Home Categories detective reasoning Movie-like style: Kagami Kohiko's ideal way to kill

Chapter 56 third quarter

Although the first round was a mess, this time it was not the case.She can no longer use Surprise.I am very focused now, and nothing will happen to be taken advantage of. But my wrist and side were badly wounded, and the guy was armed, and if I got another blow from this guy, I'd be over for sure. Bleeding, empty, nothing to do, breathing more and more rapid. This is not a state of evenness. I'm holding the only light in the room, Jane, and that's the only advantage I have, yeah, the only one!However, this also has the disadvantage of exposing one's own correct position. Luck and goodness, it seems to be on Tomie Todo's side this time.

No matter how things play out, the chances of winning are not coming to me. But I can't die. That being said... I will definitely die. I laughed out loud. . Tomomi Fujido showed timidity for a moment because she didn't understand the intention of the laughter, but she still let out a beast's roar and launched an attack. In the face of her attack, I can only rely on the light of the flashlight and back and dodge like a novice matador.But of course, the pursuit did not stop.Tomomi Fujido's knife focused on my neck. Does this guy want to kill me with a single knife? Tomomi Fujido yelled "Go to hell" and stabbed with a knife continuously.Although her movements are monotonous, it is very difficult for her seriously injured body to avoid it.

I've got some, I'm at a loss. ...Hello. Are you going to die? Are you going to die? It was only then that I noticed that the clothes and pants were inexplicably warm, and I kept secretly hoping that this was incontinence, not bleeding. I wanted to use a fast attack to make a quick decision, but Tomomi Fujido rushed towards me violently. At such a distance, it was impossible to dodge.Quick, what to do?The wounded who was bleeding continuously from the wrist and abdomen, in such darkness, how can there be any way to get rid of obstacles. Time is merciless, Tomomi Fujido and I are close enough to kiss.The light from the flashlight captures the image of the blade approaching my stomach.Oh, really, why is this the last thing I see in my life... So, I gave up my life.

However, very lucky. I lost my balance and fell because I stepped on something slippery.My head hit the foot of the bed, it hurt so bad.However, compared with the pain in the flank, this pain is only one in a million. Tomie Todo, probably shocked by my sudden disappearance, stopped moving.I grabbed the ankle of Tomomi Todo, who was standing still, and pulled with all my strength.Tomie Todo unexpectedly screamed like a girl (it was a girl) and fell down. I only propped up my upper body with my convulsed left wrist, held the flashlight in my right hand, and unceremoniously knocked on Tomomi Fujido's face.

First hit, weird touch.The second time, a wonderful touch.Third down, nasty touch. I'm really not in the mood to knock a fourth time. As soon as the flashlight hit her face, Tomomi Fujido screamed like a beast.Bastard, it's me who hurts.I was stabbed. what. An eye for an eye, is it taught by sociology? That's a really good idea. I shone the light of the flashlight on the ground and searched for Tomie Todo's vicinity.Dirty long skirts, empty lunch boxes, dirty feet, empty plastic bottles, dirty shirts... there it is. I picked up the knife with the blood on the blade. Then he stabbed Tomie Todo in the stomach.

The skin is harder to pierce than imagined.Tomie Todo's mournful scream resounded throughout the room.I stabbed it deeper without paying attention, the screams increased, howling, I pulled out the knife, stabbed again, stabbed repeatedly, die, kill you, die, kill you, die! Soon, Tomie Todo stopped screaming. Not moving at all. Just in case, I hit her face again with the flashlight, and there was a snap, and the light from the flashlight disappeared.Appears to be completely broken from knocking too hard. Darkness fell. it's over. Like an old man with a broken bone, I crawled slowly to the locker, grabbed the handlebars and lifted the upper body.The pain in the wrist and abdomen seemed to be splitting, and the sweat flowed into the eyes.I fumbled for a candle in the dark, and lit a fire.

The darkness in room 206 faded slightly. Then, shockingly, my shirt and trousers were bright red.Hey, I'm not the lead singer of the YURAYURA Empire, nor a red warrior.I tried to motivate myself with jokes like this, but it didn't work. And I didn't notice it before because of the darkness, my vision is very blurred like a filter on my eyes.It was inexplicably cold, and I couldn't tell whether my head was heavy or light, like a sponge made of iron, and my physical strength also dropped a lot. I coughed, and the hand covering my mouth was stained with blood... I vomited blood, but it wasn't Shiki Masaoka.

This is not a joke, I really feel the crisis, the fear that I have long hoped for suddenly emerges.Will I really die... Will I die? The more I think about the wound, the worse the pain. I observed the wound through the light of the candle. The wound on the wrist should be fine, but the wound on the side is hopeless. The blood overflowed like a fountain, the vision became more hazy, and the head went blank. . Damn it, there's no time to die now. No, it should be said that it is not yet the stage of death. I stroked my flanks. To elicit excruciating pain like laughter. Look, will it hurt?

Pain is the proof of being alive. I held back the urge to laugh and the pain, and looked around.Sure enough, he didn't see Sanjiu Yakiko's figure, and the handcuffs fell to the ground. Hello, what should I do?Hey. "Ah, damn it." There was a scream from downstairs.
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