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Chapter 37 Section Fourteen

heads-up 伊坂幸太郎 1102Words 2018-03-15
I I didn't really feel that I was still here, as the saying "I think, therefore I am" said.Just like thinking the other way around, at the moment when existence disappears, you don’t think “ah, it’s gone”, that is to say, “thinking” disappears at the same time. Just now, the moment the hour hand pointed to zero, I tightly closed my eyes. I couldn't understand Mr. Aoki Toyo's explanation, let alone happily accept the "desperate change" that he said would happen to me after that. I was furious, but I was pushed down and given what looked like a stomach medicine.Then we ate, and beautiful women—women who can be classified as beautiful according to my subjective judgment—surrounded me.Suddenly, I was in a trance for a while, and began to think that "maybe it's not so bad to end like this".

Yes, there can't be such a nasty thing, so those are all lies, but someone is playing tricks on me. I can't ignore the feeling of wanting to believe so. How many people can accept being told that they will die today? There will always be a way.How could such a thing happen! Mr. Yutaka Aoki only showed up once before zero o'clock. "What are we going to do?" He asked me through the indoor monitor, "What do you want us to do when zero o'clock comes?" If you want to hug the beauties naked to meet the zero point, it may have come true.And it is also the first time for them to face such a situation, so they are also groping, right?

"If one person's despair can save most people..." I tried to say this to myself countless times, "isn't it good?" As a theory, I can understand it, but it is difficult to accept the "that person is myself" coming fear. The place where the cockroaches were sent, the time travel destination, appears to be a certain family at the time.There, a middle-aged woman was washing dishes when the landline rang.Because she just finished washing, she picked up the receiver and heard the other party say: "I am your husband's cheating partner." "It's really scary." I imagined it and said.

"That's right." Chief Surveyor Yutaka Aoki nodded, "That's an important point of disagreement." The mission of the secret envoy seems to be to prevent this from happening.Because of the cockroaches, the wife ran out of the kitchen screaming and took refuge on the second floor.After the husband slapped the bug to death, he picked up the phone and was surprised to find that it was the person who cheated on him, so he desperately tried to persuade her.In other words, the matter ended with the wife not knowing about the affair. Although I don't quite understand what kind of dominoes fell there, the location of the World Cup was changed, and then there were effects such as changing the fashion trend of hats, and the end result was to prevent the terrible bacteria spread.

It's "it's going to be like this". As soon as midnight arrived, I tightly closed my eyes.My mind went blank, and I was incontinent in the horror of being thrown into a dark universe. The feeling of falling.In the dark, head down, speed up.I am a baby who can't even make a sound, or it seems to be a baby.I bonded with some baby.Keep falling, then hit the hard ground, and it's over. Soon, I felt pain and elasticity. Although I couldn't see anything, I knew that I was embraced by some broad arms, and there were cheers that should not be heard around me. I opened my eyes tremblingly. "Ah, I... am still alive." I thought vaguely.I was alive when I was supposed to disappear, the cockroach went back in time and changed the flow of time, and I died—it should have happened, but I was still alive.I was picked up.The cheers in the distance have not stopped.

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