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Chapter 73 Chapter Twenty-Three

We restored the remains of Erika Toda, Kikyo Shimada, and Narumi Konno, who had been occupied by the "Black Bird Man," and moved them to their homes.Because I have been there once, I don't need to go there in person, and I can let the remains jump directly to the bed in their former bedroom.And according to the agreement with Mercury C not long ago, condolence money was sent to the families of the three people.Divide all my property into thirds, of course.While families of the deceased may feel horrified, outraged, and even mourned when they receive condolence payments, that's all we can do right now.

Immediately afterwards, the clock advanced to eleven o'clock in the middle of the night, and I began to hesitate. I've had a revelation. I stood on the "Tree of Life" in the middle of the central hall, the center of the magic circle, just below the "Center of the World" in the center of the chandelier, facing due east. In the center of Fengli, which has been rotated 60 degrees clockwise, the east direction is directly facing the dividing line between No. 8 and No. 9 rooms.The new world is compressed and hidden within it. If you follow this line all the way east (although it will be closer if you go west), you will be Israel.Next, I will cut open the world like Moses divided the sea, and let it escape to the outside, but what I lead is not the Israelites, but "Noah's Ark".It is the animals that were gathered in the ark just before the human beings angered the gods and were about to perish.Although it is not a pair of male and female but twins, if it is not enough, just recreate it.Just like those grasslands, seas, and tropical rainforests do not need to be deliberately brought in, as long as their worldview thinks that they need a partner, then a partner will appear.I just leave everything to the wild consciousness of the animals there.

But only humans, I can't let them do whatever they want.Without the shackles of ethics, they will only do terrible things.So it is necessary for me to stay on the sidelines and supervise. Due east of Pineapple House is the direction of the word "outrider". An "outrider" is a "pioneer".Also "the person who guards the side of the vehicle". If my reading of fate and inevitability is correct, then the person responsible for opening the way for the "Ark" to depart at 23:26 on July 15, 2006 should be Nishixiao, Fukui Prefecture. The location of "outrider" points to my "partner" Morinaga Koedo in Room 303, Viharabi Kojima-cho, Chofu City, Tokyo.

Twig shouldn't betray my will.She will definitely inject the most basic ethics of caring for children into the humans of the new world.She will definitely be active as my partner. But what I'm hesitant about now is, is it good to just throw her into the new world without discussing with Xiaozhi first?If I do such a thing, Xiaozhi will probably hate me, right?She should feel very angry, even sad, right? I think she will.Because Xiaozhi is just an ordinary girl.There was no girl who would not be angry at being suddenly thrown out of the world by herself. But I also think that even if Twig gets angry and cries and makes a lot of noise, it's better than letting her stay with me in this stale old world.

Anyway, even if she stays here, I will definitely be too busy abducting children, hiding children, and risking all kinds of dangers until I grow old, so I have no time for her at all.So she didn't have to sacrifice her life to be with me. Even though I thought about it this way, I still hesitated, because Xiaozhi was originally "Shao's heart", and it was her wish to see me. I didn't because she came here to find me after eleven years, but I Sorry not for alienating her, but because I, too, have a crush on her. I don't want to be separated from her. After being killed by the "Black Bird Man" and resurrected by Xiaozhi, I once said that I am only Xiaozhi alone, and that was my true words.Now that I've lost Norma, the spoon is long dead, the twig can't come near, the world is coming to an end, and I'm doomed to spend my life on what only I can call good.

But I still have the feeling of wanting to love someone, and I want to pour this feeling on Xiaozhi. I can even give up those 300 million children for this feeling.This is real.Ha ha.Now I even feel that human beings absolutely have the right to make such decisions.Just as future human beings have no action although they have a certain sense of guilt, people also have the actual right to show their goodwill within a limited range and not make self-sacrifice for it. But human beings can't just talk about this right and that right, but more importantly, their own obligations.What they should retain most is the exact sense of mission bestowed upon them by history.

Besides, I have no time to hesitate.Now I have entered the "dilemma time zone". I gathered the theater troupe and famous detectives in the Pineapple House. Just now, Mercury C and I were resurrected from the dead and returned to the Pineapple House. I have briefly explained to them the future after the "End Moment". I was thinking about this While saying: "Okay, now is the long-awaited disappearance time for everyone." As soon as I finished speaking, several members of the Angel Rabbit Troupe smiled, and the faces of more people were obviously gloomy.But I continued, "Next, I will explain the steps of the action. First, I will send you to a world where there are only twins. Mitamura Ichiro and Jiro are waiting for you there. There are also pandas who can speak Japanese. Cheetahs, cheetahs and many other animals are waiting for you." Before I could finish speaking, the expressions of all the members became clear and they made a "huh" sound.

"Can you speak Japanese?!" "Really? Pandas?" "Oops, so cute." "That's impossible, can the panda's vocal cords really pronounce?" "Can they talk while chewing bamboo? Super cute." Having said so much now, just don't be hit by Kongkong and Diandian's bad attitude later... But now the atmosphere has become too clear and relaxed, so I asked: "Have you sorted out your mood? Are you no longer nostalgic for this world? You really won't be able to go back later. gone." As soon as I finished speaking, several people immediately replied: "It's okay, Mr. Wednesday, we will be independent when we grow up anyway." "Besides, those of us who only know how to act have been given up long ago." One day we will leave our parents." "We must stand on our own!"

It turns out that these people are similar to pandas... Even so, they probably acted so optimistic on purpose... "Thank you everyone, then the new world will be handed over to you. The world here will perish one day, so everything really depends on your hard work. Please make sure that the children are happy. Please also make sure that they In a normal society, live rightly." After I finished speaking, the troupe members fell silent again. This time, the famous detective asked quietly. "Shouldn't we stay and help Mr. Disco?" Baji said, "Because there are 300 million children to be abducted."

"Ok." "Then you must be too busy alone, right?" "However, the world here is a world that is about to perish." World replacement. "So I must allow you to live smoothly." "Even if it is going to perish, it won't disappear immediately, right?" "No, it will disappear soon." I remembered the subtitles that appeared at the end of the video "The Lamia Phenomenon". "If the low birth rate continues, by around 2080, the newly emerging life will only be enough to sustain a certain 10 billion people to live forever. Experts predict that human history will stop here." Even if this is just my fiction The information obtained in the future, but the actual situation should not be much different, so this world will definitely perish immediately. "Humans left here will decay in the warm environment, and at a very fast rate."

"...but Mr. Wednesday will stay, right?" "Yeah." After all, I ended the world, but it's better not to tell them. "Because someone has to save the kids, and someone has to make the kids and other humans realize what's wrong with them. It's the best of the best. I can't use my head anyway." "...But I think there will be many missing children in another world." "That's not a problem. Because I'll send my partner there too." Hearing my words, Baji looked at Mercury C. "I'm not that guy's partner." I laughed, but I didn't know if I really planned to send my "partner" Koeda Morinaga to that world. I said to the nagging Angel Rabbit members: "It will be fine. If you go there and take a look, you will know that the world of twins is truly free. Even time can be manipulated at will, and you can do whatever you want..." At this moment, Daisuke Kimura suddenly jumped in.jump in?Where did this guy go before? "It's amazing! Everyone! It's amazing there! I found paradise! Really! Even dolphins, turtles, and impalas can speak Japanese!" Did this troupe member start from the trap set by Mercury C just now and enter the world of twins by relying on his own thinking? I don’t know whether I feel helpless or deeply moved... But I finally confirmed a fact, "knowing" this thing It's really going to spread.And now more than half of the Angel Rabbit members have jumped to the twin world in one go, so I don't bother to care about them. The only ones staying here are Fukushima Gaku, Hongo Taxi Taxi, and Yingyue Danyuki. I shook hands with each of them. "Thank you," Fukushima said. "I'm sorry for causing you so much trouble. Please leave the childcare to us. We'll build a lot of schools, put on a lot of plays, and don't watch those People like this, they actually like children very much. Although they themselves are still like children. Haha. But to be honest, everyone wants to do something for children. After all, they are all entertainers. Our service spirit is still Very vigorous." Then do it happily. "Okay, then you have to work hard. Hehehe." Hongo said, "Although I can only tell you this. However, as long as you need me to stay, I will accompany you at any time." You have been messed up by Mercury C with chopsticks and almost died.Let's go over there and have a good rest. "Wow, what a shameful memory. Goodbye then." "Hello, hello." Yingyue Danxue scratched her head and said, "Although I have jumped to various places, I really didn't expect that I would come to this step." Thank you, I have learned a lot from you. "No, that's not the case, you flattered me. Hehe." gross. After all the members of the Angel Rabbit troupe disappeared, all the detectives came up to shake my hand, "There is no time, well, you go quickly." I said. "Ah." They all expressed dissatisfaction, but I chose to ignore it. "Thank you for doing so many things for us." Sun and Moon said. "Although I didn't get many lines...but I really learned a lot." Gakiuchi said. "Come on, please, although I really don't want to talk about this, but there is nothing else to say, so please do it!" Hansha No. 2 and a half said. "Mr. Disco, I love you!" Douyuan kissed my face, and Mao Mao Miao Miao also followed her example. "I want it too! (boo)" "Oh, well. But those two boos can't make up for the loss of Mr. Disco. Thank you. Goodbye." Die Kongsi Xiyou said. "Mr. Wednesday, thank you for bringing me back to life. Thank you very much. And you have to make so much effort for the world... Thank you so much!" Diekong Temple knelt happily with tears in his eyes He bowed to me on the ground, his younger brother turned back with the corners of his mouth twitching, pulled him up and dragged him away. Immediately afterwards, Judy Doll's House came up and smiled at me, saying: "Mr. Disco, your Japanese is very good!" That's it!Isn't this guy himself born in Shizuoka... The Goddess of Beauty Eryu was crying again. "Mr. Disco, thank you! For the sake of the children, you will make such a sacrifice..." You have to make friends with many normal children over there. In the end, Yaji was lucky enough to be a Japanese but gave me a big hug. "Mr. Wednesday really made a lot of sacrifices. You sacrificed everything for the justice in your heart. We and the rest are very clear." This guy... in the arms of Baji, I feel myself Many things in my heart began to slowly dissolve and were about to collapse, so I had to grit my teeth and persist.Baji also knew that I couldn't stand any more stimulation, so he simply let me go, put two fingers on his forehead and said "goodbye".Oh goodbye. So, Mercury C and I were the only two left on the scene. "Okay, you go too." I said to him. "Oh, goodbye then." After Mercury C finished speaking, he turned and left. Looking at that muscular back, many words suddenly surged in my mind, but in the end I couldn't say them out. Mercury C didn't look back, just raised his hand, and then disappeared without a trace. Pineapple Curie finally left me alone. I look at the clock that is synchronized with the time outside.It is twenty-three twenty-three. There are three minutes.Although there is not much time left, of course I can stretch the only time infinitely. What should Xiaozhi do, I can't keep hesitating.But even if Xiaozhi is called over and asked to make a choice according to her own will, there must be only one answer.Xiaozhi will definitely choose to be with me.It is precisely because I know this well that I cannot talk to her face to face here. To abduct 300 million people in 13 years, one person per second must work continuously for 17 hours a day to reach this number. Seventeen hours is really real... Thinking of this, I smiled.Wouldn't it be more difficult to come up with such a figure that can be completed with a little bit of reluctance? It was already twenty-three twenty-five. I was facing the east, and the "Blackbird Man" suddenly appeared in front of me. He waved his hand "swoosh", and my stomach burst open, and all the internal organs fell to the ground with a "squeaky" sound. "Blackbird Man" smiled while holding the kitchen knife: "This is really sharing the pain, Disco Wednesday." Saying that, "Black Bird Man" turned into the face of Saburo Mitamura.Even the voice is exactly the same.
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