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Chapter 60 chapter Ten

disco detective wednesday 舞城王太郎 10958Words 2018-03-15
I also noticed that Norma, who put her hands over her mouth and couldn't help but say, "Oh my god, Disco Wednesday," looked as young as JJ. "Why are you in this kind of place? Disco, what the hell...what's the matter with you?" Norma ran over, said something to me in Japanese, and then suddenly threw herself into my arms. "I've been looking for you for a long time, Disco. I've been looking for you, always looking for you..." I found that Norma's hair was no longer brown, but black hair with an oriental style.Even the skin is no longer white.These arms and this body that hugged me were something that belonged to someone else who only resembled Norma in appearance.

I didn't hug Norma's body back, but slowly pressed her shoulders, letting her loosen my arms.The pair of pupils she stared at me were also black, and what hit me the most was that the current Norma looks like the "seventeen-year-old Jiao Xinxin" who has Norma's face and spoon body, That is, the girl who is now named Morinaga Koeda is exactly the same.My brain is in a mess.Everyone is too keen to modify their personality. Norma looked at me with a sad expression and said, "I have always wanted to see you, Disco. Because I have been working hard for your goal."

"Norma...why..." I swallowed it in the middle of the sentence.Why are you going into that false body?Why was she introduced as JJ's wife at this moment?And, why did you make such a move? "I understand, Disco, you care about this body, don't you?" Norma said, "To be precise, it should be disgusting, right?" You are right.Why is this, why is it you who take away someone else's body and use it as your own skin? Facing me who was hesitant to speak, Norma slowly said in a peaceful voice: "This is not the body of the poor 'disappeared twins'. Now we no longer steal fetuses, and no children will be affected by that. What a pain, Disco. Did you tell him about it, Believer?"

JJ, known as "The Faithful," shrugged and said, "We haven't gotten there yet." "You should have told him about this from the beginning!" After scolding JJ, Norma turned to me again, looking straight into my eyes, "It's alright, Disco. Please don't worry. Because I was chasing you, I worked hard and did a lot of research, and I did things that people didn't believe they could do at first." "Used in Shao pose, the body called 'new clothes' is now cultivated by an artificial womb. Moreover, during the process of cell division of a fertilized egg and life becoming a person, we can also use the original soul's The growth rate is used to regularly and quantitatively inject alternate personalities into the body. So now the 'Sub-child' will not crowd out the original soul, but the 'Sub-child' will be raised as the original soul. After they are born, they will no longer They are concentrated in a closed environment and fed uniformly by the staff engaged in the raising work, but will be brought up by a large number of volunteer mothers registered all over the world to normal families. Also, although those before were only for a moment , although it will be forgotten immediately, the 'Main-child' who still has to suffer painful treatment has been able to use drugs, electric current, and electromagnetic waves to complete the same job in the past four years, making the painful stimulation they had to endure before become A completely different stimulus, a completely different experience in consciousness than abuse. Doesn't the old trick work by making children transfer 'painful' or 'sad' memories to other personalities? But now That neural signal has been replaced by the feeling of 'heaviness'. Therefore, they are equivalent to sharing the weight to other personalities in order to transfer the 'heavy burden'. Isn't this discovery very powerful? Recent studies on the brain and personality and The study of consciousness has made great progress. Of course, thanks to the disappearance of war, defense funds can be transferred to our scientific research funds... So, Disco, there are no crying children anymore. Although We did make kids suffer even for a split second, but we really didn't abuse kids anymore. Because I really, really tried. You really don't have to fight anymore, Disco Wednesday .”

"Haha, you're wrong, my dear. That guy is not the disco who is abducting children all over the world." JJ finished with a smile, and Norma kept her arms around me, pulling her upper body slightly to look at my face again. "What? You do look young...but disco is disco. By the way, where are you from?" Just as I was searching for an excuse, JJ had already answered it first. "Although the answer is very subtle, he is indeed Disco on July 15, 2006. He came here just after the Pineapple House incident, and he hasn't abducted half a child yet." "Wait... how come... this is so FUCK!" Norma said loudly, and threw herself into my arms again, but I no longer had the strength to pull her away. "I'm sorry, I said dirty words..." Norma laughed with a choked voice, "I haven't used this kind of word for a long time...but seeing Disco's face, I seem to have regained the feeling of the past. Haha ...God damn shit! Anyway, horseshit! Ahh disco, that's about to start? All this, all your misery... By the way, can you let someone else do it for you? Disco, you don't You have to work it out on your own. Let go of everything and let it go! By the way, as long as you give up now. Anyway, you know that kind of thing is meaningless now."

Although she said so, Norma knew that her advice was meaningless when she looked at my face.She just wanted to let herself say those words. "Really, you are so stupid, Disco! Why are you so stubborn and tough, and you must be an enemy of the whole world?" I'm neither stubborn nor tough, and I never thought it would be okay to be against the whole world... I just want to protect the people who are important to me. As for myself, it doesn't matter what. "Norma... Was it JJ that you told me at the class reunion that year?" There was a brief break in the tears that kept rolling down Norma's cheeks. "……This……"

Norma standing in front of the table with duck dishes, and the ring on her left hand.At that time, Norma's beauty was unreserved, and it didn't scare me like it does now... "Why are you with that idiot." Norma smiled slightly when she heard me. "It's unbelievable to say, Disco. Although he does give people a very dangerous feeling, and he is not a good person to put it bluntly, ah ha ha, but I really like him very much. After all, there is no one like him in the world. And I've always felt it was my responsibility to regulate and control him." Suddenly, JJ laughed out loud, but his laughter sounded more like a moan to me.

"Hahaha, I'm so glad to hear that from you, honey. But I want to hear the truth, do you like me as much as you like disco?" Norma wrapped her arms around my neck and turned her shoulders and head only, looking at JJ sexy. "Hehe. You finally asked this question, my dear. Of course I love you, believer. And I only love you. I will not marry someone I don't like, and it is impossible to maintain a relationship with someone I don't like." Married life. I'm serious about that." Like a super typhoon passing through the depths of my brain, there is a calm eye of the typhoon, and I am thinking vaguely in it now... I know it very well. JJ didn't meet Norma by chance and start a relationship.And he didn't call Norma here by chance today.This kind of thing was clear to me the moment Norma appeared, and from the moment I stepped into Stallone's company, I have been vigilant for any traps or traps that may appear around me at any time.So I was ready to decapitate JJ the moment he drew his gun or made any suspicious movements.I had already hidden in the palm of my hand a shrunken kitchen knife that Mercury C let me carry with me at the Princeton Hotel.

But JJ's body didn't move at all. He was simply taken aback. Hum... urr... an electronic sound sounded from nowhere, and then there was a small "poof" sound, and my buttocks were instantly wetted by warm liquid.At first, I thought that after listening to Norma's words, I finally became incontinent because of excessive regret and grief.But just when I was about to confirm this, Norma, who had been wrapping her arms around my shoulders, went limp.I quickly put my hands around her waist and found that it was already soaked.Oops, did I not only incontinence, but also pissed all over Norma, to have such a shoddy, terrible gaffe after a sudden love break, I just hung my head in frustration.Only then did I finally realize that Norma's lower body was gone, and what wetted my little brother and Norma's waist was a large amount of warm blood. In the sea of ​​blood spreading all over the place, Norma's legs were like broken It was paralyzed there like a dropped plastic doll.

Norma's stomach exploded. Her pancreas and kidneys were scattered on the floor, and intestines were falling out of Norma's leaking body.Since I had already supported Norma's upper body with my hands, I had to prop up my knees to try to stop her intestines from slipping down, but her warm internal organs continued to fall to the ground along the sides of my knees.Can't stop.Norma was broken, shattered, and fell to the ground.In order to prevent her upper body from slipping off, I hugged Norma's body desperately.At this time, Norma's voice sounded in my ear: "Disco is my hero. Didn't I say, 'I've always lived with you as my goal?'"

Ahhhh...Norma! My eyes kept wandering among Norma's scattered blood, legs and internal organs, and finally, I finally saw Norma staring at my face.But the only one who met my gaze was the black pupil on her right, and her left eye was always pointing diagonally upwards and remained motionless.Just now I dismissed her body as skin, but now I finally understand Norma's beauty.I watched as the last light left in her right eye faded away.She was completely broken...but at this moment, I finally remembered my ability again.That's right, I can change time and space now.I can restore my Norma like I cured those famous detectives! But I didn't feel anything when I saw those famous detectives whose eyes were pierced and turned pale, but now I dare not look directly at Norma's broken body.Norma's waist has completely lost its original shape.She exploded from within, a bomb pre-implanted in her suddenly activated.I thought of the weevil-shaped bomb that I took out of Erlu's main body.Is that it?Was Norma also implanted with that kind of thing? Go to hell JJ! "What's going on, Norma..." JJ said in a trembling voice from the side. "Shut up! JJ, shut up!" I have to concentrate now. I roared angrily, and even instantly wanted to kill JJ, but I still stopped myself. Norma takes precedence over anyone and everything right now. But too many things happened all at once, and my head was already in extreme chaos... I never thought that I would come here, meet Norma, and finally watch her die in my arms! "I didn't expect that she...would answer me like that..." JJ couldn't stand still, bumped into the desk, and made a sharp voice. It's all this guy's fault. "JJ is so loud! Shut up! Don't move! Now I'm going to cure Norma, and I'm going to make her back to normal!" "How could I do this... Is it Xia Rong? Is that woman Xia Rong cursing me?" JJ, who was still unsteady on his feet and seemed about to fall to the ground at any moment, looked blankly at the void.I don't want to talk to him, and I don't have time to talk to him. I put Norma's upper body gently on the ground.Her hair was instantly soaked in a sea of ​​blood and became heavy, but I didn't care.Because I'm going to send that blood back to Norma eventually. My eyeballs kept turning in all directions in the eye sockets for a moment, and I couldn't control it at all; my brain was also turning crazily, screaming that it was about to reach its limit; my breathing was very shallow, and it seemed that I was going to collapse at any time In a state of darkness, he collapsed beside Norma. Ah, that's how I escaped to Pineapple House.When watching Sue suffering, leave him there alone. But this time I can no longer escape! "Woo... oh... Norma, come back! I won't let you die! Come back to me, Norma! Please, Norma, come back to me!" Smelling Norma's blood, I leaned over and cupped her face in my hands, and started to turn back time. Norma's blood, which was scattered around in a radial pattern, began to gather towards Norma in the center.The blood and flesh lumps gathered together, kneaded into a ball, and turned into specific body tissues, returning to Norma's body while restoring its original shape and function.I suppressed the tremors of joy all over my body, and I couldn't be careless now.After a while, Norma's abdomen closed again, and I also repaired the broken dress and underwear from the fibers. Finally, Norma's eyeballs also returned to their original shape, and the sight was consistent, but there was no light in the pupils anymore. . "Norma." I whispered to her. But JJ said on the side: "It's useless, Disco, what you do now is useless." I ignored his words, "Norma, come back quickly. Your body is here." "But that's not Norma's body." JJ added, "So once Norma leaves here, she can't find her way back." That hateful persuasion!I wanted to plug my ears, but I closed my eyes by mistake.I accidentally opened my mouth, and the breath I had been holding back all of a sudden burst out, shaking my diaphragm. "Woo, woo, woo, woo..." I gritted my teeth, but the voice still came out.I didn't cry, I didn't shed tears, but my body was still desperately enduring something. "We have already calculated that a person's soul will only return to his original body. If he dies in someone else's body, he must immediately transfer his soul to a new body at that moment." "Then hurry up and get it!" I left the false body of Norma lying on the ground that had recovered its perfect shape but no longer had body temperature and light of soul and stood up, "Where is her original body?! " "It's long gone. Disco, Norma's things are all gone now." "Don't you have a replacement child's body?! Where the hell!" Really want to use the child's body?Can I sacrifice those children for Norma? However, this choice can only end in assumptions. "Norma's soul has gone to a far, far away place, Disco. If there is no original body, I can't keep her soul. If there really is a world after death...Norma is probably already in It's on the way." I suddenly remembered Yingyue Danxue's words again.Everyone will go to the place they think in their hearts, and they all live in the world they believe in, Mr. Wednesday.Where did Norma go?If I bring Yingyue Danxue here, can I also go to that place to find her back?Thinking of this, I immediately tried to use my consciousness to go to Fengliju to bring Yingyue over, but suddenly stopped.It is best not to make any rash actions now, after all, I have traveled through time and space.The moment I leave here, everything I do here will return to nothing, and history will automatically return to the original track... Thinking of this, I tried to reverse my thinking again.Isn't this exactly what I expected?When I came here by myself, everything I encountered returned to nothing.In this way, wouldn't Norma's death become something that had never happened before like that piece of copy paper disappeared into the air? Yes, I thought.It is precisely because of knowing this that JJ will do such an unreasonable thing.Now he's pretending to be hurt, but he knows very well that Norma will be back in his arms, and he's just keeping it quiet to make me feel pain. Then I have to return him with a smile. In order to attract JJ's attention, I snorted, raised my face and said, "I was almost pulled into this scene by you as a clown. JJ, there is no need for you to get revenge." Well...and now you already know what Norma wants, don't you?" Norma chose JJ, which fits her character very well. "As long as I leave here, you will probably forget all this, but I remember it. So you have to work harder! Remember that you killed Norma here, and apologize to Norma for this, do your best Make it up to her, you idiot!" But JJ listened to my words, but he didn't show the pretentious smile that he could not see through before, nor did he show the confusion that now there is a chance to make himself a good person and this may be the last chance .He just stood there blankly, his lips trembling uncontrollably. I wanted to continue to say something, but in the end I didn't say it.If JJ remembers what I said, my presence will leave a mark on the history of this place, so Norma's death may not be erased.So I'd better just leave without saying a word. I took another look at Norma, who was lying on the ground.Now it's just a puppet that Norma once existed in. Enough is enough, the moment I look away, JJ says, "If you get out of here, none of this really exists, Disco." Probably because he understood my thoughts, JJ said again: "It's useless even if you disappear...Norma won't come back to me." "If the fact that I appear here is erased, the world should return to its original track, right?" JJ talked to me on this premise just now, didn't he? But JJ shook his head. "...Norma is dead. Although this is indeed a fictional future, it is indeed not you who made this place superfluous. After Norma's death, the reason why this world has not changed is because your existence is responsible for Norma's death. ...to guarantee the fact that Norma once lived. However, regardless of whether this world exists or not, Norma is dead, and she will not come back. No matter which history she goes to, she will never be found again .Even these achievements left by Norma can only last when you exist here...during the time you ensured Norma's life and death, once you leave here, those achievements will be all disappeared." "...What do you mean by that?" "Norma is the same as you. She also came here from the past. She is Norma shortly after meeting you at the class reunion in 2003. You are not the only one who interferes with this future. That's all, Norma has been staying in this future world where she shouldn't exist, and has made a lot of efforts without knowing it. Haha." "It was the angry me in 2007 who married Norma. The matchmakers and the honeymoon were all arranged by the Black Swan gang. Everything was arranged by those people... Before you and Three days after Norma’s last class reunion, I took Norma to Japan to marry her, and finally let her travel to 2008 alone. Because in the five years since 2003 , I have been looking for you all over the world, and the company has encountered a business crisis because of your obstruction. So there has been no room for Norma to conduct her research. And I can't let Norma see me working together in the drug cartel I don’t want her to know that I’m running around the world to hunt you down. Also, although she didn’t say it herself, I know that Norma really wants to stay away from Disco. And not just in terms of distance, There's still time." Norma came here from the past... did she cross the half of time and space? So now that she's dying here, what does that mean? "Norma's research results..." "Didn't I just say that, of course that will disappear without a trace!" After speaking, JJ showed a crazy smile again. "Ahaha! After all, I handed over all the relevant plans to Norma. Just now, in the past ten years, all the research results costing about ten trillion yen have all been in vain. This is exactly my plan! Of course! How could the Black Swan Company allow this kind of research! It’s really stupid to want to cut their share! How could that idealistic optimist Norma understand this kind of business operation and balance of power!” I can't even clench my fists. "You see, Disco! I fucked your favorite Norma girl hard and made her fat and fat just to blow her up in front of you at this moment today. Haha! You know I'm good Look at you! It's all your fault! It's all your fault for obstructing me and the Black Swan Company! It's you who killed Norma! It's all because of you, the serious, honest, Healthy and healthy Norma, all the good parts of her beautiful soul were wasted, and she just died! Norma won't even have a grave in the end! Norma, she is so alone, in this never Died in an alternate future that doesn't exist!" I wanted to gag him so much, but I couldn't move at all. "Heh heh heh, hahahahaha! You are so stupid. The other 'you who have fallen into a child kidnapper' knows the ending, but doesn't respond to Norma's demands at all, and doesn't want to show up at all... Haha. No wonder! But I’m also much happier. Now I’m going to start to live my life again. Although I’m sure I won’t be able to appreciate the difference from before, I’m still looking forward to a real life without Norma’s troubles!” JJ tried his best to put on a nonchalant smile, but I didn't need to look to know his lips were still trembling.Norma's death must have had a certain impact on this guy... Having lived with Norma for so long, he must not be able to concentrate on fighting me. He's just an idiot.And it's annoyingly fragile... I removed a foreign object in Norma's stomach.It was restored to its past state with Norma, a very familiar weevil bomb. "JJ, what's the trigger signal for this bomb?" He didn't answer. Hearing Norma's last words, JJ was very surprised... Immediately afterwards, Norma's stomach was blown to pieces, but he didn't show any wavering about it. "The starting signal shouldn't be what Norma said, right? It's the boring question you asked just now, isn't it?" Totally unexpected answer to that pathetic question that JJ asks to confirm Norma's love. The question JJ had been keeping on his mind set off the bomb. I dropped the weevil in my hand into JJ's stomach who was staring at me without saying a word.The bomb sank into JJ's body without a sound, leaving no scars. Instead of dodging, JJ accepted it without moving. "It's such a waste to let her follow a hopeless person like you, isn't it?" JJ didn't respond.Nor did I expect any response from him.Now, we have nothing to say.It's over, Norma she'll never live again, we've lost each other's Norma.While I've been tormented by the idea that Norma's life was the result of staying here too long, I'm wrong. All this is preordained.People process history in order to change history, all of which have already been programmed into history. "...Let me say it first." JJ said, "Actually, you don't know anything. In the end, you and I, as well as people all over the world, have been controlled by the Black Swan gang. Even God." However, seeing Shao and Norma being treated so badly and being bruised and even losing their lives, I was surprised to find that I thought this result could not have been better.Because I've been fighting villains who think they're behind the scenes.I have always thought alone, acted alone, and achieved results. This time I am still the same.It's not the me who is staying here now, but the "future me" who is hiding in a certain place and keeps kidnapping the children, which makes JJ burnt out and is disrupting JJ's position. And the anxiety felt by JJ in front of me should also be the anxiety of the Black Swan Company that manipulates JJ behind the scenes... Everything I did really hit them. Thinking of this, I finally found the question I had to ask JJ. "JJ." JJ, with red eyes and dazed expression, turned to me blankly. "You said you wiped out all the drug cartels in the world, what's the point of that?" JJ doesn't seem to understand the question right away. "Huh? Ah ... Although there is a part of the reason to raise funds ... but the gang of black swan mainly wants to rule out the kind of delusional feeling when people absorb drugs into an illusion state. Noise...but I don't know what that means either." But I know. The world is formed by the interaction of people's world views, Yingyue Danxue is right. In this way, those who try to rule the world consciousness will definitely regard those addicts who will have a huge impact on the world consciousness after taking drugs as a great obstacle. "Huh. It is said that the cuckoo clock that gave birth to peace and democracy in Switzerland. Let me just guess. Although world peace is indeed good, there must have been no decent art in this decade? And there will be no more Has there been a new Spielberg and Jimi Hendrix?" "It's too old." JJ said with a smile, "Compared to this, San Diego has become a beautiful city. It has become a clean city with no litter on the streets. Everyone is very happy Oh." Santiago like that, go eat shit. "One more question, JJ, after you became a big drug lord, there was an incident where your subordinates were killed in succession, right?" "...Yeah. But that's..." "Suicide disguised as homicide. I already know this. What I want to ask is the fact that all the dead were found hanging upside down on one foot. Do you know what is hidden in that?" "Hmm... Does that kind of thing really make sense?" I observed JJ's expression and movements when he spoke.After all, I am a detective, and I have been dealing with liars all the time, so I am very confident in seeing through someone's lies.But I didn't see anything abnormal in JJ. JJ just looked at me with a strange expression and said, "...About this question, isn't there a little ghost named Erliuzhu Meishen staying with you in Pineapple House. That guy should know better than me, so go ask Him." "Really, then I'll go ask him." I responded. "The Hanged Man" = "Odin", is this really just a coincidence?Could those seven people really die in the same form without anyone's help? Then, I thought of another question. "That's the last question. JJ, do you know what Pineapple House is?" As soon as I asked this question, I immediately regretted it... What if it was a real orphanage? I can't help but feel timid.Because I thought of the massacre of orphans that happened inside. Whip Baron. But JJ still frowned and said, "Pineapple House? Isn't it called Pineapple House?" "That's right." "I don't know. What's that?" "Since you don't know, forget it." It's better not to know. Well, let's go back, I thought.I must hurry to Fengli House to find helpers, and there should be many things that need to be carefully considered and known in the future, and I will not have any results if I stay here.I don't want to know anything about this anymore. "Goodbye." After that, I was about to leave and jump to the Princeton Hotel, but JJ said. "Are you going back, Disco? Is this really good? You know, as long as you disappear from here, the methods that Norma constructed to reduce the burden on children will also disappear at the same time." Norma just said that the sexual abuse of the "Main-child" stopped four years ago...but that also means they were still being abused until four years ago.If counting to 2015, the children have suffered for nine full years.In the past nine years, there have been a large number of children who urgently need me to save. What's more, the "future me" who is still abducting children today has also used his own actions to prove that I will eventually leave here. "Although Norma is a normal human being, she is by no means special." I said to him, "People like Norma are everywhere. There may even be people who are better than Norma. So, No matter what kind of history, there must be someone who can take over Norma's career and continue to work hard. If the world maintains a normal state at the expense of children, there will be no problems." "...Wait, wait a minute, Disco...don't go back. Stay here for a while. Everything will end after you leave...Although I am embarrassed to ask you to help me bury her, at least Come with me. This is Norma's funeral after all." You obviously killed the person, what nonsense are you talking about, I thought to myself, but I didn't say anything, I just stared blankly at Norma's body lying on the ground.However, that body was no longer Norma to me.Although this body has the shape of Norma, it is still no different from a doll in my eyes. "Don't you feel angry?" I was taken aback when I heard JJ's words. "...You let Norma's body lie on the ground, and you still have the mood to ask me those meaningless questions... Don't you think you are weird? Is it because Norma was snatched and killed by me, you Do you think that all of this doesn't matter?" No matter how much he said in that critical tone, I really, really don't have the strength to refute him.And facing this Norma in front of me, I no longer feel excited... Of course, I also think this is too strange... Thinking of this, I looked at JJ, and a villain-like rogue finally appeared on that face smile. "So you can't get angry. Am I right? Hey, anyway, my work is done anyway..." JJ's full smile disappeared, "You're such an idiot, Disco. Why, You obviously like Norma so much, but you can't love her like you love your children?" Somewhere in my heart suffered another unexpected shock, and I stood still and couldn't move. "It's all your fault. You escaped alone when you were suffering." JJ said another speech with more ambiguous meaning, "Although I am weak, you are also weak. No matter what era, no matter Wherever it is, the weak ones are the ones who are allowed to be eaten." I think of the writing Baron Whip left on the window. The weak and the evil are punished by the strong. Sure enough, JJ knew about Pineapple House, but didn't tell me on purpose? But JJ continued: "No...it should be the opposite. You should be different from me, very strong, right? After all, you just hugged Norma, who was only half alive, but you didn't escape anywhere..." "What are you talking about, what exactly are you trying to express?" "Let me tell you, this is what I want to say. In fact, think about it carefully, that guy...Norma finally answered my question very seriously. Although she... said she loves me, but what I asked yes……" Suddenly, JJ's pupils lost their brilliance, and I instantly understood what he was thinking. "What I'm asking is, does she love me like she loves Disco?" Before the sound of the start signal was finished, I quickly concentrated on taking out the bomb that I had just thrown into JJ's stomach without thinking, and threw it outside the building, above Chofu. Bang——The weevil bomb exploded outside the thick glass window of the chairman's office. We only heard a vague cracking sound inside, and after secondary development, the flow of people and vehicles has greatly increased. The sound of the engines of buses and cars coming and going, as well as the various noises made by people, probably prevented the sound of the explosion from reaching anyone's ears... After all, it was a miniature bomb.Only small explosions killing a single individual will occur. For a moment, JJ, who closed his eyes tightly to prepare for the explosion of his body, opened his eyes again, and let out a long breath that was held in his chest. "...This, why..." I said to him, "Why would I let you kill yourself, idiot. You just stay here obediently, and wait with Norma's body for the moment when everything returns to nothingness." 我并不是出于好心或情义才救了他的。那是我对他的惩罚。 这并不意味着我是强者,JJ是弱者。更加代表不了我已经胜过JJ。我……最终还是无论走到什么地方,都会被JJ伤得体无完肤。这才是事实。 可是,我这么做却并不是为了报一箭之仇……这个惩罚只是在我所相信的那个世界中,某个更加巨大的、正确的存在托付给我的权利而已。 我知道JJ头脑中现在已经变得一片空白了。他已经感觉不到悲哀、愤怒,甚至连绝望都没有了。 可是我却满怀着希望和使命感。 这样的未来里什么都不会有……现在连诺玛也已经不在了。可是在我又看了一眼诺玛的遗体,最后移开视线的瞬间,我还是看到了自己在这里必须发现的最后一个必然。 在倒地的尸体身边有个玻璃茶几,茶几上有个小碟子,碟子上放着我刚才吃剩下的橙色和式点心,点心旁边放着一个印着黑色文字的纸袋,上面印着的是和式点心店的店名。 海人草家 井头的声音再次出现在我的脑海中。这是在附近新开的点心店里买来的,味道还不错哦。
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