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Chapter 7 Fifth Young's failure

fifth Element 杜撰 1076Words 2018-03-15
"This is simply..." Fifth Yang said angrily. "Why can't the detective in the novel be the murderer? Is it because he is Sherlock Holmes?" Shen Xiaoqing said with a smile, "Besides, if you read my novel carefully, in the previous article, I only said that the name of 'I' in the article is Hua. Sheng, did not say that his "friend" is Sherlock Holmes. The so-called "Holmes" is that Hawke immediately self-assessed that "my friend" is Sherlock Holmes after learning that "my" name is John Watson. At that time, "my friend" Although he didn't deny it, he didn't say that he was Sherlock Holmes either."

"Absurd words," Wu Yang retorted with little confidence, and barely gave a reason that even he couldn't believe, "This violates the principles of detective novels." Shen Xiaoqing smiled and said, "Then many works of master detective novels also violate this criterion, such as Ellery Quinn or a certain work by Agatha Christie." "..." "And I left two reminders in the text," Shen Xiaoqing said, pointing to his typescript, "You see, in the novel I wrote 'after dinner Mrs. Klinger took us to the second floor and gave us a A warm and comfortable room. I was so exhausted that I fell asleep when I got back to the room. After some time, I was awakened by a sudden knock on the door'. That is to say, Watson went back to the room directly after dinner Go to bed, and before that, Watson and the others had dinner not long after they arrived at the Cransville Manor, so Watson didn't have time to visit the Cransville Manor at all. But later, I wrote again 'it seems that I can't expect to get any information from Hawke's mouth at this time. I turned around and put on my coat, followed Hawke, and walked along the corridor to Mrs. Klinger's room. How did Watson know that the room was What about Mrs. Klinger? Hawke only said 'something happened' and didn't say what happened, so how can Watson conclude that something must have happened to Mrs. Klinger? The answer is simple, because he knew in advance Mrs Klinger is going to be murdered tonight."

"..." "The second is that there is no description of Holmes smoking in the article. Think about Holmes' addiction to smoking, can he keep smoking for so long?" "..." "There is actually a flaw in my reasoning, but unfortunately you didn't see it." Shen Xiaoqing said. "You mean that Hawke was actually sent to town by 'Sherlock Holmes'—" "Yes, if the murderer is Mr. Klinger, then he will definitely send Hawke to the town to find the police. You must know that the master's order cannot be disobeyed, but he did not seize the opportunity that counts against every second, and did nothing If 'Holmes' offered to go to the town for the police himself or had Watson go to the town, then everything would be over. So this also indirectly proves that Mr. Klinger is not the murderer."

"I see. It seems that you should not underestimate your strength. I accidentally fell into your trap," Fifth Yang said with emotion. I won’t be fooled like this. But this also shows that I still need to exercise more, and the mystery novels I read are still far from enough. Oh, yes, I haven’t finished reading mine yet, I’m going back to read books, So farewell, let's go first." Seeing Fifth Yang fleeing out of the teahouse in embarrassment, Shen Xiaoqing smiled triumphantly, but his face suddenly became ugly after a while: "Accidentally let this kid run away again, and it was clearly agreed that it was his turn this time." Please, this cunning fellow..."

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