Home Categories detective reasoning disco detective wednesday

Chapter 58 chapter eight

disco detective wednesday 舞城王太郎 17704Words 2018-03-15
I turned the direction of the target to the silver building with the name of Stallone Japan Company on the top, and then jumped.The building is located about two minutes' walk from the south end of the station building. The tall skyscraper seems to be overlooking the small civic center around it.In the past, but for me it should be now, in 2006, the buildings in this area were only a foreign-funded food company, a parking lot, and some private houses of people who had lived here for a long time.But the company building with the blue exterior wall and the surrounding residential buildings seem to have been demolished and replaced by this giant skyscraper covered with glass curtain walls.Walking up the parking lot of a five-star hotel that did not exist in the food company era, you can see serious-looking bodyguards standing at the door instead of the doorman.The huge porch is composed of two revolving doors and three sliding doors. Open the central door and enter, and you can see a wide entrance hall with a height of three floors and covered by glass skylights.The interior is designed as an evergreen forest, dotted with a variety of rhododendrons, extending to the second and third floors.If the tables in the lobby weren't surrounded by groups of white-collar workers, this place could easily be mistaken for a high-end hotel.There is a reception counter in front of the entrance, and I walked towards it... However, out of the corner of my eye, I saw a few men spotting my approach, stood up abruptly and walked towards this side.It was a half-old man in a suit, three middle-aged men, and a large young man.This young man is probably responsible for the use of violence. His eyes obviously don't belong to the Japanese working class.No matter how hard I tried to hide it, I could feel a tension emanating from him.

Of course I was also nervous, but seeing the half-old man smile after approaching me, I couldn't help but feel a little confused again. Could this strange old man know me?Is it really possible for such a thing to happen?Why... will someone in Japan in the future world of 2019 know me? I suddenly realized that this is Stallone's company. "Welcome. First of all, please forgive my abruptness. Are you Mr. Wednesday? Mr. Disco Wednesday?" The old man asked a question, it seems that he even knows my name. Are they waiting for me? "You are?" "Oh, I'm very sorry, we should have introduced ourselves first. My name is Shinozaki Maya, the general manager of Stallone Japan." As he spoke, the old man took out a business card case from the inside pocket of his chest, pulled out one of them, and held the Alright, bowed and presented it to me, "Mr. Wednesday, nice to meet you. These are the deputy general managers of our company, Yuki Tobuya, Takayuki Suzuki, and Yoshitaka Koyama."

In line with the old man's introduction, the three people who stood one step behind each nodded and bowed and handed out business cards with both hands.I had no choice but to take it in order. The surprise in the eyes of the three people still remained, and they all lowered their heads behind the old man and rolled their eyes to peek at me.It seemed that they were too surprised to turn their eyes away.They look like they know I'm coming, but they don't really believe I'm coming. The young man probably realized that it was not his turn to show his strength, so he stared at me and quietly retreated, leaving the hall.I watched him go, then deleted the details and asked succinctly: "Where is JJ?"

The four men were startled when they heard my question, but Shinozaki immediately stood up straight again and said, "...You mean the president, he is already waiting for Mr. Wednesday's arrival." Ha, I couldn't help laughing: "Could it be that he just came to Chofu City, Japan today?" Shinozaki immediately said: "No." Then he said, "The chairman has been stationed in Stallone Japan since last year. But he has only recently officially become a Japanese citizen..." "JJ, he has become a Japanese...is he really naturalized?" "Yes, this summer."

"Really, anyway, tell me where he is first." "Of course. The president also ordered me to take you to his office, this way please." After finishing speaking, Shinozaki stretched out his palm toward an elevator inside, and then led me in while maintaining this posture.If he told me where JJ was, I could jump over there, but now the three deputy general managers have followed closely, surrounding me in the middle.Do these four people who look like ordinary Japanese company employees also have the ability to manipulate time and space?I have no idea.After all, the deformation and operation of time and space are carried out with consciousness, and have nothing to do with muscles.So even old people who are over a hundred years old and children who are six years old, as long as they can control their consciousness, they can travel through time and space.

I haven't been able to change the speed of time yet, so if there is a mechanism similar to that "abuse room", I have nothing to do... But Mercury C has already figured out a way to rush into that room.Can I get in there at all?Probably because so many high-level figures of the company gathered here at once, the employees in the entire hall looked at us in unison, I thought as I followed him to the elevator.Even though you gave the hint yourself, it still took so much time.That's exactly what Mercury C said.What is the hint?It must have been something he said.And the person who gave the hint, according to the context at the time, should be me.Well, logically I should have gotten the same hint from myself.And as long as you think about it a little, you will be able to understand that prompt.

As soon as the elevator door opened on the first floor, the employees who saw the general manager gathered at the elevator door hurried out of the elevator, and the last person stretched out his hand to block the elevator door and waited for us all to enter the elevator.Although there were other people waiting for the elevator at that time, no one dared to enter the elevator occupied by the five of us.The arms blocking the elevator were pulled away, and the people standing around kept bowing postures until the elevator doors were completely closed.Xiao Shan standing next to the elevator button board said: "Now I will take you to the highest floor, which is the chairman's room on the twenty-seventh floor." After speaking, he pressed the top button, and with a signal tone, the button was pressed. A line of text appears on the board's display.

"An existing unregistered guest is using the elevator, do you need a diagnosis?" Xiao Shan pressed the "NO" button, an animation-style girl appeared on the monitor, bowed and then disappeared, and then the elevator began to climb slowly.Shinozaki, who seemed to be watching my eyes from the side, said, "I'm very sorry, once someone presses the button above the 21st floor in the elevator of this building, for the sake of safety, the person in the elevator will be scanned and identified. ..." "What happens if you press 'YES'?" "what do you mean?"

"What will happen if it is 'diagnosed'? Will the data be put on the Internet for confirmation, and the criminal record of that person can be obtained immediately?" "That's right. However, the confirmation of the criminal record has been completed at the same time as the scan, and the text displayed on the screen is actually a tactful way to convey the scan result. After all, this is a confined space." "Oh. Then what does the text just now mean?" "...Well, 'The dangerous person is riding the elevator. Do you want him to be diagnosed?' Well, that's about it."

Am I a "dangerous person", hahaha, I laughed out loud. "And then, what is a 'diagnosis'?" "The company has specially equipped a department, which is responsible for asking the guests to get off the elevator for verbal inquiries. The so-called diagnosis is to call the personnel of that department." It sounds pretty dangerous. "Yes. Then you don't have to call them?" "Of course not. Because the president ordered us to take Mr. Wednesday directly to his office." JJ was there waiting for me. I didn't have the time to think about ways to change the speed of time. The elevator reached the twenty-seventh floor, and at some point it stopped quietly and opened the elevator door.

There is no elevator room like the one on the first floor, but a lobby with thick carpets.Even the indirect lighting, high-end accessories and flower arrangements have a strong hotel atmosphere.Shinozaki walked in the front again to lead me the way, and I walked out of the elevator still in the state of being sandwiched by the vice presidents, and moved to the left along the hall, entering a small private room.The two young girls inside stood up immediately when they saw us, and when Shinozaki approached, they greeted him respectfully.Of course, they looked at me with curiosity. "Is the president here?" After Shinozaki asked, a girl replied, "I'm already waiting inside." The other girl pressed the button at hand, and a door opened.Immediately afterwards, she walked through the open door, walked to another closed door inside, knocked on the door twice, and before waiting for a response from inside, she twisted the handle and opened the door. "Everyone, please come in." Shinozaki opened the door, waved to the girl, and entered the room, followed by us.The three people behind me seem to be thanking the girl too, but I don't have that thought right now. Sitting inside is JJ, whom I haven't seen for many years. Joaquin Joseph Stallone, in a form-fitting suit, stood in front of huge floor-to-ceiling windows against a backdrop of late autumn Chofu. That slightly mischievous smile on his face is still the same... no, except for the clothes and the location, he is really the same as before. "Ahaha, it seems that we are still very young, Disco. But it's been a long time since I've seen you." JJ smiled at me with that twenty-three-year-old face I know well, speaking to me in Japanese. JJ also traveled through time and space, I thought instantly. In 2019, JJ should be thirty-eight years old, he shouldn't look so young. "I don't know how many years we haven't seen each other, JJ. I heard that you have become Japanese?" While speaking, I had already put on my posture.Let's check the surroundings first, but there are only desks and a few sofas in the room, and nothing that can be used as a weapon is found.Having said that, as a person who can freely change the space, he should be able to use everything as a weapon. "Ah, haha. But there are still a lot of things happening. You sit down first, let's talk slowly." JJ pointed to me a sofa with his chin. "Shinozaki, you guys can go back." "Understood." After Shinozaki finished speaking, he turned to me and said, "If you have time, please come to our office on the twenty-sixth floor before going back. We have admired Mr. Wednesday for a long time..." JJ said behind the surprised me: "Ah, stop talking nonsense. Get out of here. Don't get in the way! Don't get in the way!" He waved his hand seemingly irritated. "Really. Ah, Ms. Inigou, please make us a cup of tea. Two cups... Do you drink tea? Or coffee?" "Just drink tea." "Iced tea, or hot tea?" "It's ice." "Okay. I want iced tea, Ms. Inigou." After a while, a girl opened the door with a smile and said, "Both of you are foreigners, but you both live like Japanese." "Thank you. I appreciate the compliment." "Ahaha. Then I'll make tea right away." After the girl's figure disappeared, JJ said again: "Come on, sit down." As he spoke, he himself sat on the sofa next to him.I, too, had to sit in the middle of a three-seater sofa.What should I do next... What kind of mechanism will there be here? "Do you want to speak in English, or in Japanese? Of course, you can also speak in Spanish." "It's still Japanese, your English is too rough." "What the fuck in the fucking world are you fuckin' doing in Ja-FUCKING-pan? Is that so?" Heh, I couldn't help but smile too.In short, this guy must be JJ right.I'm all too familiar with the slightly dangerous feeling of being overexcited at all times. "That sentence has no other content except FUCK. But in comparison, Japanese can only swear at the beginning or end of a sentence, which is really not free. Like Japanese gangsters, they can only talk at most." Ah, hello, oh? Idiot, are you an idiot, are you looking for a fight? Bastard, be careful, I’ll kill you, kid, go to hell’ or something like that. Then I can only frown my eyebrows, stare at my eyes, and shake my head up and down. The chin is sticking out and approaching others... At first, I didn't quite understand the meaning of these gestures, but I found it even more terrifying. What if he suddenly fell to the ground with a 'slap' in front of me, foaming at the mouth unconsciously? Do it. And I always thought that once the Japanese fell into an extreme state of anger, something would happen and the body would go into convulsions, so I really worried a lot for them in the beginning. "...But you seem to be running a really big business like a young big drug lord." As soon as I said that, I regretted that I had jumped into the subject so quickly. "The Hanged Man", his appearance in Pineapple House.I have a strong hunch that if all this has any meaning, the answer is about to be revealed in this office, but I don't want to hear that answer at all.This place has to get out, I know it well.I must get back to Mercury C as soon as possible.And it is also necessary for Sue to become Inoue Sue safely, and then I will spend the rest of my life with Morinaga Koe. "Oh hehe, you're so straightforward." JJ said without changing his face, "But you should wait a little longer. I have been waiting for Disco to come to me, and I have summed up a lot of things I want to tell you during this period. But I really saw you, but I couldn't say it..." been waiting for me?Although I didn't want to know at all, I still asked: "When did you have JJ?" JJ.Immediately startled, said: "When... is now." "Where did... come from?" I continued to ask him questions.It was too late to stop now. "I've been waiting here for you, Disco." "Always?" Shinozaki said that he became a Japanese citizen this summer. "I don't know how you got here, but the word 'always' is outdated for me and you now." "Ah? It's not outdated... Hey, what are you talking about? Let me tell you, I can't travel through time and space at all, Disco. I was born normally, and I have lived normally until now, and I haven't traveled to any time at all. places." ... How dare this guy say such things with that smooth and tender face, I thought. "But you don't look like a thirty-eight-year-old?" When JJ heard this, he immediately stroked his cheek and gave me a wink. "Yes, thank you." What's up with this guy. "What the hell are you..." Before I finished speaking, JJ answered first: "It's all about maintenance, maintenance. Really, disco. Now the means of maintenance are very clever. It is completely different from cosmetic plastic surgery. Now people are using a new way to take care of yourself.” Did he just happen to be naturally beautiful?But when I met Rong Xia, she was only thirty-five years old, but her skin was already horrible...Although the life of Rong Xia, who was full of alcohol, drugs and violence, was truly horrible. "And it is our Stallone company that provides this new maintenance service." After JJ finished speaking triumphantly, I asked him again: "Xia Rong...is she really dead?" In an instant, JJ's smile froze, and he said, "It's really dead. She was killed." "By whom?" "Of course it was me." It was JJ who did it... But even if it is true, JJ is probably just used as a pawn by the US and Colombian governments behind him.Also, if Xia Rong was unfortunate enough to be one of the victims of the drug lord war that JJ was actively involved in, then it might not be surprising to say that Xia Rong was killed by JJ... while I was busy thinking about this stuff, JJ spoke again: "I have to take part of the responsibility for Xia Rong's death... I don't want to say such sentimental words, Disco. I said I killed her, which means I killed Xia Rong. "I waited for an opportunity to immobilize her with drugs and then cut her to pieces without losing consciousness, in one of the bathrooms at her house. It was a horrific scene." There's no smile in JJ's eyes...he's not lying.Not making fun of me either. "Why did you do that kind of thing..." As I said that, I remembered the scene where Rong Xia was dismembered.Before I went to "Pineapple House Grand Theatre", Xia Rong visited my office as "Odida Mizutaro", and was smashed to pieces by Nail Peeler in an instant.Her body was stacked in a sea of ​​blood, and her head was sleeping on top of her scattered body. "Of course, it's all her fault for betraying me. Although I'm not a member of the underworld, so I don't pay much attention to gang rules, but I was so angry that I lost my mind. I was so angry, because that damned Xia Rong, To actually protect you until death!" Protect me? "How could Rong Xia protect me?" "Of course, Xia Rong actually likes you very much. She has been reluctant to tell where your parents and brothers are." "My... what did you say?" "I was looking for you all over the world at the time, because you really hindered my business. Although I don't care much now." The back of my head suddenly felt momentary numbness. "What were you planning to find my parents and brothers for?" "I originally planned to kill you all if they didn't tell you where you were hiding. Don't you know what we did? But after I checked carefully, I found that you really have no relatives." In other words, I lost Xia Rong, my only relative, for nothing. I never thought that you were really an orphan, Disco... No, it should be William, Mr. Edie." Bang bang?Big facts revealed! JJ said with such a smile while staring at me.What the hell is this idiot talking about? ! A flood of thoughts suddenly flooded into my head, making me feel dizzy. orphan! William Edie! Ahhh! I did tell Charlene that I was an orphan... or rather, an outcast in the middle of a disco in San Diego on a Wednesday morning in July 1971...with this Delusions, in fact, were found in the courtyard of St. Paul's Church late one Monday night, nearly dead orphans, whose real name was William Edie.I did tell her about this life experience at the time.However, I never thought that the Sunrise Snake would really believe it... Is it really possible for this kind of thing to happen? ! Xia Rong actually likes you very much. Idiot, JJ, you are wrong!You are dead wrong! She must have no interest in me at all! That's why she didn't check what I said at all, and immediately told JJ what she knew! It's just that JJ didn't believe her... That is to say, rather than JJ not believing what Rong Xia said, it's better to say that he didn't believe Rong Xia at all.Poor Stallones...but I never thought you were really an orphan so what? "Why...you think I'm an orphan?" "You should say, why do I know you are an orphan? You got the translation of find wrong, Disco." JJ stood up while self-righteously correcting my Japanese. At this time, the girl just now entered the room holding a plate and two cups of tea. "Tea and snacks, please." Two covered cups of tea stood on the saucer, next to a small square china plate filled with orange treats. "I bought this from a newly opened dim sum shop nearby. It tastes pretty good. Mr. Disco, do you eat Japanese dim sum?" "...Ah, um. Thank you." "You're welcome. You can refill tea and snacks. If you need it, please call me anytime. You're welcome." While I waited for Inouto to leave the room, I tried to calm my breathing and readjust my expression.Because I can't get JJ to see anything suspicious in my face.After all, I do have a family. Although I hadn’t seen him for a long time in 2006, I still have a family.And there is family affection. At the same time, I let my body tense up.If things continue like this, I'm sure I'll be shocked even more... After all, this is a world where JJ is the boss of a company that looks serious.And he has so many Japanese employees, all of them seem to admire him... The staff who greeted me at the door. I'm the one they've been waiting for because JJ has predicted my arrival. Of course, there is a good chance that a trap has been set. I had to strain my ears to listen carefully to what JJ was about to say. No... Actually, there is no need to listen to what he said, because I just occasionally saw JJ's company in a very unexpected place, and came to see it out of curiosity, maybe I really shouldn't come This muddy water? But JJ also appeared in Pineapple House, and was also one of the parties involved in the "Hanged Man" incident.So, even if I know it's a fraud, I will meet JJ somewhere sooner or later.Although I don't know how JJ knew that I would come, but when the time comes, he will definitely use the same method as he is doing now to be fully prepared and wait for me to appear.Well, it makes no difference when I come.And most importantly, now I really want to know.And I also had a strong premonition in my heart, feeling that I must know something.The future "I" that appeared before I left Pineapple House.Now you don't have the luxury of having your legs go weak with fear.That me should be the me who experienced the conversation with JJ.So, there must be something here that I must know. Don't be timid. "Because I knew you were coming, I prepared it specially." As he spoke, JJ put a folder in front of the tea and snacks, and sat down in front of me again.He opened the cover and flipped through the pages inside, "Ah, this is it" and said, he pulled out an envelope from the file bag.It has been unpacked. "This is your birth certificate. I have worked hard for this piece of paper. You have worked too hard to disappear, Disco. It took me two years... two years!" JJ slapped the envelope on the table while having fun whining about something I had no memory of myself.I took the envelope and pulled out the documents inside.The document looked like the real thing, but it said "Orphan: William Edie" and the "Date of Birth" was changed to "November 1971" which was two days later than the real birthday. Thirty days"...Tuesday!Not only that, but it says "Guardian: Chris Mackay".Of course, I don't know Chris McKay at all, but his address is "St. Paul's Church" in New York... This piece of paper is just a product of my delusion.I began to think, can delusions and fantasies also have a certain form just as the mind can have a human form?But I noticed right away, on the table, that even though it was crumpled, it could still be seen that it could not be government goods. The envelope had a silver foil logo respectfully embossed on the corner. — "Georman & Berger Law Firm." G&B is where the real William Edie works... at least where he still works in 2006, and it's the biggest law firm in San Diego. The falsification of this document had something to do with Edie... and it was done to conceal the existence of my family.In order to deceive JJ, in order to prevent JJ ​​who is looking for my trace all over the world from harming my family.It is also possible that I myself commissioned him to produce the document.So I'm afraid I should keep the above in mind. G&B, November 30, 1971, Chris Mackay. Did he notice the change in my expression? JJ kept staring at my face.Was he showing me this document to shake me up in some way?But even if he finds out that this document is a forgery, I'm already sitting in front of him... "Why did you go to such lengths to find me?" JJ shrugged his shoulders and said: "I have persuaded you a long time ago, don't hinder my business, but you will definitely not listen to it obediently, so if I found you at that time, it should have been a fight." "...Am I no longer in your way now?" "After all, the company has grown so big. You must know that the personal confrontation with the company is outdated, and it is not even done in movies." "...What kind of business are you doing?" "Of course, I'm going to start explaining it soon. Haha, oops, I finally figured it out today. Maybe it's because our meeting today gave you that motivation, and finally went back to the past to hinder my business... In other words, I have been chasing and killing you for so long, and in the end it is the result of my own planting. History is really incredible, and it always produces such ridiculous endings. But anyway, I know that I will win in the end , so it doesn't matter. But if I knew that everything was the result of my talkativeness at that time, he would definitely kill me. "However, I have always respected you very much. Although what you did was not correct at all, and because of your boring sense of justice, you have caused damage to others, and at the same time, you have fought hard because of this boring effort." Your own life. But after all, you insist on your own way from beginning to end, and you don’t know how to give up at all. I think such a person is really beautiful. After all, you do these actions because of love, don’t you? Even your head Don’t reply, it’s too powerful. What is love? I don’t know. No, I know I know, but I don’t understand your kind of love at all, really. Maybe it’s because of this, so I Only then can I involuntarily feel admiration for you who risked your life for that kind of mysterious thing. Um...forget it, let’s ignore this kind of thing, what I want to say is, in fact, you are the real leader in our industry Entrepreneur." "... What business do you want to create?" "It's the Cozue-method." JJ took out a flyer that looked like a company profile from under the table and put it in front of me, and continued: "As I said just now, I am also a customer who is using this company's products. I am already thirty-eight years old, but Still very young, isn’t it? Does it look like twenty-six or seventeen years old? But ah, the actual age is actually younger. My physical age is only about eleven years old. Hahaha, I am energetic now It’s so strong that if you’re not careful, your body will move on its own. After all, when we were kids, we used to run wherever we went. It’s worse than death for me to stay where I am! Although I can choose to be quieter at the beginning Some body, but I think it's best for me. Let's leave that alone. I'd better stop yapping a bunch of crap like a real kid. Then again, it's been a while since I've introduced myself to someone from scratch. In this regard, where should I start...Well, let’s talk about the things before the appearance of the tip type. Wasn’t human medicine at that time already able to produce things like clones or universal cells? From my own Extract the necessary organs from the clone, or use the universal cells to make the necessary parts. The idea boils down to cutting off the parts of the human body that cannot be cured by just tinkering or smearing and replacing them with new ones. To put it bluntly, Make replacement parts. But my style is bolder than that, because this is not a replacement of parts, but the replacement of the whole body. Of course, it is also possible to replace the whole body with cloning technology, but if you don’t replace the original If the brain is transplanted to the past, it is impossible to maintain the identity of the personality, or in other words, there may be defects or loopholes in the cognition of the self, isn’t it? Compared with this, as long as you learn the Shao style, you can completely avoid this. After all, human personality and self-awareness are not in the brain at all, but in the human consciousness. And now we know that this consciousness is not attached to the human body, but can exist independently ...But regarding this matter, you should sound like Buddha preaching. Of course, transferring consciousness requires certain steps, and I will explain the steps next: First, the black swan who holds the charter The company selects and presses the main-child. Although many other companies with franchise qualifications have been added recently, Black Swan's technology, credit and sense of security are the best, and now the ruthlessness of human beings has become more and more serious. Precious. In such a peaceful world, how the black swan collects those things is something that even I am curious about... But there is no need to go into details about this kind of thing. Anyway, my company is in charge of Sub- The child's container distribution and recycling activities, from raising to processing into new clothes, and then to sales, are all handled by my company. Although it received a lot of criticism ten years ago, it is now the world's largest company with the best service Oh, thanks to you...don't believe it, it's really thanks to you." Although I don't know what he is talking about, I still get it. I knew the truth that I didn't even want to know. tip style.Malicious apps. “…that is, did you build this company out of child abuse?” I asked him. JJ immediately changed his tone, pointed at me with his index finger and said sternly: "That's just what you think it is. It's called 'pressurization'. To put it bluntly, it's similar to getting a vaccination. It's just being vaccinated. It’s just the pain of a prick, neither the parents nor anyone will think how pitiful those children are. Anyway, they will forget all the pain in the end. And thanks to those forgotten pains, the whole world is suffering from intractable diseases and People who are seriously injured and suffering, and important people who cannot die temporarily can be saved. Huh, I can finally say these words in front of you. Hahaha. But I didn’t expect these lines to be accumulated in my mind for so long It doesn’t work at all, anyway, you will still do the same thing after listening to it, right? There are such people in the world, so we can’t help but start to doubt the power of our words.” Child abuse as you would a shoot. Let them suffer the same pain as the stalk, and let them split their personalities like the stalk to escape that pain. Let children like Shimada Kikyo, Toda Erika, Horikiri Maki, Kawamura Yukie, Tashiro Yurie, and Konno Narumi be born, grow up, and disappear. Then, JJ sells their empty bodies as commodities. It was even called "new clothes". I found the logo of "Black Swan Company" in the column of "Business Partners" on the Stallone company's promotional leaflet in front of me (see Figure 13). "So now is really not the time to complain about you, really. Thanks to your invention, our annual sales have reached 300 trillion yen. Thank you very much. Of course, for this I am not the only one who expresses gratitude. Now the whole world has accepted your grace. Thanks to you who found Sue, and those six little girls, and finally pushed the wisdom of the world to a new level in Fukui Prefecture, Heal the shoot and liberate those six wounded souls. Therefore, you are the real hero of this world. Although everyone does not support your current actions, they still understand very well." Three hundred trillion yen? "How many children... have you sold?" My voice trembled, but JJ smiled, looked at me with pity and said: "Breathe slowly, drink some tea. Calm down. Thinking about the life you are about to usher in, I am also very sad. Although you and I It's not really a friend... but I already know it after all." "How many children did you sacrifice?" "Is it a year, or is it cumulative? That's it. It may take time to calculate the total so far, but I can tell you that our main-child libraries distributed around the world have accommodated a total of 670 children so far this year. A little more than 10,000 people. The average number of people in the past five years has been around 7 million. In this way...the total number of people in the last ten years has reached about 200 million. Because the first five years are still in a warm-up state. You should Do you understand? Because during the period of being criticized by ordinary people, more people will pay attention to our company, and at that time, we tried our best to promote our company, and even lowered the price to promote it. However, no matter which country we enter, as long as Let the media personnel there try it for free, and you will be able to get support immediately. Then you can instantly conquer the people there. After all, the key to my business is to sell health. Not only money, but also guilt.呢。归根结底,人类总是要带有一些罪恶感才是最理想的生存状态啊,这就叫做原罪吧?到了二十世纪,人们不是已经不再有那种原罪的心理了吗?不过现在他们都觉得自己的生命是建立在各种人的牺牲之上的哦。呵呵。所以,我们甚至连社会秩序都作为商品来处理了哦。这可真是责任重大啊。” 脑袋越来越沉重。我低下头,闭上眼睛,双手抵住额头,盖住自己的脸。 两亿人?有这么多孩子遭受了跟梢一样的痛苦…… “那些孩子们都被……”我喃喃道。 JJ却若无其事地说:“因为是梢式啊。就像手册上说的,他们好像在使用与性相关的做法。而且比起殴打、踢踹、火烧、通电这些暴力手段,那个与性相关的做法好像更有效哦,而且还方便快捷,毕竟效率就是生命啊。不仅仅从经济角度来看,从孩子们的角度来看,也是越快越好不是吗?虽然他们反正都要忘记的。啊,不过多亏了那两亿个孩子忍受了那一瞬间的痛苦,有三十亿个患者得到了拯救哦。这一点应该连你也觉得非常值得吧。” 呕吐感不断袭来。 我不得不深深地弯下腰,用原本挡在额头上的双手捂住嘴,但还是无法忍耐,只得一把拽过似乎是JJ专用的办公桌旁边的垃圾桶,开始呕吐起来。 “喂,你没事吧?不会吧?这种事情都会让你吐出来啊……喂,我说你啊,要好好听别人说话啊,不光要听,还要好好理解啊。难道小孩子真的比其他年龄的人更重要吗?要不你还是去一下厕所吧,去漱漱口也好是不是?” 我试图把残留在嘴里的呕吐物全都吐出来,但却无法控制下颌的颤抖。或许我真的该去一趟厕所吧,但却无法控制双腿的颤抖,根本站不起来。 “真拿你没办法啊。”JJ站起身,点了一下办公桌上那个薄得出奇的电脑一样的东西。“是。”有声音传出来。“啊,井头小姐,麻烦你拿瓶水进来好吗?顺便再拿条毛巾。”“是的。”“那就拜托了。好了迪斯科,快坐起来,慢慢呼吸。深呼吸。唉……哈哈哈,吓我一跳。我到底是有多坏啊。亏得我把全世界的贩毒组织都破坏掉,还让人类的平均寿命增加到了一百一十岁呢……而且这个平均值还只是到目前为止的暂时数据,今后还会继续增长的。虽然其中也有基督教和伊斯兰教禁止自杀的原因,不过那种事情先不去管了。你听我说好吗,就算Main-child要受点委屈,他们也会马上失去那些记忆啊,而且分裂人格形成的Sub-child也都把那些痛苦均分了,根本不会像他们真正经历的那样悲惨哦。毕竟他们只要在普通家庭里生活上十年就能把心中的痛苦全都忘记了。当然,那本来就是为了治愈自己才把人格分裂出去的,所以这根本不奇怪。总之,你要好好关注史泰龙公司和黑天鹅公司的功绩啊。我们为之作出贡献的可不仅仅是医疗方面。多亏了黑天鹅公司在世界范围内回收恶意,才使得全世界的犯罪率大幅下降,现在地球上已经不存在憎恶与仇恨所引发的战争了。剩下的就只有那些以战争为目的,除此之外毫无解决之策的所谓'遗留战争'和有钱人们的'战争运动',或者是每两年举行一次的戏剧性的'战争表演'了。也许正是因为杀也杀不死,才会让人们的杀意变淡了吧,反正在这十年间,人类的心情明显已经变得更加平和了哦。现在这个世界已经变得明快开朗,快活又富有品位了。” 此时,井头又用托盘端着一瓶装在宝特瓶里的水和装在小碟子里的湿毛巾走了进来。 “咦,星期三先生您没事吧?” “没事的没事的,把东西放在那里吧。” “怎么会没事呢。星期三先生,要不要我带你去洗手间啊?” 我摇摇头,反正也站不起来。而且,我还必须继续听JJ接下来的话。“我没事,谢谢你。”我的声音沙哑,舌头也不听使唤。 井头盯着我的脸看了一会儿后说:“好吧,有什么事的话你一定要叫我,千万不要客气哦。” 说完,她又抱着托盘走了出去。 “来,漱一下口吧。”说着,JJ又抓起桌子上的抽取式纸巾盒,把里面的纸“刷刷刷”地抽出来,扔到装有我的呕吐物的垃圾桶里。“把水吐在这里面就好。” 我拧开瓶盖,含了一口冰凉的水在嘴里,开始觉得JJ生活在这么一个和平的世界里,性格好像也变得更加稳重了…… 在把整合纸巾都抽出来塞进垃圾桶里之后,JJ又说:“再进一步说,我所做的贡献也不仅止于医疗和社会秩序哦。现在人类已经将永恒握在手心里了。而且还跟之前人们想象的长寿截然不同,变得能够永葆青春了。也就是说,人类能够在最佳的身体状态下一直不停地积累自己的知识和经验。因此,在体育、文化、科技等各个方面都将会有飞跃性的发展。并且因为人生观和世界观的颠覆性变化,甚至连哲学和思想界也经历了全面颠覆,又开始了重新构建。我们现在正在进行的,是跟十八世纪的产业革命一样,甚至比那个还要伟大的大革新啊。这应该叫做人类革命。是在二十一世纪发生的,真正的、事关人类存在的重大革命啊。” 我将口中的残渣冲干净,又把水吐在垃圾桶的纸巾上,再拿起小碟子上的毛巾擦干净嘴,然后对他说:“回收恶意……那种事情是怎么做到的?” “啊?哦哦,你是说黑天鹅公司啊。那毕竟是其他公司的企业机密,所以我也不太清楚,不过听说很简单。虽然我听完之后好像懂了又好像没懂,反正基本原理就是,只要自己知道会变成那样就好了。哈哈,你也不太懂吧?” 我没有回答,但已经知道了其中的含义。 就是知和意识。 他们在应用其中蕴含的强大力量。 JJ继续说:“总之,人类说白了就是专门用于生产过分的想法与邪恶之事的恶意发生装置。在黑天鹅公司成立以前,这些恶意不都犯下了许多罪行吗。但那种跟Sub-child差不多的人的心意只要得到某种程度的满足就会消失了,即使把那些零零碎碎的恶意全都释放出来,也干不了多少工作。所以黑天鹅公司才会把它们都收集起来,建立秩序,再给它们提供肉体,让那些力量微薄的恶意表露,一举转换成能够为人类服务的一种大善,并加以活用。这可是个伟大的发现哦。他们可以让不同人物的心意聚合成一个实体。甚至连酝酿出那些心意的人们自己根本无法管理的部分也可以牢牢控制住哦。真是太不可思议了。虽然很多事情一开始都是这样,不过言语这种东西还真的能够看透事情的本质哦。像我刚才说的那种情况,就完全可以用'意气相投'或者'同心同德'这样的言语来表述。所以现在各个国家都开始了针对各自语言中的习语进行的调查确认和研究工作。因为很有可能在我们平时早就习以为常的一些习语中,就隐藏着某种新的法则和性质啊。而且现在众多企业的研发方向也发生了巨大的转变。大家都把世界各地的语言学者或者作家召集到企业内的实验室中,对言语进行着各种实验。哈哈哈。希望能够成果丰硕。” All crazy. “孩子的父母们不会闹事吗。”我说,“自己的孩子受到如此待遇,父母们还会甘心沉默吗?” 他们根本不可能会保持沉默……可是,我的话听起来真的像反话吗? “什么父母,你是指Main-child的吗?”JJ说,“要是他们知道自己的孩子受到那种待遇,肯定会出来闹事的吧。现代的……对于你来说是未来的,这个时代的母亲和父亲虽然也都变得性格平和了,但对孩子的爱也同时加深了啊。一旦他们知道自己的孩子实际上受尽了虐待,应该会马上拍案而起到处抗议吧。到时候真的就是世界性的暴动了。不过你别担心,黑天鹅的那帮家伙可厉害了,你应该知道的吧?那些人不是能在非常非常短的时间内做很多事情吗?” boom! “就在那一瞬间,孩子们……用你的话来说,就是遭受了'虐待',然后就像你也知道的那样,把自己受到的精神创伤转移到别的人格中去,让一切回到什么都没发生的状态。父母当然不会发现有什么异常,所以也不会知道自己的孩子遭到了虐待。他们也就不会生气,更加不会捣乱了。还有啊,等你有了孩子肯定也会明白的,他们只觉得自己的孩子是最可爱的。而且大家一直都认为自己的孩子身上应该不会发生那种可怕的事情。他们相信只要自己守在孩子身边保护他们,就不会有任何可怕的事情发生,而且他们的孩子也一直欢快地笑着不是吗……所以不会有问题的,真的。就算在夫妇之间,不是也经常存在这样的想法,即使对方有出轨行为,只要自己不知道,或者对方隐瞒得很好的话,就觉得无所谓吗?关于孩子的问题也与之相似,但却又完全不同,因为出轨对谁都没有好处,但我们所做的这些事情却可以救助许多的性命。” But, I thought again. “被夺走身体的那些孩子的父母又怎么样?”我一边询问,一边回想起了岛田桔梗父亲的声音。 啊,我是岛田。医生注射完药水后我一直等到现在,可是,桔梗她还是没有醒过来啊。听到我的留言请马上给我回电话,向我解释清楚。 故作镇静的语气中渗透着几分焦躁。 如果真的像“梢式”那样来做的话,被分裂出来的人格应该会把别的孩子体内本来的人格挤出来,占据他们的身体才对。我又想起了那六个像胎儿一样抱着膝盖蜷缩成一团的人偶……真正的岛田桔梗们。我还能想起更多其他的事情。被夺去孩子的双亲们接近狂乱的表情,如同灵魂出窍一般无力的样子,以及带着无法控制的情绪,让自己和周围的人陷入更大的不幸之中,我对这许多事例的了解就像自己对美国全境的景色的了解一样深刻。 因为贫困,因为要保护自己,又或者身处困境,为了孩子的健康成长不得不将其转手他人,这样的双亲无论在哪个时代都是存在的。可是,无论在哪个时代都不可能会有为了对社会作出贡献而双手奉上自己的孩子任由别人杀害的父母。 可是JJ的笑容却愈发灿烂,甚至得意扬扬地说:“就是这个啊迪斯科,我们史泰龙公司最大的成果就在这里了。不过这也还是'梢式'。提示就在二〇〇六年发生的凤梨居事件中哦,那里不是有个叫做大爆笑咖喱的名侦探嘛?” 酒井义、九十九十九。 “那个名侦探,他好像有三个肚脐对吧?” Orion. “你认为一个人为什么会有三个肚脐呢?” “……因为三胞胎的其中两个被人偷走了。”我一边说,一边回想起伦伦对我的委托。它遭遇了双胞胎连续诱拐事件。可是,现在我却完全没有余裕去对此进行调查…… JJ又说:“那你知不知道,多胞胎的其中一人,或者两人以上神秘消失这样的事情,在很久很久以前就是自然存在的呢? “那就是所谓的消失的双胞胎。这是一种双胞胎的其中一人在妊娠初期流产的现象,那个长不大的孩子最终会被母亲的子宫吸收。因为本来能够听到胎心、也能通过超声波检测到其存在的胎儿会不知不觉消失得无影无踪,所以才会被称为'消失的双胞胎',不过在你那个时代,受精后仅数周便得以确认怀孕的例子还非常少对吧。所以才会对这种现象知之甚少。其实,这个'消失的双胞胎'根本不是什么特殊现象,而是在妊娠的初级阶段几乎必定会发生的事情。只有最强的、最优秀的精子才能存活下来,不过在这场生存竞争中,精子朝向卵子的游泳比赛充其量只是一场初赛而已。从数亿个精子中赢得复赛权的几个精子跟卵子结合为受精卵,然后从细胞分裂开始,就进入决赛阶段了。只有发育得更加强壮的受精卵能够得到它的人生。如果双方势均力敌,就能够皆大欢喜,作为一对双胞胎出生。可是这样的机制说白了,就是弱小的一方无法得到生命,只能遗憾地死去。决胜的关键就在于尚未形成胎儿的几个受精卵中的一些非常微小的差别。而我们史泰龙公司则为那些从数亿个同胞中赢得机会,却不得不屈居二、三位的受精卵们提供了一个获得生命的机会。没错。史泰龙公司将那些可怜的'消失的双胞胎'回收过来,培养成人,然后将Sub-child注入其中。我们对那些本该无声无息地消失在世上的生命进行了再利用啊。虽然他们只能体验作为一个人、作为一个胎儿不断成长,直到被Sub-child取而代之的这段短暂的人生,但人生无所谓长短不是吗……你可千万不要说胎儿没有人生哦。就算是胎儿,只要长够了七个月,就算离开子宫也能生存的话,那就是个真正的人了。他能看、能听,也能思考,真的。所以我们也会为回收过来的孩子们提供尽量多的服务和娱乐。这都是为了让他们有个更好的人生。” 坐在一脸得意地说着这些话的JJ对面,我差点又忍不住要吐出来。 也就是说,在那个“消失的双胞胎”的身体里会有至少三个人格不断进出,轮流掌控……原来的人格、被称为Sub-child的,因为虐待而强制产生的交替人格,还有史泰龙公司的客户。 梢式。凤梨居事件。大爆笑咖喱的三个肚脐。 黑天鹅公司。 难道把JJ和我联系到一起的是“黑鸟男人”吗……难道美神二琉主在凤梨居提到JJ的名字其实是一个暗示吗? 这样一来,那个“黑鸟男人”也应该在凤梨居的某个角落……躲藏在某个隐蔽的时空中旁观着那里发生的一切吧。 只要找到“黑鸟男人”的藏身之处,切断他的信息传递,就能改变现在这个未来了吗……我试着想象,但其实已经知道了。现在的我身处这个时空对折之后的未来,甚至连改变杯子的位置都做不到,所以,就算试图对“对折”之后的世界施加任何影响,恐怕也是徒劳无功的吧。我今后的所有意志和行动都会被计算在内,最终变成这样一个二〇一九年。“命运既定论”。未来是无法改变的。 痛苦地弯着腰,我感到脑袋无比沉重,眩晕得好像快要掉下来了…… “所以没有任何父母会出来闹事。而且也没有任何人会受到伤害。” 对着满脸自豪的JJ,我再次说道:“孩子的父母不可能不闹事。” 大家都为此沉浸在悲痛之中。所以,请你一定要找回那些双胞胎,让他们回到自己亲人的身边。这就是我真正的,第一位的请求。伦伦说完这些话,还对我深深地鞠了一躬。 悲痛是存在的。 Of course. “我接受了一只熊猫妈妈的委托,要帮它夺回自己被抢走的双胞胎。你们为什么连熊猫也……”难道是为了做动物实验吗,或者只是为了卖给一个真正的熊猫爱好者吗?我正要说出口,却阻止了自己。人类的灵魂真的能够进入熊猫体内吗?如果可以,那么就可能会出现一只讲日语的熊猫,这样一来,连“伦伦”也有可能是带有某种意图的人穿着熊猫外衣,试图欺骗并诱导我的行动了不是吗。 可是我又转念一想,伦伦对我诉说的那些东西,我根本无法真正地抱有怀疑。因为它的话语中确实包含了跟孩子被夺走的人类双亲一样的悲痛,以及从长期的痛苦中生出的沉稳真挚的感情。 呵,我笑着说:“跟熊猫要怎么做生意啊。莫非在这个世界里,所有动物都会讲日语吗?”听到我继续说出的这些话,JJ马上露出一副讶异的表情。 “熊猫?” “对啊。” “你在说什么呢,什么熊猫啊……你没睡醒吧迪斯科,还是因为受惊过度脑袋坏掉了?” 我迅速瞥了一眼JJ的表情。看来他第一次因为我说的话而感到了震惊……就像遭受了出其不意的打击一样。 JJ也同时看着我的脸,似乎在思考我的那些关于熊猫的发言到底意味着什么…… 搞不好我真的说太多了。 看到JJ像是要说话,我赶紧收回目光,他说:“原来熊猫的双胞胎被诱拐了啊。而你则接到委托要对此进行调查……是熊猫妈妈委托你的?你是这样说的吧。到底是什么意思?熊猫是怎么对你……用日语吗?那只熊猫真的对你说日语了吗?怎么会有这样的事?” JJ对双胞胎连续被诱拐事件毫不知情,这到底是怎么回事?我也开始动起脑子来,但JJ说的那些内容实在太富有冲击性,害我至今仍无法顺利地让大脑工作。费了九牛二虎之力,我还是选择了转移话题:“话说,你为什么要追杀我啊?” “……啊,什么?” “刚才你不是说了吗……一直在找我,为什么?”我早就劝说过你,不要妨碍我做生意,不过你肯定不会乖乖听劝的,所以如果当时我找到你的话,应该会是一场厮杀吧。说话间,我想起了他刚才的那句话。看来我肯定会成为JJ做生意的阻碍……至少是暂时性的。可是随着JJ公司规模的扩大,我也就算不上什么问题了。要知道个人对抗企业这种事情已经过时了,连电影都不演这个了哦。 当然,我知道自己还是会阻挡在JJ面前的。可是我能做些什么呢? 当然是寻找孩子。 可是那些被称为“Main-child”的孩子们好像只会受到瞬间的虐待,并不会被带离父母身边……他们从家人身边夺走的是用来装填“Sub-child”的消失的双胞胎们。难道我要去寻找那些从母亲的子宫里消失的胎儿吗?可是,就算真的找到了,我又该如何将那些孩子们归还呢?难道要放回母亲的子宫里吗?可是如果刚才JJ说的那些都是真的,这些孩子们本来都会在母亲的子宫里输给自己的兄弟姐妹,最终无法出生在世上。我把那些孩子归还到子宫里,难道不等于杀死他们吗? 我想救助的究竟是谁? 当然是受到精神创伤的孩子们,也就是JJ所说的“Main-child”。我想起了梢,虽然只是一瞬间……虽然总有一天会得到治愈,但“黑鸟男人”做的那些事情还是不能原谅的。 而且,只要他们无法对“Main-child”施加虐待,就不会产生交替人格的“Sub-child”,也就没有东西可以填进失踪的双胞胎体内了。 “哼。虽然我很想以后再仔细调查熊猫的事情……但我们的这次会面,应该不存在什么'以后'吧。”说着,JJ站了起来,“真不甘心,在你离开之后,我竟然无法将与你会面、与你交谈的记忆保留下来,也不能留下任何记录。” JJ也知道“时空的对折”以及在其前后受到外部影响的不可变性。 只有我能够带着这个记忆回到过去。 “好了,迪斯科,你做好准备了吗?”JJ把手放在办公桌上那个形似电脑的机器上,向我询问道,“……不过,你本来就是为了知道这个才到这边来的吧?而且这之前的所有事情和以后的所有事情也都是注定好了的。总之,我和我公司的所有成员都十分尊敬你。真的,你这个人实在是太厉害了。” JJ轻触键盘,一个巨大的全息影像屏幕出现在我眼前,片刻,上面开始放映一个视频。 只有我能带着这个记忆回到过去,JJ无法留下任何东西。可是,为什么JJ会派人来迎接我呢?他为什么要专门等我到来呢? 是为了向我传达一些信息。 而那个信息的传达马上就要开始了。 白色的画面上跳出一行3D显示的演职员表。 “日语版制作世界吾爱吾儿双亲会日本支部” 然后,画面上又出现了“赞助”该视频制作的几家公司的名字。史泰龙·日本公司在最后出现。 JJ一心等我来就是为了让我看这个。 那我更应该好好看一看了。 “啊,我顺便再说一句,这可不是我做的。”JJ补充道,“而且也不是合谋或者编造的。反正你看下去就明白了。”
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