Home Categories detective reasoning Jajuro Catching Tent

Chapter 7 Kamaitachi Fuma

Jajuro Catching Tent 久生十兰 8129Words 2018-03-15
There is a "Kawasaki" fishing shop in Ogawa-cho, Kanda.The large zelkova signboard at the entrance of the store is engraved with a combination pattern of a hook and a puffer fish, which is very unique in design.People usually refer to this place as Kanda's "Little Puffer House", which is an old shop with a long history. Senba Akojuro was at the front of the store, spreading out hooks, rods, and baits to the brim, looking through them one by one.From the looks of it, he seemed to be too bored, and finally decided to start fishing for entertainment. Opposite Jajuro is the shopkeeper who looks like an expert.From the origin and genre of fishing, to the ebb and flow of the tide and the quality of the bait, this shopkeeper with a head and a face is full of treasures.

However, Senba Akojuro is still the same, wearing only the dirty double feather gown, with a crimson lacquered and rough-made bodyguard knife pinned to his waist, touching the skin like a wax gourd with his hand. Like the ridiculously long chin, he listened with gusto without getting bored.Who told him to have a lot of free time, anyway, the sun is still high. "When it comes to fishing for green carp, the first person to catch this fish was Wu Dali Renping during the Kuanwen period. After that, fishing for green carp in summer, crucian carp in spring, carp in autumn and carp in winter, and It is called the four major types of fishing, and it is the most Edo-style fishing method. According to the size and color of the blue chile, there are different names. Those over one foot are called "cold wind", and those over eight inches are called "nose song". , seven or eight inches are called "three-year-old 鱚", and five or six-inch ones are "two-year-old 鱚". In the first year, the belly of the fish turned white, and in the second year it turned light yellow. After more than three years, the belly of the fish turned yellow. It is red in the middle, and the back of the turtle is black and shiny. The squid in the sea is called white squid, and the green squid is called river squid. Fishing squid is very particular about hooks, fishing rods, fishing lines, lead pendants and bait. It's hard to say clearly!... Hehe!..."

"So that's it, I understand. Then let me ask you, in this season, where is the fishing season for catfish?" "The fishing season is related to the temperature, weather, moon phase, and tide. According to the turbidity of the tide, the fishing season time varies from year to year. This year's tide is very good. If it is this season, the fishing season should go to Gaozhou in Tiepao Island Right. The fish will first go to the Kushimoto mansion area, and gather in Qiba Town between Banghang and Kashigi. Within ten days after the autumnal equinox, the fish will swim to the mouth of the Nakagawa River, and then it should be in Tsukuda and Kawasaki area."

"Understood, you really know it like the back of your hand." "Thanks for the prize." The shopkeeper said so, but his expression was quite smug. "According to what you said, as long as they are fishing for bluefish, where should they be concentrated these few days?" "No, no, no, you can't say everything. Those who can see where the tide is picking are all fishing masters with some strength." "Then I'll ask those masters what the fishing method should be." Jajuro nodded and smiled, "See if you can just get there and swing a pole, and any fish will be hooked."

"Are you kidding me?" Shutou looked unhappy. "Of course I'm joking, but I have something to ask you." Xianbo Akojuro said, took out a fishing hook from his pocket, handed it to the shopkeeper, and said, "My father was obsessed with fishing. Before he died, he called me to his pillow and said: Blood ties are irreversible. One day, sooner or later, I will fall in love with fishing. At that time, I must not use other hooks, but must use this hook to fish. After finishing speaking, he passed away. Thinking that since I want to fish, I will try it with the same hook as this one, I wonder if there is a hook like this hook in our shop?"

Senba Akojuro is still the same, and what he says is false and true. The shopkeeper looked at the hooks and said, "The hooks used to catch scorpions are very particular. The famous ones are the punch hooks used by the Zenzong style, the falcon hooks used by the Takuma Genmu style, and the ones used by the famous fisherman of Shidakawa - Taro Zhuiyu. Juhook... Different schools have different styles. However, your fishing hook is just an ordinary Jianyue hook, which is very common. Thanks to your father's last entrustment, this kind of hook is sold in my shop for a penny." Jajuro rubbed his head and said: "Oops, you have seen through the old man. That's right, my father lives a simple life, and the hooks he knows are basically worth the price. Moreover, this is the first time I have ever fished in my life. The old fishing gear is useless, you can provide me with a set of cheap ones. The fish basket can be replaced by an old iron cannon fence, and the bait can can be replaced by an old toothpick can. The most important thing is the fishing rod, fishing line and hook. There's no way to do it with a clothes-rod and double-strand sewing thread..."

While talking, Xianba Akojuro picked out a cheap fishing rod, pulled a few meters of black waterproof fishing line, and finally took five fishing hooks each penny each to pay. shop door. This Jajuro lived on the second floor of a dry goods store in Yumachi, Hongo, and lay leisurely at home every day, looking through past arrest records.However, he is not doing nothing, he seems to be thinking deeply.But this way of him is different from the common way of learning in the world. He neither does Zhu Zhu, nor memorizes excerpts, but just lies on the tatami, picks his nostrils, and flips through pages one by one in a leisurely manner.

From this point of view, if Gujuro is not an idiot, he must be a very intelligent person.All in all, Jajuro usually looks a little silly, which makes people miss the point. By the way, there was such a thing before. When Juro was on duty at Qinfan in Kofu, there was an inspector in the yamen who threw himself into a well and died. The inspector was a bachelor with a wealthy family, and everyone felt that he had no reason to commit suicide. The family of the deceased came and wanted to bury him.Jajuro suddenly wobbled over and asked whether the dead inspector was upside down or head down in the well.The man who went down to retrieve the corpse said that he fell in with his head upside down.When Juro heard this, he said that it was definitely not thrown into the well, but was pushed into the well by someone.If he threw himself into the well, he would have jumped into the well with his feet down, and he would have thrown his head upside down. No one in a hundred people would be able to find one.

Later, after investigation, it was found that the male servant of the inspector's house had stolen the money hidden by the owner and pushed the owner into the well. Another thing is this - That was when Ako Juro resigned from his official position in Kofu Kinban, went to Shangso, and stayed at the house of a prominent family in Tomioka.Not long after he lived there, a thrift store caught fire in the next street and burned an old man to death. With his sleeves in his arms, Jajuro stared at the ruins where the dark flames were still extinguished. When he saw the charcoal-burned corpse, he turned his head and said to a companion who was also watching the fun: "He was not burned to death. It was killed, and then burned in the fire. If it was really burnt to death, the body should be under the rubble, but this body is twisted on the rubble."

The people in the same company were taken aback, and secretly told the Tongxin guard who came to investigate.When they investigated, it was exactly the same as Jajuro said. The masters of the famous family in Tomioka all praised Jajuro's good eyesight, but Akojuro smiled shyly: "These are not my wisdom, they are all written in the "Winning Injustice Records"." The spring water is rippling and the tree shadows are swaying. There was a person who was sitting sullenly by the wide corridor, with a blue book on his lap, pens, ink, papers and inkstones beside him, and he was smashing an ashtray with a sad face.This person is the leader of the Zhuangbei group - Morikawa Zhuangbei.

On his smooth bald head, a small bun was tied, and that ferocious face seemed to have painted a layer of persimmon varnish on the face of Kinkara Doji, resembling the mask of a lion in a Noh play.Zhuang Bingwei smashed the ashtray for a while, dropped the cigarette stick for a while, folded his arms for a while, but let go of them for a while, and it was obvious that he was very restless. A little far away from Zhuang Bingwei, sitting obediently was a beautiful girl of seventeen or eighteen years old with a delicate appearance.She is Zhuang Bingwei's daughter Huashi. Zhuang Bingwei got this only daughter only at the age of forty, and he loved her very much, wishing to hold her in the palm of his hand.If it was normal, the old man would be happy for a long time just with his daughter sitting beside him, but today, he didn't know what kind of wind was blowing, and he didn't notice that Hua Shi was sitting beside him. In the courtyard, seasonal flowers are competing for beauty. Seeing the Four Treasures of the Study next to Zhuang Bingwei, those who didn't know thought that he was going to write haiku.But this old man is not such a refined and interesting person at all. What he was thinking hard about was the Kamaitachi Fuma murder case that had recently disturbed Edo Castle. At the beginning of this month, an unbelievably big case occurred in Edo City, and people didn't know where to investigate it.For a time, the whole city panicked.Every other day in this case, there is a dead person, and five people in a row were slit on the street and fell to the ground to die. The first victim was an old rich man from the Sarue family in the Honjo area.He was found face down in front of Shinminato Inari Shrine.The old man had just visited the door, and he had more than twenty taels of money in his arms, but the money remained in his arms intact, and after careful inspection, no other property was found to be stolen. The next night, a retainer of Satake who was highly skilled in martial arts was also murdered by cutting his throat in the same way.He fell in a ditch beside the Echizen Moat trail, right next to the fishing boat Funamatsu. In this way, five people died tragically. The victim's scars are very rare. The wound cut a half-moon arc from behind the left ear to the Adam's apple.This cut the carotid artery deeply, and the victim may have screamed in shock, and immediately fell to the ground and died. There are two characteristics of this case. One is that the wounds on each corpse are in the shape of a perfect sickle; the other is that none of the victims lost property.Comparing the wounds of each victim one by one, it was found that the position, size and curvature of the sickle were exactly the same, not bad at all. At the first sight of this scar, some people suggested that the throat was cut with a sickle to death—the murderer passed by, and suddenly cut at the victim from behind. scars.This is the most common and easiest answer to think of. However, after careful inspection of the wound, everyone found that the wound was shallower on the side of the neck, and the closer to the Adam's apple, the deeper the wound was, and finally picked up.If he attacked the victim from behind and cut him with a knife, he would never leave such a wound. Not only that, but a second inspection found that the blade cut to the front of the throat, leaving behind an inconceivably shallow scratch, which looked like a slight trembling of the tip of the knife, or a slight scar left by other sharp objects.Cut near the throat, the wound suddenly embedded, leaving a deep crescent-shaped gap. If you want to artificially leave such wounds, you must draw your sword at the moment you pass by.However, after some actual simulations, it was found that no matter how strong the martial arts master is, he could not leave such a perfect arc scar in an instant.Moreover, the location and size of the wounds of several victims in this case are all carved out of a mold, so it is hard to imagine that it was done by human beings. In the end, everyone came to the conclusion that this was probably the ruthless hand of Kamaitachi Fengmo. Since ancient times, people exposed to high winds sometimes leave unexpected sickle-shaped scars on the skin, and some people lose a lot of blood and even die.This kind of incident happened from time to time in Echigo, Shinano, and the Iidegawa area of ​​Kyoto. The sickle-shaped wound was called "sickle wind".People believe that this is a good thing done by a monster called "Scythe Weasel Wind Demon".According to "Wo Xun Jie", in the areas of Oshu, Echigo, and Shinano, there are often cyclones that hurt pedestrians.This wind is called sickle wind.The sickle wind often appears in severe cold, and it is a sinister air, which is the same thing as the ghost bomb circulated in China. Now spread out on Zhuang Bingwei's lap is this "Wo Xun Jie" - he is reading a chapter related to Kamaitachi Fengma. Zhuang Bingwei kept looking serious, Hua Shi felt bored, and asked, "Do you think there is really a sickle weasel wind demon in this world?" Zhuang Bingwei was wearing presbyopic glasses, staring at Fudo Mingo's three white eyes, looked up at Huashi, and said, "What if there is nothing else? Besides, the so-called 'Scythe Weasel Fuma'..." Hua Shi smiled slightly and said: "Okay, so-called, so-called, my ears are so callused. Then tell me, what does this 'Scythe Weasel Fengmo' look like? Could it be a weasel? A scythe? I can't imagine it." "A weasel with a sickle? Silly boy, if you have to say what it is, it should be a weasel jumping out and scratching with its sharp claws... Oh, it's so noisy!..." "Oh, it's scary. Daddy, grab it and cut off the claws." "What nonsense are you talking about? How can I catch a weasel with an upright and powerful pen!... What a silly boy." "However, the Yuli pens in this world have nothing to do when they encounter the weasel wind demon." Hua Shi said with a smile, "Father, let me tell you a good way." When Hua Shi said this, he paused and began to laugh, as if to tease Zhuangbei's appetite. Zhuang Bingwei urged: "Don't be foolish, tell me quickly, what can you do?" "You go to the two countries and call a perfumer." "What are you calling the perfumer for?" "Aren't the perfumer and the blood maker good friends?" Hua Shi said with a smile. Zhuang Bingwei was swayed by his daughter, so he hummed unhappily. At this time, Shousong came into the house.He changed from his usual casual attire to a set of eight-anti kimono with a brown obi belt around his waist. No matter how he looked, he looked like the youngest son of a silk shop in Shangzhou. "Why are you dressed so luxuriously, like a nouveau riche?" Shousong smiled, stroked her hair and said, "I thought I would meet that throat-cutting demon, so I wore it so conspicuously, and wandered around Tsukuda all day long. However, until today, I finally couldn't help but give up. Five days ago in Yazhizang, the case before Fudo was finally found out, and there was still no financial loss. At first I thought that the fifty taels of small sentence taken away by the prisoner was placed in the shrine of the victim. Look at it this way Come on, maybe it's really..." Zhuang Bingwei proudly said: "Look, it really was the work of the sickle weasel Fengmo." "This makes me believe it. Kamaitachi Fuma, a monster, has been heard of in Echigo and Shinano, but Edo Castle has never been heard of it since the opening of the government. This is still a bit difficult. Convince me." "Maybe it's the monster who came to visit next door. This year, Echigo and Shinano's harvest is not good, and the monster is free." Zhuang Bingwei said casually. Looking at it, he himself felt that this explanation was a bit far-fetched. "Hey!..." Suddenly there was an imposing shout from the door. The three of them were startled, and turned their heads to see that Senba Akojuro was standing at the door with a fishing rod on his shoulder.He was casually wearing a shrunken gown, and stood at the door, like Urashima Taro who had gone astray. Veins appeared on Zhuang Bingwei's forehead for a moment, and he scolded, "Hugh, you're being rude! What kind of greeting is 'yo hello'? You...you even carried the fishing rod into the house! How rude! ..." Imami Akojuro stood at the door and said, "You're still the same. This rumbling rumbling is so old, but the thunder is still so loud." After that, he smiled slyly, "I said, uncle, the tide has been changing these days. Very good, let's go fishing. Occasionally blowing the sea breeze is good for the body." Zhuang Bingwei said angrily, "I'm so busy that I'm a ants on a hot pot, do you still have time to ask me to go fishing?" Jajuro didn't listen to him at all, and continued to tease: "Isn't this what my uncle often said? Fishing has three benefits. First, it nourishes the heart, second, it cures impatience, and third, it helps grow hair. You are my only uncle, and I am worried about you." Someday you will burp, at least let you take a day off to recuperate. This is also because we are close relatives, blood is thicker than water, don't you feel happy?" He glanced at Shousong, and said again: "Oh, this is too luxurious. It's just right, Shousong, you can go with me. The number one catcher in Edo Castle is fishing. This scene is really summer. Today I But you are not allowed to refuse." There must be a reason for Ako Juro to say such a thing.Hua Shi soon realized this, and walked to his father's side to persuade him, "Dad, don't be bored here, stop frowning, go fishing and relax, maybe you can see interesting strange fish." After finishing speaking Then he drove Zhuang Bingwei and asked him to set off. The weather was fine that day, and fishing nets were drying everywhere on the opposite bank.The setting sun sprinkled over the river, glowing with a faint red light. In Gaozhou of Tiepao Island, on the river beach of only seven or eight hundred meters, there were crowds of people, and the fishing rods waving up and down glistened in the setting sun.Some fishermen wear wooden clogs more than two feet high and stand in the water to fish, while others drive boats to the middle of the river to fish.It coincided with high tide at that time, and every fisherman was very busy. Mr. Zhuang Bingwei has fishing experience, and he is very particular about fishing.When he first went out, he was still muttering and sulking, but once he started fishing, he quickly found fun.The old man is very particular, he wears a short coir raincoat specially designed for fishermen, and keeps waving the sectioned fishing rod, concentrating on fishing. Shousong is not very good at fishing.He looked like an exquisitely crafted scarecrow, swinging the fishing rod clumsily, stretching out far away, and the fishing line was hanging limp in the water. As for the big-jawed Senboako Juro, he didn't stop for a moment.Uncharacteristically, he didn't know what was wrong. Every time he put down the fishing line, he picked it up again, swimming upstream for a while, and swimming downstream for a while, looking like he was looking for a place, but he kicked the tide and returned to Xiaosong around. Due to the huge contrast with usual times, Shousong couldn't help asking: "Ako Juro, what's wrong with you today? It's like your clothes are on fire, but you can't calm down, so you can't catch fish. Come and sit beside me , Set your minds to the hook and give it a try.” Jajuro said stupidly: "I'm running a race with the fish, but it seems that I can't catch them. Okay, just sit here. Speaking of Xiaosong, you can promise me that you will be here quietly. If you hang down the fishing line, will you be sure to catch the fish?" These words were very wonderful, Shou Song didn't know how to respond, and said: "I can't guarantee it, but you can try it first." "Then I won't do it. As long as you don't guarantee that you can catch it, I'll go over there to shoot the water, so that you can't catch it either." "Why is that?...Okay, okay, I promise it won't work, you can try it first." Jajuro smiled slightly and said: "Okay, you finally made a promise, but you must let me catch it. But, Shousong, what I want to catch is not a white-bellied squid that is as thick as a finger." .” "Hey, could it be that you want to catch red-finned snappers in Iron Cannon Island?" Ako Juro shook his head and said, "No, it's bigger than that." "You're joking again, so what you want to catch is Misaki's silver pomfret?" "No, not big enough, not big enough." Jajuro's words were a bit sloppy, and Xiao Song said angrily: "Could it be that you want to catch whales?" Ako Juro stood in the water, squeezed his long chin and said, "No, no, it's not that big." "I can't guess it! . . . I don't want to play guessing games with you in the evening breeze, and read the names of the fish all over. Whether it's a shark or a bald sea monster, it's up to you to catch whichever you want. Fish back It’s done, I’m going to take it to the manors of the two countries to ask for a display in the field, but I can help as a guard.” "Don't be angry, you pouted your lips in anger, as if the flower mosquito has turned its head, which is really rare. I wasn't teasing you just now, I was telling the truth." Ako Juro said seriously, "I won't For the sake of being elegant or joking, I specially invited you to fish, I hope you can help me catch what I want to catch, that's why I brought you here. How about it, Slender Song, can you help me?" Shousong said seriously: "Listen to what you said, no matter what kind of help, I will definitely help to the end - what kind of fish do you want to catch?" "There are no fish in the sea." "It's a little tricky." "It's Kamaitachi Fuma." Shousong was shocked: "Huh? Ako Juro, could it be that you..." Ako Juro pointed to the lower reaches of the river with his chin and said, "Kamaitachi Fuma, that monster is swimming there!" The guy was about thirty-five or six years old, with a haughty and blue complexion, only his lips were very bright red.Although it is not so strange, but this face reveals an indescribable sternness, which makes people shudder. He was wearing a knee-length sackcloth jacket, standing in the water, the water reached his ankles, holding a fishing rod, and quietly lowering the fishing line.This talent has not been here for a long time, and I have not seen his figure in this area just now. A long, straight knife hangs loosely by the man's waist, his right hand is in his bosom, and his left hand is waving a fishing rod.The forehead on the top of his head was blue, and he was dressed neatly and neatly, unlike a ronin warrior, he should be a famous retainer with a certain status. Shoumatsu Goro is worthy of being an experienced catcher. He pretended to watch the high tide, put his hand over his eyes, observed the other party carefully from between his fingers, turned his head to Jajuro as if nothing had happened, and asked sharply: " Akojuro, is that him?" While Shousong was speaking, his waist had moved slightly towards the river bank, and he was ready to cut off the warrior's retreat at any time.Although the job of being a fast catcher is just a means of earning a living, he really does it impeccably. Xianbo Akojuro nodded and said: "Yes, he is about to raise the pole. You should pay close attention to the tip of the pole and don't lose your mind. You will know it after you have seen it. You will definitely agree with my judgment." "Okay!..." Shou Song nodded, loaded the bait on the hook, threw the handsome rod into the river, turned around, pointed the fishing rod at the warrior, and stared at the tip of the man's rod with all his attention.He put his pole tip and that warrior together as a reference, this is also an experience for the fast catchers. After a while, there seemed to be a force that reached the warrior's arm, and his arm trembled slightly. I saw him holding his breath, his knees and arms stretched straight to the river were motionless, only the tip of the fishing rod drew a three-inch long crescent in the air.I don't know what kind of wonderful skill this is, the hook carries a green squid, and it automatically throws it back into the fish basket.This move is both skillful and majestic, and it is extremely shocking because it is integrated with the profound meaning of the sword. "How about it, Shousong, do you understand?" Shou Song blushed with cold sweat, and said, "It's really shocking." "It must be this guy?" "Absolutely." "In front of the sickle-shaped wound on the throat, there will always be a shallow scratch like the tip of a knife trembling, right. That's exactly the sword-qi injury where the arm trembles slightly before the pole is ready to be lifted." "I see." "Furthermore, when the squid was returning to the basket, his body turned slightly to avoid the fish. This action should be the same as avoiding the blood splashed from the victim. I don't know whether it was the swordplay or the first. He has fishing skills, but he can have this skill, presumably he has experienced arduous practice. He honed his unique skill of cutting a sickle-shaped gap in a person's throat by fishing for squid. His persistence is really amazing. It's hard for people to understand. Those who died under his sword were really wronged, they were regarded as two-year-old squids from Tie Pao Island." Shou Song was fidgeting, staring at the warrior closely, wishing he could drop his fishing rod and run over there immediately.Ako Juro grabbed his hand and said in a low voice: "Shousong, this is not like your style, don't act recklessly. He is not someone you can deal with alone, don't give away your wealth and life in vain." Jajuro paused, put the fishing rod on his shoulder, and said, "Okay, I'm going home now." "Ako Juro, can you help me?" Jajuro flicked his sleeves coldly and said: "Don't be joking, this is not the time for me to appear on stage. I am just in the Banfu Office, investigating the routine of old records. I can't do such things as arresting murderers." Come." "But it's too..." "Don't worry, Slender Song. The tide has just started to rise, so the warrior will stay for another hour. Even if he goes back today, he will come back tomorrow. The autumnal equinox has passed, and the fishing season will continue for a while. It's not like if you don't fish today, you won't catch it. But , I want to tell you one more thing. Never go to his right, but to the left, remember to go to the left.” "Thank you so much." "Then I'm leaving, you have to keep it a secret from uncle, please." "I know that!..." Matsugoro nodded seriously. Senbo Akojuro is like the poor Urashima Taro, who turned around and disappeared into the rising twilight. On the upstream river beach a little farther away, Zhuang Bingwei was yelling at Shousong, saying that he had caught a hawk-feather bream. The real body of Kamaitachi Fuma, Akashi Shinnojo, was arrested and brought to justice on the night that Hanayo came to find Jujuro. "I also thought before that there is no such thing as a Kamaitachi Fumo who just cut his throat. However, he is an unknown killer and has no clues. How on earth did you find the criminal?" Xianbo Akojuro smiled, and replied: "Actually, this matter is not difficult to think about. In the final analysis, it is because I am stupid. When I go to see the autopsy, I always slip away. Every time I glance at strange places, this is my fault." Bad habit. The last time I went to see the crime scene of the samurai who died in the ditch near the 'Funasong', everyone lowered their heads and stared at the ground, but because of the bad habit I just mentioned, I accidentally raised my head and looked up to the sky. Unexpectedly, right above the corpse, there was a pine branch protruding from the wall, and a silk thread five or six inches long was hanging on it, which was shining. I tore it off and saw that it was a celestial silk thread. There is also a squid hook on the front. That hook is very new, and it smells like fish. However, most people are not born stupid like me. Who would walk across the street with such a long fishing rod? In addition, I was not familiar with fishing hooks, so I wanted to inquire anyway, so I went to Kawasakiya and asked the shopkeeper. The shopkeeper told me that there is a school of fishing for blue squid called "Sakao Danbei style". This school There is a rule that a whole fishing rod that is six feet five inches (nearly two meters) long must be used. If a segmented fishing rod can be put into a bag, however, since it is a school rule, it is not enough to scrape a tree with a long fishing rod No wonder. After that, I went to Shinagawa again, visited famous fisherman Taro, and asked him what kind of genre the Sakao Tanbei Ryu was. According to people, the originator of the genre, Sakao, originally belonged to the Mikage Ichidou Ryu The swordsman has integrated the highest profound meaning of swordsmanship into the fishing technique... So far, I think even a child can guess it." "However, there were so many master anglers on the river beach at that time, how did you identify the weasel wind demon?" "It's the same as you learn to dance. The longer you practice, the more proficient your steps will be, and it will be integrated into the dancer's agility. Such a beautiful knife technique must be unintentionally displayed in the fishing agility. The first time I saw the victim’s wound, I knew it was left-handed, so I looked around on the river beach, and finally I saw a samurai with amazing momentum, holding a long fishing rod in his left hand, fishing. Story That's it, I'm going to my uncle to ask for pocket money."
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