Home Categories detective reasoning Code D Agency 3·PARADISE LOST

Chapter 35 Section 12

Code D Agency 3·PARADISE LOST 柳广司 4396Words 2018-03-15
My husband, Raymond Glenn, was first mate on the British cargo ship Darrumle.I don't know when he and this man, Louis MacLeod, met.McLeod approached my husband and gained his trust as a friend.But then, he betrayed Raymond's trust and sacrificed my husband to his battle plan. About half a year ago, I received news that the cargo ship my husband was on, the Darumer, encountered a German camouflaged cruiser in the Atlantic Ocean and sank after being attacked. The ship was heavily damaged by shelling from German camouflaged cruisers at the closest distance.The hull exploded and caught fire, killing everyone on board.This is what I heard.

I cried when I got the news.However, our motherland is going through war.The husband was on the British ship, did his job well, and then died in an unfortunate encounter with an enemy ship.I said this to myself, trying to support myself. It wasn't until later, at the mass funeral on the Darumer, that I learned that those were lies. In the chaotic funeral scene, I only took my eyes away for a moment, and Emma was gone. I looked around the hall, and then in a small room, I raised the curtain that covered the table and looked under it, and there I found Emma fast asleep with Fradie. I felt relieved and got under the table myself, trying to gently lift Emma out.

Just at this moment, I heard someone walk into the hut.Immediately I hugged Emma and Fladie and held my breath. Entering the room was a young man in the uniform of the British Navy, and Macleod, who had come to the funeral as a friend of her husband's. The young man in the navy uniform seemed extremely angry. "Anyway, such a plan is unforgivable! To use ordinary people as bait... Do you people in the secret spy agency have no conscience! What do you think about making such a sacrifice in order to decipher the code!" The young man questioned like a cannonball, but McLeod faltered.I can't understand the professional and detailed content.However, hiding under the table and listening to the intermittent words, I finally understood a terrible truth.

It was not by chance that the British freighter Darumour encountered the German camouflaged cruiser.The route of Dalumore was made known to the Germans in advance.It is said that a double agent was used to deliberately leak information to the German side. I was completely blindsided and had no idea what the hell was going on.Why did the British Secret Service have to pass on information to Germany, deliberately arranging for Darumore to be attacked? My mind was in a mess and I was in panic, but I heard McLeod's confident voice in my ears. "It's a necessary tactic in order to decipher Enigma."

At that moment, I felt as if I was hit hard on the head.The man approached Raymond pretending to be a friend, all because of that strategy.My most beloved husband... no, not just my husband.The 20 crew members who sank with Darumore were all killed by McLeod for that strategy! I could only cover my mouth tightly, barely letting myself scream out. After waking up, I realized that the two men were no longer in the room at some point.I crawled out from under the table with Emma and Vladie in my arms, asked a girlfriend to watch Emma for me, and walked out into the street, toward the place where the German embassy had been before the war started.I don't know how long I stood in front of that building.When I came back to my senses, a stranger was talking to me.I told the man everything.Then he said, I will not forgive McLeod, if I can kill that man with my own hands, I will do anything.The other person seemed surprised, but he looked me in the eye and knew I meant it, so he introduced me to someone.

That's how I became a spy for Germany.As a German spy, I watched Macleod, looking for an opportunity to kill him.They taught me how to deal with poison, and how to remove fingerprints, and I panicked when McLeod suddenly disappeared from England.But the German spy agency soon told me that McLeod had changed his appearance, as if he was planning to go to Japan. I will not let him escape.No matter how he changes his appearance, I am confident that I can recognize him.Then I got on the boat and found McLeod in disguise. God is on my side, McLeod left his seat after leaving half of his drink.I covered my fingerprints with nail polish and put the poison in the cup as they taught me.I didn't see the circumstances under which McLeod died.If possible, I hope he dies in pain...

—Stupid guy... Listening to Cynthia's narration, Utsumi frowned. He wasn't referring to Cynthia, but McLeod. Speaking of which, McLeod once said something like this when he was doing the crossword puzzle. "Hypothesis, it's a hypothesis. There is an article whose content is known in advance. If you can get the Enigma cipher text with the same content as this article, you can get the clue to decode it by comparing the two." Articles whose content is known in advance. For example, the top secret combat order of the British Navy. The code-breaking techniques accumulated over the years were all in vain with the appearance of Enigma.McLeod, who understood this, was very anxious and resorted to various reckless methods...

Utsumi was summoned by Lieutenant Colonel Yuki, and after accepting the task, he investigated the actions that seemed to be taken by McLeod on his own initiative. Posting crossword puzzles and stuff in The Daily Telegraph is really just kidding. The largest and most sloppy project McLeod implemented was an operation code-named by the seemingly leisurely word "gardening". He delivered a briefcase containing secret information to a civilian cargo ship, which also included the top-secret combat plan of the British Navy; at the same time, he secretly disclosed this information to Germany through a double agent.For Germany, which is planning to occupy a complete supremacy at sea, this is the information they desperately need.As expected, the German Navy secretly dispatched a camouflaged cruiser on the cargo ship's route.They attacked an unarmed civilian cargo ship, forcibly seized the briefcase containing the secret information, and at the same time, in order to destroy the evidence, they exploded the cargo ship and sank it.If the fact that the operational command documents were seized became known, I am afraid that the British Navy will change the operational plan.In order to make the outside world think that the documents were just lost rather than snatched, the entire ship and all crew members were sunk into the sea.

Since then, the Germans have used Enigma ciphers to transmit to friendly forces the contents of forcibly seized British naval combat command documents.The British listened to their transmissions, and compared the original recorded combat content with the Enigma cipher text, using it as a clue to decipher—— you get what you sow. McLeod named the project "Gardening." Nei Hai found out the outline of the plan and shook his head in astonishment. It's completely intrigue. But for this plan, it is also true that the crew members who were completely kept in the dark were sacrificed.

Cynthia, who finished explaining the whole story in one breath, seemed to have finally let go of the burden that had been on her shoulders for a long time, with a relieved expression on her face. As a German spy, she constantly betrayed the motherland, and such behavior should not be easy for her. However, even if the news she overheard at the funeral was made public, it ended up being ignored.Even the British sailor who questioned McLeod out of righteous indignation at the funeral would never admit it in public because he was worried that he would be held accountable for leaking state secrets.

Therefore, Cynthia made up her mind to be an enemy of the motherland.She joined the German Secret Service and trained as a spy.But-- After all, it's a layman's grind.Cynthia can't do this kind of thing by adapting to the situation and changing her approach flexibly when encountering an emergency. —I covered my fingerprints with nail polish, as they taught me, and put the poison in the cup. Ironically, it was this textbook method of hiding the crime that proved the fact that she was the killer. not only that. --no!stop! ……do not come! It was this instruction that aroused Neihai's suspicion. I'm afraid the German secret intelligence organization gave Cynthia two instructions. One is to carefully identify the photos of the target person McLeod every day ("Even if the appearance changes, the shape of the ears will not change, so observe carefully"). Another one is, in order not to let the target notice, the photo should be hidden in a place where no one will find it. Cynthia faithfully followed two potentially conflicting instructions—she hid the photograph under Vladie's collar. On the deck of Toki Maru, Cynthia saw the bitterly hated enemy McLeod.At the same time, she also noticed Vladie who was about to leap out from the darkness, so she couldn't help but shouted instructions.Tell it not to come over. Thinking about it calmly, there's no way Macleod would have noticed the photo hidden in Vladie's collar.However, in the eyes of Cynthia who looked at the photos every day, and only in her eyes, the photos were clearly placed there.She was afraid that the target person would not notice the existence of the photo.That's why he involuntarily yelled at Vlade... Inner Sea shook his head. If you are yourself, or someone from the D agency, after taking a look, you don't need photos anymore.For spies, it is a matter of course to constantly and consciously try to figure out the world in the eyes of the target person.Therefore, it is impossible for someone to mistakenly think that the other party can see something that should not be possible. Too reluctant.To the uninitiated, being a spy is indeed too difficult. Revenge against the British Secret Service who betrayed and killed her husband. It was just this thought that drove Cynthia.And now that the instigator McLeod has been killed, the things that support her, I am afraid—— "Emma, ​​I will entrust my daughter to you." Cynthia said with her face pressed against the child in her hands. - I will be responsible. He didn't make a sound, just answered with mouth movements. "Also, this little guy is too." Cynthia said, her eyes turned to Vlade at her feet. Nei Hai nodded with a smile, and turned his face to Emma: "Come here, let's play with Uncle over there, okay?" He stretched out his hand, and Emma, ​​who had been hugged tightly by her mother and looked around timidly, showed a smile for the first time. Nei Hai took Emma from Cynthia's hand, and nodded silently again. Standing up, and giving a signal, Vladie followed him wagging his tail. As in the same shift as the Inner Sea, the British commander surrounded Cynthia with several subordinates. They must have heard part of the conversation.Everyone has serious faces. Even the United Kingdom, which claims to be a country of gentlemen, cannot have a gentleman's attitude when facing someone who has killed its own spies. From now on, the interrogation of Cynthia will be extremely cruel. —No, it won't be like that. Neihai hugged Emma, ​​opened the door of the chat room, and walked to the deck. Ignoring the chaotic atmosphere coming from behind, he crossed the deck and walked towards the sea. Just now, Cynthia was staring quietly at the inner sea, and suddenly smiled.It was as if from the middle of the thick clouds that hung low for a long time, there was a faint sunlight that had not been seen for a long time. At that moment, Cynthia understood. Utsumi intends to take responsibility for solving the puzzle. For the dead McLeod, solving puzzles is nothing more than a purely intellectual game.In his opinion, whether it is a crossword puzzle published in a corner of a newspaper or the Enigma, the new German code, they are all the same things that have nothing to do with him.That's why he made a hasty plan like "gardening" in order to decipher the code, and carried it out.In order to solve the puzzle, he did not hesitate to sacrifice the cargo ship and all the people on board. However, there is no need to cite the fate of Oedipus who solved the riddle of the Sphinx. Solving the riddle does not mean the end just by solving the riddle.The solved puzzles will present corresponding responsibilities in front of the solvers. "The mystery is solved, so what are you going to do?" That is a blessing bestowed upon those who confront the puzzle, a curse imposed upon them.Utsumi learned about this at the D agency. At that time, Cynthia understood that the Japanese young man in front of her was planning to solve the puzzle no matter what sacrifice she made.She understood that he would take responsibility for the puzzles he solved. So, she told Neihai everything. In order to entrust his beloved daughter and dog to him... The German spy agency distributed quick-acting poisons to all staff. Cynthia is no longer in this world. Inner Sea held the little girl entrusted to him by Cynthia in his arms, and squinted his eyes at the dazzling sunshine of the southern country. ——Oh my, what am I going to do from now on. In his life so far, he originally planned to solve all the mysteries that lay before his eyes.However, only the promise that was exchanged in an instant with that girl whom they had never met for the first time, and myself who actually exchanged that promise, it seems that from now on, they can only be accompanied by an unsolvable mystery... His gaze turned to Emma who was hugging her neck tightly. Her mother's blue eyes were wide open, and she seemed completely mesmerized by the pod of dolphins bouncing around the boat. Feeling something touched under his feet, he turned his gaze away, and Vladie was wagging his tail desperately, looking up at himself with his dark eyes. "Yes, and you too." Utsumi whispered with a wry smile, and drove the face of Lieutenant Colonel Yuki that came to mind to the distance of the huge cumulonimbus cloud. "...Hawaii...?" Maybe it's a good place to raise children. "Well, there is always a way." In order to prevent Emma from hearing the gradually louder noise behind her, Utsumi pursed her lips and began to whistle "Mystery Variations" loudly. This book was written with the help of Mr. Leslie Danker, a history expert based at Raffles Hotel.Thank you very much.
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