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Chapter 10 J

heads-up 伊坂幸太郎 1479Words 2018-03-15
"It's almost here." The driver turned the steering wheel and made a hearty voice.Turn left at the intersection and follow the straight road.The signal light at the small intersection turned red, and the commercial vehicle stopped.The building outside the window is equipped with a huge display screen, and it is playing an advertisement for diet food-"Easier and more effective than what you do now." The phone rings in the car, and the minister at first thinks it is his phone, but it is almost At the same time, the secretary said, "It's mine, can I pick it up?"

After the minister nodded, the secretary pressed the call button on the phone, and immediately hung up after echoing a few words. "It was called by someone I entrusted. I asked him to check every newspaper at that time." "Did you find anything?" "It was found that on the day ten years ago, that is, the day when the World Cup qualifiers were held, a man was killed in Tokyo." The minister frowned, not expecting to hear about the death. "Murders happen every day." "It is said that the deceased was Ozu and Uno's seniors in elementary school, from the soccer club."

The minister seemed to be poked from an unexpected angle, and suddenly couldn't think properly. "Is it one of the seniors who bullied Ozu and the others?" "Dead on the spot in a car accident. The perpetrator was never found, and the case is still unsolved after ten years." "Has anything to do with this?" The minister searched for the right words.A picture of Ozu, Uno, and the senior who didn't know his appearance appeared side by side in his mind.He tried to imagine the relationship between the three people, but failed to come up with a clear composition.

"In addition, one thing was found out. The senior seems to have participated in illegal activities." The tone of the secretary's speech was still like a bloodless machine. "Illegal activities? Is it selling narcotics?" The minister said what was in his mind. "Sports betting," the secretary replied. At this moment, the following scene appeared in the minister's mind. Under the night sky like a blue curtain, the lights are shining brilliantly. On the stage are the green ocean-like court and the goal set on the lawn.The goalkeeper in the red jersey stood in front of the player in the blue jersey. That man was Ozu.He was tackled by his opponent and just stood up.Adjusting his breathing, he glanced at the football placed, and then fixed his eyes on the goalkeeper.

"Ozu." Uno called him after approaching him. "Sorry." Ozu replied reflexively. "Why do you have to apologize?" "According to the bet, I must lose today, but I couldn't help but want to shoot." The moment he received the ball, he reflexively started to pass.As if he couldn't stand abstinence and wanted to explode his emotions, he went straight to the goal without considering the consequences, ignoring the "lose" instructions he received. "No, Ozu, it's okay." Uno's flat face became even flatter now. Ozu suddenly raised his face: "It doesn't matter?"

"Senior's matter is settled." Uno said briefly.As if afraid to face it, he looked down at his spiked shoes, "I saw the signal in the auditorium. As promised, there is a row of men in white clothes, that is the secret signal that we are liberated." Ozu understood the meaning of this sentence, and looked at the auditorium. "Then," he confirmed to his childhood playmate Uno, "it's okay to play freely from now on?" Seeing Uno nodding, Ozu smiled slightly, relieved. "In other words, this person's death is related to Ozu and the others?" the minister rubbed his nose and said bitterly.

"Although it is still unclear, it is speculated from intelligence that there is a possibility." "Why is it still unclear?" "We are currently investigating the fund flow in the bank accounts of Ozu and Uno at that time." Although the secretary said it lightly, the minister could not easily accept it.Is this kind of information really easy to obtain? "Both Ozu and Uno were poor boys, so they are said to be greedy when it comes to money." "Allegedly?" "If you look at the documentary literature about Ozu, it's generally written like this." The secretary talked about other people's lives as if he was talking about the ecology of insects, "What I want to ask is, why are you so obsessed with that penalty kick, Minister? Ten years have passed Now, why are you going to investigate the truth now?"

"I'm very interested myself." The minister replied, "Besides this, I'm also very concerned about whether Ozu had something similar to belief in that match." The minister seemed to suddenly understand his own thoughts when he said this, " Perhaps, I want to know whether Ozu faced the test of courage at that time." "why?" "Because for me now, that is something I must have." The minister said silently in his heart, the so-called courage can only be learned from those who have courage. Unexpectedly, the truth was related to gambling, the minister shrugged.

"Sometimes it's better not to know."
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