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Chapter 13 Chapter Twelve

eighth commandment 劳伦斯·山德斯 3953Words 2018-03-15
George Ann had once told me about the luxury of the Park Avenue apartments, but seeing is believing.It made my little room look like a locker in an underground train station by comparison, even Hedgehog's apartment on East Seventy-ninth Street and Vaughan's Playboy room on Eighty-fifth Street.Just as Qiao Qian thought, where did Ludt get his wealth? Steal de Marie new sale contingency? A uniformed chauffeur-porter eccentric came to greet me.The uniform is dark purple with a white shirt and beige bow tie.Ingenuity.I guess he's from India, Thailand, Korea, Khmer, Vietnam, Detroit or something.

He led me into a living room the size of Grand Central Station.It's not that big, but it's luxurious and spacious, and you can't see the whole picture at a glance.My first impression was money, money, money.Original paintings, leather, glass, gilt, ankle-length rugs, invisible lighting, brass, ceramics—it's like a big stage for a dozen actors. When I entered, they stood up with a glass in one hand and a cigarette in the other.Although they didn't shake my hand, they still offered me a martini (designer crystal glass) politely. After I declined, I sat on the big soft sofa ten feet away from them.

"Sorry to bother you," I said modestly, "Mr. Hai must have informed—" "Ma Ping." Fanny interrupted me loudly. "Mrs. Hai informs you that I have been hired to investigate Demarie's new theft case, hoping to prove the Hai family's innocence." "Ridiculous!" Lud snapped, "No one accuses us. It's too much of a bully! Just because my father can't get insurance..." His voice weakened, and he looked at him in detail.At first glance, it doesn't give people a good impression. The tall and thin man seems to have lost a lot of weight recently, because his suit looks too big.

Chi'an thinks that Hylout is on the verge of bankruptcy, but I don't have the impression that this is the case.What I saw was a man in financial trouble; a dreamy look, twitching lips, knees scurrying from side to side, high-pitched laughter, broad, pale, sweaty forehead, hands that seemed to be shaking. In a better environment, he would be more likable.He's not quite as pretty as Hedgehog, but still amiable.His chin, full lips, and water-blue eyes are very similar to his father. Let me first briefly describe the removal and disappearance of Haishi's treasures.They answered all my questions and proved to be in full agreement with what George Ann and I had previously known.

"You know," Fanny said, staring at my shabby clothes, "there was a banquet that day, and the whole family was together, some stood, some sat, some mixed drinks, and walked around. It's hard to remember when Someone is there." "Do you remember that your father-in-law came to the living room for a while before the collection was shipped?" "I remember it very well. He asked if everyone was here, had a glass of birthday wine, and then he went back to the study." "I remember, too," Lud said, "that Father came to be host for a few minutes."

"Did you see that Mr. Wan brought armed guards to the study room and started moving coins?" "No," said Fanny, "the living-room door to the corridor was open, but I didn't notice it. What about you, dear?" "No," Lud said, "not paying attention." I didn't want to give up yet. "Did you notice anything unusual this morning? Anything that might be ignored at the time, but it would make sense for the burglary." They looked at each other. "I didn't," Lud said, wiping the sweat off his brow, "I didn't see anything."

"Neither have I," said Fanny, "unless—no, that would be crazy." "What, Mrs. Hay?" "Well, you should know that the banquet was outsourced. The food was delivered hours ago and it was cold. I went into the kitchen to see what was being eaten. I thought Ruby was preparing it, but she wasn't there. Send Some of the dishes that came were untied and some were not. And she left the kitchen halfway through the preparation." "Do you remember when you went to the kitchen? Before or after Mr. Hai came to the living room?" She stared at me nonchalantly. "I can't remember."

"What happened after you found out that Huang Runbi was not around?" "I took a piece of cheese and walked back to the living room while biting." "When you went back, was Mr. Hai Qibao there?" "I can't really remember. Oh, I don't think it makes any sense. Ruby might have opened the door to greet guests, maybe in the bathroom. Because you want to know everything," she added emphatically, "that's why I told you." Amazing woman.She wore a Heston dress that cost me two months' salary and showed off the curves of her breasts and hips.

She was about the same height as her husband, but compared to his timidity, she seemed to have a lot of energy.I can figure out why men are attracted to her, but she doesn't look like a whore. She sat pensively, with her knees together and her hands clasped in her lap.But the plump curves on her body are clearly visible.She is not beautiful, it can be said to be "shocking"!With her bright black hair parted in the center, her square face, and her soft, full lips, Du Lisa looked like a boy scout by comparison. Maybe because I'm jealous of her, I think she's a bit vulgar.She has an inexplicable debauchery.She's not casual, but I understand why men fantasize about her naked when they see her.Wild!good!She has the character of a beast.She could be a tiger in bed.I seem to see her roaring, biting, spitting, scratching.

"Mrs. Hay," I said bravely, "is your family happy?" "Oh, God," she said with a chuckle, "it's a personal matter. Families have their hard times, don't they? Generally speaking, I think yes, and we're a happy family. What do you say, Lud?" " "Yes." He said and poured another martini. I tried to arouse her contempt and contempt for me, and underestimated me, but in vain.She is quite urbane and cooperative. Maybe her jewelry made me dazed.She was wearing a pale blue dress with a matching diamond pendant, earrings, and bracelet.Very high class and expensive.

I shook myself again and asked. "Mrs. Hay, who do you think, whether at home or not, might steal a de Marisin? For money or revenge." She frowned and thought for a moment. "Honestly I can't think of one," she said. "What about you, Lud?" "No," he said. I thought of how many times she had said "honestly" in the last fifteen minutes.Maybe it's her mantra.But my mother taught me to be especially wary of some people who pretend to be honest. I know that Fanny and Lut can't ask any more questions here.I stood up to thank them for their reception and cooperation, and walked towards the door.This woman took me by surprise.She came over and took my hand, her smile shining like a diamond. "I like you," she said. "Shall we have lunch?" "Thank you," I said in shock, "I'm very happy." "I'll call you," she said. That night I had macaroni and some lettuce for dinner.I drank the red wine that George An left behind.He called at ten o'clock, and I felt like Tao Taoran. "How is our detective today?" he asked. "No hit, no hit, no turnover," I said, "at least I hope so. Saw Lud and Fanny tonight." "Oh?" he said, "interesting. I want to hear it. I've got something to tell you too. Listen, I'm typing this, I'm typing it all myself, and I'm going home to Queens. I'll stop by you — half an hour at most — would you compare your notes with each other?” "Okay," I said, "I just drank some of the wine you left. Have you had dinner tonight?" "have eaten." "What to eat?" "Cheeseburger. On my table. A cup of chocolate." I sigh. "Qian, eating this is disgusting." "Okay, I'll be there in fifteen minutes, Jin." He looked more tired than ever, and gratefully took his glass of red wine. "You're too tired from work," I said. "Ah—" he said, "always. What did you find out about Fanny and Lud?" I explained to him, and he listened attentively without interrupting.After I finished speaking, he got up and refilled his glass. "It doesn't matter that Huang Runbi leaves the kitchen, Jin." "I think so." "But I'm going to find out. Her brother's in jail for drug dealing--his lawyer is filing an appeal. Lawyer fees are high. Maybe Ruby finds a way to make a fortune. But no, she doesn't have the brains--but I still Just ask. What do you think of Lud?" "You think he might go broke. Maybe. But I think he's more likely to have a nervous breakdown. Kean, this guy is a robot." "Yes," he looked at me, "you're right. Where's Fanny?" "You said she was interested in you?" I said. "Of course," he said, "I told you. I'd be surprised if she didn't. She's quite a woman." "That's right," I agreed. "She wants to ask me out to dinner. She says she likes me." "Don't tell me she's interested in you?" "No, no. I think she wants to know what I know. She wouldn't want to make friends with me. What news do you have?" "A couple of things," he said, "the FBI is here too. Local criminals like this aren't their business, but they say this high-priced work of art could be shipped out of the country, so they care. They don't." Pay attention, I just want to know what's going on, I want to inform them, maybe I need help-haha! A bunch of nonsense. No problem. Then we contacted the international police, and they are also ready to cooperate with the people from Feichen Insurance Company, which is John Ma company. They liaise with coin dealers all over the world, you know?" I nod. "Of course you know," he said frankly, "you should know that they received an anonymous letter asking if they were interested in acquiring it?" I nod again. "Well, they followed their plan and received another letter today. The guy bargained for two hundred thousand yuan." I looked at him in surprise, "Qian, you know everything? Don't tell me John Ma told you." He forced a smile, "That guy doesn't have time to meet with me! He didn't say that. There is our contact person in Fei Chen's company." "Two hundred thousand?" I said, still surprised. "That's too much for a thief." "Too much?" he said. "nonsense!" "Do you think the insurance company will agree?" "They'll bargain. They'll try to put down a hundred thousand—but I doubt it. They'll sell Demarisin cheap when the other side has nothing to do. I still don't think it's an outsider, or a family thief." "Yes," I said, "you're right. Anne, if you're hungry, I can fry some eggs for you." "No," he smiled gently. "Thanks, Jin, I just need to drink some more wine." "Please, this is your wine." I watched him sitting on the sofa thinking.Such a tired and strong man, he also needs some support and comfort. "Gian," I said, "the last time you were here, I told you about your overnight stay in my bed...if you asked. You said I'd be the first to let you know. Well, stay overnight today." ?" He smiled nonchalantly, "You're such a sweetheart, really. I'd love to, Jin. But I'm tired, and I need a hot shower and some sleep. I'm no use to you." "Let me judge," I said, "and take a hot shower." The body is wonderful.It may sound empty, but it is.Bodies are warm, smooth and bonded to each other.I don't mean sex; I mean hugging and saying stupid things.You take off your clothes and start giggling, right?I belong to this old man.Maybe not a loud smirk, but there was the emotion. Gian was wrong, he was very useful to me.Much to say.kind.This is what I have longed for.He is not a beautiful man, and I am not a beautiful woman.He has a lot of fat on his body, but I am very skinny. Perhaps our physical differences made us all the more interesting.We didn't have any violent movements, just hugged, kissed, and touched each other.I think he's as horny as I am.Intimacy, it doesn't have to be sweat and shout, it can be warmth and smile. We did some frivolous things that were important to me at the time, and I think it was to him as well.We don't have passionate pledges—not at all.It would be wrong to think that it was a one-night affair.It is not dewy meeting, but meaningful. I feel a scar on his rib. "What is this?" I asked. "Shot." "Does it hurt?" "No," he said, "very comfortable." He kisses my hipbone, which protrudes beyond the muscle.Then kiss my belly, it's flat and firm. "Pregnant," he said, "definitely pregnant." "Tongue chewing," I said. "No," he said, "I'll chew your tongue." He did bite. That's how time passed.A man and a woman temporarily comfort each other in loneliness.We fell asleep and woke up in the middle of the night and I was hugging him.I sighed contentedly and pulled his warm, heavy body closer. When I woke up in the morning, he was gone.There was a note on the little table next to the bed.It read: "I love you, Jin." I am confused.
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