Home Categories detective reasoning Code D Agency 3·PARADISE LOST

Chapter 8 first quarter

Code D Agency 3·PARADISE LOST 柳广司 1454Words 2018-03-15
It is said that people who travel to Asia from Europe must have such conversations: ——See you next time at the Raffles Hotel. RAFFLES HOTEL. Known as the "Pearl of the Orient" or "Mystery Paradise", it is the most advanced European-style hotel even in British Singapore.The building is based on white, and adopts the thick and gorgeous style of the late Victorian era and the Renaissance.Years ago, the Crown Prince visited the hotel and enjoyed dancing in the ballroom.Since the word got out, the hotel has been enjoying the reputation of "the best place to stay east of the Suez Canal".

In this Raffles hotel, facing the bar of the Gallery Bar, or "Paradise in Paradise," U.S. Navy Petty Officer Michael Campbell sighed with apocalyptic gloom. It has been half a year since I came here to serve as the deputy military attache of the consulate.For Campbell, Singapore before today was simply a paradise. In fact, he had heard rumors before, but it was only when he actually came that he realized that no matter what city he had seen in the world, the beauty of Singapore was outstanding. Towering in the center of the city is the ornate spire of St. Andrew's Church, from which, on a hill of manicured greenery, the government offices of white stone and then the dome of the Supreme Court , the buildings are neatly arranged.Several straight and wide roads extend outward from the center of the city.On both sides of the road, the brightly colored green space expands to the distance and becomes a sports venue for golf, tennis and cricket.There are also parks and playgrounds for children.

Despite the tropical climate, men all wear linen white suits with collars and ties during work hours.In the evening, evening dress is worn, or dinner dress.Although their foreheads were covered with sweat, and they would curse angrily, it was obvious that they loved this city deeply. There was an aftertaste of adventurers unique to colonies, a noisy and leisurely life, and more A chance to grab a fortune. The British Empire colonized this diamond-shaped island directly below the equator, facing the Strait of Malacca, with unrivaled success. But for the young American soldier Campbell, the so-called paradise is not the unique colonial culture that the British painstakingly created, nor is it the sparkling water on the beautiful sea surface of the Strait of Malacca that attracts travelers, or the blooming lavender on the roadside. The delicate and beautiful flowers—speaking of which, it is still doubtful whether these things have entered his sight.

On the day he just took office, Campbell saw a young woman in the hotel lobby and felt as if he had been struck by lightning on the spot. A slender stance.The black hair hangs down to the waist softly, and the wheat-colored skin has a transparent luster.She has a graceful oval face with almond-shaped, big black eyes.She smiled, revealing her neatly arranged pearl-like little white teeth. Campbell, who had been watching her ecstatically, was gently poked in the waist by a colleague with an elbow. The moment he came back to his senses, Campbell asked his colleagues a series of questions. Who is she?where to live?Who are the parents?How can I get to know her?

She finally got her name from a stunned colleague, Julia Olsen. "Goddess" is eighteen years old this year.His father is a mine technician, Danish, and his mother is Siamese. "By the way... she should not be married yet." The moment he heard these words, a paradise unfolded before Campbell's eyes. From that moment on, driven by the thick skin of lovers and the characteristic rough lines of Americans, Campbell launched a fierce offensive against her.On the other hand, he resolutely announced his withdrawal from the white clubs that did not welcome Julia to attend on the grounds of mixed race.

At first, his behavior seemed unreliable.But in the end, Julia herself, along with her stubborn father, was moved by Campbell's fiery affection or sincerity, and agreed to the relationship between the two (her mother died early in her infancy). Perhaps, Campbell's tall stature, handsome appearance, charming blue eyes, pleasing personality, and wearing the white non-commissioned officer uniform of the US Navy shining in the scorching sun of the southern country, these are more or less Some influence. In this street market known as Paradise, the two dated again and again. Let's get married soon.This topic has been discussed recently.But--

Campbell shook his head and sighed deeply again. The body of a British industrialist staying at the Raffles Hotel was found last night. Unreasonably, Julia was arrested by the police—as the murderer. The problem is, Julia admits to the fact that she killed.
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