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Chapter 37 Section five

third death penalty 劳伦斯·山德斯 1461Words 2018-03-15
On May 9th, at 8:10 am, the Delaney couple were having breakfast quietly. Since the verbal battle over Handley's research materials, the two have respected each other like "ice" for more than a week, and neither one is willing to give in. Now, Team Leader Delaney thinks it should be over. "It's unreasonable!" He put down the newspaper and slammed the table, and Monica jumped up in shock. "What are we—kids? What's up with it. Must we be strangers?" "You're stubborn and never admits you're wrong." "I admit 'maybe' I was wrong," he said. "But I haven't been proven wrong. You think I'm wrong? Well, here's the bet, five dollars, ten dollars, a hundred dollars. It's up to you."

"This kind of life-threatening matter, who will bet with you." "Then, wash the windows. If I'm wrong, punish me for washing all the windows. If I'm right, you wash it." she considers. "Every door needs to be washed, including the basement and the small attic." She said. "Totally agree." The two shook hands as an appointment. "Turn on the radio." "Here, get some coffee." Everything is finally back to normal.But I heard the first news announced by the announcer.Both froze. "...the body was found at midnight in a suite at the Carmenon Hotel in Central Park South. The deceased was identified as an airline broker from Atlanta, Georgia, in White Lone. A police spokesman confirmed the homicide Case, part of a string of murders committed by 'Restaurant Evil'. Bairona is the fourth victim. As of now, no further reports have been made."

Monica and Delaney looked at each other. "The glass cleaner is under the sink," Delaney said quietly. She cried silently, tears sliding down her cheeks.He got up, put his arms around her shoulders, and approached him. "It's horrible," she said in a choked voice. "We're joking, making a bet, over there..." "I know I know." "You'd better tell Boone what you think." "right." He entered the study, sat down heavily, put his hands on the microphone, and hesitated. He didn't understand why he hadn't received a phone call.The announcer said the body was found around midnight.

Delaney selfishly thought that as soon as the murder was proved to be evil, Boone should notify him immediately. Maybe Shmarty had ordered Boone not to discuss the case with him.Maybe the incriminating evidence is enough, and there is no need to trouble a retired old policeman.Perhaps Captain Abner Boon was too busy to report to him.Anyway, it's possible. He dialed Boone's house, the city's central and northern district office, and the Jiamenong Hotel, but he couldn't reach him.He left messages in all three places. Now, he started to write a new note: "Bronner, at midnight on May 8th, Atlanta, Georgia. The fourth victim. The location of the murder, the Carmenon Hotel." After finishing the note, he went into the kitchen, Tune in for the ten o'clock news.Monica is running water, rags, detergent, and paper towels.

"No need," he said with a smile. "That was just a joke." "No," she said. "I lost. Besides, I also want to find something to do, so as not to think about it." "Okay... rest when you're tired." Several items were added to the news report.The deceased was from New York, attending a meeting at the Hotel Carmenon.The body was found by several of his friends. At the same time, the deputy mayor, the travel agency, and the chairman of the hotel trade association all expressed indignation that the police should catch the "restaurant evil spirit" as soon as possible, otherwise New York's tourism industry will be unimaginable.

Delaney stayed in the study all morning, and Boon never returned his calls.Whatever the reason, in short, he concluded that he was dumped. He put on his coat and hat and brought an umbrella.He yelled at his wife who was washing the windows upstairs and went out for a while, then returned in a moment. It was raining heavily.Rain fell with mist all over the sky.The warm temperature is unbearable.The streets are full of dirty puddles.The weather matched Delaney's mood quite well. His self-esteem was badly wounded.He cooperated with Boone, and indirectly with Deputy Director Ivar Thorsen.He offered many suggestions, reminding them of the period from May 7th to 9th.

The only thing left unsaid is that the restaurant evil spirit is a woman.I won't mention the reason, because this is just a theory, and more empirical evidence is needed to make it stand. The timing of Blanca's murder certainly shows that his theory was more than just speculation.Since they don't need him, why do they care?I didn't do his shit at all.He's an honorably retired cop. He is comforting himself. He kept walking forward, feeling the moisture from the soles of his feet to his shoulders.Finally stopped at an Irish pub on First Street for a couple of straight whiskeys.The heat of the alcohol made him sweat, and his mood calmed down a little.By the time he returned home, he had already calmed down, and "restaurant evil" had become a thing of the past for him.

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