Home Categories detective reasoning Tohoku Shinkansen Murder

Chapter 78 first quarter

On the next day, August 25th, there were still no clues about the criminals, and the Totsugawa Police Department was very anxious.The people sent by the police also inquired in the Shinjuku area, but still did not find any news about the two people. Aoki Tsukaji and Miyamoto Shinoko, who only showed their heads in Noboribetsu, did not know where they went.The case had already been made public by the media, and the police planned to get more information, but they were criticized from all directions. "What the hell is going on here!..." The Totsukawa police department complained angrily, "Kamei, why haven't the criminals moved at all?"

"If you don't know, there is a piece of news that is a bit interesting." Detective Kamei said. "What's the matter?" Totsukawa Police Department asked urgently. "The morning paper said that at 1 o'clock this afternoon, a large hotel opened by Tachino Kogyo in Morioka was going to hold a reception, but the important person, President Tachino, did not attend the meeting." "It's that Tateno Yutaro!..." Totsukawa Shozo said excitedly. "Yes. Big figures in the political and financial circles all attended the reception, but the host, Liye, did not attend the reception. This is too suspicious!..."

"Is there any reason?" "It's a sudden onset." "If it's true, it's nothing!" "However, the same morning paper published the story of Yutaro Tateno in the "People" column. It said that he had arrived in Morioka last night on the "Yamabi No. 21" train in order to attend the reception this afternoon. That hotel But Liye Xingye opened its fiftieth restaurant!..." "Oh?..." The Tojinchuan Police Department gradually realized that something was wrong. "The big figures in the political and financial circles were all present, but last night, Yutaro Tateno was admitted to the hospital as soon as he arrived in Morioka. Isn't that puzzling?..." Detective Kamei said excitedly, "Yutaro Tateno is with In the political world, people who are inextricably linked!...Even if he gritted his teeth, he would show up at the reception."

"That's true." Totsukawa Police Department nodded and said. "Will something unexpected happen..." "That's right, the criminals from the 'Thirty-two Society' drew our attention to Hokkaido, and then they aimed at Yutaro Tateno?" "Could it be that Tateno was kidnapped? Don't they also hate Tateno Yutaro?" "Did you take the Tohoku Shinkansen yesterday and arrived in Morioka at night?" "Anyway, that's what the newspaper said. But, he didn't show up at Morioka's reception. Maybe something happened?"

"Okay, let's investigate!..." The Totsukawa Police Department immediately regained its energy, turned around and ordered the police officers under it, "Nishimoto, Tanaka, go and find out the current situation of Tachino Kogyo immediately." After Totsukawa finished speaking, he said to Kamei, "Let's go to the National Railway Corporation!..."
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