" "Two years ago, when Teacher Shen lost contact with this female college student, Teacher Shen's only daughter, an excellent reporter, had an unfortunate car accident on the road when she returned from an interview at the Wushan Beiling Mine in Yonghu Town. Go back to Teacher Shen. Not long ago, Teacher Shen’s lover was seriously ill and left her. The ensuing misfortunes almost broke Teacher Shen’s body.” "Do you think the disappearance of this female college student is related to the death of Teacher Shen's daughter?" "No. I want to tell this female college student that there is such a teacher who has been silently supporting her studies for nine years. In Teacher Shen's mind, she cares about Yan Cai'er as her own daughter, and not only sends money on time , and often calls to care about her studies and progress. After her biological daughter died two years ago, this kind of concern is even more than the family relationship between blood. She said that only by giving Yan Caier more care can she live I feel the warmth of the world. This sentence deeply moved me. I want to help Teacher Shen find this female college student. Teacher Shen has supported her for so many years until she graduated from university. This female college student disappeared without a word. Isn't it a bit unfair to Teacher Shen? At least, she should say thank you to Teacher Shen." Lin Li suddenly noticed that Yan Xiaochun was sobbing and choking, and asked in a startled voice, "What's the matter with you?" "I am Yan Cai'er." Yan Xiaochun took out a tissue from the bag he brought with him and wiped away his tears. "You?" Lin Li clicked his tongue and said, "Mr. Shen is still thinking about whether you will not be able to graduate from college because of unpaid tuition." "Thank you Teacher Shen for your concern." Yan Xiaochun said, "I graduated early and work in a company." "Is that so." Lin Li asked, "But why did you stop accepting Teacher Shen's assistance?" "Actually, I have never received a penny of assistance from Mr. Shen." "What?" Lin Li was taken aback. "Twelve years ago, my younger brother gave up his studies and went down the well to earn money for my studies, and rejected Teacher Shen's support. Later, the local civil affairs department transferred the money Teacher Shen sent to me to another poor female student. It can be said that I was able to graduate from college and completely depended on the wages earned by my younger brother digging coal underground. The reason why I didn’t tell Teacher Shen in time was because the principal of the middle school had done my ideological work and let that poor girl I accepted Mr. Shen’s aid in my name, and I also asked me not to tell anyone about it. I thought, anyway, it’s all about subsidizing poor students, so I agreed to it. The female college student graduated from university two years ago and stopped accepting it. Teacher Shen's support." Lin Li was stunned.Teacher Shen may never have imagined in her dreams that the person she really wants to support has never received any assistance from her. "Who is that female college student?" "I don't know." Yan Xiaochun continued, "It's been a long time. I thought it had nothing to do with me, but I didn't expect that Mr. Shen still cares about my growth. It seems that I am deceiving Mr. Shen. I'm sorry, Teacher Shen." Lin Li picked up the photo of Yan Xiaochun who fell to the ground when he fainted from under the table.The young woman in the photo is wearing a red top and a short light blue denim skirt, with a sad expression on her face.Standing next to the young woman is a young man wearing black sunglasses, wearing a rubber mask close to the skin color, looking into the distance, with a cold smile on the corner of his mouth, a smile that makes people unable to read the meaning . "Is this your brother?" Lin Li pointed to the young man in the photo. Yan Xiaochun nodded and said, "Are you surprised by this appearance?" Lin Li didn't answer.In fact, he wanted to know the story behind Yan Xiaodong's appearance, but he was afraid that a sad process would be involved in it.He really didn't want to let the wounded heart of the young and beautiful woman in front of him suffer from pain again, even if it was only a slight touch.She was hurt deeply enough. Lin Li stood up and brought a bowl of boiled water to Yan Xiaochun, "Your throat is hoarse, drink some water to moisten your throat." "Thank you." Yan Xiaochun took the bowl and drank a few sips. Feeling much better, he put the bowl on the table and glanced at Lin Li gratefully. Lin Li has an extremely ordinary face of a young man, but he has a pair of eyes that make people trust at the first sight, and when he speaks, he has a pleasant expression, much like her dead father. Lin Li stood up, "I have to go back to Yonghu Hotel to get in touch with Mr. Shen online and report the situation here." After finishing speaking, Lin Li turned and walked out of the house. "Wait a minute, your clothes." Yan Xiaochun picked up his black leather jacket. "Put on, your clothes are too thin." Lin Li replied, and left without looking back. Yan Xiaochun watched Lin Li's back disappear outside the house in a daze, then slowly got off the bed and began to count his younger brother's belongings. Yan Xiaochun packed up his younger brother's loose items one by one, for fear of accidentally damaging them.In an empty wooden box the size of a palm, there are a dozen or so CDs of American horror stories that my younger brother liked to watch during his lifetime.Several books on the knowledge of mine geological structure.A plastic cup containing an old pair of wide-rimmed black sunglasses with rust on the metal frame.Suddenly, Yan Xiaochun accidentally discovered a pair of white skull earrings made of cow bones in an old box where his mother kept jewelry. What does it mean? There was a small diary next to the jewelry box, and when Yan Xiaochun was about to open it to look through the contents, a young woman with extraordinary clothes and graceful appearance suddenly appeared at the door. Yan Xiaochun quickly stuffed the packed things into the bag. "Excuse me, are you Yan Xiaochun?" The young woman stepped into the door and asked. "are you looking for me?" "I'm Xu Yaling, a columnist for the column "Folk Truth" of "Old People" magazine." Xu Yaling sat down in front of Yan Xiaochun, introduced herself, and fiddled with the dying fire in the center of the room, adding a few pieces of firewood to it. , "Can I interview you?" Yan Xiaochun nodded. Xu Yaling took out dried fruits, biscuits and other snacks from her back bag and placed them on the wooden board, "Come on, let's eat and talk while eating. I hope my interview will not cause you any trouble. If you think there is any problem that makes you difficult Open your mouth, you can refuse to answer." Yan Xiaochun liked to read "Common People" magazine when he was in college, and almost every issue was a must.The contents of the magazine are all ordinary stories of ordinary people, which makes many people living at the bottom of society feel very cordial to read.Therefore, Xu Yaling's identity immediately made her feel a little fond of Xu Yaling. "What can I do for you?" Yan Xiaochun asked. "I deeply sympathize with the misfortune that happened to your family. Before I decided to meet you, I was very hesitant, because interviewing you will definitely touch your past memory." Xu Yaling said, "But when I know you After reading the story between siblings, I was deeply moved, and because of this, I came up with an idea, that is, to show your most precious sibling love to readers. I hope your stories can give those unfortunate families Provide a real and vivid role model to let them know that there are many things in life that we should cherish and love. Perhaps your stories can give readers an inspiration and a reflection on how we should face life and face difficulties when difficulties come. Reality." The reason why her younger brother was burned to death is still unclear. If the public security forensic doctor identified this incident as a bad insurance fraud, but the content of the column report described her younger brother positively, she would undoubtedly be ridiculed and criticized by others.Thinking of this, Yan Xiaochun lowered his head and remained silent. "Can you tell me your story?" Xu Yaling said. "No, no, don't write about us." After all, Yan Xiaochun left Xu Yaling behind, took the bag, rushed out the door and fled. After leaving the Canyon Villa, Yan Xiaochun went straight to the highest point of Wushan Mountain - Wushan Peak, where the dead bodies of his parents were buried.When she arrived at the cemetery, she found that someone had repaired the soil of her parents' graves. A layer of black soil dug from the foot of the mountain was added to the original grave soil. This kind of soil has relatively high organic nutrients and is easy to grow. Dense vegetation. Has brother been here?While Yan Xiaochun was thinking, he used the wooden sticks he picked up to dig out grass roots from many nearby places with withered and yellow leaves, and then carefully transplanted them to the grave soil.In the spring of next year, a green blade of grass will grow on the tomb, which can not only beautify the tomb, but also protect the soil on the tomb from being washed away by rain.After finishing all this, Yan Xiaochun silently knelt in front of the grave, kowtowed a few times, and then got up and walked towards Yonghu Town. On the way down the mountain, Yan Xiaochun could see the burned bare house below from a distance.On the side of the road opposite the house, a small black Audi car was parked. Liu Wei, who was wearing a gray suit, leaned on the front of the car and looked around from time to time. Liu Wei was Yan Xiaochun's boyfriend when he was studying at Peking University. At that time, Liu Wei was a graduate student in the law department.After Yan Xiaochun graduated from university, Liu Wei formally asked her to date her.After thinking for a long time, she told Liu Wei about her disfigured younger brother.Liu Wei immediately promised that she would not dislike her younger brother, and expressed her willingness to find the best doctor to perform plastic surgery for her younger brother. At the same time, she paid for the construction of a bungalow in Yonghu Town for her younger brother.But Yan Xiaochun didn't expect that her younger brother Yan Xiaodong was worried about her finding a boyfriend and claimed that he would no longer associate with her.Before Yan Xiaochun had time to ask the reason, his younger brother died in the fire. Yan Xiaochun walked up to Liu Wei and found several workers wearing masks busy in the collapsed house, some were holding mops, some were spraying the floor with faucets, some were cleaning and moving the burnt-out furniture in the room, Some were tinkling to mend holes burned out in the walls of their houses. "Liu Wei, did you call someone?" Yan Xiaochun asked Liu Wei. "yes." "Isn't it too fast to clean up now?" "On the way here, I met the provincial public security forensic doctor who was returning to the city and asked for his opinion. He said that someone could be arranged to clean up the scene. They took appropriate samples and took pictures of all suspicious substances in the scene. Basically, there are no omissions. As for the nature of the accident, he said that it will be known only after analyzing the collected test materials. I think, just you, a girl, have no relatives here, and you will be in a hurry It is impossible to stay here for a long time when you go back to Binhai to work, so I will help you deal with the aftermath, so that you can have more time to rest, and it will also help you adjust your emotions." "Thank you for caring about me." Yan Xiaochun said. "Seeing that you are so tired, I feel very sad. I just want to clean up the scene as soon as possible, otherwise, this scene will continue to stimulate you. I don't want you to have any accidents. According to your current state, what you need most is to take care of yourself." Rest. You haven't slept well for two days and two nights." Hearing this, Yan Xiaochun's body twitched, and tears flowed out. She said hoarsely, "My brother... I'll leave it to you!" "Trust me, I will take care of everything." Liu Wei put his hands lightly on Yan Xiaochun's shoulders, "You go back to the hotel to rest first. After everything is settled, we will go back to Binhai together." "Put my brother in the coffin and bury him next to my parents. I really don't dare to see my brother like that again. My heart will break." Yan Xiaochun said in a very weak voice. Liu Wei first sent Yan Xiaochun to the gate of Yonghu Hotel, then turned around and drove back to the fire scene in the north of town. In the corridor of the building going back to the room, Yan Xiaochun met Lin Li who was about to go out. "Are you going back to the hotel to rest?" Lin Li stopped and asked. "yes." Lin Li noticed Yan Xiaochun's bag, which was bulging. "It's full of little things from my brother's lifetime, and I'll take them back as souvenirs," Yan Xiaochun explained. "Did he put everything in Canyon Manor?" "Yes, Forensic Doctor Lin. My younger brother usually lives in Canyon Village." Lin Li was taken aback, "Your brother doesn't live in Yonghu Town?" "I heard that my boyfriend built the house. My brother only stayed for one night and then moved back to Canyon Villa. I was afraid that my brother would be sad or wronged, so I didn't force him to leave Canyon Villa. You must know that I agreed with Liu Wei to fund the He built the house because he wanted to be a good sister." "I didn't live in Yonghu Town, but I died because of the fire in Yonghu Town. Don't you think this is a bit abnormal?" Lin Li asked. "I don't know why, but my younger brother suddenly chose to live in Yonghu Town. Anyway, the house had been empty before, and everyone in the town said so." "He lived in Yonghu Township the night the fire broke out?" "right." "Is it? The tone of your answer seems to be not very sure." "The night before the fire, someone in the town saw my brother's figure swaying under the window. But whether he lived there or not, that person didn't know." "why?" "People in Yonghu Town have to go through that house if they want to go to work at the Wushan Coal Mine. If there are people living there, the lights in the room must be on, but the lights in the room were not on the night the fire broke out." "how do you know?" "It was discovered after the police investigated." "Oh?" "The police said that based on their investigation, apart from my brother who entered the house the night before the fire, no one in Yonghu Township approached the house." "How long has it been since you contacted your brother?" "It's been about three months. Because of Liu Wei, he still refuses to talk to me." "What made your brother hate your boyfriend?" "Maybe he doesn't want me to associate with rich young masters." "He dislikes rich people?" "Yes, not only him, but also the villagers of our Canyon Village." Yan Xiaochun explained, "Those rich people are mining coal everywhere on our Wushan Mountain, which has seriously damaged the living environment of our Canyon Village villagers. " Lin Li pondered for a while, and asked, "Did you have a bad relationship with your brother before?" "No, our relationship is very good. If he hadn't gone down the well to earn money, how could I have graduated from college? He was only 13 years old when he quit school." "13 years old?" Lin Li was shocked. "Going down a mine at this age is considered a child laborer. Why would the mine owner be willing to hire him to work?" "My younger brother is very strong. He does as much work as an adult and earns less money than an adult. Why is the mine owner unwilling?" Yan Xiaochun said with red eyes, "You may think that I am too selfish as a sister. Actually agreed to let my brother go down the well to earn money for my sister to study. Actually, I don’t want to do this at all. But, do you know? If I don’t go to study, my brother will commit suicide.” "suicide?" "Yes, he said he didn't want to live in this world." Using suicide to force his sister to study means that he very much hopes that her sister will leave Canyon Village one day in the future, but then... Lin Li couldn't help but think of that disfigured face. "Is it because of his face?" "Maybe, I don't know too well." "Besides the reason on his face, I wonder if the explosion 12 years ago also stimulated his heart a lot?" Lin Li suddenly thought that the reason Xu Yaling came to Yonghu Town was because of the explosion 12 years ago, and he wanted to take this opportunity to bring up this topic to see what Yan Xiaochun would say. "Maybe." Yan Xiaochun seemed to have no intention of continuing, which disappointed Lin Li. "Your brother is a strong man." Lin Li said. "Yes. He has been relatively withdrawn since he was a child, and he doesn't have much communication and contact with people. However, once he decides on something, even ten horses will never be able to pull him back." "He loves you very much, doesn't he?" "Yes, my brother is 2 years younger than me. When I was 7 years old. Once, I secretly took 1 yuan from my father's drawer in order to buy handkerchiefs that girls have. When my father found out that the money was missing, Let us sister and brother kneel by the wall and ask us to confess who stole it. I was so frightened by the scene at that time that I lowered my head and dared not speak. When my father saw that we did not confess, he picked up a bamboo pole from the ground and beat him. At this time, the younger brother grabbed his father's hand and shouted, "Dad, I stole it!" The bamboo pole in his father's hand fell mercilessly on his back and shoulders, until he was out of breath. That night, I hugged my brother who was covered in scars and wept. Not only did my brother not shed a single tear, but he covered my mouth with his little hand and said, "Sister, don't cry, or my father will know." I still remember the scene of blocking the bamboo pole, and I really hate myself for not having the courage to admit it.” "Your brother is indeed a man." "The year my parents died, my younger brother was admitted to the hospital due to his injuries. He had many stitches on his face and body. That year, my younger brother and I buried our parents with the compensation money from the town government and healed my younger brother's injuries. The family was destitute. After I received the admission letter from a key high school, I quietly burned the letter behind my brother's back. I didn't expect my brother to know about it. He scolded me for being so worthless, and then turned around and went out to borrow money from door to door. Holding my younger brother's hand, I begged: "Don't do this. My sister doesn't want to study anymore. My sister has enough books." But my younger brother said, "No, you are the top student in Yonghu Town and the pride of everyone in Yonghu Town. It is also the pride of parents during their lifetime. I can't let you drop out of school, I want you to continue studying.'” "At dawn the next day, my younger brother sneaked away with a few ragged clothes and a small bag of sweet potatoes, leaving only a crooked note beside my pillow: 'Sister, don't worry. It's not easy to go to a key high school, I'll go out and work for you! ——Brother.'” "I lay on the bed with the note in my hand, and my tears couldn't stop flowing. Later, I asked around, looking for him, and finally found him in the mine of a private coal mine. I hugged my brother with a dark face, I cried bitterly. I immediately knelt on the ground and begged him to go home. Unexpectedly, he tied explosives to his body and threatened that if I didn’t go to study, he would commit suicide on the spot. My heart was bleeding, but I didn’t dare to take my brother’s My life was a joke, so I had no choice but to obey him. In the later days of studying, I can only repay my dear brother with redoubled efforts." "I'm sorry, my words brought back your sad past." Lin Li looked at Yan Xiaochun, who was in tears, and said guiltily. "It's nothing. When a woman sheds tears, she will feel relaxed, but it will be even worse if she is depressed." "Well, maybe you're right." Lin Li felt that the question was enough, so he said with concern, "Go back to your room and rest." After Yan Xiaochun left, Lin Li came to the place where Yan Xiaodong had an accident, but saw a scene that surprised him.The burned rooms were filled with people coming and going, sweeping, tidying, cleaning and repairing each room.Those people worked so carefully, every damaged item was cleaned out, put in garbage bags one by one, and then carried out one by one.Everywhere was wiped clean, not a single grain of charcoal was spared.The appearance of the fire has completely changed. He wanted to go to the scene to see if there were any suspicious items that had been overlooked, but the scene in front of him made him completely dumbfounded. "Hey, what are you doing?" Lin Li couldn't help walking up and shouting. "Excuse me, who are you?" Liu Wei, who was standing aside directing the cleaning of the scene, stepped forward and asked politely. Lin Li saw the other party's extraordinary demeanor, so he quickly introduced himself. "It turns out that you are the forensic doctor invited by Yan Xiaochun. I'm sorry." Liu Wei clasped his fists and saluted, "My name is Liu Wei, and I'm Yan Xiaochun's boyfriend." After finishing speaking, Liu Wei immediately walked into the room and shouted loudly: "Everyone pay attention, please stop what you are doing immediately." Lin Li walked in and saw that the things at the scene were almost cleaned up, and the burnt buildings and objects were being repaired. The appearance and traces after the fire basically disappeared, and the tiny things brought in during the cleaning and the remaining traces of the scene The measured objects were mixed together and could no longer be identified, and further investigation seemed meaningless.Lin Li could only wave his hands in frustration, "Let them continue, continue." The reason why Lin Li returned to the scene of the fire was mainly because he was worried that there would be too little evidence, and it would be difficult to explain the real cause of death from physical evidence.Even if it can be determined what kind of combustible material caused it based on the inspection materials at the scene, it can only barely explain the cause of the fire, but it cannot explain why the deceased was burned into coke. There will be insufficient physical evidence to reveal the occurrence process.In this way, if the real case is beneficial to the beneficiary’s claim against the insurance company, but it is rejected due to insufficient evidence, not only the reputation of the Star Forensic Center will be affected, but it will be easy to draw the conclusion that the deceased committed fraudulent insurance and self-immolation.Therefore, he will not give up easily until he has obtained sufficient evidence. Thinking of this, Lin Li braved the severe cold, ignored the surprised looks from the people around him, went to the garbage dump, and began to search for the dust and sundries in the more than 20 sacks that had been cleared out of the room, and checked them again and again. filter.Paying attention to every little thing is like finding a needle in a haystack.Even so, Lin Li worked meticulously. He found a metal container that could hold about 100 milliliters of liquid, and welded a long iron sheet about 3 cm long and 1 cm wide on the side.What is this thing used for?Lin Li thought about it and decided to take it back to Binhai for research, so he wrapped it in a plastic bag and put it in the tool bag. Then, he continued to search in the garbage dump. It was getting dark, so he turned on the flashlight he brought with him.Hungry, he ate some cold bread.His hands were numb from the cold, and he took a few breaths.Thirsty, he drank some cold water. Five hours later, he finally screened out another unremarkable "u"-shaped metal tube, about the same height as the length of his index finger. Irregularly shaped holes.What does this hole mean?Lin Li couldn't understand for a moment.However, he can basically conclude that the "u" shaped metal pipe came from the room where the fire started.It was burning fiercely there, hot enough to melt metal.
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