Home Categories detective reasoning Beyond the limits

Chapter 22 Chapter Twenty Two

Beyond the limits 横山秀夫 6892Words 2018-03-15
The time has entered August 16th. In the large office of the editorial department, there were not many people left, and it was so quiet that even the sound of the TV could be heard clearly.The fourth "Northern Kanto Shimbun" published after the accident had already been sent to the printing factory. After a while, the roar of the printing press should be heard. When Yuki Kazuya was arranging the manuscripts on the table, he heard the head of the arrangement section, Kameshima, say goodbye to everyone loudly in his unique way: "Tomorrow's front page headline is still on the Japan Airlines crash!..."

"Let's go and have a little less?" Kishimoto next to him made a "cheers" gesture with his hands in the shape of a wine glass. "Okay!..." Yumu and Yamao immediately responded.He hasn't made up his mind whether to go home today or not. Today's layout is well done, which makes Yuugi Kazuya feel relaxed.Yuuki had been in a daze since the accident until yesterday.He was engulfed by an unprecedented accident, and seemed to have fallen into a huge vortex and was tossed wantonly.Apart from feeling their own insignificance, Yuugi and Masa had no real sense of being a newspaper.

Today is different.After seeing the young mother, Yuugi Kazuya felt that he had changed.He poured his heart and soul into the page, but he didn't intend to get any benefits from the process of reporting the accident.After working all day, Yuki felt proud and satisfied that he was able to report this unprecedented and the world's largest air crash with all his heart. "Yumu, can we go?" Kishimoto asked again. "Okay." Yuki Kazuya replied. "By the way, how is Shenze?" Kishimoto suddenly remembered about Shenze. "I sent him to the duty room, probably already asleep."

"Have you spoken to him?" "Well, let's talk for a while." Yuugi and Ya nodded. "Is it alright, Kamizawa?" "Probably it doesn't matter." "He hasn't eaten for two whole days." "Yeah." Yuki Kazuya nodded briefly. "Witnessed the tragic situation at the scene with your own eyes, you must not be able to eat it?" "may be." As Yugi and Ya went downstairs, they were thinking about Kanzawa.After Yugi sent him to the duty room, he said that it was the first time in his life that he saw a dead body on Mount Yuchaoying.Although Shen Ze followed Sayama and stayed in the police station for three years, he had never seen a dead body, so he always hoped that there would be a chance to see a dead body.Unexpectedly, this opportunity appeared in front of Shenze in a way far beyond imagination...

In Yuchaoyingshan, Shenze was greatly stimulated mentally. When I came outside the newspaper building, the hot air covered my face like a hot towel. "Hey! It's already this little and it's still so hot!..." Kishimoto spoke with the ease of "liberation". Without any discussion, the two trotted across the road and went straight to a Korean barbecue restaurant called "Sosha Restaurant" at the intersection, which was run by a Korean couple in Japan.I want to drink at this time, except for this barbecue restaurant, I can't think of other places to go at the moment.

"Yo! Mr. Yugi, it's been a long time!... You've become a great person this time!..." The shop owner immediately complimented Yugi warmly when he saw Yugi Kazuya.Probably he has already heard from the people in the newspaper office that Yuugi and Masa have become "JAL full powers". Yuugi and Masa didn't speak, because as soon as he entered the door, he saw Waitori and Tazawa, sitting in the inner seat, drinking beer facing each other.Kishimoto had a look of embarrassment on his face. Yuuki Kazuya couldn't help but clicked her tongue.Yuugi was in the editorial department yesterday, arguing hard with others, Kishimoto must have heard it, but he kept pretending that he didn't know anything, and never mentioned it to Yuugi.

"Yumu, sit down!..." Kishimoto urged, pretending to be generous. Yumu and Ya originally wanted to turn around and leave, but they ran away with their tails between their legs because they were afraid of being ridiculed by Waiting Li, so they muttered in a low voice, "Beast, who is afraid of you", and sat down happily. Waiting for force to look at Yuugi and Masa who came in suddenly with unexpected eyes, but Tazawa seemed to have known that Yuugi was coming.Kishimoto probably entrusted Tazawa to invite the section chief and other powers here, with the purpose of easing the relationship between Yuki and other powers.However, Tazawa definitely didn't want Yuugi and Masaru to shake hands and make peace. He might have come here with the joke of seeing these two people at the banquet, making their argument even more tense.

"Would you like a whole bottle of beer?" asked the shopkeeper. "No, draft beer today." Yuki Kazuya replied.He saw Waiting Li and Tian Ze asking for bottled beer. He didn't want to stay long, so he planned to drink a pint of beer and leave. The atmosphere in the barbecue restaurant was exactly what Tazawa expected.Yuki and Waitori were separated by a table, and they didn't even say hello to each other. They used to drink here too.At that time, Waitori was the head of the reporter team, and Yuki, Kishimoto, and Tazawa, three young men who joined the newspaper in the same year, were all his soldiers.They were reprimanded by Waiting Li and Chaicun who was the section chief at the time.

The shop owner brought two draft beers and asked kindly, "What shall we bake?" "Let's have a grilled pork intestine first." Kishimoto replied. At this time, Waituli spoke up: "Hi, Kishimoto!...You guys are very good at making arrangements!" "What?" Kishimoto couldn't understand the meaning of waiting for force for a while. Waiting and saying seriously: "It's more convenient to kneel down in this place!..." Yuuki and Ya looked at Waitori with serious expressions. Waiting for strength to turn his face away, his face was red, but it didn't look like the flush after drunk.He and Tian Ze left the office at 10 o'clock, that is to say, the two of them had been drinking for more than two hours, and there was no white wine on their table. As far as the amount of alcohol is equal, beer alone is not enough to get drunk of.

"I have no reason to apologize to you!..." Yuki Kazuya said.If you wait for the force to say nothing, Yuugi will be fine, since he brought up yesterday's topic again, Yuugi will not be outdone. Waiting to take off his gold-rimmed glasses, he raised his voice: "Why not? What was your attitude towards me yesterday?" "Forget it, forget it!...Come on! Cheers!..." Kishimoto raised his glass and gestured to Waituli. Waiting for power as if he didn't see it, he continued to yell at Yumu: "Yumu, do you still remember what you said to me at that time?"

"Probably!..." Yuki Kazuya replied indifferently.The two stared at each other, neither willing to budge. The owner of the shop came over with the iron plate for barbecue, and the pig intestines, and placed them on the table in front of Yuugi and Masa. "Probably not." Waiting Li muttered on the side of the smoke rising from the roasted pig's large intestine, "It was the deputy director who asked to replace the headline on the front page - the serialized content of Yuchao Yingshan. Where are you, kid? Misunderstood I exchanged it, asked me to settle accounts, and called me a villain in front of a group of young people!... Tell me, is this true?" Yuuki Kazuya's eyes fell on the grilled pig intestines on the iron plate. "Why don't you apologize? It's obviously your fault!..." Waiting for the force to be aggressive. "I'm talking about Yugi," Kishimoto interjected, "It's really your fault, please apologize as soon as possible, and let's settle it." "Shut up! You don't have time to talk!..." Waitu gave Kishimoto a hard look, then turned his face to Yuugi again, "You must have misunderstood me!..." "Misunderstanding? Misunderstood what?" "You call me a villain who is jealous of others. Is that how you call me? What do you mean by that?" Yuki Kazuya picked up the beer and said with a sneer, "It's literally." He took a sip of the beer and continued, "The day before, you deliberately didn't let Sayama's scene be seen in the newspaper. You are jealous, jealous of this The biggest accident in the world!" Waiting for force to watch Tian Ze pour him wine, while asking: "Why should I be jealous?" "For you, the report on the kidnapping by Okubo and the Red Army is everything to you!..." Yuki Kazuya said sharply. "Of course!..." Waiting for power without concealing it. "JAL's air crash is too big, it can be completely submerged, the kidnapping incident of Okubo and the Red Army!..." The two of them picked up the beer and drank it almost at the same time. Waiting for the force to put down the cup: "You mean, I didn't wait for Sashan's manuscript because of this?" "There's something wrong with the printing press, and you deliberately didn't tell me." Yuki Kazuya said angrily. "That's your misunderstanding." Waiting Li said seriously. "How can it be called a misunderstanding?" "Even if I really told you about the problem with the printing press, what can you do? At that time, Sayama and Kanzawa were still in Osu Takayama, and we didn't have a radio... Anyway, You didn't make it clear to them that the deadline was not extended!..." "Me..." Yumu and Ya drank the remaining beer in one breath, "I'm not unreasonable, I just want to shake out what's in my heart." "What's on your mind?" "Let's talk about the truth first. There is something wrong with the printing machine. Did you know about it in the evening?" Yuugi Kazuya said angrily, "If you told me at that time, I would ask grandpa to sue grandma and go to Kyodo News. The reporter asked them to use the wireless phone to contact the Kyodo News reporter on the mountain and tell Sayama that the deadline cannot be extended. After Sayama knows that the extension cannot be extended, he will go down the mountain in advance and send the manuscript back by phone before 12 o'clock. The next day, the bold characters of Sayama and Kanzawa can appear on the "Northern Kanto Shimbun"!..." "Do you think there is such a smooth thing? I am afraid that Kyodo News will not lend you the wireless machine for even a second! To take a step back, even if they lend you, you can guarantee that the Kyodo News reporters on the mountain will be able to use it smoothly." Have you found Sayama? Even if you do, can you guarantee that Sayama and the others will send you the manuscript by phone before 12 o’clock? In short, as long as no miracle happens, you will not receive Sashan’s live video!" "Don't tell yourself..." Yumu and Ya replied coldly. "What did you say?" Waiting for Li's eyeballs to pop out, "Who do you say is not playing tricks? Tell me clearly!" "The thing you said just now is not self-incriminating!... You made up your mind that night and didn't tell me about the problem with the printing press, so you can find a reason to justify it later!..." "Shut up!..." Waiting for a moment of embarrassment and anger. "Indeed, as you said, as long as there is no miracle, Sayama's scene is intuitive, and the newspaper will not be seen." Yuki Kazuya said with a sneer, "However, the possibility of a miracle is not zero! So, you..." "I told you to shut up, didn't you hear?" Waiting for force to stop drinking loudly. "It was you who started the fight, so you have to listen to me!..." "You little bastard, you're a bloody nuisance! . . . " "It was you who cut off the germ of the miracle! In order to keep your Okubo United Red Army kidnapping incident, you rejected the scene of Sayama intuitively!" "Yumu!..." Waitu Li roared and slammed his fist on the table. Yuuki puffed up his chest: "Why did you set up obstacles for Sayama? Is it because you don't want to be defeated by young people? Is it because of your - and our - fiasco in the kidnapping incident of the Okubo United Red Army?" Waiting for Li's eyes widened.Kishimoto also widened his eyes, and Tazawa also turned his head, looking at Yuuki in surprise.Waiting for Li's mouth to move slowly: "We...were defeated? Who did we lose to?" Yuuki Kazuya realized that his words had crossed a boundary that should not have been crossed. Kishimoto's face became ugly, as if he saw something terrible: "Yumu, tell me, who did you lose to?" "Need to say?...We lost to Asahi Shimbun, Mainichi Shimbun, Yomiuri Shimbun and Sankei Shimbun!..." Yuki Kazuya said seriously. "Should we say we won?" Kishimoto muttered unconvinced. "It's just self-consolation." "Didn't we win? A lot of news is ahead of them!..." Tian Ze couldn't help but interrupted, the veins in his temples were bulging. Yuki Kazuya took a look at Tian Ze: "How many are there? How many times as many people are ahead of us!" "Isn't it? They did take the lead, but..." "You guys are so forgetful!..." Yuki looked at Kishimoto, then at Tazawa.Yuugi always thought that saying "failure" was a taboo, but Kishimoto and Tazawa both sincerely believed that they "won". Yuki Kazuya looked at the ceiling and said unhurriedly: "The victory you said was only the first half of the Okubo incident. We did take the lead at the time, but the incident became bigger and bigger, and other newspapers intervened with all their strength. , we can’t do it anymore, the important information is almost all taken away by others. The first half of the Okubo incident was justified, and when it came time to interview the "United Red Army Kidnapping Incident", from the central police station to the local police station , What did we catch? What did we catch in Qianjian Villa? What a complete failure!..." Several people were silent. The "Asama Villa" mentioned by Shenze last night was near the end of the incident. The reporters of "Northern Kanto Shimbun" participated in the battle enthusiastically. In the end, the only gain was that they learned how to soak expired instant noodles to make them taste better. . Tian Ze spoke: "We did not get anything in Asama Mountain Villa, but it was an incident in Nagano Prefecture. It is impossible to be preempted by others. However, we reported the incident hidden in Mt. Haruna and Miao When it comes to the criminal incident in Yishan, it is not inferior to other newspapers at all." "It's not all using the Kyodo news agency's telegram. We haven't done anything, just wandering around in the mountains." Yuki Kazuya said with emotion, "We didn't write a decent report, but we were exhausted. , I was so cold that I was about to succeed, it was an illusion, thinking that I was fighting side by side with the reporters of Kyodo News!..." Yumu and Ya suddenly felt that the top of their head was cold, and when they looked back, it turned out that they poured a glass of beer on his head.Waiting for power to stare like a devil, roaring: "Yumi! Don't make up nonsense!..." "I didn't make it up!..." Yumu Kazuya wiped his face with his sleeve, "What I said is the truth!..." "How dare you slander the "Northern Kanto News"! Get out of the "Northern Kanto News" immediately!..." "Didn't someone get out already?" "what?" "Takahashi, Nozaki, Tada Luo... Didn't they all leave the "Northern Kanto Shimbun" newspaper office immediately after the kidnapping incident by the United Red Army?..." Yuki and Masaaki asked angrily, "They all admit defeat But we are still celebrating victory blindly! They are disappointed, completely disappointed in Beiguan!..." "Shut up!..." Waiting Li shouted excitedly. "I haven't finished yet!..." Yumu and Ya's blood boiled, and he couldn't control it, "Why did we fail? We should sit down and find out the reason!... How can we remain invincible if we don't teach it to the subordinates? The method of the land, that is not enough!... For more than ten years, self-indulgence, taking failure as success, and bragging all day long is not enough!...With time for bragging, it is better to be serious and open a few I will study it carefully!... If the reporter had a radio in his hand, the situation would definitely not be what it is today!...Do you know? The times are different. The era of the Okubo Red Army kidnapping incident is gone forever !In this situation, there is no other result but failure, and the Japan Airlines crash is the same!" With a bang, several beer bottles on the table were knocked down by the force. Yumu and Ya thought they were going to hit him with force, so they quickly took a defensive posture. However, Waiting Li sat there without moving.Suddenly, his body swayed feebly, and his eyes seemed to fall into Yuugi's eyes—no, his pupils had become blurred. Drunk?No, wait until you drink such a small amount of beer, you will definitely not get drunk. Feel guilty?possible. Thinking of this, Yuugi and Masa let off steam, avoiding Waituli's gaze, picked up the beer and drank it. The roasted pig large intestine on the iron plate was so burnt that it was inedible. Both Kishimoto and Tazawa's expressions became very strange, they crossed their arms and hugged each other, but didn't speak. Yuki asked the shop owner to serve the shochu with the highest alcohol content.I drank one cup after another, but I was not drunk. I don't know how long it took, Waiting Li staggered to Yuugi's side, picked up the wine bottle and poured wine into Yuugi's glass, almost half of it poured out of the wine glass.Waiting force asked intermittently: "You...you know...what happened to Luo Tada who went to the "Yomiuri Shimbun"...?" "I don't know." Yuki and Ya shook their heads. "He's already dead!... He was sent to a remote mountainous area, and his body collapsed..." After waiting for Li to finish speaking, he picked up Yuugi's wine glass and drank it, "Let me tell you... At that time, there were also big newspapers who wanted to report I'll call over..." This is the first time Yuugi and Ya have heard: "Which one?..." He casually asked. Waiting for the force to look at the three subordinates in turn: "Don't tell others!..." "Of course!..." The three said in unison. Waiting for Li's face to contort, he smiled strangely: "The Asahi Shimbun!" "Why didn't you go?" The three asked in unison. "What can I do? That old man Baihe, just force me a puppy!..." Yugi and Ya could not help but sneer.Everyone in the newspaper office knows the story of "Baihe presents a dog".At that time, outstanding journalists resigned one after another and moved to other newspapers. In order to control the brain drain, the director of the editorial department, Baihe, gave the five puppies born to his family's bitch to Baigu, Chaicun, etc. respectively. With Moriya, the current head of the Political Section, and Musaka, the head of the Advertising Section. When President Baihe gave the dog away, he said affectionately to them: "You are all my right-hand man, don't let me down!" "That old man Baihe's move is so amazing!... What a cute little puppy!... Sometimes at the newspaper office, I got into an awkward fight with the old man, and when I came home, I saw the puppy wagging its head and tail at you. Immediately I felt sorry for the old man." Waiting Li sighed and said, "No one can throw away such a cute little life. At first, everyone's hearts were already lost, but the old man relied on a puppy. It has firmly controlled us for so many years!..." "What's the matter, Mu Ban was recruited by the general manager." "It wasn't the general manager who recruited him, it was the old man who kicked him out!..." "Throwing out?" Yumu Kazuya looked up at Waituli in disbelief. "Yes. That kid is too close to Fukuda's camp. His brother is a member of the county council, from Futian's faction. He wanted to win the support of the newspaper through Musaka. When the old man got angry, he was abandoned." Yugi and Ya nodded, and stopped talking, he was not interested in this topic. After being silent for a while, Waiting Li suddenly raised his voice and said: "Ideals and dreams have been swallowed up. What is the use of this kind of work!..." Yuugi and Ya were stunned for a moment, and immediately realized: Wait for Li still wants to talk about the "Asahi Shimbun" job-hopping. "No matter what you are reporting on, whether it is the country or the world, what a reporter does is the same. Run to the scene with your life, covertly interview, what else is there?..." Waiting for Li to talk endlessly Then, his tone became more and more strange, and his eyes could not focus. "The larger the target of the report, the greater the news value. However, this does not explain how great the job of a reporter is. As a kind of work, reporting on a small target is the same as reporting on a big one." The object was originally the same..." When Yuuki and Masa wanted to report back to the agency duty room and go to sleep, waited and grabbed his tie, his face turned livid. "Are you listening, Yuugi!..." Waiting Li drunkenly shouted at Yuugi and Ya, "Remember: as long as you admit that you have failed as a reporter for a local newspaper, your whole life will be considered complete. It's over!... No matter how miserable the defeat is, you can't say that you have failed until you die..." After waiting for Li to finish what was in his heart, he lay down on the table and fell asleep. Yumu and Ya thought of what his dead mother said: "You can't trust those who speak their minds when they are drunk, because they are hypocritical except when they are drunk..." A long time ago, Waiting Li also said: "Laugh when you're drunk, sing when you're drunk, and talk tomorrow if you have something to say..." Yumu and Ya suddenly felt: I am a little drunk.Not so long ago, but more than ten years ago. Yuki and Ya looked around, it was a small barbecue restaurant.The store owner dozed off at the counter like a mummy. Ten years ago, the shop owner was still young, and the proprietress was also very energetic. She often helped her husband greet guests at night.They have a daughter named Shanxi, who fascinates Kishimoto to death, and it's a lot of fun. Tian Ze also climbed up on the counter to imitate a clown, and was scolded by the proprietress in Korean. He also climbed up when the proprietress was not paying attention, chasing the village and spanking his ass.Kasutani also comes with everyone sometimes, and when he comes, it's his treat.Everyone leaned shoulder to shoulder and sang "The Song of the North Kanto News" at the top of their voices... At that time, everyone laughed from the bottom of their hearts. Yuugi and Ya must have also laughed at that time, right? The days at that time were really happy. Father, brothers, and a complete family seemed to be at hand.In this small barbecue restaurant, there is everything Yuugi and Ya want. Everyone is together, laughing constantly, and the intimate words seem to be endless. Waiting for force to fall asleep on the table, snoring.Kishimoto and Tazawa had troubled expressions on their faces. Yuuki Kazuya stood up slowly.Since when did you gradually lose the joy you had before? Yuuki Kazuya staggered slowly out of the barbecue shop.Perhaps because he was drunk, his ears rang. "Song of the North Kanto News" is mixed in the sound of tinnitus: There is Bando Taro in the east, and we overlook the vast river beach of Daligen. There is Mingyue Plain in the north, and we look up at the towering peak of Chicheng Peak. On the land of Kanto, there is a bright star that is shining golden. Ah - Kita Kanto News! Go away cowardly, come strong, let's unite as one, Write, write, write, until the end of your life.
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