Home Categories detective reasoning Code D Agency 2·DOUBLE JOKER
Code D Agency 2·DOUBLE JOKER

Code D Agency 2·DOUBLE JOKER


  • detective reasoning

  • 1970-01-01Published
  • 91918

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Chapter 1 first quarter

Code D Agency 2·DOUBLE JOKER 柳广司 1516Words 2018-03-15
The footsteps in the corridor came to the door, stopped, the door opened, and the waitress came in with her head. "Excuse me……" Sitting kneeling at the door, looking around the box in a panic, was a little girl with flushed cheeks who could be easily identified as a countryman.Just now she overturned the plate that was brought to her. As far as this expensive Izu tourist hotel is concerned, this kind of hospitality is a bit rough.But she may have just come here not long ago, or she is a girl from a nearby farm who came here part-time as a helper. There were seven men sitting in the box.Plates were set in front of everyone, and besides the dishes, several jugs of wine were placed.

Everyone turned their heads to look at the young waitress at the same time. She immediately blushed and stammered, "I'm so sorry for interrupting everyone's meal. Please, may I ask, is Mr. Feng, Mr. Futo, there?" ?” The man sitting at the main seat put the wine glass to his lips back on the plate, and slowly turned to her.This man had a dark face, was about forty years old, and was obviously older than the others. "I'm Fenghu, what's the matter?" "Yes, there is a visitor who wants to see you. It is a young gentleman...but...he insists on not revealing his name, only saying that he has an appointment with you..."

"Come? Bring him in." Futo responded briefly, and reached out to pick up the jug. He listened carefully to the footsteps of the waitress leaving the corridor, and winked at everyone present without saying a word. There were six young men present, all with long hair, wearing white shirts and ties.In the box, they took off their suit jackets, sat cross-legged on the tatami mats, drank and chatted. "Employees of Dadongya Bussan, section manager Tetsumasa Fudo, and six other section staff." In addition to recording their addresses and telephone numbers in Tokyo, the register also contained such a line.

In fact, the waitress who showed her face in the box just now must have thought that they were "employees of the Tokyo trading company who came to Izu to participate in the training".but…… After a while, the waitress just now returned to the box. Behind the still flushed waitress was a short man who shrank his neck and entered the box tremblingly.It was a thin-looking young man with slender eyes.His complexion is pale, and it may be because of this that his thin lips are as conspicuous as lipstick. Fudo beckoned the man to come closer. --Then? he asked in the man's ear. "...that guest will come tonight."

The young man looked around timidly, and responded with a voice like a mosquito. But having said that, since the other six men present were chatting nonchalantly, with a fairly loud volume, there was no need to worry that the conversation between the two would be heard by others. "Is this information reliable?" "He told me to tie the dog he usually roams around in the yard to the dog house tonight, and said, 'There is no need to prepare breakfast tomorrow'..." The man said quickly.Futo looked into his eyes and nodded with satisfaction. It appears that someone will be visiting the Izu villa of former British ambassador Kiichiro Shirahata tonight.

The visitor would quietly meet Shirakawa late at night after everyone in the villa had fallen asleep, so he ordered the dog to be tied up tonight.The reason why he said that there is no need to prepare breakfast must be that he is likely to have a long conversation with the mysterious visitor. Futo patted the opponent on the shoulder and handed out his wine glass. "I worked hard on you before, how about a drink?" The young man who leaked this important information was Kunio Morishima, who was hired by Shirahata at the villa. Morishima looked at Futo flatteringly, and asked in a low voice, "Then, what happened last time...can you spare me?"

"You lived up to our expectations." Fudo still handed the wine glass to Morishima and said, "I want to thank you, that's what happened. Do you understand what I mean?" Morishima showed a surprised expression for a while, but when he saw the innocent smile on the other party's face, he couldn't help laughing too. Respect is worse than obedience, he took the wine glass and drank the wine that Fenghu had poured for him in one gulp. "Hey, someone, take him back in our car." Futo raised his hand, and immediately a man in the box stood up. Morishima hurriedly waved his thanks, and Futo smiled at him.

"You don't need to be polite. It's for our own good to give you a ride. If we haven't seen you, the other party may become suspicious." Morishima bowed frequently to thank him, and then stepped out of the box. The man in charge of sending him back quickly turned around and asked Feng Hu, "...how should we deal with it?" "Kill him." Futo said briefly, tearing off the dropper container he had secretly carried in his palm. "He is useless. Just now I dropped sleeping pills into the wine he drank, and after he fell asleep, I pushed him off the cliff into the sea, pretending that he fell by himself."

"I understand." The man quietly stood up and quickly chased after Mori Island. Futo refilled his glass with wine.The surface of the wine swayed heavily, reflecting the lights in the room like ripples... He raised his glass and drank it down, and said to himself again: --kill him.
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