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Chapter 15 Chapter fifteen

In other words, the judo boy came from eleven years later than the era of "Shao", that is, counting from the current time, twenty-two years later in the future?At that moment, I thought of this possibility.The spoon behind me said: "Ah, speaking of it, it seems that such a thing happened in the past." Hearing her words, I suddenly felt that the whole world was far away from me again. "I remembered when you mentioned Kong Kong and Diandian. Yes, a pair of twin panda cubs were indeed stolen." Seeing the conversation between Spoon and Judo Boy, "Shao" also looked very surprised: "How do you know? Also, who are you?" Judging from her tone, she seemed to be on the verge of collapse.

The spoon looked at the terrified "tip", and then at me. "Disco, is this all true?" she asked, "Or is my brain burned out?" Where's the sister?" "...don't know." "Where did she go?" "I don't know now." "That's too bad, we have to go find her. Ah, we don't even know where she is, How can I find this." "Don't talk about that, Shaozi, why do you..." Halfway through, I closed my mouth.Because seeing the judo boy's eyes lit up again with excitement.I intended to moderate his violent impulse a little, but it seemed that I had attracted his attention too much in other ways... The judo boy seemed to see through my thoughts, and he laughed. "I don't know why, but you look troubled, Detective." He continued, putting his hand on my shoulder, "but it's usually your fault in these cases. No, it's your fault in any case." It's your fault, and ah, you've been deceived quite a bit."

"What did you say..." Before he finished speaking, the judo boy's hand on my shoulder hit my jaw with a "bang".His fist was like a heavy hammer.I was stunned by the sudden attack and suddenly woke up.As long as I stay with this man, there is no way I can escape the threat of violence. "Shao" gasped, and the spoon screamed. "Stop it, don't fight anymore!" "What the hell are you doing, Mr. Disco!" "Shoot" screamed. "What's going on? Where is this, what time? What's going on? Who the hell am I in now?" She I checked my hands, feet and clothes. "Me? Me? Is this me? Is this really me?"

"Oh, wow!" The cry this time came from Masato Hoshino who had fallen on the other side of the bed.He was clutching a wad of crumpled tissues.The ball of tissue was like a blood-stained bud with a finger sticking out of the center. Seeing this scene, "Shao" screamed "Ah" again. She covered her mouth with her hands, and the bath towel around her waist fell to her feet at some point. Her lower body was exposed, and her inner thighs were covered with blood. I'm certainly not alone in noticing this. "Bastard!" "Bang!" The judo boy blasted out his iron fist again at a very close distance.

"Tell me what's going on! What a pervert you've done to these ladies!" he yelled at me in the language of a play, and the smile on his face widened. I said, "It's great to finally find something to relieve your boredom, Brother Mercury." "Boom!" The iron fist that hit my ear was so fast and heavy that I didn't even have time to hear the wind blowing from the fist.I was in an underground sumo tournament in Montreal where I got hit by a palm slap by a black ex-pro wrestler, but the Judo Kid hit it harder than that.I fell to the ground, my brain and spinal cord temporarily disabled, so I couldn't even cushion the impact with my knees or hands.The judo boy spoke to me who fell straight on the ground.

"Hey, don't call someone else's name if you don't know it, old bastard." With my face still on the soft carpet of the Princeton Hotel, I asked, "Then what's your name?" The man in front of him said: "My name is Mercury C, Mercury.C. Not a nickname. I only have this name. But I don't allow you to call me by this name, and I don't allow you to use it to make silly jokes. If you dare Talk about that name and I'll give you an ugly death." After he finished speaking, I resonated and said: "What kind of parents would give their children such weird names."

"Kacha" Mercury's toe kicked my nose. "I don't have any parents." I want to tell him, are you an orphan? Even if you are, your parents must not be looking for you, they must not have tried to find you, and they don't even remember your existence.But I couldn't say a word because the nosebleed was stuck deep in my throat.Mercury straddled me who was coughing non-stop due to nosebleeds, and got into bed with his shoes on. He staggered on the quilt and walked to Hoshino's side.Mercury C was only about two meters away from me, and I felt relieved that I finally had room to think.Two panda incidents...the disappearance of the twin cubs and the consecutive sleeping incident of the loyal panda girl.What kind of connection is there between the disappearance of pandas that happened at the end of eleven years and the disappearance of pandas that happened in Japan eleven years ago... Is it a copycat crime?Or the same murderer?In the twenty-two years between the two disappearances of pandas, in the middle of this period, another incident of panda loyalty happened... Wait a minute.According to the conversation between Shao, Shaozi and Mercury C just now, it seems that the missing panda cubs in the two incidents are named Kong Kong and Diandian... Could it be that another pair of twin cubs born later were given the same name and also abducted? ?Is this a copycat crime committed by a happy criminal?Blame those panda keepers for abusing the same name...but will zoos give the same name to the pandas they use to attract tourists?not sure.Did the disappearance of Kongkong and Diandian eleven years ago really cause such a deep sense of loss to the Japanese or to the relevant staff?Did they give the newborn panda twins the same name again to assuage their sense of loss, but because of this, the cubs were subjected to the same crime again?

Compared to the less likely hypothesis, the following idea may be more plausible. The "grown up shoot" in front of me is a fake pretending to be "the shoot after eleven years". And this counterfeit must have some kind of purpose to approach and cheat my trust, hoping to wait for an opportunity to harm me. "Letters from the Future" and "Miserable Mandarin Ducks", even if these are lies, they are really attractive.Maybe I'm just being fooled by this bold lie.As for the knife and fork under the ginkgo tree, she must have improvised another scam after seeing the scene where I buried it.She must have traveled over when I took out Uno Chiyo's tableware, and hid aside to watch.Yes, in the final analysis, no matter how carefully I think about this issue, I am still misled by my body, which is always big and small.The authenticity of the "tip" cannot be fully established simply by finding the knife and fork.After she asked me to look forward to Norma Brown, although the Norma spoon did appear, it must be just a coincidence. The so-called prophecy might just be a seemingly meaningful but meaningless random statement I am just joking.There are countless ways to "realize" such an ambiguous statement.Our lives are still very far away, and at some point, Norma Brown herself will actually have some form of contact with me.Or maybe I'll meet other Norma Brown-like women, or maybe something "Norma Brown-like" will happen to me.Damn, I was really misled by the deceitful use of ambiguous words and occasional coincidences, did I play myself?Is my strange obsession with Norma Brown part of the calculations of the phony who calls himself "Grown Tip"?

"Growing up Shao" is now sitting on the bed in front of me, with his feet hanging down.I looked up and met her eyes.She seemed stunned by the chaotic situation in front of her, and she didn't have time to doubt or think about it.Of course it's not her fault. "Shao" has only just come into this world, and he still doesn't know about "Shimada Kikyo", "Panda Die Faithful" and the depths of Shao's lower body, that is, the four fingers that appeared in the womb.I was the only one who saw it all from beginning to end. ... just came to this world?is this real?

Could this be yet another unexpectedly clever improvisation prepared by someone with free access to Tiny Shoot's body to play with me?Maybe "Shao" didn't travel through time and space at all, but a part of a huge lie fabricated by someone with malicious intent to shake my belief after entering Shao's body? "Mr. Disco, what's going on?" "Shao" sitting on the bed asked me with a trembling voice, who is she? "What the hell is going on here? Are you all right, Mr. Disco?" "Oh, this is too strange, they all have the same fingers. Haha." Mercury C's words came from the other end of the bed. On the other end, there are four fingers arranged in parallel on the hand, and they are squinting their eyes for a closer look.He picked up one of them with the other hand and looked at it carefully, and said, "The fingerprints are roughly the same, the shape of the nails and the lines on both sides of the joints are the same. They are exactly the same. I see, these must be the same finger, It's possible that the other three are replicas, and it's possible that all four are replicas."

What nonsense is he talking about? "Let me see." I said. Mercury C's smiling face turned to me, and four fingers flew over at the same time.I turned sideways reflexively, and those fingers fell to the ground. "That said, those replicas cannot be explained by simple cloning technology." Mercury C pointed his chin at the things on the ground, and I leaned over to observe. "The slight abrasion between the first joint and the second joint, and the location of the barb on the left side of the nail are all the same, which is too problematic. Hehe, even the soft skin on the root of the nail is the same. It seems... Maybe these fingers can open the door of a vault somewhere? If that’s the case, I can understand that this passionate and exquisite reproduction is comparable to counterfeit banknotes... After all, this can’t be some kind of performance art, right?” Regardless of Mercury C's nagging, I bent to the floor to observe the four fingers carefully, and then touched the middle finger of my left hand.It's still there.But those four severed fingers were also so real in front of me.I touch them again.can touch.They are real.Did four people have their fingers severed at the same time... cloned?Then these fingers belonged not to four people, but to one person?But even if someone had four clones of themselves, it wouldn't be possible to have the same abrasion on the same finger in the same place, right? Certainly not a coincidence.In this way, as Mercury C said, someone collected these four cloned fingers and processed them.But is there any point in doing so? That is impossible.Whatever the occasion, the location of the barb is unlikely to determine anything. So, is this really performance art... how is it possible.I don't think anyone has the technology and mental leeway to use cloning technology to realize performance art... At this time, I came up with a hypothesis that others could not imagine based on my experience. Although I don't know why all this happened, could it be that the four same characters scattered in the multiverse world reached the same time and space in the same universe through the wormhole, where their fingers were cut off, and the severed finger The four fingers were gathered and put into Shao's lower body?But how did that kind of thing happen... I don't know, but if someone can really do such a thing, then the time jump at the top and Shimada Kikyo's intrusion may also be caused by that person . Pandas are loyal. But how does the panda diehard connect to Shao's genitals?And it's this little penis next to me in this time and space? Can the panda diehards create wormholes? etc.Even if he is an incredible criminal panda loyalist, it is impossible for him to have omniscient and omnipotent godhead.Replacement of corpses, fabrication of alibi, disappearance of suspects and victims, all these traps have been solved by me in the past.So there must be a similar trap here, I just haven't noticed it yet. "The gringo's finger is still there." Mercury C sat on the bed, his feet dangling in front of me who was busy squatting on the ground observing those four fingers.If I accidentally provoke him...or even if I don't provoke him, if he has a whim, one of the short, hard-looking legs will kick me in the face. "Where did this come from?" I looked at "Shao" and said, "In her vagina." "Liar! Really?!" Saying that, "Shao" folded his legs and put his hands between his thighs, "What's going on? Did someone put it in when I went back there?" "Which side is 'over there'?" Mercury C asked, "Where did you go back?" "..." "According to what you just said, it should be the past eleven years ago, right. Because 'empty and little disappearance' is a 'recent event' to you." Mercury C still remembers, "Is traveling through time and space fun? Duo Doraemon?" She was speechless.I can't see any signs of deep thinking on the face of "Future Tip", nor can I see any confusion enough to stop her thinking. "Little 'Shao', do you know the name of the mother of the missing panda cubs?" I asked. "Lunlun." "Shao" answered me without thinking.It seemed she was desperate to prove her innocence, to convince us that she wasn't lying. "That's the name of the panda mother." Shaozi said, "This is exactly the same as what happened eleven years ago." "Because Lun Lun was a panda loaned to Japan, she was sent back to China after Kongkong and Diandian disappeared." Mercury C continued, "It should have been sent back to the Sichuan Giant Panda Research Center. The incident you mentioned Did it happen in Japan?" "Shao" nodded and said, "...Yes." "If you're lying, what other meaning does it imply?" Hearing Mercury C's words, "Shao" bowed his head unwillingly. "There must be some strange trap in this," Spoon said. "What do you think, Disco?" I didn't speak, but continued to think.Let's assume that what "Sao" said is trustworthy. She claims to be Yamagishi (Inoue) Sasuke herself, and she comes from the future eleven years later. All of these are her true words.But it is still possible that contrary to the truth, she may not be Shao, but a person from the past eleven years ago, but she does not know it.That way, I could deduce that someone had lied to the child and instilled in her a false sense of personality and times.Was there a vault, unknown to me, that could be opened by deceiving her? etc.If all this is really related to the time disorder, then this may not just happen to "the girl who may be Shao". Similarly, the pandas "Kongkong" and "Diandian" may also pass through the barrier of time.That is to say, "Kongkong" and "Diandian" were not actually "abducted", but for some reason or someone's actions, they were moved from "the past eleven years ago" to "twenty years ago". The future two years later, that is, the future eleven years from now" may even be a "further future", adopted by the Shendai Zoo in the corresponding time and space, until the "nearest" of "the tip of the future eleven years later" During that time, they may have jumped in time again, traveling to a time and space that we don't know.The panda mother "Lun Lun" may also have followed the traces of the twin cubs and made two time jumps, but was not sent back to China.In this way, the report on the return of the panda to China is a fabrication, an organized and purposeful lie fabricated to cover up the mysterious disappearance of the panda mother and her child.Panda mother and child shuttle back and forth on the timeline... Who on earth made them become like this... Die-hard pandas? I tried to attribute the incomprehensible phenomenon to the diehard pandas.I'm trying to escape the interpretation of the puzzle by exploiting the existence of Panda loyalists. The panda diehards just stole the girls' souls.This has nothing to do with the theft of twin panda cubs that happened "eleven years ago" and "eleven years later" (soon to happen).But because both have the keyword panda, I can't help linking them together... Maybe this is the purpose of the panda loyalists.Am I just thinking along the guidance of the panda loyalists from the beginning to the end?But since the murderer left messages such as "Panda is awesome!" Steal the twin panda cubs.Did the Japanese police launch an investigation based on this clue?Can the investigators of the Panda Loyalty incident imagine that the murderer of the Kongkong and Diandian abduction incidents eleven years ago may be the same person as the murderer of this incident? "The gringo is delusional," said Mercury C.I remembered that I hadn't answered the spoon's question yet.She asked me just now "there must be some strange trap in this"...of course there is. "So-and-so was tricked by so-and-so," I said, facing the floor.Because I can't face anyone's face here.Could it be me who was cheated? "Tip"?Or "someone who thinks he is a tip"?Or someone else?Or is this all beyond my imagination and more people are in fact caught up in this gigantic scam?But who would benefit from setting such a complicated trap? ... No matter how I think about it, I can't come to a conclusion. "Hey, foreigner, don't be shy, let me see your left hand." Mercury C said again.I still lowered my head and only extended my left hand to Mercury C who was sitting on the bed.Mercury C grabbed my hand and pulled it violently, and said, "Are these four cloned fingers a bit like yours?" I was taken aback.Not because of the content of the words, but because of the loud voice of Mercury C.The reason why I am not surprised by what is said is because it is the truth.Really like it.Whether it is the hair on the top, small scars, or the soft skin and barbs at the root of the nail.Why? !Just when the fear in my heart was about to flood, Mercury C pulled my left hand towards him again, and I felt warm and humid air at my fingertips, and then, a sharp pain erupted in my middle finger.He actually bit me!Pain pain!Reflexively, I throw a right hook into Mercury C's profile.Hit, "kuang".Mercury C finally let go of my left middle finger, and at the same time he was rolled off the bed by me.I thought he had bitten off my finger, but luckily it was still there. "It hurts!" Mercury C yelled, and I immediately put on my posture.Looks like it's going to be another fight with Mercury C for a while... it's really endless.As long as he's around, he'll keep picking on me, and once I react to that, Mercury C will be happier and keep on causing trouble. kill him. In order to break his neck bone, I raised my right foot and kicked Mercury C lying on the floor with all my strength, but I only stepped on a translucent phantom. No, it was Mercury C who quickly stooped to avoid my attack.He must have sensed my murderous intent, so after he dodged my full blow, it was my turn to lose my life this time.Mercury C will definitely not be polite to me... Thinking of this, I couldn't help but hold the cross tightly in my heart, but Mercury C still smiled and sat down on the bed again.He even spread his hands so I could see his palms. "Calm down, foreigner. It wasn't an attack just now, it was a mark for you." What was he talking about? "Now you should have my teeth marks on your fingers, so even if your fingers are really cut off, they won't be mixed with the other four, and you can't tell which one is yours. And if things develop to When you have to confront a clone of yourself, the scars on your hands also remind you that you are the real thing. Isn't that a good way to prevent personality disorders? However, you may be a clone, the real You might not be here at all, and this problem cannot be solved by tooth marks." I let go of my fists and knees tensed up for the next blow...and I breathe a sigh of relief.I looked closely at the fingers scattered on the floor.Skin tone, hair growth, knuckle size, overall finger length, nail shape are indeed very similar to mine.However, "there is only one me in the world", although the inner world is very complicated, but I don't remember being cloned. Could it be that many wormholes appeared in this time and space at the same time, gathering me from various universes together? "Even if your clone really exists in the world, that guy is not you." Mercury C said with a smile, "It can only be regarded as another person who looks very similar to you, so don't worry." The me of another universe is not me either.But I don't mean that... I don't have any doubts about my personality. "Why does this kind of thing happen to me?" I accidentally said the truth. Mercury C laughed "hahaha": "This is the detective's destiny. Wherever you go, there will be incidents. Just wait obediently and wait for the big fish to swallow you." "And you came to catch that fish? What, getting interested in the detective game?" "Aren't you detectives all playing the detective game?" Can you stop living like a joke? But my life is not a joke or a game.My name, Disco Wednesday, has nothing to do with the nature of my life, and the detective profession cannot be done with a game mood. Don't underestimate those big reversals and deadly hurricanes. "Shocked?" Mercury C tilted his head cutely, staring at my face, "Hey, you won't cry, will you?" I didn't cry!But if you really want to shout it out, I'm afraid it will only make Mercury C happier, so I said: "Why did these four fingers appear in the vagina of the tip, who, when, and how did they do it? Clearly. Since the night of five days ago, many incredible phenomena have appeared on Shao. In fact, she is only six years old now..." Facing Mercury C who raised half of her eyebrows, I tentatively called "Shao" "" "Shao", and began to describe to him in general terms the series of entry and exit of various characters that took place in Shao's body.I described the "seventeen-year-old tip" and the expansion and contraction of the body. "March," "Shimada Kikyo," and "Memories of a six-year-old who was sexually abused," "a man with glasses with a blackbird tattoo on his right arm," and fingers in his vagina as seen by "Kikyo Shimada."Mercury C listened without saying a word... This was very unexpected to me.He didn't interrupt at all. After I finished speaking, Hoshino Masato said, "What and what! How is this possible!" This is a meaningless statement.Mercury C and I both ignored him. After a while, Mercury C spoke: "Then, where is the six-year-old Shao now?" I don't know where. "Pineapple Tunnel." "I do know a Pineapple House." "Ah, I know that too." Before Mercury C could finish his sentence, Spoon, who came out of the bathroom with "Shao", interjected, "Pengliju, right? There seems to be a murder there, and many detectives have gone there. "
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