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Chapter 20 Chapter Four

disco detective wednesday 舞城王太郎 10395Words 2018-03-15
Even a detective shouldn't do something unreasonable.For example, the joker Hester should not have laughed loudly, "Wow ha ha ha ha ha! I have solved the puzzle! Wa ha ha..." Jump from the second floor to the courtyard where Mercury C and I are.Even if that's what he calls style.Mercury C is not the kind of character who is willing to cooperate with someone in acting, so when Chuduhai fell in front of him, he used a full-bodied flying kick to make his free fall into a horizontal parabola, but this is the famous detective Take it upon yourself. "Hahahahaha woogu!" "Bang!" I watched Chudouhai change from vertical fall to horizontal flight with cold eyes that had nothing to do with me.

It did me a little good though that Izumi had three ribs broken by the kick and the ensuing impact and lost consciousness. First, I got time to catch up.Secondly, Mercury C fled into the mountains to avoid the police who heard the news, which freed me from unnecessary tension.In the end, because of this commotion, there was a feeling among the witnesses who saw the pointed pig running towards me and hugged me with a "slap" to my lap, and they all felt that the scene that just appeared in front of them For their own hallucinations or delusions.And the most important thing is that Chu Douhai, who might have heard my conversation with Jianjianzhu on the second floor, was sent to the hospital.

I realized that the cops were sneaking eyes at the pointy pig on my chest, but no one broke the silence.So I whispered to Jianjianzhu: "Shao, you must not move, you have to pretend to be a doll." Seeing that Jianjianzhu didn't respond, I was a little worried, so I took her out of my pocket secretly. Press the pointy pig's big nose to the ear. "(Crack) I know, Disco, I'm not moving." She looked like she was still having fun.Great.I put the pointed pig back into my breast pocket and went back to the main entrance of Fengliju. The entrance is still the same as when the pointed pig ran towards me just now, it is always open, and I can directly see the situation inside.Behind the entrance door, there is another door, which is also open, and I can see the rotunda inside, and there is a row of sofas there.

Several other men and women gathered there. I walked through the entrance of the main entrance, walked inside, passed through the gradually narrowing hall, and entered the rotunda I had just seen.Here the roof suddenly gets higher and the light brightens.I looked up and found that the entire ceiling was designed as a glass skylight, making the whole building look like a huge terrace room.In the center of the room is a tall traveler banana.There are six men and women standing or sitting on the sofa surrounding the traveler.Everyone is young and handsome, with skinny bodies and trendy clothes.What's going on, is this filming Fuji TV's youth school idol drama?I think.Compared with them, the characters in "Teacher Jinba" are more popular and more real.

I should look suspicious.One of the boys with jeans barely hanging on his buttocks, a short-sleeved T-shirt, and high-end accessories on his wrists, who looked like a rich second-generation high school student at first glance, said to me with a smile on his face: " Mr. William Edie, hello. Should I say, long time no see?" He looked proud, "I remember you are an expert in finding missing children, right?" "Where have I met you? "Don't you remember, we met in Kyoto two years ago." Oh oh. "I still remember that incident. I found Nagano Rika's body in the swamp. She was buried under the water shield field." "That's right. After that, the other forty victims except Nagano Rika were killed." They were found, and they were all buried in a field of wild vegetables. Thanks to you for finding Nagano Rika, I was inspired and found the other victims." What exactly was he trying to say? "For me, the grief of Nagano Rika and her family is the whole content of the incident." After listening to me, the rich second-generation detective sighed, "... so touching." Is this guy an idiot.But that guy ignored my impatience and continued, "But when it comes to Kyoto wild vegetables, there are actually two types that no longer exist." At this time, someone answered, "Is it Jun radish and Toji turnip?" Another smug idiot kid. "Exactly. Sour stalk greens, young rapeseed, Maizuru turnips, Shōgoin turnips, Saboga turnips, Matsuzaki Ukishi turnips, Ouchi turnips, spicy radish, Shōgoin radishes, Saboga turnips, Four Seasons Radish, Momoyama Radish, Stem Radish, Green Radish, Winter Vegetables, Mizuna, Mizuna, Kamo Eggplant, Yamashina Eggplant, Motegi Eggplant, Deer Valley Pumpkin, Shrimp and Yam, Yam, Bamboo Shoots, Jingduhuo, Beijing Water Celery, and Jingye Ginger Arrowhead, Horikawa burdock, Segoin cucumber, Kujo scallions, Hiiragi cowpea, cauliflower, Manganji pepper, Takamine pepper, Tanaka pepper, Fushimi pepper, laurel melon, purple turban mushroom, Kintoki carrot and water shield. We found almost all the members of a certain class in the Jingye vegetable field where these forty-one varieties are planted.” “Hahaha,” one of the girls said with a smile, “What is that? Version?" Another girl said, "I think there is only one reason for this situation, that is, the murderer killed more people in order to hide his crime." The rich second generation continued, "Yes, I thought so too at the beginning. Although to the police at the time, the head teacher of that class was the most suspect, because he was born in a peasant family and his whereabouts were unknown after the incident. But my first suspicion was indeed that he was also missing at the time. The other two class members, we now know that they were buried under the legendary extinct Gori radish and Toji turnip, but the police could not find where they were anyway. So I concluded that they must be with the rest of the class. Like forty-one of my classmates, they are dead. The reason why people can't find the two people is because they were buried in the vegetable field where the legend has disappeared. The reason why the two people did this is to Let everyone have such an assumption - the head teacher was born in a farming family, so he must be very familiar with the cultivation of wild vegetables, so it is possible to find the planting place of the extinct gun radish and Toji turnip, in order to make the world pay attention to his discovery , he committed this mass murder so that when the police found the bodies of the remaining two people by themselves, this major discovery would also be bathed in the focus of the media. The two believed that as long as people had such If they think about it, they can conceal their identity as the real culprit. This is very similar to the flood report after a typhoon. Suppose 43 people were washed away by the flood, and only 41 bodies were found in the end, and the whereabouts of the other two people were unknown. After a while, no one will believe that those two people are still alive. I think the last two people used this kind of assumption that ordinary people fall into very easily to commit crimes."

But he was wrong. "But I was wrong," continued the boy. "The last two were found by our great detective, Mr. William Edie. They were indeed under the county turnips and Toji turnips." "Haha!" All the young men and women present were excited by the unexpected plot. "What do you mean, aren't the county turnips and Toji turnips extinct?" "Yes, none of them are extinct." "Did someone hide them? Or did they grow where no one knew?" "They're all well planted in the fields." "Huh? What's going on here?"

"Hidden turnips are better than turnips. There was a farmer who mistook county radishes for green radishes that hadn't grown well, so they never sold them, but kept them for their own family. Because green radishes are originally county radishes. Turnips are varieties of turnips, so they look alike. Toji turnips were mistaken for Ouchi turnips. These two vegetables were finally hidden from the public under the assumption that they were extinct. Toji turnips Tera turnip became extinct around Showa 50, and county radish became extinct around Showa 10, so no one remembers the taste of these two vegetables. Of course, the appearance is the same. Also, because farmers grow Vegetables have to meet certain standards of appearance and taste to be sold in the market, so these forgotten vegetables are never seen again."

Oh, everyone listened to the boy's words with admiration.I'm starting to get a little bored.Because what he said just now seemed to have something to do with me, so I reluctantly stayed with him, but I wanted to leave a long time ago to check the room here. "It's amazing that you can find the truth that was hidden so deeply," one of the boys said to me. I shrugged: "I just looked where no one else has looked." "It's so cool." Everyone said with a smile on their faces.I waved them to silence. "Are you detectives?" I asked. "Yes." One of the girls responded.But these young people look no different from Masato Hoshino, is it true that all young people in Japan are like this now?No, maybe the general atmosphere of this kind of role has permeated the young people, as long as they encounter a slightly dramatic situation, they will unconsciously play that role.Usually just the introduction is not enough.

"Stop talking about the past, let's talk about what's happening here now." As soon as my voice fell, the girl who answered the question just now said, "No, it's wrong to interrupt a detective's speech in the middle This is the basic principle." "I didn't invite you here." I said, sitting on one of the sofas.The detectives exchanged glances with each other.The few of them are like the popular small group that must exist in every high school and think they are celebrities in the school. "And then, what's the truth?" urged by the cheerleaders, Prince Charming continued his story.

"The murderer is no longer in this world. Because they all committed suicide. Of course, there may also be persecution and persecution, but now those details have been plunged into darkness and it is impossible to know." "..." Everyone fell silent in unison.I thought they were as angry as I was thinking that "those details" mattered, but they seemed to be simply taken aback. "Hey, what does that mean?" one of the girls said. "Actually, the last two people who were buried under Junradish and Toji Turnip are the real victims, and the other forty-one people are all perpetrators. The last two people have been bullied by their classmates. They were killed on the day of the incident. So everyone hid their bodies in a panic, but the legendary Jing wild vegetables happened to grow there. The members of that class finally couldn't bear their guilt and conscience, and decided to die. Apologize, but before that, they wanted to hide the fact that they bullied their classmates no matter what. At the same time, they also had a sense of redemption, and wanted to show the world the legendary extinct county radish and Toji turnip they found. So everyone just Bury themselves in other kinds of Jingye vegetable fields respectively. In this way, the bodies of the two people who were bullied to death can be found, and the two extinct Jingye vegetables can also be seen again. Then, just create a fake The fact that they bullied their classmates would not be discovered. In the end, the body of the head teacher was also found. Although it was disguised as a suicide, it should have been killed by his own group of students who planned to commit suicide Right. But the most critical point in this case is the coincidence of numbers. The total number of students in the class is 43, and there are also 43 types of wild vegetables. Turnip, forty-one wild vegetables do not match the number of students in the class. However, such a low probability thing happened. Two kinds of extinct Beijing wild vegetables were discovered, and they finally matched with forty-three's The number of people is the same. This is the so-called synchronicity. But this so-called coincidence actually happens all the time. This time the incident was a mass death of children caused by a coincidence, but the mass death of children is as insignificant as that coincidence They are everywhere. So in this incident, the most valuable things should be the legendary county radish and Toji turnip we found. Although the forty-one people bullied their classmates to death, they were overwhelmed and committed suicide collectively personality disorders, but they also use their methods to extract positive meaning from negative events."

"Oh——" everyone was amazed and applauded in agreement. Huh?I thought, is this the place to be touched?The Japanese are really starting to lose their humanity.In every sense. "Hey, brat, how could vegetables be more important than human life?" I said.Although I immediately thought that this kind of words would not make sense to them, and it was impossible to make sense, but I couldn't help but say it. The handsome little guy I called a brat gave me a blank look.I thought he was about to laugh at me, but no, he said, "Yeah, that's right. Really. Actually, I thought so too." The cryptic superiority palpable on his face outweighed the direct sarcasm It was even more unbearable for me.Ah, this guy is doomed, I thought for a second.For this kid, worldly ethics are just a part of his knowledge system.Under the influence of human nature, I sometimes cringe, but this does not mean that these people in front of me are inhuman, I thought again.These people are also ordinary human beings like me, but their thinking and sensibilities are different, so the reason why these people show such indifference must also be because of the humanity contained in them.And it's not all their fault.As an older person, I naturally also have to bear some responsibility for the society that molds these people into such characters. I asked the handsome guy who lowered his head and pretended to be serious, "What's your name?" He raised his head: "My name is Baji Xingyou." "Is it a detective?" "It should be." "What a joy to have your name." "Yeah, a cheerful idiot." "That's not it." Looking at his charming smile, I couldn't help but wonder if there was some kind of despair hidden under this man's smiling face.But if he didn't even realize this himself, he would be a jovial idiot. "My name is..." At this time, someone was behind me, ready to stand up and introduce himself, but I thought it was troublesome, so I waved him to shut up.The man was also obediently silent. "Ahaha," a girl laughed, "Uncle, you are like a Jedi master. Can you manipulate others by waving your hand?" I neither knew how to answer nor wanted to answer her.The famous detectives I saw on the news website are - "Baji Lucky", "Diekong Temple Happy", "Diekong Temple Play", "Big Hilarious Curry", "Hongo Taxi Taxi", "Douyuan" "The Goddess of Beauty Erliuzhu" and "Hastel".Just heard "Judy A Doll's House" on the radio.Among them, Big Burst Laughter, Doll's House and Diekongsi Happy have been killed by people piercing their faces with chopsticks, while Chu Douhai was sent to the hospital and left the stage.The remaining names do not match the number of people here.Sitting around the sofa were four boys and two girls.Well, it should be like a doll's house, with many detectives following the news.And I should be one of them.But I am not a detective, and I am not interested in the names of famous detectives. Let's start. Next, what should I do so that Pineapple House is no longer a Pineapple Tunnel?Burn it? Shuo, who is temporarily housed in the pointed pig, should return to his body in Chofu at some point.Should I take advantage of the time when the sharp pig is free, set fire to Fengliju, and completely destroy it? Shao was pushed out of his body by "Future Shao" before being bounced to Fengliju.If I burn it, where will the tip be bounced to when the "future tip" crosses next time?The soul of the tip that lost its shelter might fly to a more remote and dangerous place.That does not work.When the condition of the pinnacle is unpredictable, I at least want to ensure that the pineapple tunnel is not damaged. But a group of strange guys gathered here.The police, the media, and these famous detectives.In addition, there is a mysterious murderer who serially killed famous detectives... "Esses Nebina"? "Slap off the nails while others are asleep...the face is black."By the way, there is also a troupe member named "Angel Rabbit"... The pointed pig in my pocket seems to belong to one of the troupe members.But why did that person bring such a cute doll to such a place? I want to take the tip away as soon as possible.To do this, I must learn as much as possible about the bizarre events that have taken place here.Then find a way to prevent the "future tip" from continuing to cross. I stood up, ignoring the famous detectives who still seemed to be trying to trouble me, and left the central hall, taking out my mobile phone.Signal is good.I dialed Spoon's number and was connected right away. "Thank you." Shaozi said, "How is Fukui?" "I'm in the mountains now." "Have you arrived at the scene of the case? It seems to be called Fengliju, right." "Well, it's already there. "How about it, is there any clue for Xiao Shao?" "I have found it, she is with me now." "Ah, really? Did you find it so soon?" I vaguely heard her saying " The future shoot" said that I had found little shoot. "Disco, you are amazing. It seems that you are really a genius. You can find her so quickly." "It's just a coincidence this time." Because Shao ran over by himself. "How is Xiaoxiao Shao now? Is she okay?" "She is very energetic." "But what about her body? Isn't she still here?" "She has a body." "Ah?" "She is here I found a container at random. But it's cute." "What did you say, what does that mean?" "Okay, you don't need to worry about this. Anyway, I have found Xiao and protected her. You there How's the situation?" "It's nothing, she's very energetic. Do you want her to answer the phone?" "Not for now." The pointed pig is still in my breast pocket.If she was allowed to hear the voice of "Future Tip" coming from the microphone, she didn't know what would happen. "When she grew up, Shao said that when she returned to the future, she would help us investigate the incident of the panda loyalty. Do you want to ask her to investigate the incident on your side? I saw that the incident on your side seems to be getting worse The trouble is getting bigger and bigger, and the news websites are full of reports about that place." "Yeah." Do you want to ask "Future Tip" to investigate the incident in Fengliju?of course can. "Then ask her to look into it." "Then let me tell you, from now on you have to hold a strong will. Because you want to catch the loyal pandas and solve the murder in Fengliju. You definitely have This ability. Disco, do you believe in yourself?" Can I do it? "If you are so unconfident, there will be no inevitability. You must promote the flow of fate, relying on your strong will." Everything is formed by the interaction of fate and will.I remembered what "Future Shoot" said again.However, can the will really drive the flow of fate?As long as you have the will and the corresponding ability, I believe it is possible.exactly.But, do I really have the corresponding ability?How will you know if you don't try... This kind of thinking just reflects my lack of self-confidence.Confidence is gained from experience.It's impossible to have confidence in something you haven't experienced... But everyone has unfounded confidence when they are young.Although I am no longer young, I still remember the so-called youth.To remember the feeling at that time.The reason I became a detective specializing in missing children was not because I had found missing children so many times.At that time, the reason why I felt that I could rely on this to make a living was precisely because I believed that I had such an ability, and this kind of confidence was groundless.That's right, this is it.I have also had times when I acted on my own will and unfounded confidence.To remember the feeling at that time.I can do it.I'm not too stupid in my head.I can do things that those famous detectives can't and can't think of. I have this ability. "I swear to you, I will definitely solve the Fengliju incident. And faster than any of the famous detectives here." Probably hearing my words, those famous detectives booed and booed behind me.These people will not understand.I will definitely solve this mystery faster than them. With this feeling, I thought that "Future Tip" would help me investigate the final result of the matter.Cheat Detective Disco, Wednesday.It looks like I'll have to use William Edie's name here anyway, to be a little more comfortable in retrospect. "Very good, Disco." Shaozi said, "Xiao Shao said that I will send you an email later. Hang up first." "Okay." "Contact me at any time if you have anything to do. We will also contact you at any time." Oh, by the way, how is Hoshino doing?" "The kid went back to his room and lay on the bed pissed off. Haha." I hung up the phone and turned around to find all the detectives looking at me with smiles on their faces.The boy standing behind Baji began to applaud slowly with "crack, clap, clap". "Uncle, you made a detective declaration just now, and you put us aside. But I think it's too late for you, because I will find out the truth soon." But these people don't know what happened to Shao, and they don't know the nature of Fengli Tunnel in Fengli Residence.And this must have something to do with the incident.This is generally the case in all detective novels in which famous detectives appear, and there are no unnecessary factors at all.So these people in front of me must make mistakes one after another, and then die. "I advise you not to." I said, "otherwise you will be stuck in the face with chopsticks." The smiles on the faces of the famous detectives disappeared.That's right. "It's not the face, it's the eyes. The place where the chopsticks are inserted is the eyes." Baji said, "But what Mr. Edie just said is also valid for you. It is best not to express bad reasoning in this place. Because Three famous detectives who failed to see the truth have been killed." "Did the murderer leave anything like a message?" "Those who were killed by him may be oral messages. The first few detectives all claimed to have discovered the truth of the matter, and then published their own reasoning results, and they were all killed immediately after the publication. After they were killed, They found some new clues.” Was that also the strange context they were reading in?I began to doubt.And my doubts would have been impossible for me in the past.If I were the same as I used to be, I would definitely accept these strange contexts unconditionally like Baji and the others.The death penalty executed as a punishment for erroneous reasoning.However, would it be the opposite of Baji's understanding that they just locked themselves in a secret room and committed suicide by sticking chopsticks into their eyes? Thinking of this, I can't help but feel that my thoughts are a bit stupid.No one would commit suicide just to create a secret chamber mystery, or just to stick a chopstick in his eye.Am I being too wary of reading context from facts to get this idea?Only by using people's general feelings about an event can the information be conveyed correctly, and at the same time, this is also the correct way to process information. Everything has its own context.This is an undeniable fact.The so-called context is the text with commonality.What common message do we read in The Death of a Detective?Is it a similar experience? I have been doubting what happened to Shao, and even my professional feeling formed by relying on the accumulation of experience has also been doubted.so terrible.Reading the context book is my magic weapon. If I doubt even this, what else can I do.And, what's the point of casting doubt on a sense of human origin.This is how people live. Seeing that I was just thinking without saying a word, Baji said: "Mr. Edie is the only one who expressed doubts about this message." He said with admiration... At the same time, he said helplessly: "Indeed, the body is in the secret room." Most people would think that it was a suicide if they were found in the middle of the world. But we are used to doubting it. Big Bang, Butterfly Temple and Doll's House have all made failed inferences, and they may indeed be just for the sake of They committed suicide in the secret room as punishment for their mistakes. And the reason why they all chose to pierce their eyes with chopsticks may have a reason that we can't imagine for the time being." He was right, I thought.Detectives are used to suspicion, but their suspicion is formulaic.Ordinary people think that the death in the secret room is suicide, which is consistent with the type of reaction that famous detectives first suspect that the death in the secret room may be homicide.It's just that the form is different.None of us ever tried to doubt our initial doubts. However, now I doubt it.Why did it become like this? Detective, I beg you not to read weird context out of it and meddle like a fool. Because of what Mercury C said to me.That sentence was undoubtedly a shock to me, because I suddenly found that the so-called fate and necessity that I had always believed in were nothing more than the "strange context" I read.The acquaintance with Shao, the appearance of "Future Shao", the appearance of "Norma Brown Spoon", the appearance of "Shimada Kikyo", the "Panda Die Loyalty" incident came to the door, the appearance of "Hoshino Masato", all these The things predicted in the "letter" happened one by one, which made me feel the reality of fate and necessity, but the words of Mercury C made me suddenly have to doubt this.Now I'm really starting to doubt its authenticity.At the same time it occurred to me that Mercury C's words might have been just another form of violence he had unleashed on me to pass the time.Damn, Mercury C you are too much.But forget it, in fact, I still kind of thank him.Because detectives are skeptics.Deepen doubts about things... I don't know how this will affect my life, but at least it is good for the interpretation of facts and truth. Even so, doubt stopped me from moving forward.So act fast.Facts, go gather the facts.Then start to doubt again. Just as I used the same reason to motivate myself, there was a sudden crackling sound above my head.I looked up and Mercury C appeared in mid-air.He floated?No, he climbed onto the glass skylight.The clear skylight has been cleaned so clean that it feels like there is no glass at all.The famous detectives who looked up at the same time as me also spotted Mercury C. "Ah, isn't that the one who kicked Steyer away?" a girl said, "Should I call the police?" "Shouldn't we put cushions under it first?" said another boy. "That guy is so big, he might fall down at any time." I don't care if he falls and dies.Then again, what the hell is he doing? Just as I was thinking about it, Baji, who was opposite me, said, "That person seems to have discovered it." Then everyone nodded and said, "Yes." What, what did that guy see on it?At this time, Mercury C lowered his head and met my eyes through the glass window.He waved to me, and I waved to him too. "Ah, I remembered, that person is a detective." Hearing a girl say that, I couldn't help but want to tell her that it was wrong, that person was a Japanese pastry chef, but after thinking about it, being a detective is just an identity Well, it's not a specific occupation.Even a Japanese confectioner can become a detective.Although that guy's character is not suitable for being a detective at all, but I know that as long as he thinks something is fun, he will not hesitate to mix in various identities to join in the fun. "Where do I get to get up there?" I asked.Fortunately, Baji said: "This way." After speaking, he motioned for me to follow him, and the remaining three boys and two girls followed us.We exited the porch and turned left, walked in the opposite direction to the courtyard just now, and we could see the rain gutter protruding from the edge of the roof and connecting to the ground. "That person may have climbed up from here too." Baji said. "That person too?" "Big laugh has also climbed up from here." Oh, the first famous detective to be killed.Why does Mercury C imitate his actions? "Mercury!" I yelled, and immediately there was a yell from above: "Shut up! You are not allowed to call my name loudly, old bastard! Be careful I will kill you!" "Wow, he is so rude." Boy lol. "Is the name of the guy above Mercury?" A girl asked me, so I nodded. "Wow, that's a cool name, even though he's a little fatter." She looked cheerful. "That's not called fat, it's called strong." Another boy also said with a smile.No matter what the reaction of these famous detectives is... do they really think this is their high school... The popular clique is really annoying. It seems that they cannot be allowed to get too close to Mercury C. I grabbed the rain gutter with both hands, put my foot on the wall and began to climb.The detective below suddenly became excited again, saying: "It's amazing, it looks like a rare monkey." I ignored them and continued to climb.Standing on the roof, the skylight of Pineapple House looks like a shallow plate turned upside down above the forest, and Mercury C is standing in the center of the plate. "Mercury." He turned around. "Hey, don't call me by that name casually." "Then you should give yourself a different name." "A good man doesn't change his name when he walks and sits without changing his surname. How can I give myself another name?" I don't care. "Then don't complain." "You're annoying. Don't talk about it, come here, there are fun things here." A lot of steel window lattices were erected radially from the center of the skylight, and I walked towards Mercury C by stepping on those steel frames. "Mercury, why didn't you walk on the steel frame just now, it's too dangerous." "Walking on glass is more exciting, isn't it?" Ok. I stood next to Mercury C, and he pointed to the protrusion in the center of the steel frame, where a line of words was written: "This is the center of the world".It was carved on it with stone or other tools a long time ago. "What does that mean?" I asked. Mercury C replied: "It should be literally." He looked at the words. "This is the center of the world." Just when I didn't understand what he meant and was about to ignore that sentence, Mercury C stood up again and raised his finger to the east. "Look." I also stood up and looked in the direction Mercury C pointed.This place is a bit higher than the forests around Fengliju, and what is displayed in front of me is the slope of the mountain depicted by the tops of the trees, and farther away, when Mercury C and I came here by taxi The national road that passes by.The two police cars that stopped us just now have returned to their original places.I can still see a square open space fenced off behind the police car, which is a "$", no, "S" shaped mound protected by the Fukui prefectural police with yellow tape.I also saw a scene that I didn't notice in the taxi just now. A large area of ​​rice was planted in the farmland along the national road, forming a green ocean, and there was an open space separated by yellow tape in the middle of the rice ocean.Because of the distance, I couldn't see what was in the clearing.Mercury C interrupted me who was concentrating on watching, and said the answer: "There is a lowercase 'd' in that open space." A "d" opposite an "s"? "Then do they form any vocabulary?" I looked at Mercury C.He smiled and said, "Hmmm. Opposite 'd' is 'a', and opposite that is 'g'." sdag?If it's SDAK, I also know it's S.Dak, short for "South Dakota."Is that smug (smug)? smut (stain)? shag (sexual intercourse)? slag (abusive)? Mercury C added: "There's another 'n' in the woods." nsdag?My mind started to get confused. "Are there any other words in those words?" Mercury C smiled as he wished: "Yes, it's right under my feet." I followed his instructions to look over.At this time, the sun had already sunk into the mountains behind Pineapple House, but the light before six o’clock in the evening was still strong. The sunlight shone through the cloudless blue sky on the transparent glass, obliquely into Pineapple House, softly Illuminates the rotunda and corridors on the second floor.There, I saw the "O", a huge red circle.It was an "O"-shaped bloodstain that circled the circular corridor on the second floor. "'o''n''s''d''a''g' are all arranged at equal intervals. But the size of the letters is different." Mercury C continued. onsdag?what is that? “onsdag在丹麦语中是'星期三'的意思,就是你的名字啊,大侦探。照我看,你是被召唤到这里来了。只不过你还不知道而已。”
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