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Chapter 19 first quarter

third death penalty 劳伦斯·山德斯 1380Words 2018-03-15
Edward Delaney found himself completely occupied by these two murders.He tried his best to distract himself from other things.As a result, my mind doesn't listen to me, and I turn back and forth and still return to the old question: how to commit the crime, why the crime was committed, and who committed the crime. Sighing and admitting it, he was determined to put everything aside to accept the challenge. Based on the police's intuition and experience, this is definitely the work of a psychopath.A madman, a psychopath.It is almost impossible to find motivation.Not for money anyway; nothing was stolen.

He couldn't help but flip through the day, month and week on the calendar and notepad to check the records of the moon's profit and loss.Murder has nothing to do with the full moon.He slumped on the drawer. The biggest problem is that there is no trace of such indiscriminate killings, and there is no way to start. With nothing to do, Delaney jotted down the main points of the two murders.Trying to find any trace of connection between the two dead.However, apart from the eight points he had already mentioned to Boone, there was no mechanism: both were middle-aged, both came from other places, and both lived in big hotels in the downtown area.He knows that these conditions are equivalent to not having the same.But he still uphold the usual cautious attitude, made a record.

Even less is recorded about the murderer: One, both male and female. 2. Wear a black nylon wig. Three, smart, careful, cunning. He knew that writing these things would not lead to the whole case, but it was always a regular beginning, one of a lot of mysteries. On the morning of March 21st, he was troubled in his study again. He postulated that perhaps the two deceased—George George and Hoofrey—had employed the same man in the past and then fired him for some reason. A few years later, this person turned from resentment to hatred, and launched a murderous plan. He visited them and killed them one after another.Pure imagination, but not impossible.

While he was thinking about it, the phone rang.He absently picked up the phone. "Edward Delaney." "Leader, it's me, Boone. . . . I've done what you said: Take one of the scouts back to the scene of the 'Pies' murder, and measure the height of the wig to the seat cushion." "The results of it?" "Leader, just measure roughly. Because the chair is upholstered. Do you understand? It's not easy to measure accurately." "certainly." "However, we did what we could. There was no room for the laboratory team or the dissection room. Instead, an assistant in the dissection room suggested that we call a man from the American Museum of Natural History. He is an anthropologist and a The number one leader of the skeleton."

"Excellent." Delaney was very satisfied with Boone's thoroughness. "How did he say?" "I told him the measurements and I called back within an hour. He said -- he insisted it was only a guess -- that the man was about five-foot-five to five-foot-seven." silence. "Team leader?" Boon asked anxiously. "Are you listening?" "Yes," Delaney replied slowly, "I'm listening. Five foot five to five foot seven? This is not a small man. It should be a tall woman." "Yeah. Pretty cool, isn't it, Captain? I mean, one more thing than we know."

"Of course." Delaney didn't want to pour cold water on him.This clue is too weak, and the team leader must know it too. "How are you getting on with Shimati?" "Not good," Boone's voice dropped. "So far so good. He wants us to do it all over again. I understand; he doesn't want to take some responsibility for what might have happened before he took office." "Hmm." Di Leni secretly scolded Shimati for being an idiot, wasting time for nothing, and also implied doubts about the ability of his subordinates. "Leader, I want to ask you a favor..."

"Go ahead." "May I call you to report the investigation?" Boon still lowered his voice. "Call as soon as there is news? Let me know the situation, how can I help?" This must be what Deputy Director Ivar Thorson meant, and Delaney knew it very well. ("...Aren't you friends? Is it okay to call every day?...Listen to his advice.") It can be seen that De Ivar Thorsen does not fully trust the talents of Captain Shimati. "You are always welcome, Captain," Delaney replied. "Thank you, Team Leader," Boone said gratefully. After hanging up the phone, Delaney added a note to the murderer's record:

4. About five feet five to five feet seven in height. Then, he went into the kitchen and made himself a salad sandwich with lettuce and kidney slices.Since it was a "wet" sandwich, he ate it by the sink, of course.
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