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Chapter 42 fourth quarter

third death penalty 劳伦斯·山德斯 1419Words 2018-03-15
There's a diner near Forty Street and Madison.Zhuoyi would drop by on his way to and from get off work.It opens early in the morning and closes at dusk, selling mostly sandwiches, soups, and salads.Very ordinary, very affordable. On the evening of May 21st, Zhuo Yi had a light meal in this small restaurant after get off work.She ate her cheesecake, coffee, and vanilla jelly quickly.After paying the bill in a hurry, I hurried home. The alimony check was in the mailbox, and she took it out and stuffed it into her purse.Go back to the room and lock the door, bolt, chain, and draw the curtains.Change into cotton casual clothes, wrap a headscarf, put on rubber gloves, and start cleaning.

Clean up the bathroom first, scrub the bathtub, washbasin, toilet, and tiles. This day was not smooth, the streets were pushed and crowded by crowds.In the office, much indifference.Everyone in New York was rough and rough, and she really wondered if she had come to the wrong city.New York denies her personhood, treats her like a thing, like concrete, steel, or tar. She emptied the whole medicine cabinet, washed it clean, and put everything back in place.Wipe the mirror again, change the shower curtain, floor mats, and towels. In the city, there is a price to be paid for listening to other people's singing and watching other people's feelings.Enthusiasm is shelved.

Wastebaskets cleaned, plastic bags replaced, drains cleared, lemon scent sprayed.Turn off the lights and go into the bedroom. Still, New York has its perks.Besides this place, where else could provide her with repeated adventures?If this city ignored her, it would naturally ignore the evil that existed in it. In the bedroom, she changed the sheets and pillowcases, and turned the mattress over.Dust off chests of drawers, shoeboxes, bedside tables. Why did she take risks, why again and again.She couldn't come up with a definite answer.She knew what she was doing was a heinous crime, but she couldn't control it.The mind may be clear, but the body is doing its own thing.

But in the midst of the adventure, with a vibrancy she had never felt before, she was not just transformed, she was reborn. Carpets, blinds, door knobs all cleaned.Clothes in closets and cabinets are rearranged and tidied.Check it out and turn off the lights. Why her desire to live was expressed in such unfeeling form, she did not know.I just feel that I have the right to choose, but I can't make a choice. She laughed off her dramatic presence.It's like a soap opera!Life is a soap opera of joys and sorrows!Everyone is the same. Go into the kitchen, wash the cabinets, doors and windows, and wipe the door knobs.

Who is she?The intricacies left her indescribable.It seems to be a man with thousands of faces, sometimes two faces can happen at the same time.She turns different faces to different people.What's worse, I'm watching myself too. Wipe the fridge.Bright stainless steel handles and faucets.Wash the sink, change the rag. I hope that a big shock can bring her back to one.A fatal wound, an emotional conquest.She felt that she was a well waiting to be given, what was missing was to be developed and needed. She scrubbed the tile with soapy water, wiped it with a dry cloth, and when it was completely dry, she waxed it.

She didn't know if love was all about panic.She never thought she was passionate, but now, if she was lucky, she would be a woman in all its glory: affectionate and intentional. Finally, it was the living room's turn. The tables and chairs, the cushions and pillows were wiped off. For Cormaline, love is joy, but it's more than that.Love is the most precious and rare seedling; it can grow up to build a world and save a soul by watering it with the quality of Hui Xinlan. Picture frames, glass, doorknobs, lampshades, and lamps are all polished and clean. If she knew it was growing and thriving, her body would heal without medicine, and the voids in her life would be filled.She dreams, she looks forward to.

Use a large vacuum cleaner to vacuum carpets, and a small vacuum cleaner to vacuum curtains, chair cushions, and sofas. With love, she is omnipotent, and she doesn't need to take any more risks.She will affirm herself.She is satisfied. Wipe down the inside and outside of the wardrobe.The shoes are arranged in pairs.Brush the wig loose.Dust the blinds.The room was sprayed with pine leaf fragrance.At this point, the cleaning is over.Put away all cleaning supplies.Go back to the bedroom and take off your clothes, and turn on the water in the bathroom.Then go to the kitchen to swallow vitamins, minerals, and a lot of fancy pills and tablets.A sedative.A salt flake.

Like Marlene, pour a tall shot of vodka over the rocks.He went into the bathroom with the wine. Swinging in a tub of hot water, drinking cold vodka.The tiredness turned into a warm and comfortable feeling.She half-closed her eyes and looked down at herself. "I love you," she cried out.It is unclear whether the object of love is Gunitz, Milner, or herself.Never mind; the word love has its own meaning.This is the most important. "I love you."
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