Home Categories detective reasoning Alchemy of the Earth
Alchemy of the Earth

Alchemy of the Earth


  • detective reasoning

  • 1970-01-01Published
  • 40359

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Chapter 1 overture

"You've put me in muddy water again," said Chief Criminal Dielle. In Basco's mind, he saw his immediate boss twisted his broad, flat face, pretending to be angry but trying to comfort him.This scene must be a mental hallucination, because when he fell from the top, the flashlight fell, and this fall caused him to be completely stuck from the waist down, unable to move; as for the light in Dielle's hand, it flickered Not a moment, because he was digging in the residual rock and rubble with his bare hands. Regardless of whether it was a mental hallucination or not, Bashi didn't like this picture anyway.Hearing Dielle's words of comfort, he was like a patient lying on a hospital bed, watching the doctor being pushed aside by the priest who was anxious to perform the dying ceremony, feeling that he was going to die.He tried to move his body again, and the pain ran up his legs for a moment, like a flame chasing a fuse, and the pain exploded, but he was also fully conscious.

"My God!" he gasped. "It hurts? That's a good sign." "That's your fucking expert opinion, isn't it?" Basco growled. "Where did you learn this precious truth? Barts Teaching Hospital, eh? Or the Interrogation Room?" "Be careful what you say, boy," Dielle warned. "I can understand insanity, but I will not tolerate the following crimes. If you continue to speak unscrupulously, I will..." He hesitated to speak. "What about you?" Basco asked urgently. "Are you going to transfer me to be a traffic policeman? You can save yourself, I will voluntarily ask for a transfer."

"No," Dielle said. "I just wanted to say that if you say anything unscrupulously, I will be furious and hit you like a jack." There was a moment of silence between the two of them, but this moment was enough to remind them that in this place, the so-called silence does not exist at all.The water is dripping, the soil is falling, the stones are rattling, and there will be creaking and buzzing sounds from time to time, because those old rocks weighing tens of thousands of tons are trying their best to make up for the violent torn hole in their bodies. the wound. Then the chorus was joined by a voice that hadn't been there before, what sounded like a moan of pain, but wasn't quite there.

"Heavy weight!" Basker groaned. "Oh, please, don't make me laugh, please." "Heavy weight!" said Dielle, already beginning to slur his words. "thousand……" He let out an earth-shattering laugh, bouncing across the rubble under Basco's bed, then rumbled away along the track behind them. "No," Busker begged. "Please do not……" But it was too late, the infectious power of laughter had already played a role in him, and for a full thirty seconds, the two police officers fell into uncontrollable laughter, the pain and fear that could not be concealed made them unable to laugh Extricate yourself.

Eventually, the good laugh faded away, but Busch managed to keep it going for a while after it died away.The next resident in his hallucination was a squeaky mouse-like voice, which told him that he was trapped in a dark and claustrophobic space, and there was no hope of rescue.A misplaced idiom, it was a "dream come true," a dream come true of his impending doom.He closed his eyes - though it wasn't really necessary here - and tried to bring himself back into unconsciousness again.He must have succeeded halfway, because he heard a voice in the distance, softly calling his name.He opened his eyes, and a circle of white light blinded his eyes.He pretended, to the best of his ability, to compare the white round light to the moon high above the lime tree in his garden.It was one of those few evenings when work and weather made do with promises of a breezy dinner for him and Allie, sitting comfortably in the soft, floral, velvet-black summer night. , slightly drunk.

It's a pity that the attempt was in vain, it was a lie that wasn't even a hallucination - it was actually Dielle who spoke and the light came from his flashlight. "What?" he asked. "It's all right. Just thought, if you get your braids up, there's no point in digging any further than my nails," Dielle said. "How are the legs? Are they still hurting?" "The pain seems to be getting farther and farther away from me," Basco said softly. "However, it may be that the two legs are getting farther and farther away from me." "Just kidding, huh? What else do you expect, boy? A fucking police medal of honor?"

"It's not a joke, sir, it's desperation." "If that's the case. There's one thing that always gives me indigestion, and that's fucking heroes." Dielle hiccupped, as if he was doing a demonstration diagram, then thought for a while, and said, "However, give me a meat pie made by Jack at the Black Bull Tavern, and I can digest it." "Food—" Basco said. "Are you hungry too? Then there is help." "Another good sign?" Basco whispered. "No, there isn't any there. I mean, when you were in Baiyan, did you see any food?"

"Maybe he hasn't got it out yet. How's he got time, isn't he?" "Maybe... there's someone else in there, you know..." "Where? White Rock? In the cave, or where?" "In the back... side tunnel... someone, something... I don't remember..." "You mean, in there? Of course there are people. That brat Farrell is right there, that's why we're here now, and we can't move! Well, I gotta get on with my work." This is not the answer, or rather, only part of the answer.But his mind didn't seem to want to leave much memory, they were foolish enough to leave that wonderful world of air and trees and spaces and stars anyway.He gave up on Si Yi and lay quietly, listening to the rat-like digging sound of that fat man.Does this work?he doubted.He didn't feel like he was saying it, but Dierre answered, "I'm afraid it won't help. They probably already had shovels and drills and blankets and hot soup and TV lights and a bunch of them." Brainless interviewing journalists, to practice their stupid questions. No, I'm just doing it to keep warm. If you're smart, you should be like the old bishop said to the actress: lie down and wait patiently."

"How are they going to know where we are?" "You think those bums won't be trapped like we are? A pair of gophers, those two. These miners are born with shovel-like hands and pick-like teeth. I can't wait to reach out and grab them Farrell's little bastard's neck. It's all his fault, run down here. Damn Farrell. The next time I see him, he'll wish he'd slipped far enough." Busch smiled bleakly at the fat man's pretending to be relaxed.He didn't believe that he and Colin Farrell would ever see each other again.His mind dug deep into the massive boulder that trapped him, but his heart told him that Colin Farrell was trapped there too - or worse.If it was worse, and if he had the slightest chance of being alive to explain what happened, how would he explain it to Ellie?Any explanation must sound plausible.So, he will refuse to give any explanation other than what is required by responsibility and legal requirements.Up there, everything must be simple, otherwise there is no other way to survive.

But down here, the chances of survival are too remote to even think about, and there's only darkness that stinks of doubt and accusation. "Now is the time to draw conclusions," like Lao Mei said.This is also the place to draw conclusions.As for the conclusion, see below: Colin Farrell.Trapped in the coal pit he hated.It was a man who hated him who had forced him into that dark rock.Colin Farrell.
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