Home Categories detective reasoning eighth commandment

Chapter 18 Chapter Seventeen

eighth commandment 劳伦斯·山德斯 5020Words 2018-03-15
Flipping through the Times the next morning at breakfast, and then rereading the notes in the shorthand book, adding what John Ma and George Ann had said the night before. I believe that if organized and analyzed, the theft may be solved.Ha ha--. The first call was from Zhu Hebai - much to my delight.Not only do I wish to maintain my friendship with him, but because he has good news for me.We had a casual chat first, and then he surprised me. "Ajin," he said, "I heard some people in the company talking this morning. I should let you know about you." "what? What?"

"I heard that the criminal police and insurance company detectives came to God and Du Lisa. They swore that you would never be involved in the theft of ancient coins. They said you should go back to work. It is cruel and abnormal to keep you on leave without pay. .” My tears may have flowed down my face. "They are so kind, He Bai." I said. "Yes," he went on, "the people in power say that they should consult with lawyer Hualimen before making a decision. Anyway, Ah Jin, I hope you know that there are still people who support you." "Thank you, He Bai," I choked up, "thank you for telling me these things. I'll treat you to lunch as soon as I get back. OK?"

"Of course," he said, "I miss you, Jin." He Bai misses me, and Qiao Qian misses me, which is comforting.I am not alone.What about John Ma—my one-night marriage?He didn't say he missed me.Maybe the bastard doesn't miss anyone. I recalled what I had heard.I know that Qiao Qian and John Ma want me to return to work, and after I received that stupid letter, they are concerned about my safety.They thought I would give up Hai Qibao's entrusted investigation after I returned to Ge's Company, and stay away from the line of fire. They are so kind, and I am most grateful.In fact, their kindness made me even more guilty. I didn't tell them that Fanny went to East Sixty-fifth Street and Ming's lewd party.But the thought that they might already know these things made my conscience temporarily settle again.

I understand their motives, not my own.If they get what they want from Gurdjib and I go back to work, will I give up on the new DeMarie case? no way! Why? Because the real culprit was not caught, I couldn't clean myself completely.When I think about it, I know these idiots - totally theoretical. The real reason I don't want to give up is that investigating burglary is challenging, exciting, and I love it.It made me face the reality of how empty life was before this incident. Investigating this case brought me into the acquaintance of two interesting and alluring men. I called Haijia Apartment to find Mrs.I want to go to East Seventy-ninth Street and talk to Huang Runbi, but I must first get Mrs. Hay's permission.It was Runbi who answered the phone, saying that his wife was not at home.Mr. Hai was not there, nor were Wan Aosen and Nati.So I remembered that I was allowed to talk to any Hai family, and I told Ruby I was going to ask her a few words right away.I hung up the phone before she objected.

She greeted me happily at the door and led me into the large kitchen.We sat behind a lacquered table and she talked as she peeled raw garlic, which was so strong. She is not as cold as the last time we met, but rather friendly.I don't want to say she's ugly, she's very ordinary - and has a thin mustache.I feel sorry for her.She is like a woman who has been working hard all her life, her life is miserable, and she doesn't want to have a better luck. I mentioned to her the important morning call.She answers all questions.Yes, the delivery person left immediately after handing over the banquet food.The Ming family is here.Natie was there too.Then Hiloda and Rose came in.Everyone is here.

People were in and out of her kitchen, mixing drinks, tasting the food.Ruby knew I was coming.Van Ossen then led the guards into the apartment.She seemed to know every move of the morning. "You've been in the kitchen all this time?" I asked. She thought about it. "No!" she said, "not all the time. A man brings flowers—for the lady—and I let him in. I've been in the living room, too. Also, I've gone into the back storage room for cups and bowls. I walk up and down." The result is also nothing.I kept reminding myself that she might be lying, but it was hard to believe.

"I heard your brother is in jail." I said softly. She shrugged and continued peeling the garlic. "The devil has him," she said quietly. "The devil?" I asked. She looked up at me, her glassy eyes lit up. "He has forsaken our Savior," she said solemnly, "and he will pay for his sin." I took a deep breath, "I heard that an appeal is underway. Will you help him get out of prison?" She shook her head, "The Lord said: I will take revenge." "Ruby," I said, "who do you think stole the coin?" "I don't know," she said, "that was God's punishment for this family."

I was shocked. "Why did God punish the Hai family?" She stopped working and stared up at me. "Because of their sin! They are guilty in the sight of God and must be punished. They thought they would get away with it? Oh, no! The bitter fruit has come. The first is the last, and the last is the first. The camel went through the eye of the needle..." She stopped talking, I stood up in a hurry, thanked her for her cooperation, and walked out quickly.I am very surprised. I walked home looking at the shiny windows of the big apartment on East Seventy-ninth Street, wondering what was going on inside.It was June sunshine outside, but it was dark inside.

I was still unhappy when I got home, but I took note of Huang Kuobi's interview.She's talking religious bullshit, but is there any truth to it?Rubi has been in the Hai family for a long time, so she should know about their housework.Why did she suddenly have a seizure?Did the Hai family really commit a major crime? I dare not repeat this matter to Qiao Qian and John Ma.They'd say Ruby was a fool, and I'd be an even bigger fool to believe her.This is man's logic again.In my feeling, Huang Yunbi is not speaking unreasonably; she knows some truth. Although I was emotionally unstable, I still needed to eat. I opened the refrigerator to see what was there.There was only a small baked and shriveled potato.I warmed it up and opened up a can of sardines. (You know sardines are ridiculously expensive these days!) Washed down with a can of Diet Coke, I really know how to live.

In the afternoon I did some errands; cleaned up, bought a pair of shoes and a frozen dinner, a loaf of French bread, lavishly added a bottle of red wine, cheese and chocolate candies.I let myself enjoy it. After putting away the things, the phone rang.George Ann. "Are you sitting?" he asked. "No," I said, "stand." "Stand firm. I'm on East Eighty-fifth Street. Found Vaughn's body a few hours ago. Killed. Shot." silence. "A Jin," he said urgently, "are you there?" "I'm here." I said weakly. "I heard about it by accident. A colleague knew I was working on the new DeMarie case and found me on the walkie-talkie. The Homicide Squad took the case."

"Qian, what's going on?" "Ah Jin, it's only been two hours, and no one knows the details. There is no sign of breaking the door, and he was shot twice in the head with a small-caliber pistol. That's all we know." "Gian," I said despondently, "do you think it has anything to do with the new DeMarie case?" "You want me to guess? I guess it matters." "Qian, if you hear anything, call me and let me know. Can you come over after work? I have some frozen dinner and wine. While you're at it, tell me what you know." "It might be late." "It doesn't matter how late it is, please, Qi'an." "Okay," he said, "you have to be careful, Jin. The man who wrote the black letter is not joking. Be careful." "I know," I said and hung up the phone.I checked the locks on the doors and windows, still in disbelief of what I heard.murder?I don't like him, but it doesn't deserve this. I am very confused.Qi An said that it would be related to the theft, and I thought the same.But how?I frantically searched the notebook for the magical clue.nothing.I swallowed two Anacin.Sudden headaches that don't go away. Duoqian called at eight o'clock and said he would come, but he didn't arrive until after nine o'clock.He was very angry. "Bitch!" he said angrily, sitting on the couch. "It screwed up the whole thing." "You haven't eaten today," I said, "have you?" "What? I didn't eat." "Relax with a glass of wine and I'll get you something to eat. Would you like meatball soup or vegetable noodles?" "Meatballs." "Good for you, only three hundred calories, then eat cheesecake." "Who cares about the calories? Fuck him! I can't figure it out. Why Van Osson? Why him?" I put things on the stove and poured two glasses of wine.Walking back to the living room, he had calmed down a bit and was still thinking. "Tell me," I said. "what happened?" He sighed. "We don't know much. There's a cleaning lady in Vaughan who goes in twice a week. She has the key to the apartment, and the caretaker let her in by the front door, no sign of breaking it. He lets in anyone he knows—yes." Right? There's two thousand dollars on the bedside table, so it's not a robbery. We haven't found anything missing. He's been shot twice in the back of the skull, small caliber, maybe 22 caliber. The chemist says he died at midnight last night. About In this case, we will have to wait for the autopsy to determine." I took a deep breath, feeling a little strange. "How did you investigate?" "Not my case, thank God. The Homicide Squad wanted to find out what happened to him after he left Hai's house yesterday afternoon, about half past four. They did a lot of things. They found his black book, many names, addresses, and telephone numbers. Mostly women, and you too." "I?!" "Yes," he said with a strange smile, "that guy is either a popular lover or a self-important person." "Kian, I swear—" He stretched out his hand, "Hey, Ah Jin, I didn't say anything about you. I don't think you will associate with this kind of weirdo. But your name is on the book, maybe the police will come to question you." "What should I say?" "Honestly, no more and no less. In fact he has a regular girlfriend, a curly-haired blond girl who looks like she's only nineteen or twenty. years. I think he spent a lot of money on her." "Where was she when he was killed last night?" Qiao Qian looked at me with admiration, "You have learned a lot! She said to visit Riverdale's sick aunt, and they are still investigating." I looked at my watch, "Dinner is ready, are you hungry?" "I'm dying!" he said. We ate at the table, I had vegetable noodles and he had meatball soup.Thank God, and French bread, he ate them all.As we ate and drank, we soon began to talk of Van Ossen again. "Who do you think would hate him so much?" Qi An asked. "Probably everyone," I said, "Natie didn't like him, Fanny called him evil, and Huang Yunbi..." I decided to tell him about my conversation with her that morning.He listened intently, and it seemed to him that I wasn't really stupid to believe her. "Religious fanatics...," he said, "you can't take it lightly. They kill and set fires, and say it's God's will. Like Natie's boyfriend, born-again Muslim... who knows his little brain What's going on in there? My trouble is that the Homicide Squad will mess up my investigation." "Do you think the two cases are related?" "Of course," he leaned back in his chair, dipping the bread into the red wine and chewing slowly - I haven't seen anyone eat it like this before. "I think it's a case, and I don't want to be shoved away by homicide. Damn it, that's my kid." "yes." "I can only exchange information with them," he said after a moment's thought. "One for one, if they agree, I will cooperate." He smiled wryly. "Inside politics," he said, "but that's how things are. Everyone has to protect themselves." "Understood," I said, "it's no different in Gurdez & Sons. Also, thank you for getting my job back, you and John Ma." "Oh, you got it? We think that after you receive the black letter, it's best to move you away from the target area. Now that Wan Aosen has been slaughtered, the situation is even more serious. Can you let it go?" "No," I said immediately, "the Hai family paid me to work, and I must do it." He stared at me. "You'll eat a bullet!" he said. "You know it yourself." "No," I said, "I don't have big goals." He laughed. "You make me helpless." "Okay, it's time for dessert." I didn't ask him if he stayed overnight and he didn't ask me.Everyone tacitly. He insisted that he stinks and must take a bath.I give him clean towels for his bath, and I go into the kitchen to do the dishes.I took the wine glass and bottle back to the bedroom, turned off the light, took off my clothes and got into the sheets, I was both surprised and happy. He is not as skilled as John Ma, but he has double sincerity.I don't need to wonder if he's pretending, or think about how many women he's had, Qi'an doesn't know what I'm thinking.He was gentle and comforting, and had a stamina that John the Stallion couldn't possibly have.All I can say is we had a great time and enjoyed it a lot. Afterwards, the two sat on the bed sipping wine, and he said, "We just sinned. I'm Catholic — you know that?" "Shall we tell the priest what we have done?" "No," he said, laughing, "I shouldn't let the priest make such a fuss. It's our secret, and I'm probably not a good Catholic." "I'm a Methodist," I said. "I've been abstained since I got to New York. I don't know how long I haven't been to church." He patted the mattress, "This is better than any church, Jin." "I agree." "After I got divorced," he said, "I played too, not much, but a lot. Most of them were one-night sex, playing with the world, and it wasn't satisfying." "Well." I said. "I like being with you, Jin. I really like it, not just the sex—it's great though, I mean the laughing, being together and we can go on, right?" "I think so." "Do you have someone special?" "No," I said, "nothing in particular." "Oh, I have no right to dedicate your whole life to me, it's too heavy. I just want you to know that as long as I'm with you, I won't fuck anymore. I'm a woman's man, and I don't want to You have absolutely no intention of changing your way of life, I just want you to know what I think." I turned and kissed his wine-stained lips. "You're a good man, Gian. I love being with you, but I don't want to make promises I can't keep." "I understand," he said, "I didn't ask you to make a promise--as long as you keep seeing me." "I promise it," I said.Because he was so cute, I said, "Gian, I have something to tell you." "Hi," he said, "you don't have to say anything." "The new thing about De Marie, this case is important to you, isn't it?" "Oh, yes. Big burglary. Big man. Publicity. If I crack it, it'll do me good. Maybe I'll get a promotion, especially with the Van Osson murder." I sighed, "Then I should tell you..." I narrate the nights at Ming's house, the parties, the guests, and the erotic videos.I told him about the lunch with Fanny, who said she had an appointment with the dentist, and it ended up at the royal apartment on East Sixty-fifth Street. "Maybe Wang Linan," I said, "Hai Qibao's lawyer. You met her at their house. I don't know what it means." He listened carefully, and he didn't say something stupid after I finished speaking; "Why didn't you tell me earlier?" He said, "You really know how to inquire about privacy, Ah Jin." Then he explained that the house party was very interesting, but he never wanted to get involved. "It's not against the law to watch erotic movies in a private home," he said, "unless they sell them. But it might be useful to know that I can use it as a tool. Fanny and the apartment--very interesting, do you take note?" Number, Jin?" "No," I said sheepishly, "I don't have enough experience." "It doesn't matter," he said, "you have other strengths, more important ones. Will you drive out with me tomorrow and show me? I'll check if Wang is the lawyer from the Hai family, and her relationship with Fanny, etc. Wait. This is a brand new lead, good lead, thank you, Jin." "You asked me to work with you?" I asked nervously. "You can believe it," he turned and pulled me into his arms, "I won't let you go now." He could again, and I was eager, so we did it again.We slept like babies afterwards.Oh...maybe not all like babies, I wholeheartedly approve of two sharing a bed, if only I didn't snore.
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