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fifth Element

fifth Element


  • detective reasoning

  • 1970-01-01Published
  • 103381

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Chapter 1 Dedicated to the day and night

fifth Element 杜撰 1363Words 2018-03-15
The first time I printed my own mystery novel into typeface was around high school.At that time, I was a member of the school's literary club and was responsible for the editorial work of the school newspaper, so I published all the miscellaneous novels I usually wrote in the school newspaper, including two mystery novels with Sherlock Holmes as the protagonist. After entering university, I had more time to write, so I decided to create a detective character of my own.The first thing to do is to give this character a name—it must be different and easy to remember, which I have been troubled for a long time.After thinking hard, I decided to play a word game.The pinyin of my name is "duyi", plus my mother's surname "wang". After rearranging and combining these pinyin letters, it becomes "diwuyang", which is the first detective in my pen - the fifth Yang .

The prototype of "The Murder of the Vampire" was a mystery novel originally published in the high school newspaper called "Kroglin's Vampire".When I was a freshman in college, I made a major revision to this novel and renamed it, making it the first in the Fifth Young series.By the way, another reasoning novel that was originally published in the high school newspaper was called "Colorful Fairies", which was re-edited by me and named "Ruby Case", and published in the fourth issue of the B version of "Mystery World" in 2008. The idea of ​​poisoning in "Three Keys" came from a chat with a friend.This friend is my classmate in junior high school, but unfortunately we didn't get into the same school later.Every Sunday afternoon in high school, as long as I had nothing to do, I would go to this friend's house to chat about mystery novels, Japanese manga or play chess.Now this friend has changed from classmate Wang to teacher Wang. I don’t know if any of his students like mystery novels. If so, please ask Mr. Wang to recommend my works to your students.

The inspiration for "The Attic Story" comes from the novel "The Sculptor" by Mine Waters.When I was reading this novel, I was deeply impressed by the description at the end, so I decided to write a similar work. "The Killing Game" is a work with a lot of jokes, perhaps it is also the work that is closest to life. As for why you say this, you will know when you see the end. "Wonderful Tales" is because when chatting with Luo Xiu once, he said, "Let me think about it, first love is like red bayberry".So I took this sentence as the title and created this novel.In the twinkling of an eye, Luo Xiu has passed away for almost two years, and I still miss the time when we chatted together. I think the best way I can comfort him is to continue on the road of mystery novel creation.

When I first wrote "House of Illusion", I wanted to try the orthodox puzzle-solving route, so I arranged a serious reasoning, but later found that this was really not in line with Fifth Young's style, so I added another at the end of the article A dumbfounding ending.I think the work of orthodox puzzle solving should be handed over to my other detective. "Red Giant" was the result of Shi Shi, who was the editor of version A of "Inference World" at that time, asked me to write a draft.He said: "Can you write a story about Fifth Yang? I like your series better." At that time, I had a prank idea in my mind, so I wrote an article and handed it to him.History later arranged this novel into a magazine special plan with the theme of "anti-reasoning", and it is said that the response was good.

Curiosity Killed the Cat is based on a novel called The Rotten Corpse.After I greatly revised it, I also added a little element of daily mystery, which is the most "new" work in the fifth Yang series. It may not be appropriate to say that Wu Yang is a detective, because in my mind, he is not a "detective" in the true sense. This college student who likes to talk, is greedy for petty gain, and is lewd and lecherous does not have any extraordinary reasoning ability , no different from ordinary people. Fifth Young's story is almost a joke from the beginning to the end. Sometimes he is like Don Quixote who has the courage to fight the windmill giant. He uses all his skills but finds that his enemies are all illusions.

Fifth Yang's story is a kind of ridicule, a spoof, and a portrayal.Fifth Yang has my shadow on him, and maybe you, who is also a fan of reasoning. In short, as long as the fantasy is not over, the teasing will continue.
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