Home Categories detective reasoning disco detective wednesday

Chapter 3 third chapter

Whether in Japan or the United States, instead of waiting for parents to come to my door and entrust me to find missing children, it is easier to make money by catching children who are wandering outside and handing them over to their parents.There are always forces that keep parents and children from being together, and therefore there are always many parents searching for their children.Even when a missing child is not involved in a crime, there are many parents who don't know where their child is and pay a large sum of money to whoever finds their child and brings it home.Sitting on a bench next to the fountain at the south end exit of Chofu Station, I waited until I spotted a bicycle with the license plate number of Saitama, Saitama Prefecture, and began to observe its owner, a man in ripped jeans and an inflexible T-shirt , A boy with messy hair.I have long been used to the appearance of Japanese people, and I can tell that he is not an elementary school student, but a junior high school student or even a high school student, and a junior high school student is more likely.I took a picture of his face with a digital camera and moved a little closer to eavesdrop on a conversation he was having with a few of his companions.They're talking about the kids at the bottom of their organization, laughing and discussing how to recoup the money they've made through theft, prostitution and underground sumo wrestling.The boy I was eyeing was called "Hoshino" by his companions, and he was probably the third in command of this small team of six.I looked at Hoshino's bicycle again, and found a line of Chinese characters painted with silver paint on the fender of the front wheel - "Murakami 415124 Hoshino Masato, Saitama City, Saitama Prefecture", so naive... No, it should be said , I was shocked too.He actually wrote all his personal information on it.Are there enthusiastic people in Japan who send forgotten bicycles to the owner's house?Well, that's right.I left the fountain plaza and the six people in the corner, went into the Chofu Library on the fifth floor of the Chofu Civic Center, found the phone book, and started looking for Masato Hoshino's phone number.That number was registered under Keisuke Hoshino's name.Then I went back to Fountain Square and the six were still there.At this time, the boy ranked fourth was being forced to kneel and sit upright by the boy number six sitting on the bench.Most people who commute to and from the station during the day have noticed this Japanese-style kneeling, but I am probably the only one who has noticed the meaning behind it.I get off my bench and get closer to the six.Thinking about how to rescue Hoshino from the group of six.Should we rescue No. 4 first, defeat No. 2 first, or persuade No. 1 first?Or simply snatch Hoshino away, or bring down all six of them?I was suddenly tired of choosing either option, so I made a beeline for the group of six, walking slowly past the tense teenagers who noticed my approach, and I smelled the violence of the small group infighting.Boy No. 1, who was the same size, exchanged glances with the others, then stepped onto the bench where No. 2 was sitting, and jumped into the bushes behind.With the sound of swaying branches and leaves, the boy walked out of the bushes, jumped over a row of bicycles parked there, and landed on the narrow aisle in front of the bank.Behind me, I heard the relieved laughter of the teenagers who were pretending to be calm.

After I bought everything I needed for the day and night, I went back to Viharabi Kojima.Sasuke, who was watching anime in the living room, ran out quickly when he heard my voice. "Disco!" "Hey, Tip." "Bub! Bang!" I hugged the rushing shooter. When she imitated Yi Cang's younger brother, she would only repeat the character's lines, such as "Babu", "Qiang", "Hayi" and so on.At this moment, I suddenly realized that she associated those lines from my "Hi".Then, the "Babu" and "Qiang" in her mouth must have the same meaning as "Hi".

I said to Shao who continued to play alone after eating fried pork with sharp peppers: "Shao, let's take a nap." "Huh?" Shao just smiled, "I'm not sleepy." "You'll be sleepy when you lie down. ""Cat and cat game?" "Yes. Eat, Nap, Play, Eat, Nap, Play." "Yiyi Natto Pupu Lei?" "Yeah." "Where to sleep? Room?" "Choose your favorite place Let's go." "The yard!" "It's hot in there." "The yard..." I dragged the sofa in the living room from the floor-to-ceiling windows to the yard and placed it in the shade of the ginkgo tree.The shade of this tree can probably be maintained for a while, but it will soon turn to the other side and let the sun scorch us. At that time, we can only bear it until the shade of the ginkgo tree next to it stretches over.I plugged the fan into a power strip and moved it to the yard.Then we sprayed Mosquito Repellent on our bodies, lay down with the still noisy twigs in our arms, and covered her and me with towels.I stroked Shao's little head, which was more excited after being blocked from sight, sweating profusely, but fell asleep before Shao fell asleep.The sound of cicadas rose and fell in the grass in the yard, making me feel as if I was sleeping on a million vibrating bells.chirp chirp...

After a while, I woke up from my sleep, took off the handkerchief on my face, and found that the tip was sleeping on my shoulder.I put the towel that had fallen on my chest back over her head.Sensing my movement, Xiao slightly opened his eyes and closed them again.There is only one tip in the body of the tip. Although my eyes are sleepy and my head is only half awake, I can be sure.It is impossible for Shao to be a patient with multiple personality disorder, and the girl I have only met for a dozen seconds is also Shao herself.Although I don't understand why such a bizarre thing happened, it must have been four days ago that the vibration of the fireworks blasting into the sky was transmitted to the tip through the air, causing some kind of change in her.From the day I watched the fireworks to now, the change I have witnessed has happened four times, and it has not happened today.Perhaps as the fireworks display gradually drifted away, Shao also gradually calmed down.

I fell asleep again after that, only to be woken up by the tip of my little foot scratching non-stop.She closed her eyes and scratched her little feet on my stomach with her nails. "Bug bites?" "Bug bites." "Shall we go inside?" "Sleepy." "I have to make dinner." At sunset, although the sky is still blue and the clouds above our heads are still white, the clouds on the horizon have been dyed golden yellow and gradually turned into red clouds.Cicada also stopped calling. "What do you want to eat?" "Hot spring eggs." "What else?" "Bugs bite me, I hate it! Hmph!"

Shao kicked the back of the sofa, then continued to bend his knees and scratch his ankles... "Shao, go into the house, I'll apply the medicine for you." "No, I'll ask the gods." "Although it will hurt, but bear with it." "What time is it?" "It's evening." "What time is it?" ?” “About 6:30.” “The news said that UFOs are coming. Paris, Greece, etc. were all blown up with a bang.” “Oh.” I thought it was the incredible power in the child that made her have precognitive dreams or a sixth sense, predicting that something would fall on the European continent.I turned on the TV and watched, but of course I couldn't find any relevant news.Maybe Shao came up with this method in order to distract me and avoid applying cool oil.But I will not be fooled.After smearing cooling oil on the tips, she knocked me down with the ultrasonic sound of "Yah", and ran to the bathroom to wash the medicine off my feet with water.I covered the cool oil, moved the sofa back to the living room, and cleaned up the crayons that had been scattered on the floor.But on the sketchbook used for graffiti, I found some adult handwriting scattered among the various strange animals she drew.

Disco Wednesday, what a strange name.I am seventeen years old.Is this the past?It's amazing, it's incredible.I did various investigations in my own world, but only found the existence of disco, what else... After these red letters, it was followed by green letters: Behind these words, there are two dates eleven years later.July 20th and July 23rd.Today is July 13th, so almost eleven years have passed between us. I took out the blue crayon and thought.first…… Yo, I'm Disco Wednesday.The name is weird. After writing this, I feel that I shouldn't write such a boring thing.Future tips stay here for a very short time and must convey as much as possible in concise language.I tore off the half-written sketch paper and threw it away. After thinking for a while, I went to the kitchen to find the Uno Chiyo cutlery set, took out the knife and fork designed with the image of cherry blossoms in it, wrapped it in plastic wrap, and went to the yard again. It is buried under the ginkgo tree.Then I went back to the kitchen, took out the kitchen knife, and carved my name on the ginkgo tree where the knife and fork were buried.But when it hits the last letter of "Disco"...

"Mr. Disco." Hearing someone calling me from behind, I turned around and saw the grown Shao wearing a small Xiao Shao pink dress with a towel wrapped around his waist, smiling at me.She looked at the "DISC" on the trunk of the ginkgo tree and said, "Well, I found it, a silver knife and fork with a pink cherry blossom pattern. I went to Chofu immediately after reading Mr. Disco's letter. The ginkgo tree The tree is still there. Have you buried your knife and fork in it?" "It's buried. But, I haven't started writing the letter yet." Has the other party already read the letter I was about to write?

"I have almost read all the letters. They are all in the warehouse at my house. I found the letters left by my future self in my photo album, this year... I mean this year in my world, It said 'Don't open it before May 31st of this year'. I was wondering what the hell it was...but then I forgot about it. This happened to me. Yesterday I Find it, open it and read it. It said there were other letters in the warehouse, so I found them and read them all. Although the first letter said it's better not to read...Mr. Disco, things of this world ..." Saying that, it shrunk down again.The bath towel slipped to the floor, and standing on it was the six-year-old Shao with his small mouth open. "Pineapple Tunnel." Shao whispered, and then screamed "Ah--", raised his hands, stood on tiptoe, jumped into the yard barefoot with a "swish", and threw himself into my arms. "Disco!" I bent down and picked up the tip of my thigh upside down, and she howled and laughed with excitement until I turned her body around and let her ride on my neck.

"Again!" "Don't." "Again!" "Shao, what is a pineapple tunnel?" "Ah?" riding on my neck, dancing with joy, Shao hugged my head. "That's right, a dark place with a yellow hole, slippery and warm." "Did you see it just now?" "Yeah." "Like a pineapple?" "Huh?" "Like a pineapple " "Well, it's sour." "Did you lick it?" "Well, it's hard." "You still bit it?" "You still bit it!" "Don't just put things in your mouth "" "Huh?" "No weird things." "It's delicious..." "No, okay!" "I'm lying to you, it's not delicious at all. Can I go to the pineapple tunnel?"" Shao, you must not go in." "Ah?" "No!" I took Shao off my shoulders, hugged her to my chest, looked her in the eyes and said again: "You are not allowed to run into that pineapple. Go in the tunnel, you know, Shao?" "Got it." "It's done." "It's done." "Whether it's pineapple or something else, you are not allowed to run into weird holes Go, Shao, from now on.” “Are there any monsters inside?”

I don't know, maybe there are no monsters in it.But I feel like if I go into that tunnel, I might turn into a monster.But she might not understand my groundless delusion even if I told her about it. "The Whip Baron lives in that hole." "Poop interception?" "No, it's a fake Danceable." "Mao brand egg chacha." There's no monsters in it, but you still can't go in that hole because I say no, you can't, can you do it, Shot?" "It can be done! Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" For a moment, I wanted to scare her away from the abyss of unknown truth with the baron I improvised, this baron who would whip mercilessly if he caught a child, but finally gave up.Because I don't want to leave a shadow of fear in Shao's heart, just like I don't want to use words to lure her into the bait like fishing.Likewise, I don't want to put up an electrified fence to force her out of dangerous places. I went back to the house with my arms in my arms, picked up the towels that had fallen on the floor, took her into the bathroom, and washed her feet that were soiled from stepping on the ground.She looks happy when the cold water hits her little feet.How likely is it that the pineapple tunnel mentioned in the mouth is the door of light to that world that human beings see when they experience the near-death state?I thought so in my heart, and then denied my own thoughts.Why do I think of near-death experiences?Now what I want to imagine should be a tunnel that travels between different time and space.When the shoot in the future world occupies the body of the little shoot, the little shoot will be ejected from the body and run to the side of the mysterious sour yellow tunnel. However, if this phenomenon is understood as one soul being driven out by another soul, isn’t the place where the driven soul comes to be the bank of the River Styx leading to that world?When Xiao Shao from the future world travels to this world, is Xiao Xiao in a dying state? But there is a fatal contradiction in this question.If Xiaoxiao Shao is really dead, there will be no Shao from the future world, and if there is no Shao from the future world, then she will not travel to this world.In this way, the little shoot will not be driven to the pineapple tunnel and will not die. But no matter what, if the little Shao is really driven by the soul of the girl Shao to the gate of light, and enters a state of near death but not real death, it is necessary to keep Shao away from that dangerous gate.In other words, the girl Shao's passage to this world must be blocked. letter.The girl mentioned those letters.Although I only have one message from Girlshao right now, it means that we will write more letters in the future.Those letters were written by Shao and I, that is to say, the girl Shao will continue to travel here in the future, and Xiao Xiao will continue to be driven to the Pineapple Tunnel.In this case, what can I do?Although now I hold Shao's little hands and hold her in my arms, will those little hands disappear before I know it and become a pair of girl's hands?If it was really the exploding fireworks that shook Shao's soul, then I must hug her tightly to let the shock subside gradually.But in the face of such a situation, at this time my arm seemed so weak, slender, and powerless... It was difficult to calm down the shaking tips.
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