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Chapter 17 Section VII

third death penalty 劳伦斯·山德斯 4174Words 2018-03-15
Doctor Sorka, a physician.His clinic was just downstairs from his home, in a converted luxury mansion on Thirty-fifth Street, east of Park Drive.A rather handsome five-story building.The bow-shaped windows and the transom on the door are said to have been designed by Louis Tiffany himself.The clinic includes a waiting room, a physician's office, two examination rooms, a medical room, washrooms, cold rooms, and a "lounge." Every room has high ornate ceilings and parquet floors.Waiting room and physician's office with exquisite marble fireplace.Doctor Sorka and his forty-three-year-old wife found that all these Edwardian luxury equipment, such as pure white enamel furniture, stainless steel utensils, glass cabinets, etc., were too incompatible with the doctor's clinic.We had to move all those bulky antiques and beautiful oil paintings to the second floor.

Doctor Sorka took care of a receptionist and two nurses.His waiting room is full at any time, and the doctor's time is clearly set from 9:00 am to 7:00 pm, but the doctor is early or late, and the week is a holiday, and sometimes he still serves patients as usual. Gu Zhuoyi has a fixed consultation day, at 6:00 pm on the first Tuesday of every month.Dr. Sorka had been trying to convince her that it was unnecessary. "Depending on your health, I think twice a year will be enough." "I'd rather do it once a month," she said. "The world is unpredictable."

He shrugged, brushing cigar ashes off the lapels of his white uniform. "What would you like me to do for you every month?" "This... is normal." "What do you mean by general?" "Weight, blood pressure. Lung function. Blood test, urine test. Chest cavity. Smear." "A smear every month?" he yelled. "Zoi, you really don't need this. According to your situation, once or twice a year is enough, I can guarantee it." "I will do it." She was too stubborn, and he had no choice but to give in. Doctor Sorka, a dumpy teddy bear, over sixty.A tuft of white hair stood on a round head.The face is flesh, the jaw is flesh, the throat is flesh.Thick flesh pendants hang down the entire face.As soon as he moved, the flesh on his whole face shook.

His hands were broad and powerful, with black hair on the knuckles.I often wear a pair of white cotton socks and a pair of soft slippers.I couldn't finish one cigar after another.On more than one occasion, during a rectal exam, the lady nurse was busy digging a cigar with sparks out of his fingers. Gu Zhuoyi thought he was a lovely old man with the emerald blue eyes of Dresden.He didn't frighten her at all, he didn't feel oppressive at all.She didn't think he would be surprised or angry at anything she said to him. On the first Tuesday of April, which was the first day of that month, Gujoi arrived at Dr. Sorka's clinic earlier than the agreed time.As luck would have it, there were only two patients in the waiting room.After registering, she took an out-of-date Architectural Digest and sat down.

At 6:50, head nurse Ge came into the waiting room to greet Gu Zhuoyi. "You can go in," she said. Head nurse Ge is a strong woman with broad shoulders and hips, and a light beard on her lips.Zhuo Yi once watched her move a large steel cabinet, as easily as if it was a paper box.Dr. Sorka told her that Nurse Ge was divorced and had a twelve-year-old son who was now in a military academy in Virginia.She lives alone with four kittens. After a while, Gu Zhuoyi sat firmly in Dr. Shioka's consulting room.Watch him light a cigar, wave his hand, and wave away the rising smoke. He watched her from over half of his presbyopic glasses.

"How, are you okay?" "very good." "Digestion normal?" She nodded. "Where to eat?" "I eat well." He looked down at the medical records on the table. "You take your vitamins," he said. "What do you eat?" "A lot. Vitamin A, multivitamins B, C, E, and some minerals." "Those minerals?" "Iron, zinc, magnesium." "What else? Is there any other medicine?" "Birth control pills. Tonic tablets. Lecithin. Bile alkaloids. Alfalfa. Chlorella." "anything else?"

"Sometimes I take Mido and Anaxin. I also take Datong when I have convulsions and throbbing pain. If I can't sleep, I take a sleeping pill." He stared at her, sighing heavily. "Too much. Zhuoyi, listen to me, as long as you have balanced nutrition, you don't need any of these vitamins, minerals, and green algae tablets." "Who loves to eat something that's nutritionally balanced?" "What do you take choline for?" "I read in the book that it prevents aging." He leaned back and laughed, showing his big teeth. "As young as you are," he snapped, "worrying about aging. I, I should be worrying about it. Find a way to reduce it, okay?"

"it is good." "must?" She nods. "Fine." He clicked the bell. "Now go with Head Nurse Ge first. I'll be right there." Zhuoyi took off her clothes in the examination room and hung them on the plastic rack above the screen.He pulled a sheet over his body.Head nurse Ge brought in a board with a checklist on it. Zoey stood on the scale. "One hundred and twenty three," Head Nurse Ge announced. "How can you be so clever? I weigh a hundred and twenty-three pounds in one leg alone. Better wear shoes, the floor is icy." She handed Zoey a wide-mouthed plastic cup and pointed to the bathroom.

"Please come on." Zhuoyi went in, but didn't have any intention of urinating.After a while, Head Nurse Ge opened the door. "Pour some warm water on your waist and try it." Zhuoyi followed the instructions and it worked.She returned to the examination room with half a cup of urine and handed it to head nurse Ge, but she looked away uncomfortably. The doctor will come in later.The cigar is carefully held aside.Zhuoyi sat on a swivel chair without arms.The doctor sat directly across from her.His size completely overflowed the small swivel chair. "Okay, let's start now."

The nurse hands over the stethoscope.Doctor Shioka signaled Zhuoyi to take off the quilt.She obediently pulled the quilt down to her waist.He first warmed the receiver with his arm, and then pressed it against Zhuo Yi's chest. "Take a deep breath. Do it again. Do it again." She does. "Okay, very good." He pushed her chair and pressed the stethoscope to her shoulder and back.He tapped his knuckles a few more times. "All parts are in peak condition," he reports. Letting the stethoscope wrap around his neck, he stretched out his hand to Head Nurse Ge without looking back.The head nurse had already put the blood pressure monitor aside and waited.Dr. Shioka tied Zhuoyi's arm and compressed his air.Head nurse Ge counts.

"A little higher," said the doctor. "Just a little bit. Don't worry about it. Well, now it's time to draw blood." Head nurse Ge handed over the needle of the syringe.Zhuoyi turned his head away.She felt Doctor Sorka's strong fingers groping on her arm.The vein was found quickly; the needle was stuck straight in.The dirty blood in her body slowly gurgled out along with the needle tip. After a while, the doctor held her arm, pulled out the needle, and handed the full tube of blood to head nurse Ge.The head nurse covered the needle hole with a small square of cotton wool. "Now comes the fun part," Dr. Sorka said lightly. He turned the chair and looked at Gu Zhuoyi's naked breasts carefully and severely from above the presbyopic glasses.He starts to touch.She lowered her head and saw his hairy fingers moving on her flesh.Like a wriggling black caterpillar. He carefully and carefully inspected the chest, armpits, and nipples.At this time, Gu Zhuoyi closed his eyes tightly. "Very well," Dr. Sorka began. "You can wake up now. Zhuoyi, do you usually check your chest yourself?" "……No." "Why? I taught you." "Uh, I... I'd rather have it checked out by a doctor." "Okay. Now it's time to get on the iron horse." Head nurse Ge helped her onto the examination table and adjusted the pillow.Then put Zhuoyi's heels on the stirrups.Dr. Shioka slipped his feet, and the swivel chair slid to the middle of Zoey's legs.The nurse put on rubber gloves for him, and handed him a plastic hysteroscope neatly. "Tell me if it hurts," the doctor said. "probably not." He inserted the hysteroscope gently.Zhuoyi stared at the ceiling, biting her lower lip tightly.She felt no pain, only shame. "Relax, it's good for you to relax. You're so tense, take a deep breath." She tries to relax.She thought of blue skies, fields, calm waters.Take a deep breath. "Tongue depressor," the doctor whispered. She didn't feel anything, but knew he was taking a smear, the tongue depressor scraping at her deep cells.A small part of Gu Zhuoyi has been separated from her. Doctor Shioka and nurses are skillfully operating.A moment later, the tongue depressor is removed and the hysteroscope is closed.She knew very well that the feeling of fullness was gradually fading. Dr. Sorka, the very sweet old teddy bear, was standing between her legs now. "Don't tighten up." He slowly inserted two fingers in rubber gloves into her body.Press the other hand flat on the lower abdomen, pressing the palm down. "Does it hurt?" "It doesn't hurt," she gasped. "sensitive?" "Won't." Gu Zhuoyi stared at the ceiling with wide eyes, trying not to cry.It's not painful; it doesn't hurt at all.Occasionally there is a tingling pain, it is just a feeling of expansion, opening to a foreign place, but it is definitely not pain.Why do you want to cry?She doesn't know it herself. Slowly, slowly, the hands and fingers were all taken away.Dr. Sorka took off his gloves and patted her knee. "Beautiful, nothing wrong with it," he said. "Get dressed and come to the front." He picked up his cigar and stomped out. Head nurse Ge helped her down.Her legs were shaking uncontrollably.The burly head nurse has been supporting her. "feel better now?" "Okay. Thank you, Miss Ge." "There's paper in the bathroom. Get dressed and go straight to the doctor's office." She puts on her clothes slowly.Shut up the hair.I feel a sense of cathartic satisfaction. Dr. Sorka was buried behind his desk, his glasses pushed against a tuft of white hair.He rubbed his forehead wearily. "Everything looks normal," he said to Zoey. "Look at the test report in three days. I don't think there will be any problems. If there is, I will notify you. If not, there is no need." "If I can't get your call, can I call you?" She asked eagerly. "of course can." He put out the cigar.yawn.His hands rested comfortably on his fat stomach.looked at her kindly. "Normal periods, Zoe?" "Yes. Almost always every twenty-six, seven, or at most twenty-eight days." "Fine. When's the next time?" "April tenth." She answered quickly. "Still throbbing?" "yes." "When does it begin?" "A day or two ago." "Excellent?" "It's getting worse. It won't stop until it's officially bleeding." He made a face and shook his head. "As I said before, Zoey, I can't find anything physically wrong with you. I hope you will take my advice and go, uh, find a spiritual counselor." "Everyone wants me to go to a counselor!" she burst out in a panic. He raised his eyes sharply. "everyone?" She didn't want to meet his eyes. "a friend." "what do you say?" "don't want." he sighed. "It's your own body, your own life, after all. But you don't have to suffer from it. I mean, the spasms, throbbing." "It's actually not that bad." However, it is indeed bad. At around eight-thirty that night, Dr. Sioka rang the bell on the doorpost.The bell rang upstairs to the kitchen, reminding his wife that he would be coming upstairs for dinner in ten or twenty minutes. He said goodnight to the nurses.Take off the white uniform.Washed hands.Throw on an old fleece jacket that's worn down to the elbows.Tired, I turned off the light and checked the medicine cabinet; locked it, and tried the doors and windows one by one. Slowly, holding on to the handle, he climbed up the stairs.Once again, I swore in my heart that I would retire in two years.Sell ​​the clinic and house.and Bertha leave New York.Go to Florida and buy a piece of land.Many of their friends have long since left.Children get married, get married, and walk away.He and Bertha should rest.Go to a sunny place to enjoy a few years of happiness. He knew in his heart that if he wanted to return to his thoughts, it was impossible. Bertha cooked his favorite mushroom and barley soup, as well as a pot of fragrant braised pork.He was in a daze.Pour a whiskey and soda and light a cigar. "Tired today?" the wife asked him. "It's about the same as usual." She looked at him intently. "That woman named Gu Zhuoyi?" He was startled. "You know her?" "Of course. You told me." "Oh?" "Twice," she said, nodding. "The first Tuesday of every month." "Ho ho," he looked at her lovingly. "No wonder there is mushroom and barley soup today." "The first Tuesday of every month," Bertha laughed. "To your god. Oka, you said...some women like...you said it." "Yes," he said seriously. "I did. But she wasn't. To her it was pain." "Pain? Did you hurt her?" "No, Bertha. Nothing. I just think she takes it as a punishment. That's how she sees it." "Punishment? What did she do wrong?" "How would I know?" "Come on, let's eat." The two entered the restaurant.The lights in the room were dim. "I don't think she's done anything wrong," he managed. "I mean, she doesn't want to be punished. It's just that she feels disdain. This concept of disdain makes her feel guilty." "My husband is actually a psychologist." "I really do," he repeated stubbornly. "She comes in every month for an unnecessary checkup, and she hates it, hates it. It's like punishment for her disdain. She gets ego satisfaction for it." "All right," said his wife. "Put down the cigar and drink the soup."
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