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Chapter 9 I

heads-up 伊坂幸太郎 1366Words 2018-03-15
This area was developed after demolishing all the former low-rise houses and shops facing the street.Two rows of cars can run parallel on one side of the road, and the sidewalk parallel to it is neatly paved with granite.He was walking on the sidewalk, where the rhododendrons were in full bloom in the green belt, and a row of newly built apartments lined the sidewalk. He had just finished a study session for young congressmen, and was rushing to his brother's apartment to discuss the renovation of the old family yard. Although it has been half a year since he was elected, he still does not have the real sense of being an MP.He is surrounded by close friends, media professionals who specialize in new congressmen, the voices of supporters, and silent containment. Before the sense of reality surges, the feeling of being sucked into the vortex is even stronger.

After the study session was over, a senior congressman approached him who was about to leave. "I'm an admirer of your father," the congressman said frankly, as if he was confessing that he was a leftist opposition party. "Oh, is that so?" He made a surprised look.Since he was a child, he often encountered his father's enthusiastic readers in unexpected places, so he didn't think it was very strange, but this was the first time that there were also his father's fans among members of the same party, and he felt a little embarrassed. "I heard that he was writing novels until his death?"

"I think it's just because he doesn't have anything else to do." When he was about to enter junior high school, his father died of cancer.He clearly remembered his father lying on the hospital bed, smiling and saying, "It's not bad if it ends like this." He couldn't understand why his father, who had already received the cancer diagnosis report from the doctor, said, "It's not bad to end like this." Way". "I am very worried about a major earthquake or flood." When my physical strength first began to weaken, my father once said this while lying on the hospital bed. "I will worry about whether it is because of me."

Looking back now, around that time, a large-scale earthquake occurred in Southeast Asia, which became a topic due to the heavy casualties.But he felt that there was no need to specifically inform his father on the hospital bed, so he never mentioned it. In the end, after being repeatedly admitted to the hospital several times, my father passed away without even making it through a year. The senior congressman said enthusiastically, "If we don't do anything about today's politics, this country will be finished. Although this country is prosperous now, it is temporary. When you throw the ball, the ball will draw a parabola." And then fall, right? And this fall is exactly what we have to go through. Our citizens don't understand 'fall' unless we watch the ball hit the ground. Even from a politician's standpoint, it's just Look away from the reality and say, 'It is not yet the process of falling'. But unfortunately, in order for the ball to rise high again, it is impossible not to go through the rebound."

"What's the meaning?" "You have to fall to the ground once before going up again." The senior member of parliament spoke in high spirits, frothing like a crab.He stared at it for a while. He walked on the wide sidewalk and saw crowds of people.A group of dozens of people came together from the side road and merged with the flow of people on the main road.They were of vastly different ages, genders, and attire, and they didn't look like colleagues in the same job.Is it going home together after the protest march?But I didn't see anything like a proposition or appeal, neither a placard nor a flag.In order not to run into the group of people, he began to move towards the sidewalk near the apartment.

He watched as he walked past the crowd. The faces of this group of people have similar sadness and exhaustion, like withered plants moving forward.Although their costumes are different, and they don't have a uniform like a uniform, but perhaps due to the influence of light and shadow, they all look like lead in a dull color.Each of them is like a proliferating mold. After passing by, he quickened his pace.He wanted to get away from this group as soon as possible. The gloomy things behind him seemed to be a mixture of uneasiness, terror, and malice. They crawled on the ground, dyeing the surroundings into blackness, and even made people feel that they would attack themselves.

"Weakness is contagious." The words that his father often talked about flashed through his mind.That's what a psychologist said, my father used to say that, and worried about everything. The crowd following behind carried the so-called "cowardly" aggregate.He couldn't help feeling that if he didn't keep his distance from it, he too would be infected. Passing by the apartment, he suddenly raised his eyes.Just then, the toddler fell.
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