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Chapter 68 Chapter Eighteen

What happened to the world of twins in the "end time"?Why didn't it last this way?Could it be that before and after the "End Moment", the world on the other side of this white "barrier" went into chaos or was replaced? Where is the ceiling captured by the camera?Since it is the other side of the twisted study on the first floor, it should be Room 8 on the second floor, right?So at this moment, are those transparent children still huddled together like bats in a cave, covering the ceiling of the second floor?But if they really exist in this pineapple center, there should be no reverse flow of time, let alone a white "barrier", right?

What the hell is going on with those children's flickering?What I was thinking of was clearly the children playing happily in the twin world, but in fact those children were squeezed together for a moment, and then disappeared randomly, replaced by another group of children crowded together...they went where? !Where did it come from again? ! Calm down, asking these questions won't solve the problem, I thought.Think about it in order. At any time, I rely on constantly thinking about what I don't understand, and understanding it, and then moving forward.This is how I got to where I am now.

The existence of a mystery means that I will see new things to solve this mystery. There is no way we would allow children to be treated that way. And that state is only for a moment, so the children probably won't remember it. Stuffing them in the ceiling was a last resort because the only space we could find was there.After all, there are 300 million or more children to hide.And it's only for a moment anyway, so there's no point in making them lie in bed or sit in a chair. But after that moment, where did they go?Where did I take them?Have I created another hiding place? No, after passing that crowded ceiling, the new place they entered was probably that twin world, I half-prayed.The vanished twin world wasn't wiped out, it was moved to another place, and we just temporarily took the kids to the pineapple-centered new ceiling world before "End Hour" to hide them, and then sent them to that In the new twin world, it should be like this, right?

But why do we have to do such a troublesome thing?What is the reason for hiding the children here temporarily? Of course, the reason must be very simple, probably because only from the ceiling world before this "end time" can we lead to the new twin world.In this way, the ceiling world and the twin worlds are indeed connected. However, how are the two worlds connected? I don’t have any relevant information now except for the “pineapple tunnel” and “sour” that Shao said. According to my thinking, Shao, who only has an ambiguous understanding of the world view, may have come to this ceiling world through some opportunity, and tasted it. Children's tears, or smell their scent?In this way, as long as I chase after Shao, maybe I can come to this ceiling world like her... But is this idea a bit too far-fetched?

I fell into deep thought again.Because I think it will take a long time to think this time, I temporarily restored the distorted Pineapple House to its original state.I feel a little anxious.But when I was hiding in the study and thinking, the day had come, and everyone began to feel hungry.me too.Others started wanting to go to the bathroom.But the kitchen and bathroom are in the hut outside the Pineapple House, so I checked the hut first, then handed the Pineapple House to Mercury C, and asked him to transport the members inside to the hut, and take care of the surroundings before they finished their work Be vigilant.

The leader of Angel Rabbit, Fukushima Gaku, quickly made rice balls for everyone. "Because kneading rice balls doesn't need to take time to pack things." Fukushima said.I see.After everyone filled their stomachs, I entered the study again.However, I was still unable to draw a conclusion from my thoughts, so I decided to draw a picture first, because I have always used schematic diagrams to sort out the clues in my hand. I rummaged through the study room full of bloody books, and first found a pen on the desk.Then I started looking for blank paper or notebooks. From the few books left on the bookshelf, I saw Joseph Edilberg's "The Yamato Nation Was Originally Jewish" and Aleister Crowley's "The Book of 777" , I also found that there was another foreign language book sandwiched between these two books.

"THE BLACK SWAN" I took out the book and put it in my hand, flipping through a couple of pages casually.This is a business book. About the impact of the unpredictable... The first edition was published on April 17, 2007. Well, it turns out...
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