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Chapter 26 chapter Ten

Baji stood up from the ground and said: "There have been many cases of reincarnation in the world. The most famous one is probably one of the living Buddhas in Tibet, the Dalai Lama. The reincarnation of the Dalai Lama itself has formed a political system, and thus created a complex political environment, so I will not mention it here. Another famous case is the reincarnation of the Indian girl Simi. When the girl grew up to the age where she could speak, she immediately asked her mother Asked to take her to see her husband before death, and after she actually visited that land, she was able to tell some things that only people who lived here for many years knew. After seeing her husband and mother in the previous life, the girl used Talking to it in a tone similar to an adult woman, and having some memories that only family members know. It’s incredible. But even so, there is still an acceptable feeling. Because the idea of ​​reincarnation is very important to human beings. Natural thinking. Since there are living, there must also be dead. We live in such a world, and we naturally feel that life is not only once, but a constant cycle. The life that exists in the world always maintains a given amount. The dead who go to heaven will queue up to wait for reincarnation, and they can't choose what kind of life they will become. We sometimes see funny cartoons depicting the use of roulette to determine reincarnation. We live in a world full of reincarnation thoughts There are many cases of reincarnation around me. And, I am actually very convinced that the same thing happened to Xiao Shao. But it must be pointed out that the reincarnation she experienced is beyond our imagination. An unusually complicated form." Baji stared at my face. "Let me talk about Norma Brown next."

Norma?I was taken aback.Why did Norma's name come out of this guy's mouth in this kind of place?How much has this famous detective found out about me? Why did he investigate me in such detail? Baji said to Mercury C: "Excuse me, can you please hold down Mr. Wednesday?" "OK." Why, before I figured out the situation, Mercury C quickly circled around my back, inserted his hands into my armpits, and clasped them firmly on the back of my neck. "No, no. Please don't be so rough, just be gentle, just hug his shoulders a little bit." "What are you doing?" Said, Mercury C loosened his tightly clasped wrists, walked to me, put a hand on my shoulder, "Okay."

"First of all, please look at this." As he said, Baji handed over something, which was the resident card of Shizuoka City, Shizuoka Prefecture, on which it was written that the head of the household was Fumino Nobushi, and his wife was Fumino Brown Norma. My mind has gone blank.Fuyuto?Norma?Shizuoka is the place where Shaozi lives, and Fumono is the husband's surname that Shaozi crowned after marriage.Her husband's name... I don't remember.But now the resident card in front of me has the name Fumono Brown Norma printed on it. What does this mean? "Miss Norma Brown married a Japanese three years ago, and then came to Japan to settle down."

I think of the class reunion three years ago.The diamond ring on her hand and the duck on the round table.Shit!Hell disco, you finally talked to me. "At this time, Mr. Wednesday also began to frequently receive commissions from Japanese customers. So for the convenience of your work, you gave yourself a Japanese name for Japanese customers and learned Japanese. Then, in five months Before, you met Xiao Shao. "Mr. Mercury, please hug his shoulders hard. Because I'm about to announce a bad news." Wait, why did Norma turn into Fuyuno?But the cry in my heart couldn't reach his ears, and then, the bad news was coming.

"Please try to keep yourself calm." Saying that, Baji started typing on the computer keyboard again, and opened another webpage.Or News Network. Baji carefully opened four other different news networks, found the same report and showed it to me, and then asked me to choose any other news network to verify the authenticity of the report. Mercury C doesn't actually have to be by my side.Baji must have thought that I would beat him up after seeing the news, or cry and scream, so he would be so guarded, but I didn't do what he wanted in the end.Because I still haven't figured out whether I should fight him or cry and scream.

The spoon is dead.But is she alive again?As tip?Then the tip itself does not exist.It didn't exist in the first place.But the spoon appeared, and she was obviously dead. Should I be sad about this, or should I be happy, or should I be shocked?What should I do?I couldn't figure it out anyway, so I chose anger.I slammed Mercury C headfirst, then stood up, and took a step forward for a wild beating.Mercury C threw himself on me again, but he didn't move his hands or feet, let alone return me with a head hammer.I said to Mercury C who was firmly controlling me: "Let go of me, Mercury! Get out!" But Mercury C still tightly bound my body. "Calm down." He said only one sentence. "Bastard!" I yelled, "Let go, Mercury! Get the hell out of here!" My eyes were moist with extreme anger, and this was the first time since I said goodbye to being a child that I shed tears.Reincarnation?hateful!I ended up fighting and crying and screaming.Sad and happy, happy and shocked.The emotions in my heart tangled into a whirlpool, swallowing me up in an instant.It was like a tornado was going to send me elsewhere, and I had to keep my feet.If not, the tears would burst and I would never be able to stand again.Mercury C supported me who was about to fall, and he hugged my shoulders tightly. "Reincarnation is simply..." I fell silent halfway through.Is it impossible for reincarnation to exist at all?In this way, Spoon can only bear a tragic death forever.I also lost the spoon forever.However, if I admit that reincarnation really exists, although the spoon can return to me, chaos will also be born.

"As for the specific principles of reincarnation, I'm still not sure," Baji continued his explanation with a steady voice, "However, it seems that the closer the time of birth and the time of death are, the easier it is for soul transfer to occur." Shaozi died in a car accident in July six years ago, and Shao was born in July six years ago. I said, "Is the 'tip' the spoon?" The pointed pig is being kept by Douyuan. Baji replied: "The final result is indeed the case." "Final result?" "In July 200, this pineapple house was built. At the same time, Mr. Saburo Mitamura, who lived alone in it, almost completely gave up the identity of Ehime Chuan Shisan, and started a new writing with the name of the dark hospital. activity. He started patronizing the 'Negotiate' club and got the title of 'Arrow Duck' and started using the chair again."

The chair that Baji gave me was just taken out from the study of the dark hospital. It was a cheap wooden bench. "I think the arrow that stabbed the 'Arrow Duck' dark hospital must also be the one that killed it this time." I looked up at Baji's face. "But... Didn't the dark hospital be called 'Arrow Duck' six years ago?" And that arrow caused this death?Or did the murderer formulate a murder plan based on the nickname "Arrow Duck" of Saburo Mitamura? "No, what I mean is that Mr. Saburo Mitamura may have died six years ago. The time when he fell to the ground and died from an arrow in the back was not late last night, but six years ago."

"six years ago?" "Exactly. It was six years ago that Kentaurus shot the sharp arrow, and he had already killed Mitamura-san at that time." "But isn't Mitamura still alive and writing novels?" "This is because after Mitamura's soul left, other souls resided in his body. Therefore, Mr. Mitamura was resurrected because of this. However, since the soul resided in his body, it is of course impossible to write The same style of novel, so he will debut again with a new pseudonym." "Whose soul is that..." "It's the soul of Ms. Muroi Spoon."

July 2000. Baji continued: "I can only prove that the time of the end of the dark hospital and the beginning of creation are consistent with the time of Muroi Spoon's death. However, the next thing can only be confirmed by Mr. Wednesday's subjective consciousness. Because I am very interested in participating I am not very familiar with anyone in this incident, so I have to rely on your feelings, Mr. Wednesday. The body of Mr. Mita Murasaburo, who was pierced by a bow gun and in a state of suspended animation, was occupied by Muroi spoon. It took six years for her final identity. Because she was afraid of pulling out the arrow that pierced her body, she kept it in its original state. Even the chair she usually used for work did not have a backrest. She must have to sleep on the side. Lying or prone position. And she also boldly started going in and out of the 'non-commissioned officers' club, giving herself the nickname of 'Arrow Duck', enjoying a rich and colorful sex life while writing mystery novels. As a very Mr. Wednesday who knows Ms. Muroi well, do you think this is a behavior that fits her character?"

A Shao, a mysterious woman who has taught me half of the course and is full of gossip.It's simply not a matter of appearance. "If it's something that guy can do... I think she can do anything." "Really. Then I can be sure that Miss Shao died of a sharp arrow piercing her body late last night after spending six years as a dark hospital. And I think it's probably because she fell in love with herself. There is only Mr. Big Comedy Curry who has a relationship between a writer and a famous detective? But the relationship ended up broken, so she stabbed Mr. Big Comedy to death with chopsticks, and finally committed suicide in Pineapple House, that’s how it is.” Judy's Doll's House reasoning is almost right.But she didn't see the full picture scroll. "And in July 2000, the child Yamagishi was born." Hearing Baji's words, my bladder suddenly trembled. In July 2000, here we come again.Wait, if what Baji said is true, then the two people who died in July 2000 were Shaozi and Saburo Mitamura.Later, the spoon entered the suspended animation body of Saburo Mitamura.Where did Saburo Mitamura go? I was terrified, and then the fear was confirmed. "The soul of Saburo Mitamura, who thought he was shot by a bow and died, and left his body, was reincarnated as Yamagishi Koe." Hachigi said, "So the Yamagishi couple can't have any affection for Koko, Mr. Wednesday. This is Of course. Because the soul of an uncle mystery writer resides in the body of their daughter. But there is another reason why Kenji Oda abducted Xiaosao once, but later became unwilling to adopt her. Mr. Wednesday, you know After Oda Kenji kidnapped Kosae, did he love Kosae? And would most people abduct a little girl just to love her?" Boooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo(oo "It should be." I said, "He should have done it out of love for her." "Would Mr. Kenji Oda, who lives a wealthy life, really abduct a little girl because he loves her?" "There are such people in the world." "...Then let me put it another way. It's about the 'man with the blackbird tattoo on his right hand' that Kosae said when she was 'Shimada Kikyo'. Ahhh, Mr. Wednesday, please don't move around, little boy I guess she'll be fine." I looked at the pointed pig in Douyuan's arms. "Mr. Wednesday, please concentrate on listening to my reasoning. The man with the tattoo on his hand, is he the one you are talking about?" After speaking, Baji manipulated the computer screen to return to the homepage of the "Sergeant" just now, click After a few clicks, it was connected to a photo.It was a naked-chested man with a shaved body and a "Swastika" tattooed on his chest.He was skinny and wore glasses.Obviously Japanese, but has the neo-Nazi manifesto "WHITE MEN MUST UNITE" tattooed on his body.The Japanese really do everything for fashion.At the same time, the man had a Nazi mark tattooed on his right arm (see Figure 7). It turned out that it was not a crow.But carved. "The person who had sex with this man was the Muroi Spoon who resided in the body of Saburo Mitamura. Besides this man, the only one who can tell this memory is the soul of Ms. Muroi Spoon. And I have confirmed that this man is still alive. Because there is no Knowing if Mr. Wednesday would be driven by some strong feelings to do something outrageous to this man, I would like to keep you out of the way. But he is really alive and has admitted to having an affair with Mr. Arrow Duck had sex. And finally, those four fingers." He clicked through to another page of "Sergeant", which posted photos of various sex props.It seems to be a special area for club members to display and sell original works. The props arranged on it are heavier than each other, and there are some weird fingers.The product description is attached below. "Dead man's finger that makes your asshole ecstasy!" Those fingers in the photo look like mine...they don't have the designer's name on them.But I can probably imagine who would make such a creative adult toy. "These are the things that were put into Miss Shao's vagina." The tip is the spoon.But what special pleasure did she find in the fingering I used to give her?None of this matters.I continue to push myself to think.If the spoon entered Shao's body, Shao must have died once in the recent period.And the only time I can think of is when I was abducted by Kenji Oda, who killed Sue.There must still be scars on Shao's body that I haven't noticed yet. Probably understood my expression, Baji went on to say: "That's why Kenji Oda resisted Miss Sue so much in the later period. The fear of seeing Kosuke who should have died in his hands is still alive It must be indescribable. Of course, it is also possible that Ms. Shaozi did something to Mr. Oda when she was abducted. However, why can’t the spoon be born from the mother’s body as a fetus like ordinary people, but can only enter the body of a dead person? What about in the body?" Because she was originally a strange woman, thinking of this, I smiled. "Then tell me, why did Shaozi summon me to Pineapple Residence?" Baji already knew the answer with confidence. "I'm afraid they came to support us, or it may be because Miss Spoon hopes that the puzzles she left behind can be solved by you, Mr. Wednesday." The actual situation has also proved this point, and because I came here, many things have come to light.Such as the death of the tip. Should I kill Oda? But without Oda, there would be no current shoot. But Shao was once killed by him. I'm a detective who specializes in searching for missing children.I often encounter situations where the missing children I am looking for have been brutally killed. "That is to say, Shao's soul has been wandering in Chofu..." I said to myself, looking up at Douyuan and the pointed pig in her arms. "But, why did the tip run into the pointed pig?" I asked. Baji asked: "Then why did you mistake your beloved Miss Norma Brown for Miss Spoon?" Pululu... I'm really about to piss out. Baji came to the conclusion: "In fact, Mr. Wednesday's symptoms are well-known. From a broad category, it is delusional identity disorder. If it is further classified, it should be regarded as a substitute syndrome. The so-called substitute Syndrome refers to patients who believe that the people close to them are doubles, and suspect that someone has sent these doubles to themselves in order to harm themselves, which is a kind of mental illness.” Ahhh, I almost cried out. "You took Miss Norma as Miss Spoon from the beginning, but then you suspected that the 'spoon' in front of you was 'Norma who came to deceive yourself', isn't that right?" Completely on target, as expected of a detective. "Actually, this kind of distorted thinking may be a detective's occupational disease in a sense. Or it can be said that if you don't have this kind of symptom to some extent, you can't become a detective. And you even see this doll. Sometimes it also caused this symptom in itself. Ms. Douyuan, may I ask if there is a soul in that wild boar in your hand?" Hearing Baji's question, Douyuan looked at me with a very apologetic expression and replied: "...No." "But Mr. Wednesday firmly believes that Xiao Shao's soul is inside. So I ask again, is there really nothing inside that wild boar doll?" "Ok." "That's not a wild boar, it's a pointy pig." Saying that, I stood up and walked towards Douyuan.And Douyuan also came to me.I took the pointed pig from her hand, but it fell down in my hand. The tip is no longer in it.She has left here unknowingly. "But this pointy pig, she came to my feet by herself. I have heard her talk." As I spoke, I remembered the name of the disease that Baji just said.Substitute Syndrome. "Wouldn't patients with that disease suspect that the people around them are doubles? Is it also one of the symptoms to suspect that an inanimate object is the person around them?" "Actually, this kind of symptom is also well-known. It is called Fregoli's delusional disorder in psychopathology, and it belongs to the same type of delusional identity disorder as substitute syndrome. Mr. Wednesday probably had this attack at the same time. Two mental illnesses." "...but Mercury C saw it too, and he saw Spiky Pig running towards me. Right!" I looked at Mercury C. Mercury C said: "Ah, I wasn't looking at it. When you came back to your senses, you saw a doll under your feet, and you happily picked it up." I was stunned: "But don't you also say she is cute?" "That doll is really cute. Isn't that why you love it so much? I have no interest in what other people do when I'm alone." Is this my consolation... Maybe it's because of my disease that makes Shao's body look bigger and smaller at times.The understanding Norma pretended to be a spoon just to take care of my mood, and Hoshino Masato was originally a lolicon. The spoon in his body must have accidentally made a mistake in a tense state. Baji said to me who was standing still in the same place: "The key problem is not the symptoms that appeared on Wednesday, but the content of the symptoms. Delusional identity disorder is a kind of person who regards the people around him as 'with Disguised threat' disease. Mr. Wednesday's situation is that he has doubts about 'Little Spoon', 'Miss Spoon', 'Miss Norma Brown'... But why does Mr. Wednesday doubt the people around him who have doubts about him? People of family and love pose a 'threat' to themselves?" My breathing has completely stopped and my mind has gone blank. Regardless of me being in a mess, Baji began to enter the concluding statement: "Okay, now let me try to summarize in a good direction. The good result we got in this incident is, um..." He was racking his brains Thinking deeply, one of the angel rabbits spoke. "It's Miss Cat's breast shaker." "That's it!" After finishing speaking, Baji punched his palm, and everyone laughed.Mao Mao said, "It's disgusting." She twisted her body and hugged Douyuan.I was left out in the cold as the people in the central hall put on a happy ending. At this time, Mercury C spoke: "Hey, how do you explain the continuous death of famous detectives?" His problems still can't prevent the finale from coming.Baji looked at Mercury C, still with a smile on his face, and said: "I finally understood just now that their suicide is not a punishment for disqualification as a detective. On the contrary, it may be because they are detectives that they can finally find out. I made a mistake. Then, in memory of the first detective who died, I deliberately took the same suicide method as him.” "What kind of nonsense is that?" Mercury C looked bored. Baji looked at him and laughed again.Then he looked at his watch again: "Ah, bad, it's already so late. Hurry up! I'll leave the rest to you, detectives! If you have time, you can send my luggage to my house, or just throw it away." You can drop it!" Throwing down these words in a hurry, Baji walked towards the entrance empty-handed.The people gathered at the entrance retreated at once, Baji hurriedly merged into the gap between the crowd, and then disappeared.For a moment, even the sound of commotion had gone away. I look at my watch, it is seven sixteen.He could barely catch the train leaving at 22:00, because the driver Iwasaki would definitely take him to the station quickly. But having said that, this is really dense and dense twenty-six minutes. "Mercury C, where are you going to stay tonight?" "It's better to rob this car and go home." Mercury C kept staring at Mao Mao's old panda when he spoke. "You might as well let me die for driving that kind of car, and it won't last in Tokyo at all, right?" Before I finished speaking, the phone in my butt pocket suddenly rang.What is displayed on the screen is "spoon".It's Norma, I press the answer button: "Hello?" "Disco, where are you?" "Huh? Is it a tip?" It's a spoon. "I'm still in Fukui now." "Disco, are you okay?" "It's fine." I couldn't even remember what the word meant, but I replied, "I'm fine." "Esses Naibina, it's right there." A burst of dizziness.Am I starting to hear the voice of my own delusions again? I wonder for a moment.But this is impossible, what I hear is indeed the sound of the tip.The pointy pig that fell on my hand just now is really the empty shell left after the tip returned to Chofu's body. "Run away, Disco. Esses Nabina, he's dangerous!" The train arrived at Xixiao Station on time at 22:00, and the station attendant received a call and was waiting for his arrival.But after Kosuke Iwasaki's taxi arrived at the station, people saw only Yaji's lucky corpse in the back seat, with a chopstick sticking out of his eye.Of course, his death was eventually deemed a suicide by the police. At the same time, far more than Baji was found to have pierced his eyes with chopsticks.The five famous detectives Saberan No. 2 and a half, Wannai Wantiao, Riyue, Dougen, and Maomao Miaomiao also died in the same way in their respective rooms in Fengliju.They will probably also be considered suicide by the police. The Goddess of Beauty, Er Liuzhu, unfortunately became incontinent after witnessing the dead bodies of five people.Children's lower body is really out of control. The Angel Rabbit member Hongo Yushi (Hongo Taxi Taxi) left the bathroom at 7:15, and was ridiculed by his companions in an atmosphere of celebrating the resolution of the incident. After they found the bodies of six people, Hongo It will probably be ridiculed in a different way again. There was a missed call from Yakushima on the dead Baji mobile phone. The caller was Shimada Kikyo's father, Shimada Yasuhiro.With no one answering for a long time, he left a phone message. "Ah, I'm Shimada. I've been waiting until now after the doctor injected the potion, but Kikyo still hasn't woken up. Please call me back immediately after hearing my message and explain to me clearly." And on this night, I will encounter the so-called Esses Naibina.Speaking of this big tongue, it is obviously SS-Nail Peeler. The person who pulls out people's nails while they are asleep really means it literally.And SS does not refer to Schutzstaffel (Nazi SS), but the abbreviation of Super Sadistic (Super Sadistic), which is what SS-Nail Peeler himself said.
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