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Chapter 46 Chapter Twenty

... I shuddered all over thinking.Imitation of "Odin" piercing the left eye, implying that the word "Wednesday" urges me to reason... Am I really going to pierce my own eyes in this context?Is it "frontal lobotomy", or is it an unreliable way to go to the "Pineapple House Grand Theater"... In this case, there should be only these reasons for piercing the eyes.But in this situation, what does it mean for me to pierce my eyes?I'm right here, I don't need to call anymore, and I've already started reasoning.And I don't need some sort of lobotomy to keep my brain sane.So are you telling me to go to the "Pineapple House Grand Theater"?But I have been there once before, so it is very clear that the "Pineapple House Death Incident" staged there is a reasoning drama that reflects the incidents in the real world about the Pineapple House incident.If you can't get the correct answer, you will be pierced in the eye, which is the same as here.However, if the reason for piercing the eyes here is really to go to the "Pineapple House Theater", where will the people whose eyes are pierced in the "Pineapple House Theater" go?Will she return to Pineapple Curie in the real world?However, the only ones who can come back after being pierced in the eye over there are Dabaxiao and Yingyue.And the big laugh came back because of the appearance of "ninety-nine ninety-nine", and Yingyue was brought back by Hongo... just like I was brought back by Mercury C.That's right, you don't need to pierce your eyes at all to get back from there.Piercing the eyes is not a necessary means of traveling between the "Pineapple House Theater" and the Pineapple House.

What exactly is that? I glanced at Hongo and Yingyue who were still slumped on the sofa.It is not "Odin", nor is it "frontal lobotomy", and it is not a ticket to the "Pineapple House Grand Theater".So what's the point of this behavior? Does it mean nothing at all?Eye piercing is really just as popular a form of self-injury as wrist cutting and trichotillomania, am I just not aware of it?Did famous detectives who made faulty reasoning just want to punish themselves by piercing their own eyes? This is impossible.I'm not saying that self-piercing is not self-injurious, but that it can't be pointless.

Everything has meaning. This should be the biggest premise. Think fast. Think fast. "Odin", "frontal lobotomy", "Pineapple House Grand Theater"... "Odin" gained wisdom by sacrificing one of his eyes.I am back to the question I just raised.Why is the loss of this body part associated with the acquisition of new wisdom?loss and gain.In this way, is "frontal lobotomy" one of the relationships between loss and gain?Walter Freeman's transorbital lobotomy was a reckless operation to treat psychosis by piercing the brain with an ice pick through the corner of the eye and destroying part of the brain tissue."Getting" "normal mind" through "destruction of the brain".However, I thought, even though I am not a doctor, I can still assert that that kind of behavior is not a real gain, but an essential loss, right?Patients who lost their "normality" just added "sickness" on top of this, but they didn't really regain "normality", right?Thinking of this, I can't help but associate from "brain destruction" to "giving up thinking".Are famous detectives destroying their own brains because they decide to give up thinking about events?But the big laugh came back, and he reasoned again as "ninety-nine ninety-nine".And after that, he pierced his eyes again, was resurrected again, and made a new reasoning again!Detectives never stop thinking, even if their brains are destroyed!

No, no, the damage to the brain had nothing to do with the incident.I strayed from the topic of piercing eyes. "Odin" did not destroy the brain in exchange for wisdom.All he destroyed was his own eyes. Pierce the eye. Pierce the eye. Nail Peeler once said so. Sure enough, do I still need to pierce one of your eyes to make you realize?Isn't that the same as those other famous detectives. What on earth does he mean? Is it possible to understand something after piercing an eye?Did detectives have one eye pierced because they never understood something they could have understood without piercing the eye?

But, how can I believe that suspicious Nail Peeler, I don't even know if he exists in this world... I stop myself at this thought.Aren't the ten missing nails on my hands the evidence? Nail Peeler is real.What the guy said had as much credibility as anyone else in the world.And in Fenglijuli, everything has meaning. Things that can be understood after piercing one eye.wisdom.What on earth can I know? I turned to look at the detectives again. Did they gain new knowledge after piercing their own eyes, or having their eyes pierced? They can't even cap the pens now...because when I was a kid, I used to hear adults say that with one eye you can't judge distance, so it's hard to cap a pen, then I actually tried After a while, I really failed to cover the pen cap to the nib, but stained my fingers instead.Human beings grasp the overall space by analyzing the information provided by the left and right eyes.If there is only one right eye left, what you see will be the same as the photo, without the sense of bumps and distance.The whole world will become like a flat painting.

The voices of the Angel Rabbit members sounded in my head again. "Yeah! It's getting flat!" "They're getting like a painting!" At that time, the Angel Rabbit members saw me in the compressed space. At that time, they had not been able to get rid of the influence of the distorted space, so seeing me was like seeing a flat two-dimensional picture.But now they have come to the periphery of the distorted space relying on the power of will, so they can already distinguish normally. Two-dimensionalization and three-dimensionalization of space. The purpose of piercing the eyes is to let oneself fall from the third dimension to the second dimension.

However, I have already been able to walk to the periphery of the distorted space with the power of will, so what's the point of piercing my eyes? Dimensionalize yourself? wrong.Because I can do that without piercing my eyes.Now I am not asking me to change the three-dimensional space into a two-dimensional space. So it's not an actual requirement, but a metaphor for something I have to do. If you can't go to a higher dimension for the time being, you can enter a lower-level dimensional space for the time being. I have reached the periphery of space.Has come to the outside of the three-dimensional space.

Above this space is the four-dimensional space. What is there in the four-dimensional space, of course, is time. Saburo Mitamura who transcended time and space. beyond the tip of time and space. They are always by my side.They showed their empirical experience to me, who only pays attention to facts-human beings can travel through time and space, under the influence of the two forces of will and fate. Nail Peeler also said so.You just need to think about the little things now! He was reminding me to believe in this evidence beyond the barriers of time that bound my own way of being. By force of will.

I confirmed to Saburo Mitamura: "What kind of will do you use to travel here?" Mitamura smiled: "Of course I'm here to take you away." "why?" "Are you going to ask me to explain this? Then you'll only get ninety-five points." Even if he doesn't explain, I should know. I remembered Xiyou's reasoning: "Is it Ichiro and Erlang?" Among the triplet brothers, the two who disappeared.I'm a detective who specializes in searching for missing children, "Are you telling me to travel through time and space to find your two older brothers?"

"I came to you just for this." Mitamura continued to laugh, "Ninety-eight points. Come on, if you get the last two points, you will be able to transcend time and space. But I really can't wait for you, because my stomach hurts so much Yes. But you are fine by yourself. Now you know that you can transcend time and space with your will, and you also believe it? Don’t forget. Don’t doubt. Then, it depends on how hard you work. Please do everything. Alright, now I'm going to scare Ah Tou. Yukio, come with me." After finishing speaking, they turned and walked to Room 11 on the second floor. I looked at the back of Mitamura, imagining the scene of laughing, Taniguchi reuniting with their childhood friend, just waiting for Taniguchi to cry out in surprise , time jumps.

It became dark in front of my eyes, and although the surrounding lights were turned on immediately, it was still very dim.I am outside and it is night.Under the light, there is a signboard with the direction arrow of "→Giraffe←Monkey Mountain" drawn on it.Some fences can be seen vaguely in the distance, and some indistinct beasts can be heard.Turns out I was at the zoo at night. There was no one around.It's cold, it seems to be winter. I just traveled through time, and there is still space.But where is this place?I know I didn't come here of my own volition.There is no volition of mine in it, but I still travel through time and space. It must have been drawn here by someone's strong will. "Mr. Wednesday." Hearing someone call my name, I turned my head and saw a sunken square behind me. In the center of the square stood a panda. In the darkness around me, I could only make out its white face and back. It turned out that it was calling me. "I'm very sorry, Mr. Wednesday, can you come closer? It's a bit windy today, and I can't hear the voices above the square." The panda said to me in Japanese. "Who the hell are you and why do you speak Japanese?" Hearing my question, it replied: "Because I am a panda who grew up in Japan. I am very sorry to scare you. My name is Lun Lun. Actually, I am looking for Mr. Wednesday because I have something to ask... ..."
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