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Chapter 32 Chapter Six

"You still ask where I went... Didn't you take me there?" I complained to Yingyue, "Where did you take me?" "No, I originally wanted to take you to the middle ground between the other world and the present world, or a place that is neither the other world nor the present world, but at the same time can lead to the neutral zone of the two worlds. If it were normal, everyone would was taken there by me." "What about this time?" "So I don't know. Because I chased you right after you fell asleep, but when I got there, only Mr. Mercury C was waiting for me. In other words, only Mr. Mercury C managed to reach me I hope you will arrive at the place. The two of us felt very strange... But then even Mr. Mercury C disappeared, and I was about to start looking for Mr. Mercury C, but I received a call from him..."

"Telephone? Why is there such a thing as a telephone?" "It's just a coincidence. May I ask a question, do you believe in the existence of 'the other world' or the 'this world'?" "How could I believe it." "But people really believe in life and death, don't they? Man lives, man dies." "Yeah." What on earth is this arguing about. "Then what do you think happens after death?" "...It's gone when you die. Crack. Lights go out. Death signal." "But Miss 'Shao' got inside the pointed pig."

"yes." "Do you still think so when you look at Miss 'Shao'?" "So she didn't die." It's just that the soul left the body. "If you affirm the existence of Miss 'Shao', then you cannot deny that the soul can still exist after the body is destroyed... Am I wrong?" "That kind of thing can happen occasionally. But only occasionally, isn't it. Not necessarily." "Human beings actually have their own views on life and death that are different from others. Moreover, these views on life and death are influencing each other all the time. Presumably, Mr. Wednesday, you know that other people have various views on the 'beyond' and 'this world' Imagine. Then, these cognitions are gradually brought into the consciousness. What is the so-called "beyond world" or "neutral place that is neither the other world nor this world", even I who have been there can't know Describe it accurately, because the places in everyone's mind have different shapes and scenery. Everyone will go to the place in their minds, and they all live in the world they believe in, Mr. Wednesday."

"What do you mean by that? Could it be that as long as you believe in the existence of the heaven where angels fly, you can really go there?" "Actually, people can't fully believe in the image created by human beings, at least in my opinion. They will interweave their own doubts and unique views of life and death with other people's worldviews, and then throw them into the same world. Oh, in the world. I haven't actually seen the 'afterlife' as depicted in that kind of painting. But generally speaking, those who have a strong belief in the vision of heaven also embrace the abyss of hell Isn't it? So I think, the act of 'trying to believe' is probably another form of doubt. To maintain a definite and unshakable image, it is not enough to just believe, but must be what you believe. I know it. That is to say, the impression of the 'this world' has become the basis of the impression of the 'beyond world', and the images of the 'beyond world' depicted in the individual's mind are scattered in it, which is this feeling."

"But that's just your personal experience. In other words, it might just be an image drawn in your mind." "I can also bring people back from the 'after death world'. As long as the person's body has no fatal injuries or fatal pathogens, and I can successfully convince him. But I'd better not talk about this kind of thing too much .Because it affects Mr. Wednesday's worldview." "Influence? No matter how much someone like you says to me, it is absolutely impossible to shake my worldview." "It will be shaken. Because the existence of others is huge, the world is constantly swaying."

"But if there really is a 'world after death', then we're just going there. Everyone gathers in one absolute place." "So, even in the same place, its forms are different. And this is not just the situation of the 'world after death'. Although this view cannot be confirmed now, I still think that the 'death world' If we extend the diversity of the post-world to look at the present world or the real world we are in now, it may be the only place with a variety of forms. I think that although this world adapts to our Belief exists, but depending on the degree of trust, everyone sees the world slightly differently. These differences come from their own different worldviews. That is to say, to give an extreme example that I often mention, in the past , When people still believed that the world was a big platform, that world might really be a platform. But then some people began to doubt this world view, so the earth gradually began to become a sphere.”

"Hmph, that's ridiculous. The earth was spherical from the beginning." "But if the world was created by human consciousness, no one can prove that." "The world is created by human consciousness. That's just the premise you're insisting on. I don't believe that at all." "The so-called premise, there is no difference between believing and not believing. It is enough to understand the meaning of those words." "Indeed, if it's just a proposition, I can't deny it. But if it goes on like this, consciousness can create anything, right? But reality is not like this."

"That's because of the existence of others. If you are the only one in the whole world, then everything is really possible. But there is an absolute other in this world. That's why there is a 'common understanding' And things like 'common sense', the world is also constrained. In other words, although the other is also a force that shakes the world, it is also fixing the world. Speaking of this, I have to point out that recently there is no Is 'everything is possible' going on? Like what happened to Miss 'Shao', what happened to Fengli Juzhong, and the 'Panda Loyalty' incident, right? Aren't these facts beyond common sense? does it exist?"

"That's why you say that your so-called 'consciousness creates the world' is wrong. You tell me, what kind of consciousness will make this happen. If consciousness can create the world, then the unprecedented new things are not Is it impossible to appear? All discoveries are no longer possible, right? But there are still various things happening in this world that I have never thought about or seen before, right? " "Consciousness sometimes creates new things that have never been seen before, doesn't it? It's the same as art. A painter's brush doesn't move exactly according to the steps in his mind, and a writer's novel doesn't exactly follow the plan in his mind Plot development, isn't there also an unexpected stroke and unexpected plot, and it may also lead to the discovery of a unique style of writing that is not similar to anyone, or to come up with unheard of traps and story settings. And in the final analysis , those initial impulses, the subject matter of the painting and the opening chapter of the novel, are all likely to pop out from an unknown place. Making a certain object or creating a certain kind of creation is not all based on the existing experience Combined with knowledge, it also includes some ideas that appeared out of thin air from somewhere. Maybe all the "discoveries" that appear in the "real world" have the same nature as the "creations" of painters and writers. .Maybe it wasn't the discovery of something that already existed, but the creation of something new. Even 'America' could have been 'created' by Columbus while he was adrift at sea, with all the 'elements' and 'Bacteria', as well as 'celestial bodies' and 'laws', may all be 'created' by someone who thinks he has 'discovered'. If consciousness can create the world, then these so-called 'discoveries' are likely to be It is an 'invention'. Like creating a work of art, people 'invented' the whole world, and at the same time expanded the scope of their own life. Maybe this is the essence of life."

"Stop dreaming, fool. This is not the time for poetry." "...Those 'weird things' may also be 'created' by someone." "Boring. If the 'world' is created by the 'consciousness' of the 'people who live in it', do I create the things that happen to me?" "Mr. Wednesday is not the only creator. These things are created through the interaction between Mr. Wednesday and the consciousness of some people around him." "How is this possible. It is impossible for 'facts' and 'events' to happen based on what is in someone's head. The only possibility is that someone took actual actions."

"But that certain person is different from me and Mr. Wednesday. He must have a different and firm worldview. That's why these weird things happen." "I don't have time to accompany you to think about this right now." "But isn't thinking an essential skill for a detective?" "At the same time, we must act. There is no need to discuss the definition of a detective now, let's go back to the topic of action. Tell me, what did you see when you closed your eyes just now?" "What I saw was Mr. Mercury C's 'afterlife'." "What kind of place is that?" "This should be his personal privacy... After all, this is also the most fundamental place of human beings, so I can't talk about it everywhere. However, according to my impression of Mr. Mercury C, that place is very extraordinary. I expected it, and it should be said that the scenery there is still very beautiful. Although there is still a strange feeling that makes people upset." "How does it compare with your view?" "No, I can't simply enter my 'after death world'. Because in my consciousness, I think that the 'beyond world' and the 'neutral place that is neither the other world nor this world' are dominated by consciousness .So once I enter my afterlife, I become in it, but at the same time I am free to observe it. Simply put, my world shrinks and shrinks like a snake swallowing itself from the tail. Finally disappeared. When the world began to distort and shrink, I was ejected to the periphery, watching the rapidly shrinking world, and then in this situation, I would find 'ah, it seems that this is also my afterlife world', Right? Then the world that was originally outside of me will start to deform and shrink again, and I will be bounced outside again. Then, when I experience this scene repeatedly, I will find that this repeated repetition is also included in 'my In the post-death world view', the metamorphosis of the whole world will suddenly accelerate, and finally a big hole will appear, and I will fall into it. I am very afraid that once I fall into that kind of place, I may never come back again, so I hurried Left my own 'after death' and never entered it again. Since then, I have only allowed myself to enter other people's after death. And now I am very afraid that I will die. Because I know that after death What kind of place will I go, so I don’t know where I will go after I die, and feel very uneasy at the same time. What is at the end of that big hole?” "...Hmph. If 'consciousness' can really create a 'world', after hearing what you said, my 'after-death world' will also become the same self-eating snake structure as you, right?" "what." "Ah, what's the use, idiot." "No, I'm not 'ah', I'm thinking, Mr. Wednesday already believes me?" "Who will believe your words. I just know that there are people like you in the world who think about it all day long." "This kind of thinking may affect Mr. Wednesday's worldview. I suddenly feel that the contact with people is really touching." "Where did your disgusting personality come from?"
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