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Chapter 20 Section 1 Holy Alliance

Book of Quebec 青青树 1497Words 2018-03-03
The series of victories of the Lingshan Army after leaving Lingshan were beyond the expectations of the heavenly favorites of the Holy Alliance. The alliance leader Bai did not expect that Zhuang Yun completely misunderstood his good intentions. He, and even the entire alliance, sincerely hoped that Zhuang Yun could leave that place of right and wrong, so that the two realms of God and Earth could take further measures.His plan to take Zawyun back to the country is sincere, and the guards have been found, all of them are the most respectable knights and monsters of the Madobusa family.Unexpectedly, his letter to Zawyun was torn up in public, which led to an irreversible armed riot.

Next, Fu Wei, the king of the Beast Country, had to get involved in this unreasonable chaos, because Lingshan was within his country, and he couldn't escape it even if he wanted to.At first, Fu Wei really wanted to lend a way to Zhao Yun so that they could leave their homeland as soon as possible and fight to the Dragon Kingdom.He has always sent spies in the Lingshan area, and he knows everything Elder Long does. He knows that Elder Long has never been hostile to the Beast Kingdom, and he also knows that Elder Long has never had the idea of ​​occupying any place to show his prestige.Therefore, he asked the Ministry of Defense of the Beast Country to immediately study the feasibility of lending a way to Elder Long.After a night of research, the Ministry of National Defense concluded that: Beast Country does not have the financial resources to lend to the Lingshan Army.

According to calculations, it will take more than half a year for the Lingshan Army to pass through the territory of the Beast Country in the shortest route and the fastest time. According to the information obtained, the Lingshan Army's own supplies are only enough for about a month at most, and they will inevitably be requisitioned at any time along the way. In layman's terms, it is robbing.Calculated from the demand, it is almost enough to empty out all the treasuries along the way.This is definitely a great insult to the beast royal family and soldiers, and it cannot be tolerated.

Fu Wei has thought about whether the Holy Alliance can fund the cost of sponsoring the Lingshan Army to pass through the territory of the Beast Kingdom, but he can't say it.Because the Lingshan Army was not identified as the Kuiba force, before they left the border of the Beast Kingdom, they were just mobs of the Beast Kingdom, and all problems should be solved by the Beast Kingdom itself.Besides, he knew that Elder Long's actions were aimed at the Dragon Kingdom, so how could the King of the Dragon Kingdom, who is the leader of the alliance, agree to pay the enemy to attack his door as soon as possible?

In desperation, Fu Wei decided to take advantage of the fact that there was no hostility between Elder Long and the Beast Kingdom, paralyze Elder Long, and then send elite troops to ambush the Lingshan Army.Maybe, they can take advantage of the situation to regain Lingshan.So, he applied for a combat subsidy from the Holy Alliance, and the leader Bai readily approved it. Fu Wei couldn't believe that Elder Long had cracked his ambush plan so easily, and couldn't believe that Lang Yong, the ace general of the Beast Kingdom, would not only lose to a group of refugees who didn't even have Wen Yao, but also surrendered.If this continues, it will not be a matter of staying in the Beast Country for six months for the Lingshan Army.

The Ministry of National Defense has come up with a new countermeasure, that is, to order the soldiers of the whole country to give up resistance secretly, and let the Lingshan Army leave the Beast Kingdom as soon as possible. The loss of supplies for six months is better than their long-term occupation of the Beast Country. Fu Wei approved this plan, and even sent spies to advise Elder Long as a surrender, and guide Elder Long to use the shortest route to move towards the Dragon Kingdom.Some members of the Beast Kingdom's military circle simply invited General Wolf Brave to drink and told him the true intentions of the Beast Kingdom's king and the military.General Wolf even introduced these people to visit the famous Elder Long to express his respect for a legendary hero.The identity of General Wolf has also changed from a defeated surrender to a righteous man who helped Elder Long restore his country.

In this way, the Lingshan Army passed through Cangji County and Xiaoshou County smoothly in three months. Along the way, General Wolf's old department received them, supplied military supplies, and put on a friendly look. nice. However, at this moment, Jing talked about the results of his thinking at the Holy Alliance meeting: 1. The Lingshan Army cannot be confirmed as Kuiba's armed forces, at least who Kuiba is.2. Although the Lingshan Army did not intentionally destroy Wenyao's system, their way of fighting does have the nature of disrespecting Wenyao, which must be paid special attention to.3. The Lingshan Army is infiltrating into a wider area, which is not suitable for concentrated attacks.If it is determined that Quiba is one of them, but he is already in a densely populated city, a strong attack will inevitably cause heavy casualties, which is not good for all living beings on the ground.Therefore, the issue of the Lingshan Army should not be regarded as the internal affairs of the Beast Kingdom, but should be faced together as a worldwide issue, and the armed forces of the border should be concentrated to annihilate them. At least they should be suppressed back to the Lingshan area. Ruthless hands, at most, can only destroy a Lingshan.

Jing's proposal was unanimously supported by the favorites of all heavens. Bai proposed to immediately form a holy alliance composed of elite troops from various countries in accordance with the "Organization Law of the Holy Alliance" established when the holy alliance was established, and go to the beast country to fight.The celestial favorites immediately elected Feng Neng, the king of the Yi Kingdom, as the commander of the coalition army to command the battle.
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