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Chapter 72 Chapter Twenty Two

Fukushima said: "Actually, when I was listening to Mr. Wednesday's reasoning, one thing I always found very strange was the ladder left next to Room No. 8. Mr. Wednesday said that Mr. Dark Hospital, who had been staying in the study, sneaked through the window. Climbed out, and then used a ladder to climb along the outer wall of Nazugawa Villa to the corridor on the second floor, but how should I put this, don’t you think it’s a little shameful?” Don't you feel a little inferior?Although I can't understand the whole meaning, I can imagine it according to the context. Fukushima continued: "Because Mr. Dark Hospital can distort or stretch the space, and even do more things? Such a person actually wants to go outside in the dark, secretly using Climb the ladder to the second floor...he can skip doing this, and just appear in the corridor on the second floor with a 'snap', right?"

Ah, that's true, and I have to agree. "Besides that, it's meaningless to let the arrow go around in a circle, isn't it?" Fukushima chased after the victory, "If a door on the corridor is suddenly opened during the arrow's circle, all previous efforts will be wasted, and As long as he has the power to jump, he doesn't need to turn around at all. He just needs to stand behind himself and launch. It will definitely not shoot sideways. Besides, he doesn't have to aim at himself to launch, as long as Just let the arrow jump to the back and pierce yourself. You don’t even need to go to the second floor, just in the study.”

Everyone listened quietly to Fukushima's speech, but now I can't even be attracted by him. I must protect this white "barrier" that is exposed to everyone.Because here lies all my hopes. "That being said, if he really died in his study, the mystery of the circle of blood would not be able to arise. So he should have used a different method of death... or a method of killing, or something else. Anyway, let’s go into this room first, and I’ll continue to explain.” As he spoke, Fukushima stood in front of the “barrier” on the second floor, and opened the door of Room No. 9. "Come on, everyone, please go inside."

Everyone entered the room after hearing the news, and one of the girls from the Angel Rabbit team asked him, "Fukushima-kun, are you a detective?" Want to feel like Xue?" Fukushima said with a smile. "Ahaha. Still using 'The'? It's so handsome." "Thank you for the compliment. Alright, let's go in." The other troupe members walked into the room talking about Fukushima, and I was completely confused.After all the famous detectives and troupe members went in, Fukushima followed, and I whispered to Mercury C: "What are you doing? It's too dangerous, idiot."

But Mercury C didn't argue with me, but ignored me and entered the room.In the end I had to follow them into Room 9 and restore the twist of Pineapple House before closing the door.But just relying on my will is of no use at all. Originally, this is just a matter of seeing and not seeing, and it is impossible to make the distortion disappear completely.But as long as my will is strong enough, it should be difficult to see. After I closed the door, Fukushima continued: "Next, Fukushima studies will begin to make the final reasoning. "It's actually very simple. Mr. Dark Hospital, who has the ability to jump, stood in front of the door of Room 7 on the second floor while staying in the study, and pointed the bow gun at his back and pulled the trigger. However, he didn't let The arrow of the bow gun jumps according to his own consciousness. Because although he decided to commit suicide by his own consciousness, he still wanted to avoid the situation where the arrow deviated due to fear and failed suicide. Because no one would He is not afraid of death. But his will to commit suicide is relatively strong. In order to truly die, he must let the bow and arrow shot by the bow gun fly straight towards him. So that night, Mr. Dark Hospital stayed in his study, At the same time, he stood at the door of Room No. 7 on the second floor. Conversely, to make the bow and arrow shot from the bow gun fly straight, the only way to do it is to shoot from the study to the door of Room 7. Everyone knows that there are also arrows on the wall of the study room on the first floor. A hole, and in the center of the twisted pear, on the other side of the hole is the upside-down room No. 8 on the second floor. The door of the upside-down room No. 8 is the corridor. As long as Mr. Dark Hospital stands in front of the wall hole in the study, he should He could see himself standing in front of the door of Room No. 7 through the hole in the wall and the door. Then he aimed the bow gun at himself, avoiding the wallpaper and the door that might be damaged, and let the bow and arrow shoot directly through there. What he used the space transfer to manipulate should not be an arrow, but two pieces of wallpaper and a door that would hinder him (see Figure 18).

"Then he released the twisted state again, and dragged his corpse around the corridor where the level was restored. In the end, Mr. Dark Hospital stood in front of the door of Room 7 on the second floor again." Hearing this, the members of the Angel Rabbit team let out a half-shuddering exclamation, but I am very dissatisfied with this conclusion. Where did the reasoning that entered the body of the dead Saburo Mitamura and crawled around the corridor in search of me go? Fukushima didn't seem to notice my confusion, but continued without hesitation: "The reason why Mr. Dark Hospital created the circle of blood is probably to prevent people from discovering the distortion of the space between Room 8 and Room 9... At this point, my final reasoning is over. As you have discovered, my reasoning is based on the thoughts of Mr. Xiyou Diekongsi and the astonishing accusation made by Mr. Mercury C just now. So it can only be regarded as pure It’s just a combination of the ideas of the two. I don’t have any credit at all, and we should thank those two people. Please give them a warm applause!”

The members of the Angel Rabbit team clapped their hands together, Diekong Siyou shrugged, while Mercury C didn't respond, just looked aside with a dull face. After the applause subsided, Fukushima said again: "Next, let's actually verify that reasoning. Because it is very troublesome, we still go from Room 9 on the second floor to Room 8 on the first floor, and look at the room on the first floor. The door of room No. 1..." As he said, Fukushima casually tapped on the center of the wall, and because there was a big hole behind the wallpaper, he made a "thumb-thumb" sound, which sounded like beating a drum. Like a tight drum, for a moment, there was a "coming" response from the other side.

The voice of a child? Did some kid waiting for the transition in the ceiling world hear the occasional knock? ! "There are people inside." The child's voice came again, and when I was at a loss, there was a loud noise next to me, and the "bang" laughter resounded throughout the room like an explosion. "Hahaha, I found it, I found it!" I took a closer look, and there were three "blackbird men" standing beside me. coming!Sure enough, they were ambushing around here! Discovered by them! "Mercury!" Mercury C had killed the first "Blackbird Man" before I could yell.He plunged the kitchen knife straight into the cap of the "Black Bird Man", leaving only the handle on the outside.That guy paid back what he had suffered!I also threw myself at the other "Blackbird Man" and kicked him hard on the head.The man's neck was broken, his whole head was turned straight back, and then he slowly collapsed.His glasses were kicked out by me and kept spinning in the air.

But the third "Blackbird Man" has disappeared from Mercury C and me.But I can see, he jumped to the other side of the wall! "Wow!" A cry came from inside the wall, but then there was silence. Because of the sudden intrusion of the "Blackbird Man" in the room here, as well as the splashed blood and the corpses lying on the ground, everyone has fallen into a state of panic, but I can't take care of these.I have to jump to the other side of the wall.At that moment, my brain suddenly woke up to the scene where Pineapple House was attacked by the Whip Baron.So many children could have been easily killed by just one murderous adult.His maniacal laugh.The blood-stained corpses of children fell to the ground in all directions.The weak and the evil are punished by the strong.That's what Baron Whip told me, that's what you are.A bastard who booed and cheered in the face of children's pain.From the bottom of your heart, you wish you could sit in the front row and watch puny children scream and spew blood.

Am I gathering three hundred million children in one place just to appreciate the sight of them all in pain? no! I shook my head away from my idiotic thoughts. I started condemning myself too early.Because I am so stupid.This is just the beginning of the disaster. I must try to save as many children as possible. wait for me! I'll be there right away! Just as I was about to cross that wall, someone behind me grabbed my neck. I turn around. It's Mercury C. This guy is indeed a traitor! The reason why he made up such a pretentious reasoning just now was also to lure the "black bird man" here!

The bastard! But I don't have time to deal with Mercury C right now. I'm sure I'm going to kill him later, but now I have to save the kids first! But after dodging all my punches, Mercury C said, "Stop it. Calm down, detective!" Stop talking nonsense!I waved my fist desperately, but I couldn't hit Mercury C because I was too anxious. "Get out of your way, Mercury! Go away!" "Idiot! You will die if you go!" "Who is afraid of whom, gay! Go to hell!" "Tell you not to go! You can't listen to people!" "Run away! Children! Run away!" I growled at the other side of the wall.I used to make the same cry in Pineapple House. ……Stop!You are not allowed to hurt those children!Don't be violent to children! Why are there people in this world who are violent to children? When I was almost overwhelmed by Mercury C, I was also thinking vaguely in my mind.But maybe thanks to that fuzzy thinking, when I was struggling wildly, I managed to land a beautiful straight punch on Mercury C's face. The Mercury C rolled to the ground, and I immediately got up to jump, but right in front of me, the wallpaper on the wall suddenly cracked. Has anyone escaped here? ! I ran over immediately, but immediately saw that it was a grown man waving his head out of the hole in the wallpaper. And it's one of the Angel Rabbits. What the hell is he doing in that kind of place? ! "Big brother, I have nothing to do with you." He imitated the voice of a child and said something to me, and without hesitation I gave Sato Kazuhiro a hard hit on the head. Damn troupe! Then I slumped to the ground and didn't have the will to get up for a while.But of course I've checked the other side of the wall first.I manipulated the space to peek inside, and saw neither the ceiling world nor the children, but there were many bamboo guns pointed at the wall, and the third "Blackbird Man" was pierced full of holes. I looked at Mercury C's face.He had a smirk on his face. Now that he has completed his revenge and appreciated my ugly appearance just now, he is extremely satisfied. "I'm sorry, Mr. Wednesday, are you okay?" Fukushima knelt down next to me and carefully observed my expression. All I can do now is sigh. "I'm really sorry, in fact, we planned to tell Mr. Wednesday about this plan..." "... Mercury C said no, right? I knew it." "Ah, yes." I looked inside the wall again, and there was only a big tattered hole that was temporarily smashed open. The other side of the wall is not Room 8 on the first floor at all.The beds there were not at all the same as the high-end hotel-style beds in Saburo Mitamura's bedroom, and even the daily necessities were different.And it wasn't Room 9 on the second floor either. "What floor and room number is this?" I asked. Fukushima replied: "This is Room 10 and Room 11 on the second floor." Then he rotated the space of the central hall, the cloister, and the surrounding bedrooms by 60 degrees, and then connected them in a staggered shape.Then there was a play in Room 11, which was disguised as "Room 9". "Does everyone know about this?" "Yes, except Mr. Wednesday." "Hmph," I complained to Mercury C, "You are too bold in this decisive battle, what if you are attacked at the moment when the white 'barrier' appears in the hall?" "Then kill all three of them there." Mercury C said indifferently, "I didn't prepare you and those bamboo spears because I was worried that I wouldn't be able to fight alone. I let you get involved too." It’s nothing more than wanting to take a piece of your pie. I prepared the bamboo spear just to see that idiot fell into my trap and didn’t even know how he died. Hehe, it’s interesting, isn’t it? And ah, those idiots can’t possibly have the ability to go to Go to the other side of the 'wall', I already knew that. Those people always attack us when we are most vulnerable to suffering. I just deliberately didn't create a 'wall' in the central hall with many children in it Therefore, they must also find it boring to launch an attack there. My uncle has already seen through their little thoughts. In this way, I succeeded in exceeding their expectations! Hahaha!" Looking at Mercury C who looked up and laughed, I didn't want to move even more, but I couldn't stay like this forever. I asked Mercury C: "What is the real time now?" "Huh? Oh, half past ten." half past ten? ! "That's one hour before the 'End Moment'!" "It's okay." Said, Mercury C stood up, "Haven't you already found what you should do in the 'End Moment'?" I grabbed Mercury C's hand and stood up too. "Ah, that's right." Then, I thought again.How many times has it been, why does this guy always see through what I'm doing and about to do? Then I took another look at the white "barrier" outside the door.The “wall” extending from the hall is now exactly between rooms 10 and 11, where we were, but the remaining section is turned sixty degrees and submerged between rooms 8 and 9 . While staring at that wall, I suddenly understood that the farce designed by Mercury C was actually a historical necessity. The dividing line between rooms 8 and 9 now points almost due east. The due east of Pineapple House in Nishisaki Town, Fukui Prefecture is the residential area of ​​Viharabi Kojima Town in Kojima Town, Chofu City, Tokyo. Listen up, you just need to think about the tip, disco!Only that child is your real guardian, the only girl who can light your way! "Mercury," I said, "don't restore Pineapple House to its original state, you turn the other side of the hall clockwise another sixty degrees to align with here." Mercury C looked at me.As I spoke, I smiled. "Jerusalem is also approaching due east."
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