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Chapter 76 Section VII

third death penalty 劳伦斯·山德斯 1574Words 2018-03-15
July 18, Friday afternoon. Delaney met with Deputy Commissioner Ivar Thorson at a tavern on Eighth Street. "How is it, Edward?" Delaney waved his hand. "There are good and bad." "Is it 'her'?" "Without a doubt. It was her." "You're not going to arrest her yet?" "Not yet." "It's a week, Edward, and it's time for her to start again." "I know, Ivar." Deputy Director Ivar Thorsen leaned back and sighed.Holding a wine glass, draw circles on the table. "You're too fresh, Edward."

"Not too rigid. I just want you to be safe." Iva stared at him unconsciously. "Sometimes I think you and I—though not necessarily on opposite sides, have very different views. I want to stop these murders, and you—" "me too." "No, you're thinking more than that. You want to crush this woman as a whole." "Do you want her to whistling away? If we do it now, it will definitely end like that." "Okay, let's open up. You're sure she's the murderer, aren't you?" "right." "So, if we arrest her now, or even prosecute her, even if she is acquitted, she will not dare to kill again, right? She knows we will not relax, so she has to behave. Isn't the indiscriminate killing incident over? ?"

"Nab George, Hu Furui, Aijieli, and the rest of those who died unjustly, don't they deserve to die—?" "Edward, our main duty is to prevent crime. If catching her can prevent a murder, let's save her." "Prevention is one part. The other part is detection and conviction." "Have another drink." Iva called the waiter to pour the wine. After the waiter left, Ivar continued: "With our current data, it's possible to obtain a search warrant, right?" "Possibly. But unless you find the murder weapon, with her fingerprints on it, and the blood from her last crime, is there?"

"The gold bracelet?" "Thousands of people have it. It's not even countable." "Tear gas canister?" "Even if you can find it, it won't prove that it is the can that was used on Blanche. The clothes and wigs are the same. Ivar, these are all trivial evidence. A good defense lawyer will damage it. penniless." "She has Addie's disease." "There are fifteen other female patients in Manhattan. I know you think we've got too much proof. Indeed, enough to convince me that she's the restaurant villain. But you need to see the truth in court. You forgot, How big a gap is there between 'knowing' and 'proving'? Frankly, I don't believe prosecutors are willing to prosecute with the information we have."

"I still insist that we can definitely bring her back to ask for a statement. Make her afraid and make her dare not do anything wrong again." "Are you sure? Are you sure she won't leave this place, go to another place to change her name, and then open someone else's throat?" "That's a problem elsewhere." Delaney disagreed. "Iva, you are stubborn." "You know what I mean. I volunteered for this job because I had faith in you. Yes, you did, and I really appreciate it. But the whole point of this whole thing is to end this indiscriminate killing spree. Catching her is the first priority, trial is second."

"Then everything will be ruined." Iva slapped the table. "No wonder they call you 'Iron Ball.' You are the most stubborn, subjective person I've ever met." "I know what's right." Iva took a deep breath. "I'll give you another one week's deadline," he said, "that is, the 25th, Friday. If there is no progress by then, I will bring someone. I can't take the risk and let her kill another person." "Damn it," Delaney spat. He walked through Central Park in the sweltering heat of the evening, trying to get rid of his anger.It's not that he doesn't understand Ivar's position.That's what annoyed him.Red tape.

"Official paper".What a monastic word.Official articles always turn right and wrong, misplace black and white. Delaney's plan was to defeat her and use the bait of the police to lure her into the bait.As long as you lure her into the bait, everything else will go smoothly. Delaney does not deny that this is a gamble of chance, but this is what can really work.When going to court, the other party can't even justify a single bullshit.Gu Zhuoyi is the murderer, there is no room for rebuttal. But the official said "no".You can't take risks, you must stop her first.It's not good that she slipped away, but the purpose of stopping her has been achieved, isn't it?

Delaney looked disgusted.The law is the law, and killing people is a big mistake; appeasement undoubtedly despises this good book that has been written for centuries. Today, if he is in charge of the command, he will punish her forever.No matter how much she kills and kills again and again, there will be a day when she will be caught.At that time, even the best defense lawyers in the world will not be able to change these two words: "Guilty." When he got home, his whole body was sweaty, his face was flushed, and he was panting like a cow. "What's wrong?" Monica asked curiously. "You seem to have fought a battle with the devil dog."

"Almost," he said.
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