Home Categories detective reasoning eighth commandment

Chapter 22 Chapter 21

eighth commandment 劳伦斯·山德斯 5800Words 2018-03-15
The next morning the phone rang non-stop.Four calls before ten o'clock: A record for me.I am so happy with this network that I haven't had a phone call for a week or two these days, or calls to promote the Encyclopedia of North American Mammals. The first call came from Rose, who couldn't stop laughing.She thinks it would be fun to have lunch together in a Russian tea room, can I go? If she asked me to join the bare-ass TV cast, I'd appreciate it, but there's nothing wrong with a free lunch, some vodka, and even something she can ask.I accepted. The second call was from Zhu Hebai.

"There is news, Jin," he said, "I don't know if it's reliable, but I'll tell you anyway. During his lifetime, Wan Osen had a relationship with a strong black man with a strange Arabic name." "Ooooh—" I said. "Wrong there?" he asked. "He Bai, can't it be Akaba?" "Looks like. A gold earring." "And Little Red Riding Hood," I said. "God! Ah Jin, do you know him?" "I've seen that gentleman. He Bai, I really can't believe it. Orson and Akaba are a pair of strange and strange people."

"Oh, who knows. I told you that Van Ossen spent so much money, it might have something to do with it." "Maybe," I agreed, "thanks for the help, honey." "Will you explain it to me in detail later?" "When I find out, you'll be the first to know," I said. I've been thinking about it since I hung up the phone.Will Wan Aosen fund Akaba and his group?If yes, does Nati know about the relationship between her boyfriend and her cousin? Every time the news not only failed to alleviate the suspicion, but deepened and expanded, it seemed to swell to cover the whole world.I sighed and wrote it down in the notebook. If it continues to develop, I will definitely have to create a second volume.

The third call was something I never thought of again—Dulisa from Gurdez.Her mouth was so sweet that she said like a madman how much she missed me and hoped that I would go back to work early.snort! She also said that she, Mr. Ge and Lawyer Walliman hoped that I could come over at 3:00 p.m. to have a "formal conversation" and review my "situation". what's the situation?I wanted to ask—but didn't ask.I told her I had a lunch appointment and couldn't make it before three o'clock.She said it was ok and was looking forward to seeing me. The last phone call in the morning was when Hevani invited me to lunch.If this goes on, I really need a secretary.

"Oh, sorry," I said, "I already have an appointment with someone else." "It's a man!" she said lightly. I acted like a fool and told her, "Actually, with your sister-in-law Ming Rose." "Oh, great," she said immediately, "I'll call right away to see if I can. You don't mind?" "Of course." "Great!" she said, "Let's get together." I don't know if she's being ironic, it's hard to say for sure. "One more thing..." she added, "Lud and I have an informal dinner next Tuesday, and I hope you can come."

I wanted to say, "Wait while I look at my datebook," but couldn't. "Okay," I said, "I'd love to, thank you." "Lots of food and drink," she said, "and some beautiful men in Manhattan. You'll be very happy." She paused and said, "Jin, I have a great idea. I'm going to Madison Avenue Wei Qiao to buy some clothes. Can we meet over there at eleven o'clock? How about having lunch together?" "Yes," I said softly, "I want to see Rose at half past twelve." "No problem. I want to hear your opinion about my purchase."

Nonsense! Weiqiao is a heavily guarded shop. If the skirts there sell for less than 600 yuan and suits for less than 2,000 yuan, they must be last year's styles. The concierge glanced at my old clothes and turned his head proudly.Fanny's bare thighs were stepping out of the cab as I walked through Central Park.The porter saw her and immediately opened the door to welcome her. A man in a black silk suit inside immediately ran over and kissed her on the face. "Ma'am!" he kept calling, "Ma'am!" "Calm down, Carol," Fanny said with a smile.She introduced me again.

"Miss." He bowed.I don't deserve an exclamation point. It's luxurious here.Gleaming marble floors, Corinthian beams, soft lighting, plush chairs and leather sofas.Can't see clothes.I think, as long as you tell me what kind of clothes you want, they will bring them from the inner room for your wife to watch and choose. "A refreshing dress, Carlo," said Fanny. "Party wear, you know what I like." "Of course," he turned and snapped his fingers to the two assistants behind him. "Red with sequins," he ordered. "White Greek suit with black fringe."

After they dispersed, they presented three dresses.I'd trade my eyes and teeth for a set, but I know it's impossible, and I'd look like an elephant in a kid's vest. Kahlo displays clothes in exaggerated poses. "Well," he said, "isn't it?" "What do you think, Jin?" Fanny asked. "I like it." I have to admit. "Hmm—" She looked at them critically. "The red one is too demonic, the white one is too wide, what do you think?" I am amused by these words coming from a woman with a record in prostitution.She chose a fringed black halter.

"Try it," said Fanny, and I wondered, "The two of us?" We entered a fitting room in a Roman palace of mirrors.There are more mirrors here than there are luxury suites in a brothel.Fanny undressed with indifference, which disturbed me.Although I have the experience of participating in the basketball team, I have never been naked to everyone. "Tell me," she said, unbuttoning and unhooking, "you find out who stole Demarie?" "Not yet," I said. "Orson's death terrifies me," she went on. "I don't like this man—I told you—and even so I grieve for him. Have they found the killer?"

"They're still looking." "Tell me something," she said. "Those cops talked to me for two hours. God, I hope they don't suspect me. I don't even dare to shoot a fly." At this time, she took off only her high heels and little white briefs.Her figure is so beautiful it literally glows.Well-proportioned lines, moderate balance, thin waist and hips, and surprisingly beautiful breasts. She looked at her naked body in the three-way mirror, and turned with her arms raised. "What do you say?" she asked. "Not bad for an old woman--huh? Thighs are still strong." "The same goes for the other parts," I said. She rubbed her breasts lightly. "There's a bit of silicon in it," she said. "It's just a girl's secret. Do you think Orson did it?" "What?" I was taken aback. "Oh, you mean Demarisin? No, I don't think it's him. He can't be." "And Natie?" she said, pulling on her dress. "She's stupid. Or Ruby Wong." I didn't make a sound. She turned her back to me. "Pull it up for me," she said.I zipped her up and looked at the effect in the mirror together. amazing!The clothes seemed to be painted on her body, and the fringe made her more sexy.I don't know why it reminds me of a stripper. "What do you think?" Fanny asked. "It's beautiful," I said. "It seems to be an inch too long. The skirt can be shortened." She looked at me in surprise. "You're absolutely right," she said. "Would you please call Carlo?" After a few minutes, four people surrounded her.Of course, the skirt was shortened. "Perhaps, ma'am," said Carlo, "I suggest pulling the straps up a bit. Not so much—no! A little. Oh, it's beautiful!" The clothes were scratched and pinned, and Fanny took off her clothes and put on the original clothes again, and they went out together.She didn't even show her credit card. "Send the bill, Carlo," she said quickly. "Of course, ma'am," he said, kissing her fingertips lightly.Maybe it was my fantasy, but I clearly saw him slip an origami piece of paper into her—like in a bar on Third Avenue.Then he shook my hand and said in a voice that was not interested, "Miss." I don't know how much this suit costs.Maybe higher than my entire deposit at Huayou Bank. I admit that Havani has many talents, one of which is calling a taxi.She stretched out her hand on the sidewalk, and immediately a car braked in front of her. On the way to the Russian tea room, she suddenly said, "Are you a good friend of Rose's?" "A good friend?" I said in surprise. "No. I only met her twice." "Be careful," she said darkly, "she's not the Sister of Mercy." Ming Rousi was sitting behind the table and waiting.The rear already has Christmas decorations.The guests here are crowded and the voices are quite loud. "See what I want," Rose chuckled and picked up the wine glass. "Pepper vodka. Delicious." She was wearing a turtleneck and lace dress, and I tried not to think about how she looked in the tape, not Academy Award material—unless all the guys voted her for Best Supporting Actress. Fanny wants a straight martini with olives, and I'll have a vodka cocktail.To avoid trouble, we'll have the same dish; crabmeat stuffed with pears and salad.Oh, this is life! Three seconds later, we talked about the theft of ancient coins and the murder of Wan Osen.The women of the Hai family believe that the two cases are closely related. "That makes sense," Mingreus said, his rabbit teeth gleaming. "I mean we live in good peace and yet these things happen one after another. There must be a connection." "I agree," said Fanny. "I still think Orson is involved in the coin case. He's a monster." "Really?" said Rose, blinking. "I don't know why Papa wants to keep him. You know, Fanny?" "I don't know," she said easily. "How would I know?" It was only then that I discovered that there was discord between them.Although not hostile, but a bit intriguing.After lunch, I became more nervous. "Even Mother doesn't like him," Rose said. "He's Kipper's nephew, so she can't say anything. Do you know his girl, Fanny? Dorian Lee?" "I saw her once," said Fanny. "Once was enough. They went to your house, didn't they?" "We want to make friends. But they're not like us." "Oh? I thought you both had similar tastes." I listened with interest to their bickering. "He drinks too much," said Rose, "and she likes to talk." "You think so?" Fanny said. "I said I only saw her once. In my impression, she was a merman with the appearance of Marilyn Monroe." "Only you can understand." Rose said with a sweet smile. Fanny looked at her coldly, then turned to me, "Have you seen her, Jin? Li Dolin?" "Yes, I have seen her." "What's your impression?" "Not very smart." "Pretty smart," said Fanny gravely, "to catch Orson for anything. His money goes into her pocket." We eat in silence.But the truce was short. "How is Lud?" Rose said. "Last time I saw him thin and pale." "Lud is fine," Fanny said. "He still bites his nails?" Fanny glared at her, "Is Roda still pressing her knuckles?" I was about to get up and dodge the flying plates, but they just stopped talking. "But," said Rose, "Lud is my brother, and I care for his well-being. You shouldn't let him drink too much." "Joke!" Fanny's face was ugly with anger. "Don't joke! I didn't call your attention to your own marriage, did I? You don't need to give me advice." "Ladies," I said, but it was no use. "At least," said Ross, "Rhoda is a good benefactor." "I don't want to ask him what he's funding," said Fanny fiercely. "Today's lunch is your treat, and I don't want to insult the woman who paid for it." "Or a man," said Rose, "you've always been sweet to the money." "What do you mean?" said Fanny. "Explain as you please." Thank God, the waiter came to take away the plate at this time.I swear if they keep arguing, I'll stand up and leave no matter what.The atmosphere was very embarrassing.But the waiter came to save us again, and we ordered coffee nonchalantly, but no dessert. "Huang Runbi," Fanny said, looking at Ross with no expression, "she probably stole it. You know her brother is in jail, and she needs money to get him out." Both stared at me. "And killed Wan Osen?" I asked. "Why?" "Perhaps he saw her," said Fanny, "and he wanted to call the police, and she killed him." "Yes," Rose nodded, "it makes sense." I felt forced to go in a direction I didn't want to. "I don't think it makes sense," I said. "The insurance company got a letter offering cash in exchange for Demarisin. I don't think Rubic can do that." "Perhaps she wants someone else to write it for her," said Fanny. "Besides," I told her, "Ruby is very religious. She keeps the Ten Commandments. I don't believe she steals." "Natie, then," said Rose firmly, "she'll steal—for fun. I hate to say that about my sister, but she might." What kind of family? ! I couldn't be happier that lunch was finally over.I thank them on the sidewalk. "We'll see you later," they said briskly. I think, 1998! I go on as fast as I can without looking back.If they fight in the middle of the street, it's none of my business.In a real fight, Fanny must have the upper hand. It was still some time before the appointment with Gurdjiller.I sat in Central Park for a while.An old guy came up, dropped the newspaper in front of me, and bent over to pick up my dress.This is commonplace in New York.Immediately I got up and strode out to Madison Avenue. What a lunch, and value too.It made me know the discord within the Hai family.Although I don't know the inside story, I'm sure it makes sense.If I can bear their hostility, it will definitely help in the investigation of theft and murder. Madison Avenue north of Fifty-seventh Street is my favorite window shop.Richest area in the world; art galleries, specialty stores, antique stores, jewelry, wine, luxury hotels, odd little shops. I timed it and arrived at Gurdson & Sons a few minutes to three.If the meeting is not long, I still want to go down and hug Zhu Hebai, thanking him for his help. We meet in the Gurdjiel conference room, which is cold and solemn like a mortuary.We were seated spaciously, and Lawyer Holliman personally presided over the meeting. "Miss White," he said, "Hatch hired you to investigate the new Demarie burglary. Didn't you?" I nod. "You know, in name you are still an employee of the Gurdji Company, but you are only on vacation temporarily." "I don't get paid either," I said. "It's because of some conflicts of interest," he said, "and if the theft is not resolved quickly, Gurdjiel may be in court with the client." "How?" I said. "Of course you will understand the difficulty of your position," he added. "You will be in a dilemma. You may be the other party's hired servant." "Herman," I said, "please be careful what you say. I just want to wash myself off." Gerstein coughed dryly like a fat penguin, wanted to force a laugh but couldn't. "We just want to know," he said, "has your investigation progressed?" "Not much." I said casually.I lean on the back of the chair and let them sweat! "Ajin," Du Lisa said, "do you have any suspects?" She was really painted in green Kodan. "There are a lot of suspects," I said, "too many. If you ask me who stole de Maries, I don't know." They looked at each other for a while, and then the three of them turned to me. "Do you think you're making progress?" Gerstein asked anxiously. I thought about it. "Yes," I finally said, "probably so. I collected a lot of information. I agree with Officer Qiao and Detective Ma that this matter was done by a member of the Hai family." "Ah-ha!" Hualiman said with satisfaction, "Are you sure?" "No," I said, "I'm not sure of anything." His confidence was lost again. "How long will your investigation continue?" "It depends," I told him. They exchanged glances again.Maybe there is some tacit understanding, I don't understand. "Under the present circumstances," the attorney said, "it seems unfair that Gurdjibs should withhold your income because it may be at a disadvantage." "I agree." I said. He continued, "Then I suggest that you terminate Hai Qibao's employment, and your vacation will end immediately, and you will return to Gurd's Company to receive your salary. You can work while investigating the theft." "No." I said immediately. "No?" Gerstein yelled. "No?" Du Lisa also shouted. "No," I said firmly, "after you kicked me out, the Hai family paid me a salary. I promised him that he would do his best to investigate and solve the case; I am a man who keeps his word." "But they demand a certain condition?" said the lawyer slyly. "You must not investigate their relatives." "Absolutely not," I said. "I want to act freely. My only condition is that if any crime is found in the Hay family, Mr. Hay will be notified before the police are called. I think he can arrange for the prisoner's defense before he is arrested." lawyer." "Yes," Hua Liman said softly, "this is a logical assumption. It is in line with the basic interests of Gurdilla and Sons. I suggest that you continue to accept the employment of Mr. Hai, and at the same time you return to Gurdilla to work with a salary. Of course, our understanding is that the investigation has results, and we will inform Hayes and Gurds at the same time, and you will also submit a weekly report." "Oral," I said, "Written reports are not acceptable. Nor are weekly reports. I will naturally report to you if there is any progress." "Oh, Ah Jin," Du Lisa said sadly, "you are so unreasonable." "Really?" I said, "I think I'm very cooperative." The lawyer looks to God. "Mr. Ge," he said, "are you willing to accept it?" The penguin moved and nodded. "Okay," he said. "Oh, Ah Jin," Du Lisa said like singing, "Welcome back." I want to say a few words to her, but not happy birthday. I went down to find Zhu Hebai and told him the good news, and he went out to evaluate.I walked home from the company across Central Park and was pleased with how it was handled.I now accept two salaries and am free to act. Of course I know what Gurdjibs means.If the Hai family are thieves, they want to know as soon as possible.Give them a weapon in future lawsuits. There were not many phone calls that night, and I lay in bed for a long time, recalling the events and conversations of the day.Then I reflect on myself. I have changed without a doubt, and I know it myself.I used to believe in people, but now I know that people's hearts are unpredictable;I used to live in a world where murder and theft only existed in movies, TV, newspapers, novels. This past week I've seen the bad side of life; people do things that don't make sense, they're driven by passion.My experience with Qiao Qian and John Ma proves that people's thoughts and glands will surpass the mind and reason.I should have known this earlier, but had no chance. I knew I had become mistrustful, sarcastic and obscene.I lost some and gained some.I don't know if I will be Iyhudi if you ask me.
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